• PPLiteSeg实时语义分割预测结果输出控制无人车转向角度方向实现沿车道无人驾驶










    新建  visualize_myself.py  :

    1. # Copyright (c) 2020 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
    2. #
    3. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    4. # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    5. # You may obtain a copy of the License at
    6. #
    7. # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    8. #
    9. # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10. # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11. # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13. # limitations under the License.
    14. import os
    15. import cv2
    16. import numpy as np
    17. from PIL import Image as PILImage
    18. def visualize(image, result, color_map, save_dir=None, weight=0.6):
    19. """
    20. Convert predict result to color image, and save added image.
    21. Args:
    22. image (str): The path of origin image.
    23. result (np.ndarray): The predict result of image.
    24. color_map (list): The color used to save the prediction results.
    25. save_dir (str): The directory for saving visual image. Default: None.
    26. weight (float): The image weight of visual image, and the result weight is (1 - weight). Default: 0.6
    27. Returns:
    28. vis_result (np.ndarray): If `save_dir` is None, return the visualized result.
    29. """
    30. color_map = [color_map[i:i + 3] for i in range(0, len(color_map), 3)]
    31. color_map = np.array(color_map).astype("uint8")
    32. # Use OpenCV LUT for color mapping
    33. c1 = cv2.LUT(result, color_map[:, 0])
    34. c2 = cv2.LUT(result, color_map[:, 1])
    35. c3 = cv2.LUT(result, color_map[:, 2])
    36. pseudo_img = np.dstack((c3, c2, c1))
    37. #im = cv2.imread(image)
    38. im = image.copy()
    39. vis_result = cv2.addWeighted(im, weight, pseudo_img, 1 - weight, 0)
    40. if save_dir is not None:
    41. if not os.path.exists(save_dir):
    42. os.makedirs(save_dir)
    43. image_name = os.path.split(image)[-1]
    44. out_path = os.path.join(save_dir, image_name)
    45. cv2.imwrite(out_path, vis_result)
    46. else:
    47. return vis_result
    48. def get_pseudo_color_map(pred, color_map=None):
    49. """
    50. Get the pseudo color image.
    51. Args:
    52. pred (numpy.ndarray): the origin predicted image.
    53. color_map (list, optional): the palette color map. Default: None,
    54. use paddleseg's default color map.
    55. Returns:
    56. (numpy.ndarray): the pseduo image.
    57. """
    58. pred_mask = PILImage.fromarray(pred.astype(np.uint8), mode='P')
    59. if color_map is None:
    60. color_map = get_color_map_list(256)
    61. pred_mask.putpalette(color_map)
    62. #print(len(pred_mask.split()), type(pred_mask))
    63. #image = pred_mask.convert("RGB")#单通道转化为3通道
    64. #img = cv2.cvtColor(np.asarray(image), cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)#转化为cv的格式返回
    65. return pred_mask
    66. def get_color_map_list(num_classes, custom_color=None):
    67. """
    68. Returns the color map for visualizing the segmentation mask,
    69. which can support arbitrary number of classes.
    70. Args:
    71. num_classes (int): Number of classes.
    72. custom_color (list, optional): Save images with a custom color map. Default: None, use paddleseg's default color map.
    73. Returns:
    74. (list). The color map.
    75. """
    76. num_classes += 1
    77. color_map = num_classes * [0, 0, 0]
    78. for i in range(0, num_classes):
    79. j = 0
    80. lab = i
    81. while lab:
    82. color_map[i * 3] |= (((lab >> 0) & 1) << (7 - j))
    83. color_map[i * 3 + 1] |= (((lab >> 1) & 1) << (7 - j))
    84. color_map[i * 3 + 2] |= (((lab >> 2) & 1) << (7 - j))
    85. j += 1
    86. lab >>= 3
    87. color_map = color_map[3:]
    88. if custom_color:
    89. color_map[:len(custom_color)] = custom_color
    90. return color_map
    91. def paste_images(image_list):
    92. """
    93. Paste all image to a image.
    94. Args:
    95. image_list (List or Tuple): The images to be pasted and their size are the same.
    96. Returns:
    97. result_img (PIL.Image): The pasted image.
    98. """
    99. assert isinstance(image_list,
    100. (list, tuple)), "image_list should be a list or tuple"
    101. assert len(
    102. image_list) > 1, "The length of image_list should be greater than 1"
    103. pil_img_list = []
    104. for img in image_list:
    105. if isinstance(img, str):
    106. assert os.path.exists(img), "The image is not existed: {}".format(
    107. img)
    108. img = PILImage.open(img)
    109. img = np.array(img)
    110. elif isinstance(img, np.ndarray):
    111. img = PILImage.fromarray(img)
    112. pil_img_list.append(img)
    113. sample_img = pil_img_list[0]
    114. size = sample_img.size
    115. for img in pil_img_list:
    116. assert size == img.size, "The image size in image_list should be the same"
    117. width, height = sample_img.size
    118. result_img = PILImage.new(sample_img.mode,
    119. (width * len(pil_img_list), height))
    120. for i, img in enumerate(pil_img_list):
    121. result_img.paste(img, box=(width * i, 0))
    122. return result_img

