• 【PMP考前冲刺题-第一小节(2022.7)】




    4、 一个研究和开发团队正在完成一项为期两年的项目。项目经理专注于项目的结束活动。哪项活动应该被视为优先事项?
    A research and development team is completing a two-year project. Project managers focus on the closing activities of the project. Which activity should be considered a priority

     A :释放资源并计划一个项目完成的庆祝活动。 Free up resources and plan a celebration of project completion.

     B :召开指导委员会会议,通知他们项目的状态。 Hold a steering committee meeting to inform them of the status of the project.

     C : 确保知识转移活动按计划执行。 Ensure that knowledge transfer activities are carried out as planned.

     D :标记产品待办事项列表的完成状态,并更新沟通管理计划。 Mark the completion status of the product backlog and update the communication management plan.

    正确答案:C 你的答案:B


    5、 一个大型的、多年的、工业项目的项目经理有一个项目,有来自不同地域的多样化的利益相关方。最近,该项目经理遇到了利益相关者参与方面的问题。项目经理应该使用哪两个工具来确定参与没有达到计划效果的根本原因?(请选择两项)
    A project manager for a large, multi-year, industrial project has a project with diverse stakeholders from different geographies. Recently, the project manager encountered issues with stakeholder engagement. Which two tools should a project manager use to determine the root cause of engagement not having the planned effect? (Please choose two)

     A :开放空间会议 open space meeting

     B :问题记录 problem log

     C : 石川图 Ishikawa figure

     D : 五个为什么 five why

     E :沟通管理计划 Communication Management Plan

    正确答案:C,D 你的答案:C,E

    解析:《PMBOK》第6版533页,根本原因分析 在相关方参与效果没有达到期望要求时,应开展根本原因分析,确定相关方参与未达预期效果的根本原因。“五个为什么”是丰田公司创始人丰田章一于20世纪30年代提出的,后经《丰田生产方式》进入管理学的工具箱。“五个为什么”通过连续的“为什么”来倒逼问题的真相,找出导致问题发生的根本原因,在组织内部形成解决问题的企业文化,因此,选项D是可以找出没有达到计划效果的根本原因的。选项C因果图是寻找根本原因、核心原因,最常用的工具。因此CD两个选项正确。

    13、 一个新的资源加入了一个迭代式项目组。项目经理注意到,该资源无法按时完成交付物。项目经理应该如何处理这种情况?
    A new resource joins an iterative project group. The project manager notices that the resource is unable to complete the deliverables on time. How should a project manager handle this situation?

     A : 通过指导该新资源来解决这一问题。 Address this issue by directing this new resource.

     B :与资源经理讨论提高绩效的方案。 Discuss options for improving performance with the resource manager.

     C :作为回顾性仪式的一部分,提供绩效反馈。 Provide performance feedback as part of a retrospective ceremony.

     D :向项目发起人请求更有效的替代资源。 Ask the project sponsor for a more efficient alternative resource.

    正确答案:A 你的答案:C

    解析:知识点出处:4.2 仆人式领导为团队赋权《敏捷实践指南》第33-37页 在敏捷实践中,项目经理往往以仆人式领导的角色来服务团队、领导团队,因此当团队中有成员遇到困难时,项目经理首先应该引导成员,帮助团队消除障碍。因此,选项A通过指导新团队成员来解决这一问题为正确答案。 选项B,资源经理负责的是对资源的统筹,未必了解每个项目的情况,因此与资源经理讨论该项目成员提高绩效的方法不合适; 选项C,回顾主要目的是为了让整个团队学习、改进和调整其过程,新团队成员无法按时完成交付物是个人的遇到问题,项目经理首先应该及时对新成员进行指导; 选项D,团队内部问题应该由项目经理和团队一起解决,不应随意上报。

    14、 在一个有不同国家的特定用户的项目完成后,项目经理的主管询问项目用户是否对项目的运行方式感到满意。项目经理应该采取哪两个行动?(选择两项)
    After a project with specific users in different countries is completed, the project manager's supervisor asks the project users if they are satisfied with how the project is running. Which two actions should the project manager take? (Choose two)

     A : 向项目参与者发送一份调查问卷,征求他们的反馈。 Send a questionnaire to project participants asking for their feedback.

     B :准备好项目阶段的经验教训。 Be prepared for lessons learned in the project phase.

     C :将项目材料交付给用户,看他们是否有意见。 Deliver project materials to users to see if they have comments.

     D :获得各国对新流程的正式批准。 Obtain official approval from countries for the new process.

     E : 参照沟通管理计划。 Refer to the Communication Management Plan.

    正确答案:A,E 你的答案:A,C

    解析:《PMBOK》第6版123页,4.7-结束项目或阶段 这是一道涉及到收尾过程的题目,题目考察的是项目经理要如何对项目相关方进行满意度调查。如果被访问的相关方数量较多、调查的内容趋于统一固定的话,就可以采用问卷调查的方式完成快速收集和汇总,选项A正确。在这个过程中,涉及到了信息的传递,所以要遵循沟通管理计划,选项E正确。选项B,总结经验教训是收尾阶段的步骤之一,但题目考察的是相关方满意度,此题不选;选项C,首先用户是否巨有查看所有项目材料的权限就值得商榷,另外这种开放式的提问会产生非常大的工作量。选项D,没有提到所谓的新流程,排除。

    18、 该团队正在进行一项关键的项目交付工作,项目经理担心能否在最后期限前完成。一些利益相关方对一些团队成员的表现有抱怨。项目经理想了解情况并尽快向团队提供反馈。项目经理应该采取哪三种行动来解决这种情况?(选择三项)
    The team was working on a critical project delivery, and the project manager was concerned about meeting the deadline. Some stakeholders complained about the performance of some team members. Project managers want to understand the situation and provide feedback to the team as soon as possible. What three actions should a project manager take to address this situation? (Choose three)

     A : 实施每日团队会议。 Implement daily team meetings.

     B : 确定团队的基本规则。 Determine the ground rules for the team.

     C : 进行回顾性会议。 Have a retrospective meeting.

     D :进行一次年度审查。 Conduct an annual review.

     E :要求进行经理业绩审查。 A manager performance review is required.

    正确答案:A,B,C 你的答案:A,C,D


    20、 一个组织正在着手部署一个新的数字解决方案,它将彻底改变采购服务。项目经理已经制定了所有必要的计划和活动,以确保成功的整合和解决方案的推出有一个合作伙伴的系统不可用的风险,这可能会对项目产生负面影响。为了确保项目的成功,需要什么关键活动?
    An organization is setting out to deploy a new digital solution that will revolutionize procurement services. The project manager has developed all the necessary plans and activities to ensure a successful integration and solution rollout. There is a risk of a partner's system being unavailable, which could negatively impact the project. What key activities are required to ensure the success of the project?

     A : 持续监测合作伙伴系统不可用的风险,并制定适当的解决计划,以防风险变成实际问题。 Continuously monitor the risk of partner system unavailability and develop an appropriate resolution plan before the risk becomes a real problem.

     B :告知项目的利益相关者,完全的整合可能是不可能的,项目将有可能因此而被推迟。 Inform project stakeholders that full integration may not be possible and the project will likely be delayed as a result.

     C :通过授权合作伙伴改变系统设置来消除风险,使其更容易与新的解决方案整合。 Eliminate risk by empowering partners to change system settings, making it easier to integrate with new solutions.

     D :通过制定替代计划来减轻风险,使解决方案在没有完全整合能力的情况下准备就绪并可用。 Mitigate risk by developing alternative plans to make solutions ready and usable without full integration capabilities.

    正确答案:A 你的答案:D


    24、 为了估算一个与去年实施的项目相似的新项目的成本,项目经理与前一个项目的专家小组会面。该小组使用三点估算技术。项目经理将估算的预算提交给项目发起人批准。新加入公司的项目发起人很担心,因为预算超过了他们的预期项目经理应该怎么做
    To estimate the cost of a new project similar to the one implemented last year, the project manager meets with a team of experts from the previous project. The team used a three-point estimation technique. The project manager submits the estimated budget to the project sponsor for approval. Project sponsors who are new to the company are worried because the budget exceeds their expectations. What should a project manager do?

     A : 回顾去年项目的历史信息和经验教训,以证明新的预算估计的合理性。 Review historical information and lessons learned from last year's projects to justify new budget estimates.

     B :使用软技能来说服项目发起人批准新的预算估计。 Use soft skills to persuade project sponsors to approve new budget estimates.

     C :改变预算编制技术,采用更准确的、自下而上的成本估算。 Change budgeting techniques to use more accurate, bottom-up cost estimates.

     D :审查组织流程评估,以确定预算估计中是否考虑了应急储备。 Review organizational process assessments to determine whether contingency reserves are considered in budget estimates.

    正确答案:A 你的答案:C


    25、 项目经理在启动一个新的虚拟团队时应该考虑哪两个行动?(选择两项)
    What two actions should a project manager consider when launching a new virtual team? (Choose two)

     A :评估自己作为虚拟团队领导者的优势和劣势,以确定可避免的陷阱。 Assess your own strengths and weaknesses as a virtual team leader to identify avoidable pitfalls.

     B : 确定每个工作包或活动所需资源的类型和数量。 Determine the type and quantity of resources required for each work package or activity.

     C :在组织内招募最好的资源来成为虚拟团队的一部分。 Recruit the best resources within your organization to be part of a virtual team

     D :核实团队成员是否在一个以上的团队中,是否能为这个团队投入足够的时间。 Verify that team members are on more than one team and can dedicate enough time to that team.

     E : 在一开始就确定如何监测进展和沟通进展的最佳手段。 Determine at the outset how to monitor progress and the best means of communicating it.

