• 基于springboot广场舞团高校社团管理系统设计与实现-计算机毕业设计源码和LW文档

    摘 要


    With the rapid development of information technology and network technology, mankind has entered a new era of information technology, and traditional management technology has been unable to manage information efficiently and conveniently. In order to meet the needs of the times and optimize management efficiency, a variety of management systems came into being, and all walks of life have entered the era of information management, and square dance troupes are one of the products of the change in the information age.
    Any system must follow the basic process of system design, this system is no exception, the same need to go through market research, requirements analysis, outline design, detailed design, coding, testing these steps, based on the Java language design and the realization of square dance troupe. The system is based on B/S, the so-called browser/server model, which applies Java technology and selects MySQL as the background database. The system mainly includes functional modules such as system homepage, community, community activities, communication center, announcement information, personal center, background management and so on.
    This article first introduces the technical development background and development status of square dance troupe management, and then follows the conventional development process of the software, first selects the applicable language and development platform for the system, formulates the module and designs the database structure according to the requirements analysis, and then draws the functional module diagram, flow chart and E-R diagram of the system according to the design of the overall functional module of the system. Then, design the framework and write code based on the designed framework to implement the various functional modules of the system. Finally, the initially completed system is tested, mainly functional, unit, and performance tests. The test results show that the system can achieve the required functions, and the operating conditions are not obvious.

    Keywords: square dance troupe; java; MySQL database

    1 绪论    1
    1.1 课题背景    1
    1.2 课题研究现状    1
    1.3 初步设计方法与实施方案    2
    1.4 本文研究内容    2
    2 系统开发环境    4
    2.1 Java技术    4
    2.2SpringBoot框架    4
    2.3 B/S模式    4
    2.4MyEclipse环境配置    5
    2.5MySQL环境配置    5
    3 系统分析    6
    3.1 系统可行性分析    6
    3.1.1 经济可行性    6
    3.1.2 技术可行性    6
    3.1.3 运行可行性    6
    3.2 系统现状分析    6
    3.3 功能需求分析    7
    3.4 系统设计规则与运行环境    8
    3.5系统流程分析    9
    3.5.1操作流程    9
    3.5.2添加信息流程    9
    3.5.3删除信息流程    10
    4 系统设计    11
    4.1 系统设计主要功能    11
    4.2 数据库设计    11
    4.2.1 数据库设计规范    11
    4.2.2 E-R图    12
    4.2.3 数据表    13
    5 系统实现    19
    5.1  系统功能模块    19
    5.2  后台登录模块    20
    5.2.1管理员功能模块    21
    5.2.2社团功能模块    24
    5.2.3用户功能模块    25
    6 系统测试    26
    6.1 功能测试    26
    6.2 可用性测试    26
    6.3 维护测试    27
    6.4 性能测试    27
    6.5 测试结果分析    28
    结 论    29
    参考文献    30
    致 谢    31


     * 成员信息
     * 后端接口
     * @author 
     * @email 
     * @date 2022-03-13 19:21:35
    public class ChengyuanxinxiController {
        private ChengyuanxinxiService chengyuanxinxiService;


         * 后端列表
        public R page(@RequestParam Map params,ChengyuanxinxiEntity chengyuanxinxi,
                    @RequestParam(required = false) @DateTimeFormat(pattern="yyyy-MM-dd") Date shenqingriqistart,
                    @RequestParam(required = false) @DateTimeFormat(pattern="yyyy-MM-dd") Date shenqingriqiend,
            HttpServletRequest request){
            String tableName = request.getSession().getAttribute("tableName").toString();
            if(tableName.equals("shetuan")) {
            if(tableName.equals("yonghu")) {
            EntityWrapper ew = new EntityWrapper();
                    if(shenqingriqistart!=null) ew.ge("shenqingriqi", shenqingriqistart);
                    if(shenqingriqiend!=null) ew.le("shenqingriqi", shenqingriqiend);
            PageUtils page = chengyuanxinxiService.queryPage(params, MPUtil.sort(MPUtil.between(MPUtil.likeOrEq(ew, chengyuanxinxi), params), params));

            return R.ok().put("data", page);
         * 前端列表
        public R list(@RequestParam Map params,ChengyuanxinxiEntity chengyuanxinxi, 
                    @RequestParam(required = false) @DateTimeFormat(pattern="yyyy-MM-dd") Date shenqingriqistart,
                    @RequestParam(required = false) @DateTimeFormat(pattern="yyyy-MM-dd") Date shenqingriqiend,
            HttpServletRequest request){
            EntityWrapper ew = new EntityWrapper();
                    if(shenqingriqistart!=null) ew.ge("shenqingriqi", shenqingriqistart);
                    if(shenqingriqiend!=null) ew.le("shenqingriqi", shenqingriqiend);
            PageUtils page = chengyuanxinxiService.queryPage(params, MPUtil.sort(MPUtil.between(MPUtil.likeOrEq(ew, chengyuanxinxi), params), params));
            return R.ok().put("data", page);

         * 列表
        public R list( ChengyuanxinxiEntity chengyuanxinxi){
               EntityWrapper ew = new EntityWrapper();
              ew.allEq(MPUtil.allEQMapPre( chengyuanxinxi, "chengyuanxinxi")); 
            return R.ok().put("data", chengyuanxinxiService.selectListView(ew));

         * 查询
        public R query(ChengyuanxinxiEntity chengyuanxinxi){
            EntityWrapper< ChengyuanxinxiEntity> ew = new EntityWrapper< ChengyuanxinxiEntity>();
             ew.allEq(MPUtil.allEQMapPre( chengyuanxinxi, "chengyuanxinxi")); 
            ChengyuanxinxiView chengyuanxinxiView =  chengyuanxinxiService.selectView(ew);
            return R.ok("查询成员信息成功").put("data", chengyuanxinxiView);
         * 后端详情
        public R info(@PathVariable("id") Long id){
            ChengyuanxinxiEntity chengyuanxinxi = chengyuanxinxiService.selectById(id);
            return R.ok().put("data", chengyuanxinxi);




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  • 原文地址:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_375279829/article/details/126448368