    新建  predict_with_api.py  : 修改过的predict,制作成了可实时运行的API接口

    1. import cv2
    2. import numpy as np
    3. import paddle
    4. from paddleseg.core import infer
    5. from paddleseg.utils import visualize
    6. import visualize_myself
    7. from PIL import Image as PILImage
    8. def preprocess(im_path, transforms):
    9. data = {}
    10. data['img'] = im_path
    11. data = transforms(data)
    12. data['img'] = data['img'][np.newaxis, ...]
    13. data['img'] = paddle.to_tensor(data['img'])
    14. return data
    15. def predict(model,
    16. model_path,
    17. transforms,
    18. image_list,
    19. aug_pred=False,
    20. scales=1.0,
    21. flip_horizontal=True,
    22. flip_vertical=False,
    23. is_slide=False,
    24. stride=None,
    25. crop_size=None,
    26. custom_color=None
    27. ):
    28. # 加载模型权重
    29. para_state_dict = paddle.load(model_path)
    30. model.set_dict(para_state_dict)
    31. # 设置模型为评估模式
    32. model.eval()
    33. # 读取图像
    34. im = image_list.copy()
    35. color_map = visualize.get_color_map_list(256, custom_color=custom_color)
    36. with paddle.no_grad():
    37. data = preprocess(im, transforms)
    38. # 是否开启多尺度翻转预测
    39. if aug_pred:
    40. pred, _ = infer.aug_inference(
    41. model,
    42. data['img'],
    43. trans_info=data['trans_info'],
    44. scales=scales,
    45. flip_horizontal=flip_horizontal,
    46. flip_vertical=flip_vertical,
    47. is_slide=is_slide,
    48. stride=stride,
    49. crop_size=crop_size)
    50. else:
    51. pred, _ = infer.inference(
    52. model,
    53. data['img'],
    54. trans_info=data['trans_info'],
    55. is_slide=is_slide,
    56. stride=stride,
    57. crop_size=crop_size)
    58. # 将返回数据去除多余的通道,并转为uint8类型,方便保存为图片
    59. pred = paddle.squeeze(pred)
    60. pred = pred.numpy().astype('uint8')
    61. # 展示结果
    62. added_image = visualize_myself.visualize(image= im,result= pred,color_map=color_map, weight=0.6)
    63. #cv2.imshow('image_predict', added_image)
    64. # save pseudo color prediction
    65. pred_mask = visualize_myself.get_pseudo_color_map(pred, color_map)
    66. #cv2.waitKey(0)
    67. #cv2.destroyAllWindows()
    68. return added_image,pred_mask

