主要是 根 目录 与 $PGDATA 目录
PG软件安装路径 ,确保onwer 与 group 都是 postgres
PG 数据库路径 700, 确保onwer 与 group 都是 postgres
PG 日志路径 , 确保 onwer 与 group 都是 postgres
实际环境可能日志打印上下文可能不一定完全相同, 主要是查看是否有这句
could not locate a valide checkpoint record
su - postgres
pg_resetwal -f $PGDATA
cd $PGDATA/pg_xact
dd if=/dev/zero of=0E97 bs=256k count=1
[root@localhost tewst]# ll /home/postgres/pgsql/bin/postmaster*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 postgres postgres 8 Apr 7 21:32 /home/postgres/pgsql/bin/postmaster -> postgres
[root@localhost tewst]# ll /home/postgres/pgsql/bin/postgres
---------- 1 postgres postgres 40132616 Apr 7 21:32 /home/postgres/pgsql/bin/postgres
[root@localhost tewst]# lsattr /home/postgres/pgsql/bin/postgres
----i--------e-- /home/postgres/pgsql/bin/postgres
chattr -i /home/postgres/pgsql/bin/postgres
chmod 755 /home/postgres/pgsql/bin/postgres
replication checkpoint has wrong magic xxx instead of xxxx
mkdir -p /bak
mv -f /mnt/syncdata/pgsql/data/pg_logical/replorigin_checkpoint /bak
pgsql_ctl start
如果 PG 可以启动; 启动之后, reindex 一下 imos 库
连接 imos 库
/home/postgres/pgsql/bin/psql -Upostgres -d imos
执行如下两个 命令
set maintenance_work_mem to ‘1GB’;
reindex database imos;
ERROR: unexpected chunk size 1996 (expected 1585) in final chunk 0 for toast value
114925100in pg_toast_10920100
REINDEX TABLE pg_toast.pg_toast_10920100;
vacuum full pg_toast.pg_toast_10920100;
vacuum full ;