    正确答案:B,E 你的答案:A,E

    解析:《PMBOK》第6版333页,虚拟团队 当团队成员不能处于同一物理位置,又需要协作的时候,可以考虑组建虚拟团队,虚拟团队需要首先考虑沟通技术,也就是说,既然这些团队成员不能面对面的沟通,再失去了通过远程沟通能力的话,协作也就无从谈起了,所以E选项正确。选项A,评估一个虚拟团队如何运转的时候,应该是从团队绩效的视角来评估,而不是从项目经理的个人利益,排除。选项B,组建虚拟团队的目的在于完成计划好的工作,所以需要根据计划来评估吸纳哪些资源进入虚拟团队,正确。选项C,完成计划好的工作,不一定必须依赖组织中最优秀的资源,而且在项目管理实战中,即便我们列出了高等级的资源要求,也免不了要和职能经理讨价还价,排除。选项D,在预测型生命周期中,我们无法规避某一个团队成员的时间被数个项目占据,题目没有说明是预测型还是敏捷型,所以D选项的评估没有意义。

    28、 一个项目经理负责建造一座桥梁。项目的高层要求采用预测性方法处理。负责缩减桥梁的软件是根据敏捷原则开发的。在软件开发过程中,由于缺乏信息,工作流程经常被各种延迟或障碍打断。项目经理应该如何处理这种情况?
    A project manager is responsible for building a bridge. The high-level requirements of the project were handled with a predictive approach. The software responsible for reducing the bridge was developed according to agile principles. During software development, workflow is often interrupted by various delays or obstacles due to lack of information. How should a project manager handle this situation?

     A :应用精益生产来限制团队的工作。 Apply Lean Manufacturing to limit the work of teams.

     B : 使用看板使工作可见。 Use Kanban to make work visible.

     C :将小批量的工作纳入项目。 Incorporate small batches of work into projects.

     D :增加回顾会议,以快速交付成果。 Add retrospectives to deliver results quickly.

    正确答案:B 你的答案:C

    解析:知识点出处:A3.4 看板方法《敏捷实践指南》第103页 题干描述的问题是由于信息的缺乏,在敏捷项目中的工作流程被延迟或障碍打断,因此要解决的是项目过程中信息不够公开、清楚的问题,而看板方法能够推动和实现整个系统中工作流的可视化,让每个人都可以看到信息,从而确保工作流和价值交付的持续性。所以正确答案是选项B。 选项A,精益的范围包括了看板和敏捷方法,范围太广不具有针对性,而且“限制团队的工作”描述也不有悖激励团队完成任务的原则; 选项C和选项D都不解决项目信息不够清晰可视的问题。

    30、 一个项目经理完成了与客户对当前迭代的项目交付物的审查。一个刚刚加入客户团队的关键利益相关者抱怨说,这些成果没有提供企业预期的能力。项目经理应该做什么来解决这个问题?
    A project manager completes a review with the client of the project deliverables for the current iteration. A key stakeholder who just joined the client team complained that the outcomes did not deliver the capabilities the business expected. What should the project manager do to solve this problem?

     A :更新利益相关者名单并修正可交付的成果。 Update stakeholder list and revise deliverables.

     B :创建一个变更请求并更新范围管理计划。 Create a change request and update the scope management plan.

     C :更新项目管理计划和经验教训。 Update the project management plan and lessons learned.

     D : 进行利益相关者识别和项目目标审查会议。 Conduct stakeholder identification and project goal review meetings.

    正确答案:D 你的答案:B

    解析:知识点出处:13.1识别相关方 PMBOK6th 第507-515页 题干指出该关键利益相关方是刚刚加入客户团队的,所以应该要及时对相关方进行识别和分析;同时,该关键相关方反映迭代的交付我没有提供企业预期的能力,因此项目经理需要再次确认项目的目标以及项目成果是否与目标一致,召开项目目标的审查会议是适当的措施。本题正确答案是选项D。 选项A,新识别的相关方应该更新到相关方登记册中,但题中成果已经经跟客户审查,新相关方提出成果不会符合预期,不应该直接修正成果。 选项B、C,创建变更请求前需要对变更的影响进行评估,变更后在更新项目文件及管理计划,选项B、C在选项D之后。

    33、 一个建筑项目的一位关键相关方花在工地上很多时间干扰团队的工作。在这种情况下,项目经理该做什么?
    A key stakeholder for a construction project has been spending a lot of time at the site and interrupting the team's efforts. What should the project manager do in this situation?

     A :努力理解该关键相关方的顾虑,并在例行的项目状态报告中提供反馈。 Work to understand the key stakeholder's concerns and provide feedback in regular project status reports.

     B : 安排一个会议,与团队成员共同解决该关键相关方的顾虑。 Arrange an ad hoc meeting to address the key stakeholder's concerns with team members.

     C :将情况上报至项目发起人,因为该关键相关方的行为正在影响进度。 Escalate the situation to the project sponsor because the key stakeholder's behavior is impacting progress.

     D :向该关键相关方着重表明,项目正在如期推进。 Reinforce with the key stakeholder that the project is performing on schedule.

    正确答案:B 你的答案:A


    36、 在项目执行期间,项目经理注意到,只有一名团队成员拥有构建产品所需的其中一项技术技能。项目经理担心,这将来可能会对质量和进度计划产生影响,因为多数即将开展的活动将至少需要三名具备该特定技能的团队成员,项目经理应采取哪两种措施来避免团队成员不符合资格要求?(选择两项)
    During the execution of a project,the project manager notices that only one team member has one of the technical skills needed to build the product.The project manager is afraid this might have a future impact on the quality and schedule,because most of the upcoming activities will require at least three people with this specific skill. What two actions should the project manager take to prevent the team from being unqualified?(Choose two)

     A :将该新技能教给整个团队。 Teach the entire team the new skill.

     B : 鼓励团队成员结对工作,并进行知识共享。 Encourage working in pairs and knowledge sharing.

     C :增加需要此类能力的活动预计所需时间。 Increase the time estimates on the activities that require such abilities.

     D : 与外部培训师一起开展培训活动。 Facilitate a training event with an external trainer.

     E :将相关活动从路线图中剔除。 Exclude the activities from the roadmap.

    正确答案:B,D 你的答案:A,D


    46、 某零售连锁店正在评估一个项目,以更换其在多个地点的所有门店的支付系统,该项目未超过门槛金额,但预期会增加市场份额、改善客户服务并留住更多客户,该项目计划将基于从各阶段回顾会议了解的情况分阶段实施。该企业应如何增加该项目的价值
    A retail chain is evaluating a project to replace payment systems across all its stores in multiple locations.The project does not pass the financial threshold but is also expected to increase market share,improve customer services,and retain more customers.The project is planned as a phased implementation, building on learning from the retrospectives during each phase. How should the business increase the value of the project?

     A : 在各阶段的效益管理计划中,对预期的有形和无形效益进行量化。 Quantify the expected tangible and intangible benefits n the benefits management plan for each phase.

     B :向专家请教降低成本和增加项目财务价值的方法。 Consult with experts on methods to reduce costs and increase the financial value of the project.

     C :让效益负责人重新评估所识别的正对财务效益的结果产生影响的风险。 Ask the benefits owner to reassess the identified risks that are impacting the outcomes of the financial benefits.

     D :使用鱼骨图查明效益负责人财务效益较低的根本原因。 Use a fishbone diagram to find the root cause of the lower financial benefits with the benefits owner.

    正确答案:A 你的答案:B


    50、 产品团队正在运用原型法开展工作,以交付一个为期多年的业务计划,几个用户故事需要更长时间才能交付,项目经理该做什么?
    The product team is progressing with a prototyping approach to deliver a multiyear business initiative.A few user stories are taking longer to be delivered. What should the project manager do?

     A : 在回顾会议上确定风险和解决方法。 Determine the risks and identify a resolution during the retrospective meeting.

     B :确定跨职能部门依赖关系,并规划在下一个迭代中应用一个探针。 Determine cross-dependencies and plan a spike in the next sprint.

     C :在提供项目更新期间,将该延误的情况告知相关方。 Inform stakeholders about the delay during project updates.

     D :发现沟通管理计划中的不足并相应地解决它们。 Discover the gaps in the communications management plan and address them accordingly.

    正确答案:A 你的答案:B


    59、 某项目处于知识转移阶段,几名主题专家(SME)前往客户现场开展知识转移活动,SME捕捉到各种过程方面的偏差,但未与项目团队分享这些信息。项目经理如何才能确保在团队内完成知识转移?
    A project is in the knowledge transfer phase,and a few subject matter experts (SMEs)went to the client site for knowledge transfer.The SMEs captured various process deviations without sharing with the project team. How can the project manager ensure knowledge transfer across the team?

     A :让项目管理办公室(PMO)使团队成员能够实时看到这些偏差,并推动团队成员解决相关问题。 Ask the project management office (PMO)to provide team members with real-time visibility for deviations and facilitate team members to resolve issues.

     B : 让项目团队在项目收尾阶段举行一次经验教训会议,将该问题包含进来。 Ask the project team to facilitate a lessons learned session during the project closure phase to incorporate this issue.

     C :让项目团队与客户举行一次偏差日志审查会议,强调指出该项目可能无法按进度计划上线。 Ask the SMEs to share the knowledge transfer documents with all other members by placing the documents in the project management information syste.

     D :让SME将知识转移文档上传至项目管理信息系统(PMIS),从而向所有其他成员分享这些文档。 Ask the SMEs to share the knowledge transfer documents with all other members by placing the documents in the project management information system (PMIS).

    正确答案:B 你的答案:D


    67、 在一次会议结束之际,一位职能部门经理把项目经理叫到一边,代表一名项目团队成员提出一些顾虑,该团队成员不清楚他们在项目中的角色和职责。在这种情祝下,项目经理该做什么?
    At the end of a meeting,a functional manager takes the project manager aside to raise some concerns on behalf of a project team member who is unclear about their role and responsibilities for the project. What should the project manager do in this situation?

     A :让职能部门经理和项目团队成员查阅项目章程。 Tell the functional manager and the project team member to review the project charter.

     B : 建议职能部门经理和项目团队成员查阅资源管理计划。 Advise the functional manager and the project team member to review the resource management plan.

     C :让职能部门经理为该团队成员创建一张具体的执行、负责、咨询和知情(RACI)图。 Ask the functional manager to create a specific responsible,accountable, consult,and inform (RACI)chart for the team member.

     D :在资源经理的帮助下,为该项目团队成员制定工作计划。 Develop a work plan for the project team member with the help of the resource manager.

    正确答案:B 你的答案:C



    1、 一家公司的项目管理办公室(PMO)已经开始实施迭代工具。一位项目经理正在开始一个新的项目,并发现了一个使用迭代工具的机会。其中一位高级经理对这个修改后的框架感到担忧,因为它对公司来说相当新。项目经理应该先做什么?
    One company's project management office (PMO) has begun implementing iterative tools. A project manager is starting a new project and sees an opportunity to use an iterative tool. One of the senior managers was concerned about the revised framework because it was fairly new to the company. What should a project manager do first?