    新建  seg_read.py  :  主要功能为将整体预测的输出改为指定输出某个种类的分割结果,这里我主要只输出车道线分割的预测部分

    1. from PIL import Image
    2. import numpy as np
    3. import cv2
    4. #生成染色版
    5. def get_voc_palette(num_classes):
    6. n = num_classes
    7. palette = [0]*(n*3)
    8. for j in range(0,n):
    9. lab = j
    10. palette[j*3+0] = 0
    11. palette[j*3+1] = 0
    12. palette[j*3+2] = 0
    13. i = 0
    14. while (lab > 0):
    15. palette[j*3+0] |= (((lab >> 0) & 1) << (7-i))
    16. palette[j*3+1] |= (((lab >> 1) & 1) << (7-i))
    17. palette[j*3+2] |= (((lab >> 2) & 1) << (7-i))
    18. i = i + 1
    19. lab >>= 3
    20. return palette
    21. #染色代码
    22. def colorize_mask(mask, palette):
    23. zero_pad = 256 * 3 - len(palette)
    24. for i in range(zero_pad):
    25. palette.append(0)
    26. new_mask = Image.fromarray(mask.astype(np.uint8)).convert('P')
    27. new_mask.putpalette(palette)
    28. return new_mask
    29. #生成指定类别的语义分割预测结果
    30. def generate_img_with_choice_class(img,classes:list,num_classes:int):
    31. #传入 图像路径 和 需要预测的类别 总共的类别
    32. #img = Image.open(img)#
    33. img = np.asarray(img)
    34. f_img = img.copy()
    35. for idx,c in enumerate(classes):
    36. f_img[np.where(img==c)] = 0 #将对应位置置零
    37. f_img = colorize_mask(f_img,get_voc_palette(num_classes)) # 进行染色处理
    38. image = f_img.convert("RGB")
    39. #image.save('output/process_img.png')
    40. img = cv2.cvtColor(np.asarray(image), cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    41. return img
    42. if __name__ == '__main__':
    43. ''''''
    44. img_path = r'data/annotations/000026.png'
    45. choice_list = [0,2]
    46. img = generate_img_with_choice_class(img_path,choice_list,3)
    47. cv2.imshow('image',img)
    48. #cv2.imwrite('output/3.jpg', img)
    49. #cv2.waitKey(0)

    新建    opencv手动阈值分割.py   :通过滑块手动调整canny边缘检测的阈值

    1. import cv2
    2. #载入图片
    3. img_original=cv2.imread('output/1.jpg')
    4. #设置窗口
    5. cv2.namedWindow('Canny')
    6. #定义回调函数
    7. def nothing(x):
    8. pass
    9. #创建两个滑动条,分别控制threshold1,threshold2
    10. cv2.createTrackbar('threshold1','Canny',50,400,nothing)
    11. cv2.createTrackbar('threshold2','Canny',100,400,nothing)
    12. while(1):
    13. #返回滑动条所在位置的值
    14. threshold1=cv2.getTrackbarPos('threshold1','Canny')
    15. threshold2=cv2.getTrackbarPos('threshold2','Canny')
    16. #Canny边缘检测
    17. img_edges=cv2.Canny(img_original,threshold1,threshold2)
    18. #显示图片
    19. cv2.imshow('original',img_original)
    20. cv2.imshow('Canny',img_edges)
    21. if cv2.waitKey(1)==ord('q'):
    22. break
    23. cv2.destroyAllWindows()

    新建 HoughLines_return.py  :主要功能通过canny特征检测提取车道线上的大量零散坐标,再抽取边缘(包括:最上方、最左方、最下方、最右方)的各4个最接近边缘的输出坐标,求平均得到4个的方向的中点坐标,若最左方的车道线边缘中点靠近左侧上方且不上方接触则输出角度为左侧边缘的中点与下方边缘中点之间的角度,右侧和上方的同理。输出后便可通过串口通讯实时同步无人车的前方转向轮的方向角度。

