• Vue2(3)















    1. 若虚拟DOM中内容没变,直接使用之前的真实DOM
    2. 若虚拟DOM中内容变了,则生成新的真实DOM,随后替换掉页面中之前的真实DOM


    • 创建新的真实DOM,随后渲染到页面


    1. 若对数据进行逆序添加、逆序删除等破坏顺序操作:会产生没有必要的真实DOM更新==>界面效果没问题,但效率低
    2. 如果结构中还包含输入类的DOM:会产生错误DOM更新==>界面有问题


    1. 最好使用每条数据的唯一标识作为key,比如id,手机号、身份证号、学号等唯一值。
    2. 如果不存在对数据的逆序添加、逆序删除等破坏顺序操作,仅用于渲染列表用于展示,使用index作为key是没有问题的。



    1. html>
    2. <html lang="en">
    3. <head>
    4. <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    5. <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
    6. <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    7. <title>Documenttitle>
    8. <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue@2/dist/vue.js">script>
    9. head>
    10. <body>
    11. <div id="root">
    12. <h2>人员列表h2>
    13. <input type="text" placeholder="请输入名字" v-model="keyWord">
    14. <ul>
    15. <li v-for="(p,index) of fillPersons" :key="index">
    16. {{p.name}}---{{p.age}}-----{{p.sex}}
    17. li>
    18. ul>
    19. ul>
    20. div>
    21. body>
    22. <script>
    23. Vue.config.productionTip = false; //阻止vue在启动时生成生产提示
    24. // 用watch实现
    25. // #region
    26. /* new Vue({
    27. el: "#root",
    28. data: {
    29. keyWord:'',
    30. persons: [
    31. { id: "001", name: "马冬梅", age: 19,sex:'女' },
    32. { id: "002", name: "周冬雨", age: 20,sex:'女' },
    33. { id: "003", name: "周杰伦", age: 21,sex:'男' },
    34. { id: "004", name: "周兆伦", age: 22,sex:'男' },
    35. ],
    36. fillPersons:[]
    37. },
    38. watch:{
    39. // console.log('keyWord被改了',val);
    40. // this.fillPersons=this.persons.filter((p)=>{
    41. // return p.name.indexOf(val)!==-1
    42. // })
    43. immediate:true,
    44. handler(val){
    45. this.fillPersons=this.persons.filter((p)=>{
    46. return p.name.indexOf(val)!==-1
    47. })
    48. }
    49. }
    50. }) */
    51. new Vue({
    52. el:'#root',
    53. data: {
    54. keyWord:'',
    55. persons: [
    56. { id: "001", name: "马冬梅", age: 19,sex:'女' },
    57. { id: "002", name: "周冬雨", age: 20,sex:'女' },
    58. { id: "003", name: "周杰伦", age: 21,sex:'男' },
    59. { id: "004", name: "周兆伦", age: 22,sex:'男' },
    60. ]
    61. },
    62. computed:{
    63. fillPersons(){
    64. return this.persons.filter((p)=>{
    65. return p.name.indexOf(this.keyWord)!==-1
    66. })
    67. }
    68. }
    69. })
    70. script>
    71. html>


    1. html>
    2. <html lang="en">
    3. <head>
    4. <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    5. <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
    6. <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    7. <title>Documenttitle>
    8. <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue@2/dist/vue.js">script>
    9. head>
    10. <body>
    11. <div id="root">
    12. <h2>人员列表h2>
    13. <input type="text" placeholder="请输入名字" v-model="keyWord">
    14. <button @click="sortType=2">年龄升序button>
    15. <button @click="sortType=1">年龄降序button>
    16. <button @click="sortType=0">原顺序button>
    17. <ul>
    18. <li v-for="(p,index) of fillPersons" :key="index">
    19. {{p.name}}---{{p.age}}-----{{p.sex}}
    20. li>
    21. ul>
    22. ul>
    23. div>
    24. body>
    25. <script>
    26. Vue.config.productionTip = false; //阻止vue在启动时生成生产提示
    27. new Vue({
    28. el:'#root',
    29. data: {
    30. keyWord:'',
    31. sortType:0,//0原顺序 1降序 2升序
    32. persons: [
    33. { id: "001", name: "马冬梅", age: 30,sex:'女' },
    34. { id: "002", name: "周冬雨", age: 31,sex:'女' },
    35. { id: "003", name: "周杰伦", age: 18,sex:'男' },
    36. { id: "004", name: "周兆伦", age: 19,sex:'男' },
    37. ]
    38. },
    39. computed:{
    40. fillPersons(){
    41. const arr=this.persons.filter((p)=>{
    42. return p.name.indexOf(this.keyWord)!==-1
    43. })
    44. // 判断是否需要排序
    45. if(this.sortType){
    46. arr.sort((p1,p2)=>{
    47. return this.sortType===1?p2.age-p1.age:p1.age-p2.age
    48. })
    49. }
    50. return arr
    51. }
    52. }
    53. })
    54. /* let arr=[1,3,2,4,5,6]
    55. arr.sort((a,b)=>{
    56. return b-a
    57. })
    58. console.log(arr); */
    59. script>
    60. html>