     A :向该高级经理发送关于新框架的优势的文件。 Send the senior manager a document on the benefits of the new framework.

     B :将高级经理的担忧上报给项目发起人,并将状态分发给团队。 Escalate senior manager concerns to project sponsor and distribute status to team.

     C :寻找关于新框架的外部培训,以消除利益相关方的低参与度的风险。 Look for external training on the new framework to eliminate the risk of low stakeholder engagement.

     D : 与利益相关方组织个别会议,以建立对新框架的认识和信任。 Organize individual meetings with stakeholders to build awareness and trust in the new framework.

    正确答案:D 你的答案:D

    解析:PMBOK- 会议。在敏捷转型的过程中,相关方对新的框架感到担忧是正常的,应该通过沟通,了解相关方的关切点,然后进行解决和建立信任,选项D正确。选项A、C都是具体的解决措施,没有了解相关方担忧的点以及原因是什么就实施措施不合适;选项B,项目经理应先自行尝试沟通解决,不宜直接上报。

    2、 一家跨国公司计划将他们的业务扩展到一个新的国家,在那里他们目前还没有业务。一位项目经理被指派来启动这个项目。在审查了商业案例之后,在制定适当的实施策略时,应该首先考虑什么?
    A multinational company plans to expand their operations to a new country where they currently do not have operations. A project manager was assigned to start the project. After reviewing the business case, what should be the first consideration when developing an appropriate implementation strategy?

     A : 评估环境和法规因素,确定高层次的风险和假设。 Assess environmental and regulatory factors to identify high-level risks and assumptions.

     B :确保项目发起人在项目期间对项目的可交付成果和时间表达成一致。 Ensure project sponsors agree on project deliverables and timelines during the project.

     C :从新的国家获得项目资源,以减轻不确定性的风险。 Obtain project resources from new countries to mitigate the risk of uncertainty.

     D :识别并密切监测风险,因为公司没有针对这个国家的经验教训。 Identify and closely monitor risks as the company has no lessons for this country.

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A


    3、 项目经理观察到,两个团队成员在会议上公开争吵。为了推动他们的想法,每个团队成员都单独与发起人直接对话,并在没有通知项目经理或其他团队成员的情况下做出决定。项目经理应该采取哪两个行动?(选择两项)
    The project manager observed that two team members were openly bickering in the meeting. To advance their ideas, each team member individually speaks directly to the sponsor and makes decisions without informing the project manager or other team members. Which two actions should the project manager take? (Choose two)

     A :直接与他们的经理讨论这种行为,要求他们纠正这种行为。 Discuss this behavior directly with their manager and ask them to correct it.

     B : 与每个团队成员一起解决该行为问题。 Work with each team member to resolve the behavior.

     C :要求团队成员自己解决这个问题。 Ask team members to figure this out on their own.

     D :与其他项目经理讨论这种情况并征求意见。 Discuss the situation with other project managers and seek input.

     E : 在下次会议上重申基本规则,确保所有团队成员都清楚这些规则。 Reiterate ground rules at your next meeting, making sure all team members are aware of them.

    正确答案:B,E 你的答案:B,E

    解析:《PMBOK》第6版348页,冲突管理 选项A,项目所需资源进入项目组后,管理责任就转移给了项目经理,项目经理应优先主动解决问题。选项B,采取公开面对的方式来应对冲突,是正确的处理策略。选项C,采用了撤退的策略,一方面问题得不到解决,另外一方面也与项目经理的职责相违背。选项D,没有提到其他项目经理且项目经理应优先主动解决问题。排除。选项E,提前约定基本规则,是正确的决策。

    6、 在审查原型时,质量小组发现了一些不影响主要功能的偏差,但有可能在未来成为一个问题。为了避免将来出现重大问题,该小组建议采取纠正措施,这需要额外的资金。该项目已经在努力保持预算,甚至已经使用了一些应急储备。项目经理应该怎么做?
    While reviewing the prototype, the quality team found some deviations that do not affect the main functionality, but have the potential to be a problem in the future. To avoid major problems in the future, the team recommends corrective action, which requires additional funding. The project is already struggling to stay on budget and has even used some contingency reserves. What should a project manager do?

     A :询问产品设计师,为什么在设计阶段没有考虑到这个偏差。 Ask the product designer why this bias was not accounted for during the design phase.

     B :要求质量团队放弃该样品,用一个新的样品重新测试。 Ask the quality team to discard the sample and retest with a new sample.

     C : 对利益相关方产生的影响进行评估并启动变更请求程序。 Assess the stakeholder impact and initiate a change request process.

     D :向项目发起人报告,产品正在运行,而项目正在与预算作斗争。 Report to the project sponsor that the product is running and the project is struggling with budget.

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C

    解析:PMBOK(6)P113-4.6 实施整体变更控制。质量出现偏差,并且这个偏差的影响比较大(未来可能会出现重大问题),在已经使用了应急储备的情况,需要有额外的资金来采取纠正措施。针对这种情况,项目经理应该就该偏差对利益相关方产生的影响进行评估分析,并且启动变更请求程序,选项C正确。选项A,这个时候追究没有意义,先提出解决方案;选项B,偏差已经存在,我们应该尽快想解决方案,而不是重新测试来进行反复证明;选项D,项目经理应该优先自行尝试解决问题,在尝试后再考虑上报。

    7、 一些行业的利益相关者喜欢直接与程序员和系统分析员打交道,绕过项目经理。这使得项目的资源管理变得复杂。项目经理应该如何解决这个问题?
    Some industry stakeholders prefer to deal directly with programmers and systems analysts, bypassing project managers. This complicates the resource management of the project. How should the project manager solve this problem?

     A :要求与高级管理层会面,将情况升级。 Ask to meet with senior management to escalate the situation.

     B :建议实施一个新的项目管理信息系统(PMIS)。 Proposed implementation of a new Project Management Information System (PMIS)

     C :举办一个团队建设活动,以培养团队的凝聚力和改善沟通。 Host a team building event to foster team cohesion and improve communication.

     D : 与项目团队一起促进沟通管理计划的采用。 Work with the project team to facilitate the adoption of the communication management plan.

    正确答案:D 你的答案:D


    8、 一个敏捷项目正在进行八次迭代中的第五次。在最后一次迭代规划后,团队被告知市场上出现了一个新的竞争对手,有必要加快行动以确保不错过市场份额。项目经理应该怎么做?
    An agile project is in its fifth of eight iterations. After the last iteration of planning, the team was informed that a new competitor had appeared in the market and it was necessary to move faster to ensure that market share was not missed. What should a project manager do?

     A :将竞争对手的功能添加到产品待办事项列表里,以改进产品。 Add competitor features to the product backlog to improve the product.

     B : 帮助团队找到一种新的方法来尽快推出产品。 Help the team find a new way to launch products as quickly as possible.

     C :要求团队提高速度,尽快推出产品。 Ask the team to increase speed and get the product out as quickly as possible.

     D :要求发起人在团队中加入更多的人。 Ask the sponsor to add more people to the team.

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B


    9、 一个组织正在向敏捷过渡,一个项目被选为试点。被指派的项目经理只有使用预测性方法的经验,但现在该项目经理被要求在敏捷教练的帮助下使用敏捷方法。在第五次冲刺的回顾会上,项目组抱怨说,组织中存在许多障碍,造成了项目的延误和返工。在这种情况下,项目经理应该怎么做?
    An organization is transitioning to agile and a project has been chosen as a pilot. The assigned project manager only has experience using predictive approaches, but the project manager is now required to use agile approaches with the help of an agile coach. During the retrospective of the fifth sprint, the project team complains that many obstacles exist with the organization that are creating project delays and rework. What should the project manager do in this situation?

     A :在每日站会上进行根本原因分析。Perform a root cause analysis during the standup meetings.

     B :创建一个专门的冲刺,与团队一起解决这些障碍。Create a dedicated sprint to solve the obstacles with the team.

     C :在每日站会上讨论如何消除障碍。Include impediment resolutions during daily standup meetings.

     D : 促进合作,帮助团队消除障碍。Promote collaboration to help remove the obstacles for the team.

    正确答案:D 你的答案:D


    10、 营销团队正在过渡到使用混合方法进行项目。营销总监对混合方法不了解,而项目经理需要总监的支持,因为营销总监是一个关键相关方。项目经理应该做什么来获得支持?
    The marketing team is transitioning to using hybrid approaches for their projects. The marketing director is not knowledgeable about hybrid methodologies, and the project manager needs the director's support as the marketing director is a key stakeholder. What should the project manager do to obtain the support?

     A : 向营销总监提供关于混合方法的指导。 Mentor the marketing director on hybrid approaches.

     B :培训营销团队并让总监了解情况。 Train the marketing team and keep the director informed.

     C :要求营销团队的成员对总监进行指导。 Ask the marketing team members to coach the director.

     D :要求营销总监参加日常会议。 Ask the marketing director to participate in daily meetings.

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A

    解析:《敏捷实践指南》P37- 考虑这些仆人式领导的职责。在仆人式领导的职责里面其中有一点是教育相关方,使其了解为什么要敏捷以及如何敏捷。因此对于场景当中相关方不了解混合方法的情况,项目经理应该向营销总监提供关于混合方法的指导。选项B,题目只提到营销总监不了解,所以没有必要通过培训整个团队的方式来让总监了解;选项C,这是项目经理的责任;选项D,站会更多的是帮助营销总监了解项目的进度;

    11、 一位项目经理正在实施一个新的软件系统。一些部门工作人员质疑变更的必要性,并认为新系统会妨碍他们当前的流程。项目经理在项目开始时应该做些什么来防止这种阻力
    A project manager is implementing a new software system. Some department staff questioned the need for the change and felt that the new system would hamper their current processes. What should a project manager do at the beginning of a project to prevent this resistance?

     A : 让公司各个层面的相关方都参与其中,以便每个人都了解变化。 Involve stakeholders at all levels of the company so everyone is aware of the changes.

     B :在接受项目之前确保公司文化鼓励变革。 Make sure the company culture encourages change before accepting a project.

