helm repo add traefik https://helm.traefik.io/traefik
helm repo update
helm pull traefik/traefik
docker pull docker.io/library/traefik:2.8
- ports:
- traefik:
- port: 9000
- expose: false
- # The exposed port for this service
- exposedPort: 9000
- # The port protocol (TCP/UDP)
- protocol: TCP
- web:
- port: 8000
- # hostPort: 8000
- expose: true
- exposedPort: 80
- # The port protocol (TCP/UDP)
- protocol: TCP
- websecure:
- port: 8443
- # hostPort: 8443
- expose: true
- exposedPort: 443
- # The port protocol (TCP/UDP)
- protocol: TCP
- tls:
- enabled: false
- # this is the name of a TLSOption definition
- options: ""
- certResolver: ""
- domains: []
- # - main: example.com
- # sans:
- # - foo.example.com
- # - bar.example.com
- metrics:
- port: 9100
- # hostPort: 9100
- expose: false
- # The exposed port for this service
- exposedPort: 9100
- # The port protocol (TCP/UDP)
- protocol: TCP
- tlsOptions: {}
- # Options for the main traefik service, where the entrypoints traffic comes
- # from.
- service:
- enabled: true
- type: NodePort
- # Additional annotations applied to both TCP and UDP services (e.g. for cloud provider specific config)
- annotations: {}
- # Additional annotations for TCP service only
- annotationsTCP: {}
- # Additional annotations for UDP service only
- annotationsUDP: {}
- # Additional service labels (e.g. for filtering Service by custom labels)
- labels: {}
- # Additional entries here will be added to the service spec.
- # Cannot contain type, selector or ports entries.
- spec: {}
- # externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster
- # loadBalancerIP: ""
- # clusterIP: ""
- loadBalancerSourceRanges: []
- # -
- # -
- externalIPs: []
hostNetwork: true
- providers:
- kubernetesIngress:
- enabled: true
- allowExternalNameServices: false
- allowEmptyServices: false
- ingressClass: mytraefik
- additionalArguments:
- - --entrypoints.myport32000.Address=:32000
- - --entrypoints.myport32001.Address=:32001
- ecurityContext:
- capabilities:
- drop: [ALL]
- add: [NET_BIND_SERVICE] # 开放绑定端口
- readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
- runAsGroup: 0
- runAsNonRoot: false
- runAsUser:
helm install mytraefik .
- # 千万注意,这个地址不能错。必须是 服务器ip:NodePort端口/dashboard/#/
traefik暴露HTTP服务和nginx ingress的方式是一样的,就是创建一个Ingress资源,在annotations中指定tkubernetes.io/ingress.class为mytraefik(在步骤3.4中配置的)。
- apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
- kind: Ingress
- metadata:
- annotations:
- kubernetes.io/ingress.class: mytraefik
- name: es-log-elasticsearch-http-ehcth3
- namespace: zeus-test
- spec:
- rules:
- - host: hces.hclyl.com
- http:
- paths:
- - backend:
- serviceName: es-log-kibana
- servicePort: 5200
- path: /
match的值都默认为: HostSNI('*')
entryPoints: entryPoints的值即为步骤3.5中配置的端口别名,我这里使用myport32000。
- apiVersion: traefik.containo.us/v1alpha1
- kind: IngressRouteTCP
- metadata:
- name: mysql
- namespace: zeus-test
- spec:
- entryPoints:
- - myport32000
- routes:
- - match: HostSNI(`*`)
- services:
- - name: test-mysql
- port: 3306
创建完ingressroutetcp cr后,就可以使用32000端口访问mysql服务了。