• ORACLE创建用户

    – Create the user
    create user MKJK --创建用户
    identified by “”; ----密码
    – Grant/Revoke object privileges
    grant select on HISDB.EXAM_TA_BILL to MKJK;
    grant select on HISDB.EXAM_TA_BOOK to MKJK;
    grant select on HISDB.EXAM_TA_REP to MKJK;
    grant select on HISDB.INP_TA_BOOK to MKJK;
    grant select on HISDB.INP_TA_DIAG to MKJK;
    grant select on HISDB.INP_TA_ORDER to MKJK;
    grant select on HISDB.INP_TA_PRESC_D to MKJK;
    grant select on HISDB.INP_TA_PRESC_M to MKJK;
    grant select on HISDB.INP_TA_TRAN to MKJK;
    grant select on HISDB.INP_VD_FEE_CLINIC to MKJK;
    grant select on HISDB.LAB_RESULT to MKJK;
    grant select on HISDB.LAB_TA_BILL to MKJK;
    grant select on HISDB.LAB_TA_BOOK to MKJK;
    grant select on HISDB.MED_TD_CODE to MKJK;
    grant select on HISDB.MED_TD_ORGI to MKJK;
    grant select on HISDB.MED_TD_SUPP to MKJK;
    grant select on HISDB.OPE_MAS_BILL to MKJK;
    grant select on HISDB.OPE_TA_BILL to MKJK;
    grant select on HISDB.OPE_TA_MASTER to MKJK;
    grant select on HISDB.OUT_TA_BOOK to MKJK;
    grant select on HISDB.OUT_TA_DIAG to MKJK;
    grant select on HISDB.OUT_TA_ORDER to MKJK;
    grant select on HISDB.OUT_TA_ORDER_BILL to MKJK;
    grant select on HISDB.OUT_TA_PRESC_D to MKJK;
    grant select on HISDB.OUT_TA_PRESC_M to MKJK;
    grant select on HISDB.PAT_TA_BINFO to MKJK;
    grant select on HISDB.PUB_TA_LIMIT_DRUG to MKJK;
    grant select on HISDB.PUB_TA_USER to MKJK;
    grant select on HISDB.PUB_TD_CLINIC to MKJK;
    grant select on HISDB.PUB_TD_CODE to MKJK;
    grant select on HISDB.PUB_TD_DIAG to MKJK;
    grant select on HISDB.PUB_TD_DOCTOR_GROUP to MKJK;
    grant select on HISDB.PUB_TD_FEE to MKJK;
    grant select on HISDB.PUB_TD_OPER to MKJK;
    grant select on HISDB.PUB_TD_ORGI to MKJK;
    grant select on HISDB.PUB_TR_FEE_CLINIC to MKJK;
    grant select on HISDB.V_INP_TA_ORDER to MKJK;
    grant select on INP.INP_TA_BILL to MKJK;
    grant select on MED.MED_TA_IMP_M to MKJK;
    – Grant/Revoke role privileges
    grant connect to MKJK;–创建链接数据库的权限
    grant resource to MKJK;–创建表创建视图创建触发器
    – Grant/Revoke system privileges
    grant create any view to MKJK;–只要创建视图,就能查看
    grant unlimited tablespace to MKJK;—表空间不受限

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  • 原文地址:https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_44409956/article/details/126367376