• Real-Time Rendering——9.13 Blending and Filtering Materials混合和过滤材料

    Material blending is the process of combining the properties, i.e., the BRDF parameters, of multiple materials. For example, to model a sheet of metal with rust spots,we could paint a mask texture to control the rust spot locations and use it to blend between the material properties (specular color F0, diffuse color ρss, and roughness α) of rust and metal. Each of the materials being blended can also be spatially varying,with parameters stored in textures. Blending can be done as a preprocess to create a new texture, often referred to as “baking,” or on the fly in the shader. Although the surface normal n is technically not a BRDF parameter, its spatial variation is important for appearance, so material blending typically includes normal map blending as well.


    Material blending is critical to many real-time rendering applications. For example, the game The Order: 1886 has a complex material blending system [1266, 1267, 1410] that allows users to author arbitrarily deep stacks of materials drawn from an extensive library and controlled by various spatial masks. Most of the material blending is done as an offline preprocess, but certain compositing operations can be deferred to runtime as needed. This runtime processing is typically used for environments, to add unique variations to tiled textures. The popular material authoring tools Substance Painter and Substance Designer use a similar approach for material compositing, as does the Mari texture painting tool.

    材质混合对于许多实时渲染应用程序来说至关重要。例如,游戏《秩序:1886》有一个复杂的材料混合系统[1266,1267,1410],它允许用户创作任意深度的材料,这些材料来自一个庞大的库,并由各种空间遮罩控制。大多数材质混合是作为离线预处理完成的,但是某些合成操作可以根据需要推迟到运行时进行。这种运行时处理通常用于环境,为平铺纹理添加独特的变化。流行的材质创作工具Substance Painter和Substance Designer使用类似的方法进行材质合成,Mari纹理绘制工具也是如此。

    Blending texture elements on the fly provides a diverse set of effects while conserving memory. Games employ material blending for various purposes, such as:


    • Displaying dynamic damage on buildings, vehicles, and living (or undead) creatures [201, 603, 1488, 1778, 1822].
    • Enabling user customization of in-game equipment and clothing [604, 1748].
    • Increasing visual variety in characters [603, 1488] and environments [39, 656, 1038]. See Figure 20.5 on page 891 for an example.




    Sometimes one material is blended on top of another with less than 100% opacity, but even fully opaque blends will have pixels (or texels, if baking into textures) on mask boundaries where a partial blend needs to be performed. In either case, the strictly correct approach would be to evaluate the shading model for each material and blend the results. However, blending the BRDF parameters and then evaluating the shading once is much faster. In the case of material properties that have a linear or nearly linear relationship to the final shaded color, such as the diffuse and specular color parameters, little or no error is introduced by such interpolation. In many cases,even for parameters with a highly nonlinear relationship to the final shaded color (such as specular roughness), the errors introduced along mask boundaries are not objectionable. 


    Blending normal maps requires special consideration. Often good results can be achieved by treating the process as a blend between height maps from which the normal maps are derived [1086, 1087]. In some cases, such as when overlaying a detail normal map on top of a base surface, other forms of blending are preferable [106].


    Material filtering is a topic closely related to material blending. Material properties are typically stored in textures, which are filtered via mechanisms such as GPU bilinear filtering and mipmapping. However, these mechanisms are based on the assumption that the quantity being filtered (which is an input to the shading equation) has a linear relationship to the final color (the output of the shading equation). Linearity again holds for some quantities, but not in general. Artifacts can result from using linear mipmapping methods on normal maps, or on textures containing nonlinear BRDF parameters, such as roughness. These artifacts can manifest as specular aliasing (flickering highlights), or as unexpected changes in surface gloss or brightness with a change in the surface’s distance from the camera. Of these two, specular aliasing is much more noticeable; techniques for mitigating these artifacts are often referred to as specular antialiasing techniques. We will now discuss several of these methods.


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