    1. html>
    2. <html lang="en">
    3. <head>
    4. <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    5. <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
    6. <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    7. <title>Documenttitle>
    8. <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue@2/dist/vue.js">script>
    9. head>
    10. <body>
    11. <div id="root">
    12. <h2>人员列表h2>
    13. <button @click="updateMei">更新马冬梅的信息button>
    14. <ul>
    15. <li v-for="(p,index) of persons" :key="p.id">
    16. {{p.name}}---{{p.age}}-----{{p.sex}}
    17. li>
    18. ul>
    19. ul>
    20. div>
    21. body>
    22. <script>
    23. Vue.config.productionTip = false; //阻止vue在启动时生成生产提示
    24. const vm=new Vue({
    25. el:'#root',
    26. data: {
    27. persons: [
    28. { id: "001", name: "马冬梅", age: 30,sex:'女' },
    29. { id: "002", name: "周冬雨", age: 31,sex:'女' },
    30. { id: "003", name: "周杰伦", age: 18,sex:'男' },
    31. { id: "004", name: "周兆伦", age: 19,sex:'男' },
    32. ]
    33. },
    34. methods:{
    35. updateMei(){
    36. this.persons[0]={id:'001',name:'马老师',age:50,sex:'男'}
    37. }
    38. }
    39. })
    40. script>
    41. html>



    1. target
    2. propertyName
    3. index




    1. html>
    2. <html lang="en">
    3. <head>
    4. <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    5. <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
    6. <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    7. <title>Documenttitle>
    8. <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue@2/dist/vue.js">script>
    9. head>
    10. <body>
    11. <div id="root">
    12. <h1>学校信息h1>
    13. <h2>学校名称:{{school.name}}h2>
    14. <h2>学校地址:{{school.address}}h2>
    15. <h2>校长是:{{school.leader}}h2>
    16. <hr />
    17. <h1>学生信息h1>
    18. <button @click="addSex">添加一个性别属性,默认值是男button>
    19. <h2>姓名:{{student.name}}h2>
    20. <h2 v-if="student.sex">性别:{{student.sex}}h2>
    21. <h2>年龄:真实{{student.age.rAge}},对外{{student.age.sAge}}h2>
    22. <h2>朋友们h2>
    23. <ul>
    24. <li v-for="(f,index) in student.friends" :key="index">
    25. {{f.name}}----{{f.age}}
    26. li>
    27. ul>
    28. div>
    29. body>
    30. <script>
    31. Vue.config.productionTip = false; //阻止vue在启动时生成生产提示
    32. const vm = new Vue({
    33. el: "#root",
    34. data: {
    35. school: {
    36. name: "guigu",
    37. address: "北京",
    38. },
    39. student: {
    40. name: "学生",
    41. age: {
    42. rAge: 40,
    43. sAge: 29,
    44. },
    45. friends: [
    46. { name: "朋友a", age: 18 },
    47. { name: "朋友b", age: 19 },
    48. ],
    49. },
    50. },
    51. methods: {
    52. addSex() {
    53. // Vue.set(this.student, 'sex', '男');
    54. this.$set(this.student,'sex','男')
    55. },
    56. },
    57. });
    58. script>
    59. html>


