#include// Use one of many "standard library" modules.
torch::nn::Linear fc1{nullptr}, fc2{nullptr}, fc3{nullptr};// Define a new Module.structNet:torch::nn::Module{Net(){// Construct and register two Linear submodules.
fc1 =register_module("fc1", torch::nn::Linear(784,64));
fc2 =register_module("fc2", torch::nn::Linear(64,32));
fc3 =register_module("fc3", torch::nn::Linear(32,10));}// Implement the Net's algorithm.
torch::Tensor forward(torch::Tensor x){// Use one of many tensor manipulation functions.
x = torch::relu(fc1->forward(x.reshape({x.size(0),784})));
x = torch::dropout(x,/*p=*/0.5,/*train=*/is_training());
x = torch::relu(fc2->forward(x));
x = torch::log_softmax(fc3->forward(x),/*dim=*/1);return x;}};intmain(){// Create a new Net.auto net = std::make_shared<Net>();// Create a multi-threaded data loader for the MNIST dataset.auto data_loader = torch::data::make_data_loader(
torch::data::transforms::Stack<>()),/*batch_size=*/64);// Instantiate an SGD optimization algorithm to update our Net's parameters.
torch::optim::SGD optimizer(net->parameters(),/*lr=*/0.01);for(size_t epoch =1; epoch <=10;++epoch){
size_t batch_index =0;// Iterate the data loader to yield batches from the dataset.for(auto& batch :*data_loader){// Reset gradients.
optimizer.zero_grad();// Execute the model on the input data.
torch::Tensor prediction = net->forward(batch.data);// Compute a loss value to judge the prediction of our model.
torch::Tensor loss = torch::nll_loss(prediction, batch.target);// Compute gradients of the loss w.r.t. the parameters of our model.
loss.backward();// Update the parameters based on the calculated gradients.
optimizer.step();// Output the loss and checkpoint every 100 batches.if(++batch_index %100==0){
std::cout <<"Epoch: "<< epoch <<" | Batch: "<< batch_index
<<" | Loss: "<< loss.item<float>()<< std::endl;// Serialize your model periodically as a checkpoint.