• 仿真鸟群-Python实现(Win11)




    Python 3.10.5




    pip install numpy

    pip install matplotlib

    pip install scipy


    D:\Programs\Python\Python310\python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip


    启动python,进入python提示符,依次键入import numpy、print(numpy)、dir(numpy);或者help()numpy,显示该模块的相关信息。help(numpy)也可以)。



    源代码网址: pp/boids.py at master · electronut/pp · GitHub 


    1. """
    2. boids.py
    3. Implementation of Craig Reynold's BOIDs
    4. Author: Mahesh Venkitachalam
    5. """
    6. import sys, argparse
    7. import math
    8. import numpy as np
    9. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    10. import matplotlib.animation as animation
    11. from scipy.spatial.distance import squareform, pdist, cdist
    12. from numpy.linalg import norm
    13. width, height = 640, 480
    14. class Boids:
    15.     """Class that represents Boids simulation"""
    16.     def __init__(self, N):
    17.         """ initialize the Boid simulation"""
    18.         # init position & velocities
    19.         self.pos = [width/2.0, height/2.0] + 10*np.random.rand(2*N).reshape(N, 2)
    20.         # normalized random velocities
    21.         angles = 2*math.pi*np.random.rand(N)
    22.         self.vel = np.array(list(zip(np.sin(angles), np.cos(angles))))
    23.         self.N = N
    24.         # min dist of approach
    25.         self.minDist = 25.0
    26.         # max magnitude of velocities calculated by "rules"
    27.         self.maxRuleVel = 0.03
    28.         # max maginitude of final velocity
    29.         self.maxVel = 2.0
    30.     def tick(self, frameNum, pts, beak):
    31.         """Update the simulation by one time step."""
    32.         # get pairwise distances
    33.         self.distMatrix = squareform(pdist(self.pos))
    34.         # apply rules:
    35.         self.vel += self.applyRules()
    36.         self.limit(self.vel, self.maxVel)
    37.         self.pos += self.vel
    38.         self.applyBC()
    39.         # update data
    40.         pts.set_data(self.pos.reshape(2*self.N)[::2],
    41.                      self.pos.reshape(2*self.N)[1::2])
    42.         vec = self.pos + 10*self.vel/self.maxVel
    43.         beak.set_data(vec.reshape(2*self.N)[::2],
    44.                       vec.reshape(2*self.N)[1::2])
    45.     def limitVec(self, vec, maxVal):
    46.         """limit magnitide of 2D vector"""
    47.         mag = norm(vec)
    48.         if mag > maxVal:
    49.             vec[0], vec[1] = vec[0]*maxVal/mag, vec[1]*maxVal/mag
    51.     def limit(self, X, maxVal):
    52.         """limit magnitide of 2D vectors in array X to maxValue"""
    53.         for vec in X:
    54.             self.limitVec(vec, maxVal)
    56.     def applyBC(self):
    57.         """apply boundary conditions"""
    58.         deltaR = 2.0
    59.         for coord in self.pos:
    60.             if coord[0] > width + deltaR:
    61.                 coord[0] = - deltaR
    62.             if coord[0] < - deltaR:
    63.                 coord[0] = width + deltaR    
    64.             if coord[1] > height + deltaR:
    65.                 coord[1] = - deltaR
    66.             if coord[1] < - deltaR:
    67.                 coord[1] = height + deltaR
    69.     def applyRules(self):
    70.         # apply rule #1 - Separation
    71.         D = self.distMatrix < 25.0
    72.         vel = self.pos*D.sum(axis=1).reshape(self.N, 1) - D.dot(self.pos)
    73.         self.limit(vel, self.maxRuleVel)
    74.         # different distance threshold
    75.         D = self.distMatrix < 50.0
    76.         # apply rule #2 - Alignment
    77.         vel2 = D.dot(self.vel)
    78.         self.limit(vel2, self.maxRuleVel)
    79.         vel += vel2;
    80.         # apply rule #1 - Cohesion
    81.         vel3 = D.dot(self.pos) - self.pos
    82.         self.limit(vel3, self.maxRuleVel)
    83.         vel += vel3
    84.         return vel
    85.     def buttonPress(self, event):
    86.         """event handler for matplotlib button presses"""
    87.         # left click - add a boid
    88.         if event.button is 1:
    89.             self.pos = np.concatenate((self.pos,
    90.                                        np.array([[event.xdata, event.ydata]])),
    91.                                       axis=0)
    92.             # random velocity
    93.             angles = 2*math.pi*np.random.rand(1)
    94.             v = np.array(list(zip(np.sin(angles), np.cos(angles))))
    95.             self.vel = np.concatenate((self.vel, v), axis=0)
    96.             self.N += 1
    97.         # right click - scatter
    98.         elif event.button is 3:
    99.             # add scattering velocity
    100.             self.vel += 0.1*(self.pos - np.array([[event.xdata, event.ydata]]))
    102. def tick(frameNum, pts, beak, boids):
    103.     #print frameNum
    104.     """update function for animation"""
    105.     boids.tick(frameNum, pts, beak)
    106.     return pts, beak
    107. # main() function
    108. def main():
    109.   # use sys.argv if needed
    110.   print('starting boids...')
    111.   parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Implementing Craig Reynold's Boids...")
    112.   # add arguments
    113.   parser.add_argument('--num-boids', dest='N', required=False)
    114.   args = parser.parse_args()
    115.   # number of boids
    116.   N = 100
    117.   if args.N:
    118.       N = int(args.N)
    119.   # create boids
    120.   boids = Boids(N)
    121.   # setup plot
    122.   fig = plt.figure()
    123.   ax = plt.axes(xlim=(0, width), ylim=(0, height))
    124.   pts, = ax.plot([], [], markersize=10,
    125.                   c='k', marker='o', ls='None')
    126.   beak, = ax.plot([], [], markersize=4,
    127.                   c='r', marker='o', ls='None')
    128.   anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, tick, fargs=(pts, beak, boids),
    129.                                  interval=50)
    130.   # add a "button press" event handler
    131.   cid = fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', boids.buttonPress)
    132.   plt.show()
    133. # call main
    134. if __name__ == '__main__':
    135.   main()



    在命令行窗口执行命令 “python d:\temp\boids.py”,运行结果如下:




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