    1. import cv2
    2. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    3. import numpy as np
    4. from collections import Counter
    5. import math
    6. def sort_max(list):
    7. list1 = list.copy()#复制一份,不破坏原来的列表
    8. list1.sort()#从小到大排序
    9. max1 = list1[-1]#最大
    10. max2 = list1[-2]#第二大
    11. max3 = list1[-3]#第3大
    12. max4 = list1[-4]#第4大
    13. return max1,max2,max3,max4
    14. def sort_min(list):
    15. list1 = list.copy() # 复制一份,不破坏原来的列表
    16. list1.sort() # 从小到大排序
    17. min1 = list1[0] # 最大
    18. min2 = list1[1] # 第二大
    19. min3 = list1[2] # 第3大
    20. min4 = list1[3] # 第4大
    21. return min1, min2, min3, min4
    22. def azimuthangle(x1, y1, x2, y2):
    23. """ 已知两点坐标计算角度 -
    24. :param x1: 原点横坐标值
    25. :param y1: 原点纵坐标值
    26. :param x2: 目标点横坐标值
    27. :param y2: 目标纵坐标值
    28. """
    29. angle = 0.0
    30. dx = x2 - x1
    31. dy = y2 - y1
    32. if x2 == x1:
    33. angle = math.pi / 2.0
    34. if y2 == y1:
    35. angle = 0.0
    36. elif y2 < y1:
    37. angle = 3.0 * math.pi / 2.0
    38. elif x2 > x1 and y2 > y1:
    39. angle = math.atan(dx / dy)
    40. elif x2 > x1 and y2 < y1:
    41. angle = math.pi / 2 + math.atan(-dy / dx)
    42. elif x2 < x1 and y2 < y1:
    43. angle = math.pi + math.atan(dx / dy)
    44. elif x2 < x1 and y2 > y1:
    45. angle = 3.0 * math.pi / 2.0 + math.atan(dy / -dx)
    46. return angle * 180 / math.pi
    47. def get_index(l, x, n):
    48. # 函数作用: 获取某个元素第n次出现在列表的下标
    49. # 参数列表: 第一个参数为可迭代对象, 第二个参数为要查找的数, 第三个参数为要查找第几个出现的x
    50. l_count = l.count(x)
    51. result = None
    52. if n <= l_count:
    53. num = 0
    54. for item in enumerate(l):
    55. if item[1] == x:
    56. num += 1
    57. if num == n:
    58. result = item[0]
    59. break
    60. else:
    61. print("列表里总共有{}个{}".format(l_count, x))
    62. return result
    63. def get_top_mid(x_list,y_list,judge):#真为上方,假为下方
    64. if judge ==True:
    65. min1_y, min2_y, min3_y, min4_y = sort_min(y_list)
    66. else:
    67. min1_y, min2_y, min3_y, min4_y = sort_max(y_list)
    68. #print("min1:", min1_y, "min2:", min2_y, "min3:", min3_y, "min4:", min4_y)
    69. min_list_y = [min1_y, min2_y, min3_y, min4_y]
    70. b = dict(Counter(min_list_y))
    71. same = [key for key, value in b.items() if value > 1] # 只展示重复元素
    72. min_list_x = []
    73. i_1 = 1
    74. i_2 = 1
    75. for max in min_list_y:
    76. if len(same)==0:
    77. y_index = get_index(y_list, max, 1)
    78. elif len(same)==1:
    79. if max == same[0]:
    80. y_index = get_index(y_list, max, i_1)
    81. i_1 =i_1+1
    82. else:
    83. y_index = get_index(y_list, max, 1)
    84. elif len(same)==2:
    85. if max == same[0]:
    86. y_index = get_index(y_list, max, i_1)
    87. i_1 =i_1+1
    88. elif max == same[1]:
    89. y_index = get_index(y_list, max, i_2)
    90. i_2 =i_2+1
    91. else:
    92. y_index = get_index(y_list, max, 1)
    93. min_list_x.append(x_list[y_index])
    94. #print("min_list_x", min_list_x)
    95. top_mid = [sum(min_list_x) / len(min_list_x), sum(min_list_y) / len(min_list_y)]
    96. #print("top_mid:", top_mid)
    97. return top_mid
    98. def get_side_mid(x_list,y_list,judge):#真为左,假为右
    99. if judge ==True:
    100. m1_x, m2_x, m3_x, m4_x = sort_min(x_list)
    101. else:
    102. m1_x, m2_x, m3_x, m4_x = sort_max(x_list)
    103. #print("min1:", m1_x, "min2:", m2_x, "min3:", m3_x, "min4:", m4_x)
    104. min_list_x = [m1_x, m2_x, m3_x, m4_x]
    105. b = dict(Counter(min_list_x))
    106. same = [key for key, value in b.items() if value > 1] # 只展示重复元素
    107. #print("same:", same, len(same))
    108. min_list_y = []
    109. i_1 = 1
    110. i_2 = 1
    111. for max in min_list_x:
    112. if len(same)==0:
    113. x_index = get_index(x_list, max, 1)
    114. elif len(same) == 1:
    115. if max == same:
    116. x_index = get_index(x_list, max, i_1)
    117. i_1 = i_1 + 1
    118. else:
    119. x_index = get_index(x_list, max, 1)
    120. #print("x_index_1:", type(x_index), x_index)
    121. elif len(same)==2:
    122. if max == same[0]:
    123. x_index = get_index(x_list, max, i_1)
    124. i_1 = i_1 + 1
    125. elif max == same[1]:
    126. x_index = get_index(x_list, max, i_2)
    127. i_2 = i_2 + 1
    128. else:
    129. x_index = get_index(x_list, max, 1)
    130. #print("x_index_1:", type(x_index), x_index)
    131. min_list_y.append(y_list[x_index])
    132. #print("min_list_x", min_list_y)
    133. side_mid = [sum(min_list_x) / len(min_list_x), sum(min_list_y) / len(min_list_y)]
    134. #print("side_mid:", side_mid)
    135. return side_mid
    136. def HL_return(src):
    137. img = src.copy()
    138. # 二值化图像(Canny边缘检测)
    139. # gray_img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    140. dst_img = cv2.Canny(img, 11, 16)
    141. cv2.imshow('Canny', dst_img)
    142. #cv2.waitKey(0)
    143. lines = cv2.HoughLinesP(dst_img, 1, np.pi / 180, 20)
    144. x_list = []
    145. y_list = []
    146. for line in lines:
    147. for x1, y1, x2, y2 in line:
    148. x_list.append(x1)
    149. x_list.append(x2)
    150. y_list.append(y1)
    151. y_list.append(y2)
    152. cv2.line(img, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (0, 255, 0), 3)
    153. cv2.imshow("HoughLinesP", img)
    154. #cv2.waitKey(0)
    155. top_mid = get_top_mid(x_list,y_list,True)#得到上面的中点
    156. down_mid = get_side_mid(x_list,y_list,False)#得到下面的中点
    157. left_side_mid = get_side_mid(x_list,y_list,True)#得到左边的中点
    158. right_side_mid = get_side_mid(x_list,y_list,False)#得到右边的中点
    159. print("top_mid:",top_mid,"dowm_mid:",down_mid,"left_mid:",left_side_mid,"right_mid:",right_side_mid)
    160. sp = src.shape
    161. sz1 = sp[0] # height(rows) of image
    162. sz2 = sp[1] # width(colums) of image
    163. sz3 = sp[2] # the pixels value is made up of three primary colors
    164. if left_side_mid[1]<(sp[0]*0.5):
    165. angle =azimuthangle (left_side_mid[0],left_side_mid[1],down_mid[0],down_mid[1])
    166. elif right_side_mid[1]<(sp[0]*0.5):
    167. angle = azimuthangle(right_side_mid[0], right_side_mid[1], down_mid[0], down_mid[1])
    168. else:
    169. angle = azimuthangle(top_mid[0], top_mid[1], down_mid[0], down_mid[1])
    170. #print("angle:", type(angle), angle)
    171. #cv2.waitKey(0)
    172. return angle
    173. if __name__ == '__main__':
    174. src = cv2.imread(r"D:\pyCharmdata\PPLiteSeg_demo\output\2.jpg")
    175. angle =HL_return(src)
    176. if (angle - 90) > 0:
    177. print("请右转:", math.fabs(angle - 90), "度")
    178. elif (angle - 90) < 0:
    179. print("请左转:", math.fabs(angle - 90), "度")
    180. elif angle == 90:
    181. print("正在保持90度直行")