     C :制定沟通管理计划,概述与利益相关者沟通的方法。 Develop a communications management plan outlining the approach to communicating with stakeholders.

     D :鼓励项目发起人与经常抵制变革的部门讨论变革。 Project sponsors are encouraged to discuss change with departments that often resist change.

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A


    12、 一家公司正在实施一个新系统。项目经理认为最好使用Scrum和Kanban的混合方法来完成这个项目。产品负责人对如何开始交付所需的功能感到困惑。项目经理应该如何帮助产品负责人?
    A company is implementing a new system. The project manager felt that a hybrid approach of Scrum and Kanban was best used to complete the project. The Product Owner is confused about how to start delivering the required functionality. How should the project manager help the product owner?

     A :讨论产品负责人在项目团队中的责任。 Discuss the Product Owner's responsibilities within the project team.

     B : 指导产品负责人如何创建一个产品待办事项列表。 Instruct the Product Owner on how to create a Product Backlog.

     C :创建一个工作分解结构(WBS),并向产品负责人解释可交付的成果。 Create a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and explain the deliverables to the Product Owner.

     D :鼓励团队对项目任务进行细分。 Encourage teams to subdivide project tasks.

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B

    解析:知识点出处:4.3.2 敏捷的角色《敏捷实践指南》第41页 题目指出产品负责人对如何开始交付所需的功能感到困惑,说明产品负责人对该产品用户需求的内容或是优先级不明确,可以编制产品代表事项列表把用户需求通过用户故事来明确,并显示预期的可交付成果的序列,以便确定如何交付所需的功能。项目经理可以通过指导PO来创建产品待办事项列表来实现这一过程,因此正确答案是选项B。 选项A,从题意中,产品负责人不一定不知道自己的责任,只是不知道如何操作。 选项C ,不符合敏捷项目经理的职责定位; 选项D, 产品待办事项是PO的职责,不是团队的职责;

    15、 一位项目经理与一个全球虚拟团队一起工作。该团队面临着相互沟通的困难,经常错过重要信息。这种困难导致错过最后期限。项目经理应该做什么来提高项目团队的效率
    A project manager works with a global virtual team. The team faced difficulties communicating with each other and often missed important information. This difficulty leads to missed deadlines. What should the project manager do to improve the efficiency of the project team?

     A :实施团队集中办公以改善沟通。 The implementation team is centralized to improve communication.

     B : 找出沟通问题的根本原因。 Find the root cause of communication problems.

     C :启动项目进展的日常沟通。 Initiate daily communication of project progress.

     D :安排一次沟通控制委员会会议。 Schedule a Communication Control Committee meeting.

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B


    16、 一个大型项目正在影响它所在的社区。邻居们对这个项目不满意,他们对项目的抵制可能会影响到项目的最后期限。项目经理应该采取哪两个行动?(选择两项)
    A large project is affecting the community in which it is located. Neighbors were dissatisfied with the project, and their resistance to the project could affect the project's deadline. Which two actions should the project manager take? (Choose two)

     A :给邻居们发信,善意地要求他们不要干扰项目。 Send letters to neighbors, kindly asking them not to interfere with the project.

     B : 分析情况,找出导致邻居消极态度的原因。 Analyze the situation and find out what is causing the neighbor's negative attitude.

     C : 安排与邻居代表会面,以赢得他们的合作。 Schedule a meeting with neighbor representatives to win their cooperation.

     D :要求市长使用他们的权力来阻止邻里的抵抗。 Ask mayors to use their powers to stop neighborhood resistance.

     E :要求客户延长项目期限,以便有时间来解决冲突。 Ask the client to extend the project deadline to allow time to resolve conflicts.

    正确答案:B,C 你的答案:B,C

    解析:《PMBOK》第6版523页,13.3.2-管理相关方参与的工具 相关方对项目不满意,并对项目进行抵制,为了保证项目成功,项目经理需要对相关方进行管理;首先通过问题识别分析相关方不满意的原因;同时要力争能够见面,通过交谈对话来获知相关方的真实意图,所以选项BC正确。在未找到根本原因前,只靠发信和命令的方式对相关方进行管理,不会起效,排除AD。选项E,属于顾(相关方管理)此失彼(项目的进度承诺),还会招致其他相关方对项目经理能力的质疑。

    17、 一个成员来自许多不同国家的项目团队正在努力进行合作。项目经理在团队发展的冲刺阶段接受了这些困难,但团队还没有进入下一个阶段。该项目开始落后于计划。项目经理可以做什么来使团队进入规范化阶段
    A project team with members from many different countries is working hard to collaborate. The project manager accepts these difficulties during the sprint phase of team development, but the team has not yet moved to the next stage. The project started to fall behind schedule. What can a project manager do to bring the team into the normalization phase?

     A :向团队展示他们的沟通问题对进度的影响,鼓励他们把他们的分歧放在一边。 Show the team the impact of their communication issues on progress, encouraging them to put their differences aside

     B :与项目发起人讨论改变团队的组成。 Discuss changing the composition of the team with the project sponsor.

     C :弄清楚谁是这些问题的幕后推手,并采用渐进式的纪律处分技术。 Figure out who is behind these issues and employ incremental disciplinary techniques.

     D : 计划团建活动,以帮助促进更强大的人际关系和确定共同的目标。 Plan team building activities to help foster stronger relationships and identify shared goals

    正确答案:D 你的答案:D

    解析:知识点出处: 人际关系与团队技能-团队建设 PMBOK6th 第341页 从题干的描述可以看出,项目经理希望使团队进入规范化阶段,因此是在执行建设团队的过程。建设团队过程中使用团队建设的技术可以强化团队的社交关系,打造积极合作的工作环境,推动团队进入协同工作、互相信任的规范阶段。所以选项D是本题的正确答案。 选项A,仅是展示问题和鼓励,并不能解决团队实际问题,仆人式领导应该更加积极、主动地帮助团队解决困难、服务团队; 选项B,团队内部问题不应随意寻求发起人的帮助; 选项C,仆人式领导是通过对团队服务来领导团队 的实践,它注重理解和关注团队成员的需要和发展,而不是团队绩效不佳就给予惩罚。

    19、 在一个设计和生产餐厅厨房使用的新工具的项目中,成本已被确定为最优先的制约因素。项目分组在其质量计划中包括对这些工具的随机抽样。虽然成本是一个关键因素,但产品也必须符合高质量标准。以下哪些是不一致成本的例子?(选择三项)
    In a project to design and produce new tools for use in restaurant kitchens, cost has been identified as the highest priority constraint. Project groups include random sampling of these tools in their quality plans. While cost is a key factor, products must also meet high quality standards. Which of the following are examples of inconsistent costs? (Choose three)

     A : 返工 rework

     B :质量培训 Quality training

     C : 废品 waste

     D : 保修费用 Warranty cost

    正确答案:A,C,D 你的答案:A,C,D

    解析:知识点出处:PMBOK(第6版) 页码:P282 章节:数据分析-质量成本。质量成本分为一致性成本和非一致性成本,非一致性成本是指质量不达标而达成的损失,所以选项ACD都是由于质量问题而付出的成本,属于不一致性成本。而选项B是为了预防质量问题出现而进行的活动,属于一致性成本。

    21、 在日常通话中,团队成员分享任务进展。一个团队成员通常不交流很多细节,有关键任务要完成。所有的团队成员都在不同的国家,关键工作即将开始。 在这种情况下,哪两个选项可以帮助项目经理?(选择两项)
    During daily calls, team members share task progress. A team member usually doesn't communicate many details and has critical tasks to accomplish. All team members are in different countries and critical work is about to begin. Which two options can help the project manager in this situation? (Choose two)

     A :将工作重新分配给参与日常通话的资源。 Reassign work to resources involved in daily calls.

     B :向职能经理报告该团队成员的不良表现。 Report the poor performance of this team member to the functional manager.

     C :要求该团队发送电子邮件,说明详细的任务进展。 Ask the team to send an email with detailed mission progress.

     D : 鼓励所有团队成员使用虚拟工作区。 All team members are encouraged to use virtual workspaces.

     E : 与团队成员谈论他们的参与,并采取适当的行动。 Talk to team members about their participation and take appropriate action.

    正确答案:D,E 你的答案:D,E

    解析:《PMBOK》第6版333页,虚拟团队,《PMBOK》第6版349页,人际关系于团队技能-情商 “所有的团队成员都在不同的国家”,面对面的沟通存在困难,这时候就需要借助沟通技术建立起团队成员可以共同参与的在线社区/工作区,完成信息的交互,选项D正确。对于某个团队成员的状态低迷,项目经理要首先采用人际关系技能了解原因,并有针对性的提供帮助。选项E正确。在人的状态出现的问题时候,不要轻易的去找职能部门经理或者发起人,排除B选项。选项A,项目需要全员参与,在未尝试针对人员问题的解决方案之前,不要重新分配任务。选项C,单方面的推式沟通,并不能激起状态低迷的成员的互动,不解决问题,排除。

    22、 沙迪是一个软件实施项目的项目经理,他所在的公司已经做出了一项全组织范围的决定,要转而使用一个新的会计和人力资源软件包。他了解到,一些实施同一软件包的项目在试图将人事数据导入新系统时,造成了数据丢失。他对数据进行了备份,以便在发生这样的问题时可以恢复数据,但也购买了保险,以支付在实施不成功时手动链入数据的费用。沙迪使用了哪些应对策略?(选择两项)
    Shady is a program manager on a software implementation project, and his company has made an organization-wide decision to move to a new accounting and human resources software package. He learned that some projects implementing the same software package caused data loss when trying to import personnel data into the new system. He backed up the data so he could restore it in the event of such a problem, but also bought insurance to cover the cost of manually linking in the data if the implementation was unsuccessful. What coping strategies did Shady use? (Choose two)

     A :规避 avoid

     B : 转移 transfer

     C : 减轻 mitigate

     D :接受 accept

     E :分享 share

    正确答案:B,C 你的答案:B,C

    解析:知识点出处:PMBOK(第6版) 页码:P442 章节:威胁应对策略 沙迪对数据做了备份,如果数据出现异常,可以进行手动恢复,减轻了数据丢失的影响,也就是损失。另外沙迪还专门购买了对应的保险,采取了风险转移的策略。因此这道题目的正确答案是B和C。

    23、 以下哪三种情况是Scrum主管应该注意的障碍?(选择三项)
    Which of the following three situations are obstacles that the Scrum Master should be aware of?(Choose three)

     A : 阻碍敏捷能力的技术 Technologies that hinder agile capabilities

     B : 缺乏团队授权,不能自我组织 Lack of team empowerment and inability to self-organize

     C :在日常工作会议上对积压的工作进行审查 Review the backlog in daily work meetings

     D :一个团队成员在谈论Scrum板上的用户故事 A team member talking about a user story on a Scrum board

     E : 一个团队成员谈论一个不在Scrum板上的用户故事 A team member talking about a user story that is not on the Scrum board

    正确答案:A,B,E 你的答案:A,B,E

    解析:《敏捷实践指南》仆人式领导消除组织障碍 Scrum主管肩负着消除敏捷实践障碍的职责,我们一起分析下各个选项。选项A,不适合的技术影响了敏捷能力,显然,这是Scrum主管要处理的。选项B,Scrum框架的实施需要对团队授权,形成自组织团队,显然当前的状况也属于要解决的障碍。选项CD,属于正确实践,不属于障碍。选项E,一个团队成员讨论未列在Scrum板上的用户故事,要么是PO未掌握该需求,要么该需求未及时同步到Scrum板上,无论是哪种情况,都属于障碍,要想办法排除。

    26、 敏捷项目的项目发起人通知项目负责人,一位高管希望了解项目的最新进展。该项目负责人应该怎么做?
    The project sponsor of an agile project informs the project lead that an executive wants to be updated on the progress of the project. What should the project leader do?

