A top-down approach captures an envelope of the possible based on empirical relationships and has advantages including overall simplicity, obtainable input data, and transparent propagation of error. However, catchment scale top-down models may not be able to explain the impact of local scale changes in catchment management.
A bottom-up approach integrates biophysical process understanding, often at point or paddock level, enabling explicit representation of management levers (e.g. management options available to a farmer), and allows prediction of spatial response surfaces .
本研究提出了陆地水储量变化的“自上而下”(基于重力卫星观测)和“自下而上”(基于冰川、湖泊、土壤和地下水储量组分变化加和)反演方法,发现GRACE JPL Mascons水储量反演结果,可以实现青藏高原大部分流域“自上而下”和“自下而上”估算结果的闭合,具有更高的可靠度。