     新建 demo_run_API.py  :调用实时分割API并实时输出转向角度

    1. import cv2
    2. from predict_with_api import predict
    3. from paddleseg.models import PPLiteSeg
    4. from paddleseg.models.backbones import STDC1
    5. import paddleseg.transforms as T
    6. from seg_read import generate_img_with_choice_class
    7. from HoughLines_return import HL_return
    8. import math
    9. backbone = STDC1()
    10. model = PPLiteSeg(num_classes=13,
    11. backbone= backbone,
    12. arm_out_chs = [32, 64, 128],
    13. seg_head_inter_chs = [32, 64, 64],
    14. pretrained=None)
    15. transforms = T.Compose([
    16. T.Resize(target_size=(512, 512)),
    17. T.RandomHorizontalFlip(),
    18. T.Normalize()
    19. ])
    20. model_path = 'output/best_model/model.pdparams'
    21. cap=cv2.VideoCapture(0)# 0
    22. if __name__ == '__main__':
    23. while True:
    24. rec,img = cap.read()
    25. added_image,pred_mask = predict(model=model,model_path=model_path, transforms=transforms,image_list=img)
    26. cv2.imshow('image_predict', added_image)#显示原图像与分割预测的合并图
    27. #
    28. choice_list = [0, 2]#只展示第2个类型的分割结果
    29. img = generate_img_with_choice_class(pred_mask, choice_list, 3)# PIL图像输入、展示第几个类型的分割、总的分割种类
    30. cv2.imshow('image', img)#将返回的指定分割类型的灰度图显示出来
    31. angle = HL_return(img)
    32. if (angle - 90) > 0:
    33. print("请右转:", math.fabs(angle - 90), "度")
    34. elif (angle - 90) < 0:
    35. print("请左转:", math.fabs(angle - 90), "度")
    36. elif angle == 90:
    37. print("正在保持90度直行")
    38. if cv2.waitKey(1)==ord('q'):
    39. break










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  • 原文地址:https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_51331359/article/details/126223158