     A :请项目发起人或产品负责人提供最新情况,因为项目负责人应该努力使团队不受阻碍。 Ask the project sponsor or product owner for an update, as the project owner should work hard to keep the team out of the way.

     B :联系项目管理办公室(PMO)获取状态报告模板,并以该格式提供项目更新。 Contact the Project Management Office (PMO) for a status report template and provide project updates in that format.

     C : 邀请高管到项目的会议空间,以确定项目的信息辐射器是否满足他们的需求。 Invite executives to the project's meeting space to determine if the project's information radiators meet their needs.

     D :提供一个项目共享驱动器的链接,让执行人员搜索任何感兴趣的工件。 Provides a link to the project's shared drive, allowing executives to search for any artifact of interest.

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C

    解析:《敏捷实践指南》P35、P105题干中一位高管希望了解敏捷项目的最新进展,项目负责人作为仆人式领导应该了解相关方的沟通偏好,并制定相关的沟通策略。另外信息发射源它是一种向组织内其他成员提供信息,在不干扰团队的情况下实现信息共享的工具。因此选项C是了解相关方沟通偏好并解决相关方需求的较好的方式,所以选择该选项。 选项A,项目情况应由项目经理提供,而并非产品负责人,项目经理应该努力使团队不受阻碍; 选项B,敏捷宣言中注重个体交付及可用的软件,而不是过程和工具,所以该选项不合适。 选项D,在项目管理中不同相关方对项目文档权限不一致,不应共享项目文档。

    27、 一个新的团队成员加入了一个自组织的团队。这位新成员不愿意发言,也不愿意参与团队的讨论或决策。该团队应该采取哪两个行动来吸引这个新成员?(选择两项)
    A new team member joins a self-organizing team. The new member was reluctant to speak up or participate in team discussions or decisions. What two actions should the team take to attract this new member? (Choose two)

     A :重温团队中关于团队行为和规范的讨论。 Revisit the team discussions about team behavior and norms.

     B : 促进对所有想法和观点的公开讨论。 Facilitate open discussion of all ideas and perspectives.

     C :迫使新的团队成员参与那些被认为是容易的活动。 Force new team members to engage in activities that are considered easy.

     D : 指导新团队成员提高对团队的参与度。 Coach new team members to increase their engagement with the team.

     E :向项目经理报告新团队成员的行为。 Report the behavior of new team members to the project manager.

    正确答案:B,D 你的答案:B,D

    解析:《敏捷实践指南》4.3.1-敏捷团队 注意关键字“自组织的团队”,说明团队已经形成自我管理的能力,此时不宜采用命令的方式进行管理,强调团队成员的主观能动性,所以选项AC都是错误的。另外,团队的效率取决于团队成员之间的紧密程度,所以向项目经理报告的这种会降低团队成员信任感的行为不可取,排除E选项。

    29、 一个敏捷的项目经理想把需求文件转换成史诗、能力、特征和故事。项目经理应该在多少个迭代中估计故事的持续时间?
    An agile project manager wants to convert requirements documents into epics, capabilities, features, and stories. In how many iterations should the project manager estimate the duration of a story?

     A :四个迭代 four iterations

     B :三个迭代 three iterations

     C : 一个迭代 one iteration

     D :两次迭代 two iterations

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C

    解析:知识点出处:《敏捷实践指南》第52页 基于迭代的敏捷团队,待办事项列表的细化选择一个迭代持续时间。所以选项C正确。 选项A、B、D,超过一个迭代持续时间,时间过长。

    31、 项目经理负责的一个项目接近尾声,几项任务现在其实已经完成,可移交给客户,项目经理该怎么做?
    A project manager is approaching the end of a project,and several tasks are now practically complete and ready for handover to the client. How should the project manager proceed?

     A :更新整个项目的质量管理计划。 Update the quality management plan for the overall project.

     B :结束已完成的项目任务。 Close out the project tasks that have been completed.

     C :更新整个项目的沟通管理计划。 Update the communications management plan for the overall project.

     D : 让客户确认并接受已完成的任务。 Ask the client to verify and accept the tasks that have been completed.

    正确答案:D 你的答案:D

    解析:《PMBOK》第6版163页,5.5-确认范围。“可移交给客户”,这个过程需要进行验收,也就是确认范围,通过验收后,可交付成果获得了客户的认可,才能进行后续的收尾,所以D选项正确。选项A,质量标准和质量管理活动、质量控制活动均没有提及出现问题,所以无需更新。选项B,是否结束依据验收的结果,如果在验收过程中发现缺陷或者未满足相关方的 期望,还需要进行缺陷补救。选项C,情景中没有提及沟通出现障碍,所以无需更新。

    32、 在管理某项目时,项目经理刚刚注意到,尽管前几张月度发票都很清晰,但还是受到客户质疑,所收到的实际发票款项也出现延误支付的情况,而且未按合同约定的付款日程表支付,最近的发票只是获得部分支付:项目经理该做什么?
    While managing a project,the project manager has just noticed that the last several monthly invoices have been challenged by the client when they were clearly defined.The actual invoice payments received have also been late and were outside of the contracted payment schedule.Recent invoices have only been partially paid. What should the project manager do?

     A :将未付款的情况增加到问题日志中,并对付款情况持续跟踪。 Add nonpayment to the issue log and keep tracking payments.

     B : 与客户举行会议,以解决该问题。 Hold a meeting with the client to address the issue.

     C :审查过往项目,了解与付款相关的经验教训。 Review past projects for payment-related lessons learned.

     D :安排与项目团队开会,并更新采购管理计划。 Conduct a meeting with the project team to update the procurement management plan.

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B


    34、 项目经理将运用混合型方法开始一个项目,但注意到某些团队成员仅了解预测型方法。项目经理首先需要做什么才能获得出色的项目绩效? .A project manager is starting a project using a hybrid approach and notices some team members only have knowledge of predictive approaches. What does the project manager need to do first in order to have good project performance?

     A : 评估每名团队成员所需的培训。 Assess the required training per team member.

     B :向所有团队成员提供混合型方法方面的培训。 Deliver hybrid training to all team members.

     C :指导缺乏混合型方法知识的团队成员在工作中学习。 Coach those team members lacking hybrid knowledge to learn on the job.

     D :对团队进行改造,将混合型方法方面的专家包含进来。 Change the team to include hybrid experts.

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A


    35、 一名外部项目经理正在管理着一家大公司的新办公室的建设工作。项目管理计划规定必须与训练有素的外部资源订立合同,由其对重要的项目要素加以修改和验证,由于成本高昂(尽管在项目预算之内),客户拒绝了雇用外部资源。项目经理应该如何解决这一问题?
    An external project manager is managing the construction of new corporate offices for a large company.The project management plan states that it is necessary to contract a highly trained external resource to revise and validate an important project component.The client has rejected hiring the external resource because of the high cost,even though it is within the project budget. What should the project manager do to resolve this issue?

     A :雇用相关资源,以便实现项目目标。 Hire the resource in order to achieve the project objectives.

     B : 评估后果,与客户会面并向其解释可能会出现的情况。 Evaluate the consequences and meet with the client to explain the possible scenarios.

     C :尽力通过公司内部其他项目的资源实现目标。 Try to accomplish the task internally by leveling resources from other projects.

     D :与客户开会,向其说明将不会履行该任务。 Ask the client for a meeting and explain that the task will not be performed.

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B


    37、 为了开展一个敏捷项目,将一个客户设计成矩阵型组织。项目经理正在现场与来自该组织不同部门的关键相关方一同开展工作,项目经理应该如何应对不同的相关方?
    A client is structured as a matrix organization for an agile project.The project manager is working on-site with key stakeholders from different parts of the organization. How should the project manager handle the different stakeholders?

     A :项目经理正在客户的营业场所开展工作,因此他/她遵循所有关键相关方的指示。 The project manager is working on the client's premises,so follow the directions of all the key stakeholders.

     B :这是一个敏捷项目,因此仅听从项目经理的主管和该组织职能部门经理的指示。 This is an agile project,so listen only to the directions of the project manager's supervisor and the functional managers of the organization.

     C : 由于观点各异,因此要进行相关方分析并根据结果行事。 Because there are different perspectives,perform a stakeholder analysis and act based on the outcome.

     D :所有相关方都很重要,因此项目经理应该遵循管理层和关键相关方的指示。 All stakeholders are important,so the project manager should follow directions provided by management and key stakeholders.

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C


    38、 在一个迭代期间,某团队一直在努力应对各种问题。项目负责人推动讨论这些问题,团队达成新的共识。在下一个迭代期间,一些同样的问题再次出现。项目负责人接下来该做什么?
    A team has been struggling with various issues during the course of an iteration.The project lead facilitates a discussion of the issues and the team forms new team agreements.During the next iteration,some of the same issues appear again. What should the project lead do next?

