Timetabling is the allocation, subject to constraints of given resources to objects being placed in space time, in such a way as to satisfy as nearly as possible a set of desirable objectives. Educational timetabling has gained a lot of attention within operations research and has been studied for a long time.
what room sizes and teaching periods should be used by an organization, and analyzes how these decisions affect the resulting timetable
1、deciding which lectures should be taught in what rooms and when.
2、the second case is including quality measures that aim to make a desirable timetable for students and staff, i.e. the Quality problem.
Compared to the operational and tactical problems, strategic problems have received little attention in the literature.This paper focuses on solving these two strategic problems and investigates the impact of these decisions on the quality of the resulting timetables.
The purpose of this paper is to create new insights into how these strategic decisions affect the timetable and to lay the foundation for future research within this area.
We will investigate the two strategic decisions of deciding which rooms to use and how many timeslots there should be.
We will also analyze how these decisions affect the quality of the timetable by using bi-objective optimization and mixed-integer programming.
> two strategic: which rooms to use and how many timeslots there should be.
The strategic problems are the long-term decisions that affect the timetable and have a high impact on the organization.
三目标规划: rooms teaching periods, and quality.
数据集:ITC 2007