• 【CodeForces】CF13C Sequence(配数学证明)



    给定一个序列,每次操作可以把某个数加 1 1 1或者减 1 1 1。要求把序列变成非降数列。而且要求修改后的数列只能出现修改前的数。

    Little Petya likes to play very much. And most of all he likes to play the following game:

    He is given a sequence of N N N integer numbers. At each step it is allowed to increase the value of any number by 1 1 1 or to decrease it by 1 1 1 . The goal of the game is to make the sequence non-decreasing with the smallest number of steps. Petya is not good at math, so he asks for your help.

    The sequence a a a is called non-decreasing if a 1 ≤ a 2 ≤ . . . ≤ a N a_{1}\le a_{2}\le ...\le a_{N} a1a2...aN holds, where N N N is the length of the sequence.

    The first line of the input contains single integer N N N ( 1 ≤ N ≤ 5000 1\le N\le 5000 1N5000 ) — the length of the initial sequence. The following N N N lines contain one integer each — elements of the sequence. These numbers do not exceed 1 0 9 10^{9} 109 by absolute value.

    Output one integer — minimum number of steps required to achieve the goal.


    设修改前的数集合为 A A A,修改后得到的序列为 b b b,且操作次数最少,设 a i a_i ai从小到大排好序之后所得的序列为 a i ′ a'_i ai。如果 b i ∉ A b_i\notin A bi/A,假设 a j ′ < b i < a j + 1 ′ a'_jaj<bi<aj+1 b i b_i bi必然在某两个 a ′ a' a之间的,否则只能让操作次数变得更大),进一步假设 i i i是使得上面不等式成立的最小下标,设 a j ′ < b i ≤ b i + 1 ≤ . . . ≤ b i + c < a j + 1 ′ < b i + c + 1 a'_jaj<bibi+1...bi+c<aj+1<bi+c+1。考虑 a i , a i + 1 , . . . , a i + c a_i,a_{i+1},...,a_{i+c} ai,ai+1,...,ai+c,设这些数大于等于 a j + 1 ′ a'_{j+1} aj+1的数有 x x x个,小于等于 a j ′ a'_j aj的数有 y y y个,如果 x > y x>y x>y,那么将 b i , b i + 1 , . . . , b i + c b_i,b_{i+1},...,b_{i+c} bi,bi+1,...,bi+c整体上移可以得到更优解,矛盾;同理如果 x < y xx<y也矛盾。当 x = y x=y x=y的时候,可以直接将 b i , b i + 1 , . . . , b i + c b_i,b_{i+1},...,b_{i+c} bi,bi+1,...,bi+c整体下移使得 b i b_i bi移动到 a j ′ a'_j aj处,仍然是最优解。所以经过有限步就可以使得 ∀ i , b i ∈ A \forall i, b_i\in A i,biA


    using namespace std;
    using LL = long long;
    const int N = 5010;
    int n, a[N];
    LL solve() {
      LL res = 0;
      priority_queue<int> heap;
      for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
        if (a[i] < heap.top()) {
          res += heap.top() - a[i];
      return res;
    int main() {
      scanf("%d", &n);
      for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) scanf("%d", &a[i]);
      printf("%lld\n", solve());
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    时间复杂度 O ( N log ⁡ N ) O(N\log N) O(NlogN),空间 O ( N ) O(N) O(N)

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  • 原文地址:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_46105170/article/details/126434918