     A : 让团队自我组织,并确定防止这些问题再次发生的最佳方式。 Let the team self-organize and determine the best means to prevent the issues from occurring again.

     B :强烈建议团队确定这些问题是否再次出现,因为共识未得到遵循。 Challenge the team to determine if the issues surfaced again because agreements were not followed.

     C :将这些共识发布在显眼的地方,以便所有团队成员都能看到。 Post the agreements in a conspicuous place where all of the team members can see them.

     D :将这些问题通知高层管理人员,让他们审视与团队达成共识的重要性。 Notify senior management of the issues,and have them review the importance of agreements with the team.

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A

    解析:《敏捷实践指南》50页,5.2.1-回顾。敏捷团队属于自组织团队,团队成员根据需要交替发挥领导作用,所以项目经理或者Scrum Master采用命令的方式来解决问题,会导致整个团队失去信任的氛围,因此BCD错误。要想避免同样的问题再次出现,需要从导致问题出现的根源入手展开分析。敏捷实践中的回顾会着重分析问题背后的原因,在下一次的冲刺中进行改善,有助于减少甚至规避类似问题在后续冲刺过程中的再现,因此选项A正确。

    39、 某项目团队最近完成了为某公司开发一个自动化薪资管理系统的首个冲刺。项目经理已安排与产品负责人和团队成员举行冲刺规划会,以讨论接下来应该开展哪些功能方面的工作。为了使该会议富有成效且产生预期结果,项目经理需要哪两条信息?(选择两项)
    A project team has recently completed the initial sprint for developing an automated payroll system for a company.The project manager has scheduled a sprint planning meeting with the product owner and team members to discuss which features should be worked on next. Which two pieces of information does the project manager need in order to make this meeting productive and effective?(Choose two)

     A : 产品待办事项列表。 Product backlog.

     B :冲刺章程。 Sprint charter.

     C :公司使命和愿景。 Company mission and vision.

     D : 冲刺目标。 Sprint goal.

     E :燃尽图。 Burndown chart.

    正确答案:A,D 你的答案:A,D


    40、 鉴于先前与某客户共事的经验教训,项目经理注意到,客户对发送给它待其审批的文件的处理时间比较长,总是超过约定时间表,在与该客户举行的初始启动会上,项目经理应该如何为新项目解决此问题?
    From previous lessons learned working with a client,a project manager notes that the client's turn-around times on documents sent for approval were very slow and well outside of the agreed timelines.At the initial kick-off meeting with the same client,how should the project manager approach this issue for the new project?

     A :更新项目风险登记册,在其中注明可能会发生延误的情况。 Update the project risk register with the potential for delays.

     B :告知客户需要额外增加资源,使客户有更多时间审核待审批文件。 Inform the client that extra resources will be added to give the client more time for reviews.

     C :告知客户其有责任审批相关文件。 Inform the client of their responsibility in relation to document approval.

     D : 与客户共同确定可接受的文件审批期限。 Work with the client on an acceptable amount of time for document approval.

    正确答案:D 你的答案:D


    41、 一位项目经理正在跟进一个项目,但一位关键相关方不接受该项目的关键绩效指标(KPI)结果。该项目经理该使用哪种工具或技术?
    A project manager is tracking a project,but a key stakeholder will not accept the project's key performance indicator(KPl)results. Which tool or technique should the project manager use?

     A : 专家判断。 Expert judgment.

     B :变更控制工具。 Change control tools.

     C :自主决策。 Autocratic decision making.

     D :系统交互图。 Context diagram.

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A


    42、 一位新项目经理了解到,分配给团队的工作已分解到最低层级,该项目经理审查了工作,感觉缺少某些额外的有用信息。项目经理应审核以下哪项?
    A new project manager learns the work assigned to the team has already been decomposed to its lowest level.The project manager reviews the work and feels some additional,useful information is missing. What should the project manager review?

     A :需求跟踪矩阵。 The requirements traceability matrix.

     B :项目章程和范围说明书。 The project charter and scope statement.

     C : WBS词典。 The WBS dictionary.

     D :业务需求文档(BRD)。 The business requirement documents.(BRD)

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C


    43、 变更控制委员会(CCB)拒绝了一位主题专家(SME)提交的一项变更请求。该主题专家(SME)拒绝接受这一点:若不实施该变更,他/她就不想再继续参与项目。项目经理本应采取什么措施来避免发生这种情况?
    The change control board (CCB)rejects a change request submitted by a subject matter expert (SME).The SME refuses to accept this rejection and does not want to continue the project without the change. What should the project manager have done to avoid this situation?

     A :直接将该变更请求提交至变更控制委员会(CCB)。 Submitted the change request directly to the CCB.

     B :请求发起人先予批准该变更请求。 Requested that the sponsor approved the change request first.

     C :确保该变更请求符合项目范围。 Ensured that the change request was aligned with the project scope.

     D : 在提交之前先评估该变更对项目的总体影响。 Assessed the change's overall impact to the project before submission.

    正确答案:D 你的答案:D


    44、 某团队已准备开始与一个客户一起开展一个项目。该客户过去很难共事,因其无法准确描述自己的需求。项目经理应该运用什么样的方法来消除该障碍因素?
    A team is ready to start working on a project with a customer who was very difficult to work with in the past because the customer was unable to describe exactly what they wanted. What approach should the project manager take to remove this impediment?

     A :制定并监督一个到期日明确的计划,以减少完成产品的时间。 Develop and monitor a plan with due dates to reduce the time of completing the product.

     B : 与产品负责人共同定义最小可行性产品。 Work with the product owner to define the minimum viable product(s).

     C :遵循预测型方法,以便每个可交付成果均可被正式接受。 Follow a predictive approach in order to obtain formal acceptance of each deliverable.

     D :通过培训增强团队的谈判技能和软技能。 Reinforce the negotiation and soft skills of the team through training.

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B

    解析:《敏捷实践指南》3.1.3 增量型生命周期的特征。情景中描述的现象是敏捷实践兴起的原因之一。当面对不确定性的需求时,预测型生命周期采用严谨的论证和计划来管理的模式会变得无所适从,毕竟论证和范围的界定都需要依赖于清晰的需求描述,因此ACD排除。此时就不如采用敏捷实践,过最小可行产品来逐步确认和快速验证客户需求,进而减少由于需求模糊所导致的风险与返工成本,选项B正确。

    45、 一个新组建的团队己经习惯于敏捷实践,项目负责人注意到,尽管他们的绩效符合期望,但很多团队成员对日常团队实践感到厌烦,在这种情况下,项目负责人该做什么?
    A newly formed team has become accustomed to agile practices.The project lead has noticed that while they are performing according to expectations,there is boredom with daily team practices among many of the team members. What should the project lead do in this situation?

     A : 允许团队自我组织,让他们在回顾会议上分析情况并自行纠正问题。 Allow the team to self-organize and have them analyze the situation in their retrospective session and self correct.

     B :强烈建议团队探索提高绩效的新方法,使情况发生改观。 Challenge the team to find new ways to achieve higher levels of performance to improve the situation.

     C :与团队成员进行个别谈话,确定他们希望做什么来使团队内的情况发生改观。 Speak with individual team members to determine what they would like to do to improve the situation in the team.

     D :让团队向高层管理人员报告这一情况,征求建议。 Have the team inform senior management of the situation and ask for recommendations.

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A


    47、 项目经理正在领导的一个项目呈现出超过成本基准的趋势。项目经理应首先做什么来管理预算?
    A project manager is leading a project which shows a trend to exceed the cost baseline. What should the project manager do first to manage the budget?

     A :告知相关方项目完成时会超出预算。 Inform the stakeholders that the project will be finished over budget.

     B :向项目发起人寻求帮助,使预算重回正轨。 Ask the project sponsor for assistance in getting the budget back on track.

     C : 与项目团队开会分析实际成本,以确定偏差。 Meet with the project team to analyze the actual cost to determine deviations.

     D :提出变更请求(包括分析),以增加预算。 Issue a change request including the analysis to increase the budget.

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C

    解析:《PMBOK》第6版111页, 数据分析-偏差分析。“呈现出超过成本基准的趋势”,趋势是否已经体现在当前的绩效测量值上?趋势未来是什么样的走势?是典型的偏离还是非典型的偏离?这些都需要进行分析和研判,所以C正确。选项A,在未经过评估分析就得出结论且向相关方进行同步,一方面决策无依据,另外还会招致相关方对项目经理能力的质疑。选项B,做决策需要依据,另外在项目执行阶段,项目发起人不宜涉入到项目的微观(具体事务)管理。选项D,增加预算需要准确的评估数字,所以如果需要通过变更的方式来对绩效进行干预的话,也是排在C选项之后。

    48、 某公司希望在竞争激烈的市场上提高其某一产品的商业价值。为此,该公司委托项目团队开展一个项目,以创建一个原型,该团队增量式构建了该原型,项目经理应将哪项行动作为优先要务
    A company wants to increase the commercial value of one of its products in a highly competitive market.In order to do this,the company commissions a project to create a prototype.The team constructs the prototype incrementally. Which action should the project manager take as a priority?

     A :确保项目发起人知道上市日期。 Ensure the project sponsor is aware of the go-to market date.

     B : 尽快交付商业价值。 Deliver business value as soon as possible.

     C :强调使用看板方法。 Emphasize the use of Kanban methodology.

     D :实施“计划-实施-检查-行动”(PDCA)周期。 Implement a plan-do-check-act(PDCA)cycle.

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B


    49、 在项目的第三个迭代期间两名现有团队成员被取而代之。随着项目进入下一个迭代,团队速度下降,绩效开始下滑,项目经理该做什么
    During a project's third iteration,two of the existing team members were replaced. As the project entered the next iteration,the team velocity dropped and the performance started to slip. What should the project manager do?

     A :将该问题上报给项目发起人。 Escalate the issue to the project sponsor.

     B :举行团队建设活动,以解决关键绩效指标(KPI)问题。 Convene a team building event to address key performance indicators. (KPIs)

     C : 引导团队回到形成阶段和震荡阶段。 Guide the team to revert back to the forming and storming stages.

     D :与人力资源部门讨论生产效率下降的问题。 Discuss the decrease in productivity with human resources.