    1. html>
    2. <html lang="en">
    3. <head>
    4. <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    5. <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
    6. <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    7. <title>Documenttitle>
    8. <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue@2/dist/vue.js">script>
    9. head>
    10. <body>
    11. <div id="root">
    12. <h1>学校信息h1>
    13. <h2>学校名称:{{school.name}}h2>
    14. <h2>学校地址:{{school.address}}h2>
    15. <h2>校长是:{{school.leader}}h2>
    16. <hr />
    17. <h1>学生信息h1>
    18. <button @click="addSex">添加一个性别属性,默认值是男button>
    19. <h2>姓名:{{student.name}}h2>
    20. <h2 v-if="student.sex">性别:{{student.sex}}h2>
    21. <h2>年龄:真实{{student.age.rAge}},对外{{student.age.sAge}}h2>
    22. <h2>爱好h2>
    23. <ul>
    24. <li v-for="(h,index) in student.hobby" :key="index">
    25. {{h}}
    26. li>
    27. ul>
    28. <h2>朋友们h2>
    29. <ul>
    30. <li v-for="(f,index) in student.friends" :key="index">
    31. {{f.name}}----{{f.age}}
    32. li>
    33. ul>
    34. div>
    35. body>
    36. <script>
    37. Vue.config.productionTip = false; //阻止vue在启动时生成生产提示
    38. const vm = new Vue({
    39. el: "#root",
    40. data: {
    41. school: {
    42. name: "guigu",
    43. address: "北京",
    44. },
    45. student: {
    46. name: "学生",
    47. age: {
    48. rAge: 40,
    49. sAge: 29,
    50. },
    51. hobby:['抽烟','喝酒','烫头'],
    52. friends: [
    53. { name: "朋友a", age: 18 },
    54. { name: "朋友b", age: 19 },
    55. ],
    56. },
    57. },
    58. methods: {
    59. addSex() {
    60. // Vue.set(this.student, 'sex', '男');
    61. this.$set(this.student,'sex','男')
    62. },
    63. },
    64. });
    65. script>
    66. html>




    通过setter实现监视,且要在new Vue时就传入要监测的数据

    • 对象中后追加的属性,Vue默认不做响应式处理
    • 如需给后添加的属性做响应式,请使用如下API:
    • Vue.set(target,propertyName/index,value)
    • vm.$set(target,propertyName/index,value)



    1. 调用原生对应的方法对数组进行更新
    2. 重新解析模板,进而更新页面


    1. 使用这些API:push()  pop()  shift()  unshift()  splice()  sort()  reverse()
    2. Vue.set()或vm.$set


    1. html>
    2. <html lang="en">
    3. <head>
    4. <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    5. <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
    6. <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    7. <title>Documenttitle>
    8. <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue@2/dist/vue.js">script>
    9. head>
    10. <body>
    11. <div id="root">
    12. <h1>学生信息h1>
    13. <button @click="student.age++">年龄+1岁button><br>
    14. <button @click="addSex">添加一个性别属性,默认值是男button><br>
    15. <button @click="student.sex='未知'">修改性别button><br>
    16. <button @click="addFriend">在列表首位添加一个朋友button><br>
    17. <button @click="updateFirstFriendName">修改第一个朋友的名字为:张三button><br>
    18. <button @click="addHobby">添加一个爱好button><br>
    19. <button @click="updateHobby">修改第一个爱好button><br>
    20. <h2>学生姓名:{{student.name}}h3>
    21. <h2 v-if="student.sex">性别:{{student.sex}}h2>
    22. <h2>年龄:{{student.age}}h2>
    23. <h2>爱好h2>
    24. <ul>
    25. <li v-for="(h,index) in student.hobby" :key="index">{{h}}li>
    26. ul>
    27. <h2>朋友们h2>
    28. <ul>
    29. <li v-for="(f,index) in student.friends" :key="index">
    30. {{f.name}}----{{f.age}}
    31. li>
    32. ul>
    33. div>
    34. body>
    35. <script>
    36. Vue.config.productionTip = false; //阻止vue在启动时生成生产提示
    37. new Vue({
    38. el: "#root",
    39. data: {
    40. student: {
    41. name: "tom",
    42. age: 18,
    43. hobby: ["抽烟", "喝酒", "烫头"],
    44. friends: [
    45. { name: "a", age: 35 },
    46. { name: "b", age: 25 },
    47. ],
    48. },
    49. },
    50. methods: {
    51. addSex() {
    52. // Vue.set(this.student,'sex','男')
    53. this.$set(this.student, "sex", "男");
    54. },
    55. addFriend(){
    56. this.student.friends.unshift({name:'c',age:70})
    57. },
    58. updateFirstFriendName(){
    59. this.student.friends[0].name='张三'
    60. },
    61. addHobby(){
    62. this.student.hobby.push('学习')
    63. },
    64. updateHobby(){
    65. // this.student.hobby.splice(0,1,'看书')
    66. // Vue.set(this.student.hobby,0,'看书')
    67. this.$set(this.student.hobby,0,'看书')
    68. }
    69. },
    70. });
    71. script>
    72. html>
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  • 原文地址:https://blog.csdn.net/m0_62520946/article/details/126347718