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C


    51、 早在执行阶段,项目经理就发现,事业环境因素(EEF)最近发生的变化将使实施成本大幅减少,而且还将缩减项目进度计划,项目经理该如何应对这种情况?
    Early in the execution phase,a project manager discovers that recent changes in enterprise environmental factors (EEFs)will severely reduce the implementation cost and shorten the project schedule. How should the project manager address this situation?

     A :与项目团队开会决定如何使用剩余预算。 Meet with the project team to decide how the remaining budget will be spent.

     B :在项目收尾之前将额外预算留作管理储备。 Keep the extra budget as management reserve until project closeout.

     C :给予团队额外时间,使其能够在原定期限内完成任务。 Give the team extra time to finish tasks within the original timeline.

     D : 遵照项目上报政策和沟通管理计划。 Follow the project escalation policy and communications management plan.

    正确答案:D 你的答案:D


    52、 为项目供应一款特殊设备的供应商报告称,由于次级供应商遇到技术问题,交货可能会迟延。为了保持进度计划,该供应商提议弃用该次级供应商的组件,代之以与项目规格中规定的组件不同的类似部件。项目经理接下来该做什么?
    A vendor supplying a piece of specialized equipment for a project has reported the potential for a delivery delay due to a technical issue with the sub-supplier To stay on schedule,the vendor proposed replacing the sub-supplier's component with a similar part that is different from the one that is stipulated in the project specifications. What should the project manager do next?

     A :坚持要求使用符合项目规格的组件,并将设备空运过来,以减轻迟延风险。 Insist on using the component per the project specifications and air freight the equipment to mitigate the delay.

     B :接受更换提议,以便使采购活动正常进行。 Accept the proposed replacement in order to keep procurement activities on track.

     C :指示供应商使用符合项目规格的部件,并更新进度计划。 Instruct the vendor to use the part that is compliant with the project specifications and update the schedule.

     D : 咨询主题专家(SME)的意见,了解该变更提议可否接受。 Consult with a subject matter expert (SME)to see if the proposed change is acceptable.

    正确答案:D 你的答案:D


    53、 某食品公司正在运用预测型方法开发一种新产品,该产品目前正处于测试阶段,鉴于测试反馈的特点,项目经理已决定采用迭代方法,在其中一个迭代结束时,政府领布了一部与该产品相关的法规。项目经理接下来该做什么?
    A food company is developing a new product using a predictive approach,and the product is currently in the testing phase.Given the nature of the feedback of the tests,the project manager has decided to use an iterative approach.At the end of one of the iterations,a new regulation related to the product is enacted. What should the project manager do next?

     A :重新进行测试,使试验符合新法规。 Start the tests over,adapting the trials to the new regulation.

     B : 进行评估,以确认在下一个迭代中遵守该新法规。 Include an assessment to verify compliance in the next iteration.

     C :举行迭代审查会议,以应对该新法规。 Conduct an iteration review to address the new regulation.

     D :就项目范围提出变更请求,以确保遵守该新法规。 Make a change request regarding the project's scope to ensure compliance.

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B


    54、 在某项目执行期间,财务团队发现,他们未参与项目商业论证的编制工作,不会批准估算的投资回报率(ROI),项目经理该做什么?
    During the execution of a project,the finance team identified that they were not involved in building the business case for the project and will not approve the estimated return on investment (ROI). What should the project manager do?

     A :根据项目管理计划继续开发,并在交付后解决该问题。 Continue developing based on the project management plan and address the issue post delivery.

     B :重新查阅范围管理计划,并将此情况注明为风险。 Revisit the scope management plan and note this as a risk.

     C : 安排与产品负责人和财务团队开会,以商定校正措施。 Schedule a meeting with the product owner and finance team to agree on course corrections.

     D :重新查阅沟通管理计划,并做出必要调整。 Revisit the communications management plan and make necessary adjustments.

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C


    55、 项目获批后,一位关键相关方告知项目经理,当前的项目管理策略未界定清楚,该关键相关方还向项目经理表明其不想举行会议,项目经理首先应该做什么?
    After a project has been approved,a key stakeholder tells the project manager that the current project management strategy is not well defined.The project manager is also informed that the key stakeholder does not want to hold a working session. What should the project manager do first?

     A :继续与不隶属于该关键相关方的团队举行会议。 Proceed with a working session for teams that do not belong to that key stakeholder.

     B :让项目发起人运用权力对该关键相关方施压,以便按获批的期限推进项目。 Ask the project sponsor to exert authority on the key stakeholder in order to maintain the approved timeline.

     C :邀请该关键相关方加入项目的变更控制委员会(CCB),讨论项目策略调整事宜。 Invite the key stakeholder to the project's change control board (CCB) to discuss adjustment of the project strategy.

     D : 分享项目文件,邀请该关键相关方讨论其任何顾虑。 Share the project documents and invite the key stakeholder to discuss any concerns.

    正确答案:D 你的答案:D


    56、 一位曾在敏捷环境中工作过的新团队成员让项目团队的一些成员感到沮丧,这位新团队成员每天都会接近项目团队成员,试图参加每日站立会,项目经理应该做什么?
    Some members of a project team are frustrated by a new team member who previously worked in a Scrum setting.This new team member approaches members of the project team on a daily basis in what appears to be an attempt to engage in individual stand-up meetings. What should the project manager do?

     A : 就项目团队正在使用的方法,为该新团队成员提供辅导。 Mentor the new team member on the methodology the project team is using.

     B :安排会议,让项目团队查阅沟通管理计划。 Schedule a meeting for the project team to review the communications management plan.

     C :向项目团队成员发送电子邮件,概述沟通策略。 Send an email to the project team outlining the communications strategy.

     D :让项目团队其他成员继续与该新团队成员开展讨论。 Tell the rest of the project team continue discussions with the new team member.

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A


    57、 项目经理了解到,项目发起人对项目需求的开发工作不满意。为了使项目重新达到发起人的期望,项目经理该做什么?
    The project manager has learned that the project sponsor is unhappy with the development of the project requirements.In order to realign the project with the sponsor's expectations,what should the project manager do?

     A : 进行相关方评估。 Perform a stakeholder evaluation.

     B :与团队一起查看项目目标图。 Review the project goal diagram with the team.

     C :确认团队应该使用哪些模板。 Confirm which templates the team should be using.

     D :审阅风险管理计划。 Review the risk management plan.

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A


    58、 由于时间方面的制约因素,项目发起人通常会让项目经理免去项目回顾会议,但项目经理会通过减少准备讨论的时间,坚特保留这一重要会议。项目经理的这些措施可能会导致的两个问题是什么?(选择两项)
    A project sponsor commonly asks the project manager to skip project retrospectives due to time constraints.However,the project manager persists in running this critical ceremony by reducing the time for preparation and for discussion. What are two issues that these actions by the project manager could cause? (Choose two)

     A : 参加研讨会的团队缺乏方向和积极性。 A lack of direction and motivation for the team in the workshop.

     B :聚焦于负面情况,对进一步的改进不感兴趣。 A focus on the negative and a disinterest in further improvements.

     C : 进行的很多讨论要么无果而终,要么可能会形成太多结果。 A lot of discussions that yield no results or possibly too many results.

     D :其他团队的经验教训不会被纳入考虑范围。 Lessons learned from other teams to not be considered.

     E :回顾研讨会的时间管理计划不会得到更新。 Time management plan for the retrospective workshop to not be updated.

    正确答案:A,C 你的答案:A,C


    60、 项目经理正在领导一个处于高级阶段的项目。风险管理计划中所识别的所有高层级风险均已解决,对项目不再构成风险,只有低层级风险仍然存在,项目经理现在应该做什么
    A project manager is leading a project that is in an advanced stage.All high-level risks identified in the risk management plan have been resolved or are no longer a risk for the project.Only low-level risks remain. What should the project manager do now?

     A :降低项目风险的优先级,因为所剩余风险均为低层级风险。 Reduce the priority of project risks as all remaining risks are low-level.

     B : 对己识别的风险重新评估,并更新风险登记册。 Reevaluate identified risks and update the risk register.

     C :通知相关方所有高层级风险均已解决。 Notify stakeholders that all high-level risks have been resolved.

     D :将低层级风险重新归类为高层级风险。 Reclassify low-level risks as high-level risks.

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B


    61、 项目经理收到项目团队中一位业务分析师的电话留言。该业务分析师指出,一位内部相关方对项目开始前未让其参与项目耿耿于怀,该相关方要求对需求跟踪矩阵新增内容。项目经理该做什么来增进与该相关方的关系?
    A project manager receives a voicemail from a business analyst on the project team.The business analyst indicates that an internal stakeholder is upset that they were not included before the project began.The stakeholder is asking for an addition to the requirements traceability matrix. What should the project manager do to improve the stakeholder relationship?

     A :更新相关方参与计划,以确保该相关方被纳入项目相关方名单。 Update the stakeholder engagement plan to ensure the stakeholder is included in the project stakeholder list.

     B :查阅项目范围文档,以确保新增内容涵盖在范围之内。 Consult the project scope document to make sure the addition is in scope.

     C :提出项目变更请求,以便变更控制委员会(CCB)能够决定新增内容是否处于范围之内。 Initiate a project change request so the change control board (CCB) can decide if it is in scope.

     D : 先接治该相关方,向其详细了解相关情况,然后再对其请求作出答复。 Engage the stakeholder to solicit more information before responding to the request.

    正确答案:D 你的答案:D


    62、 一家公司正在启动一个项目,以期对其现有产品做出改进,其所有产品都是内部开发的项目经理该做什么?
    A company is initiating a project to enhance one of its existing products.All of its products are developed internally. What should the project manager do?

     A :确保相关方参与计划准确,而且得到适当记录。 Ensure the stakeholder engagement plan is accurate and properly documented.

     B :编制适合于启动阶段的经验教训文档。 Create a lessons learned document for the initiation phase.

     C : 回顾先前项目的经验教训。 Review the lessons learned from the previous project.

     D :识别实施新解决方案的风险,并评估对项目的影响。 Identify the risk of implementing the new solution and evaluate the impact on the project.

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C


    63、 某市场团队正在规划的一个为期多年的计划将包含很多跨职能部门的相关方,项目经理已经指定,项目现在处于规划阶段。项目经理首先应该编制以下哪个(些)文件
    70. A marketing team is planning for a multiyear initiative that will include a lot of cross-functional stakeholders.The project manager has been assigned and is now in the project planning phase. What item(s)should the project manager develop first?

     A :商业论证和范围文档。 A business case and scope document.

     B :产品待办事项列表和拟交付功能确认文件。 A product backlog and identification of the features to be delivered.

     C :包含己知风险的风险管理计划。 A risk management plan to incorporate known risks.

     D : 满足团队需要的沟通管理计划。 A communications management plan that addresses the team's needs.

    正确答案:D 你的答案:D


    64、 在一次回顾会议上,很多项目团队成员表示,由于受到其他团队的干扰和请求帮助的影响,他们在各个迭代期间未能完成任务。作为团队促进者,项目经理该做什么来避免发生这种情况?
    During a retrospective review,many project team members say they are not completing tasks during the iterations because of interruptions and requests for help from other teams.As a team facilitator,what should the project manager do to avoid this?

     A :与受影响的项目团队成员再次会面,告诉他们不要降低团队的产能。 Reunite with the project team members affected and tell them not to reduce the team's capacity.

     B : 确定问题的根本原因,并与所有项目团队成员一起界定基本规则,以便最大程度地减少干扰因素。 Identify the problem's root causes and define the ground rules with all project team members to minimize interferences.

     C :建议项目团队成员改进规划,并缩小其故事的规模。 Recommend to the project team members that they should improve their planning and make their stories smaller.

     D :聘请一名教练,帮助所有项目团队提高自行解决问题的能力。 Hire a coach to help all project teams to improve their abilities to solve problems on their own.

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B


    65、 在与客户会面后,项目经理获得赞许,因为项目总能如期进展。当天晚些时候,项目经理参加了项目团队例会,以跟进可交付成果的状态,在该项目团队会议上,项目经理该做什么?
    After a meeting with the customer,the project manager receives special recognition because the project is always on schedule.Later that day,the project manager attends a regular project team meeting to follow up on the status of the deliverables. What should the project manager do in the project team meeting?

     A :遵循会议议程,列出后续的可交付成果。 Follow the meeting agenda and make a list of the next deliverables.

     B :在会议纪要中记录这一反馈。 Document this feedback in the meeting minutes.

     C :开始规划如何提前实现后续可交付成果。 Start planning how to improve the dates of next deliverables.

     D : 向项目团队成员分享客户反馈。 Share the customer feedback with the project team.

    正确答案:D 你的答案:D


    66、 项目经理已被指派负责一个教育项目,该项目旨在为从事应用开发的员工提供培训。其中的一项可交付成果是向客户的活跃项目中最优秀的学员提供见习机会,但客户目前开展的项目数量不够。项目经理决定创建几个内部项目,以确保能够提供足够的见习机会项目经理应采取哪三种措施来实现该目标,同时不会增加客户的成本负担?(选择三项)
    A project manager has been assigned to an education project with the objective of training a workforce in application development.One of the deliverables is to provide internships to the best students in the customer's active projects. However,the customer does not have enough projects in progress right now.The project manager decides to create several internal projects in order to ensure the internships. Which three actions should the project manager take to fulfill this scenario without adding costs for the customer?(Choose three)

     A : 管理交付的质量。 Manage the quality of the delivery.

     B :使用项目的紧急情况预算。 Use the project's contingency budget.

     C : 使用新内部项目的范围来创建变更请求。 Create a change request with the scope of the new internal projects.

     D : 使用内部项目来创建新范围的工作分解结构(WBS)。 Create a work breakdown structure (WBS)of the new scope with the internal projects.

     E :对客户施加影响,促使其启动新项目。 Influence the client to initiate a new project.

    正确答案:A,C,D 你的答案:A,C,D


    68、 过去一年来,一位高绩效团队成员的绩效一直稳步提升,将其他同事甩在身后,为了避免其他团队成员灰心气馁,项目经理不愿公开赞扬该团队成员的贡献,项目经理还担心,如果不对该团队成员的贡献给与嘉奖,他/她可能会离开。项目经理该做什么?
    A high-performing team member's performance has been consistently increasing over the past year,leaving other peers behind.The project manager has been reluctant to publicly recognize the team member's contributions for fear of discouraging others.The project manager is also concerned that the team member may leave if not rewarded for the contributions made. What should the project manager do?

     A :将该高绩效团队成员晋升到更高的职位。 Promote the higher performing team member to a higher position.

     B :提醒该高绩效团队成员聚焦于普奖,而非个人奖励。 Remind the high-performing team member to focus on shared rewards rather than individual rewards.

     C : 请该高绩效团队成员指导其他团队成员。 Request the high-performing team member to mentor the other team Members.

     D :私下奖励该高绩效团队成员,以避免破坏团队团结。 Reward the high-performing team member privately to avoid team disruption.

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C


    69、 某产品公司正在改革产品开发和市场发布的方式。高管认为这是一个高风险的计划,而且该计划必须成功,在这种情况下,项目经理该做什么?
    A product company is transforming the way it develops and releases products in the market.Executives believe that this is a high-risk initiative,and this initiative must be successful. What should the project manager do in this scenario?

     A :制定沟通管理计划,将该新业务模式告知员工。 Develop a communications management plan to inform the employees about the new business model.

     B :制定包含明确的可交付成果的详细冲刺计划。 Develop a detailed sprint plan with clear deliverables.

     C : 采用迭代型的推出方法,更早交付最高的商业价值。 Adopt an iterative rollout approach that delivers the highest business value earlier.

     D :利用针对该新模式的假设,开发商业论证。 Develop a business case with assumptions for the new model.

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C


    70、 项目团队采用混合型框架进行项目交付。在执行某项目时,团队获悉客户提出一项新的合规需求,必须先于任何其他需求交付项目经理该如何应对这种情况?
    The project team follows a hybrid framework for its delivery.During the execution of a project,the team learns of a new compliance requirement that has to be delivered before any other requirements. How should the project manager address this situation?

     A : 与合规团队成员开展协作,审查并优先交付该需求。 Collaborate with the compliance team member to review and prioritize the requirement's delivery.

     B :将合规负责人纳入相关方名单,并等待举行下一次状态会议。 Include the compliance lead in the stakeholders list and wait for the next status meeting.

     C :将该新的合规需求增至待办事项列表,因为技术团队无法腾出人手开展相关工作。 Add the new compliance requirement to the backlog as the technical team does not have any capacity.

     D :让该团队将该合规需求纳入当前冲刺并交付该需求。 Ask the team to include the compliance requirement in the current.

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A


    71、 在某运营职能部门的一个项目执行期间,项目经理遇到范围变更和关键任务交付延误的问题.项目经理该如何应对这种情况?
    During the execution of a project within an operations function,the project manager encounters scope changes and a delay in the delivery of critical tasks.How should the project manager address this situation?

     A : 提出变更请求,以修改范围并调整时间表。 Initiate the change request to modify the scope and adjust the timelines.

     B :召集团队会议,以决定是否应该作出这些变更。 Call for a team meeting to decide if the changes should be included.

     C :在每周项目报告中,将这些顾虑告知项目管理办公室(PM0)。 Communicate the concerns to the project management office (PMO) during the weekly project reports.

     D :进行影响分析,并将成果提交给指导委员会,以待其审批。 Conduct an impact analysis and present the results to the steering committee for approval.

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A


    72、 在对一个项目的可交付成果清单进行审查时,其中一位相关方担心其中一项需求将不会得到满足。项目经理应该做什么?
    During the review of a project's list of deliverables,one of the stakeholders expressed concern that one of the requirements will not be addressed.What should the project manager do?

     A :与该相关方共同努力改进这些需求的验收标准。 Work with the stakeholder to improve the requirements' acceptance criteria.

     B : 与有关相关方一起审视需求跟踪矩阵。 Review the requirements traceability matrix with the concerned stakeholder.

     C :与该相关方讨论需要增加哪些额外需求。 Discuss with the stakeholder which additional requirements should be added.

     D :检查获批的需求列表,查看是否遗漏了任何需求。 Check the approved list of requirements to see if there are any missing items.

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B


    73、 在一个有众多供应商的项目结束时,项目经理审核了结束流程,结果意外发现尚有财务结余。以下哪项有助于项目经理理解为何会出现这种情祝?
    At the end of a project with multiple suppliers,the project manager is reviewing the closing process and finds that an unexpected financial balance is remaining.What will help the project manager understand why this has occurred?

     A :经验教训。 Lessons learned.

     B : 采购审计。 Procurement audit.

     C :组织过程资产。 Organizational process assets.

     D :项目审计。 Project audit.

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B


    74、 在一个项目的编程活动中,每个模块预计持续35天,但第1个模块的编程就已经用了45天。项目经理应该做什么?
    The programming activities of a project were planned to last 35 days per module but the programming of the first module has taken 45 days. What should the project manager do?

     A :让团队加班加点按时完成可交付成果。 Ask the team to work overtime to complete the deliverable on time.

     B :向项目发起人提交变更请求,以便更改进度计划。 Submit a change request to the project sponsor to change the schedule.

     C :检查范围,核实是否存在范围蔓延问题,使项目符合进度计划。 Check the scope to verify if there is scope creep and get the project on schedule.

     D : 评估情况,确定相关方法,以便在不影响基准的前提下压缩进度计划。 Evaluate the situation and identify ways to compress the schedule without impacting baselines.

    正确答案:D 你的答案:D


    75、 在一个项目的实施阶段,一位新指派的团队负责人接洽项目经理,以核实团队的任务和进度计划,这项工作末按计划取得进展,因为该团队负责人缺乏管理经验,这可能会造成项目延误。项目经理该做什么?
    During the implementation stage of a project,a newly appointed team leader approaches the project manager to verify the team's tasks and schedule.The work did not go as planned due to the team leader's lack of management experience.This could cause delays for the project. What should the project manager do?

     A : 向新指派的团队负责人提供辅导。 Provide mentoring to the newly appointed team leader.

     B :让人力资源总监指派一名高级团队负责人。 Ask the human resources director to appoint a senior team leader.

     C :将可能发生的延误问题告知项目发起人。 Inform the project sponsor about the possible delay.

     D :直接管理项目团队,以避免发生项目延误。 Directly manage the project team to avoid project delays.

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A


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  • 原文地址:https://blog.csdn.net/lingbin418/article/details/126252911