- //多条件查询
- public abstract List
selectCondition(Student stu);
- <select id="selectCondition" resultType="student" parameterType="student">
- SELECT * FROM student
- <where>
- <if test="sid != null">
- sid = #{sid}
- if>
- <if test="name != null">
- AND name = #{name}
- if>
- <if test="age != null">
- AND age = #{age}
- if>
- where>
- select>
- @Test
- public void selectConditon() throws Exception{
- //1.加载核心配置文件
- InputStream is = Resources.getResourceAsStream("MybatisConfig.xml");
- //2.获取SqlSession工厂对象
- SqlSessionFactory sqlSessionFactory = new SqlSessionFactoryBuilder().build(is);
- //3.通过工厂对象获取SqlSession
- SqlSession sqlSession = sqlSessionFactory.openSession(true);
- //4.获取StudentMapper接口的实现类对象
- StudentMapper mapper = sqlSession.getMapper(StudentMapper.class);
- Student stu = new Student();
- stu.setSid(2);
- stu.setName("李四");
- //stu.setAge(24);
- List
list = mapper.selectCondition(stu); - for(Student student : list){
- System.out.println(student);
- }
- sqlSession.close();
- is.close();
- }
- //根据多个id查询
- public abstract List
selectByIds(List sids) ;
- <select id="selectByIds" resultType="student" parameterType="list">
- SELECT * FROM student
- <where>
- <foreach collection="list" open="sid IN (" close=")" item="sid" separator=",">
- #{sid}
- foreach>
- where>
- select>
- @Test
- public void selectByIds() throws Exception{
- //1.加载核心配置文件
- InputStream is = Resources.getResourceAsStream("MybatisConfig.xml");
- //2.获取SqlSession工厂对象
- SqlSessionFactory sqlSessionFactory = new SqlSessionFactoryBuilder().build(is);
- //3.通过工厂对象获取SqlSession
- SqlSession sqlSession = sqlSessionFactory.openSession(true);
- //4.获取StudentMapper接口的实现类对象
- StudentMapper mapper = sqlSession.getMapper(StudentMapper.class);
- List
sids = new ArrayList<>(); - sids.add(1);
- sids.add(2);
- List
list = mapper.selectByIds(sids); - for(Student student : list){
- System.out.println(student);
- }
- sqlSession.close();
- is.close();
- }
<sql id="select">SELECT * FROM studentsql>
- <select id="selectAll" resultType="student">
- <include refid="select"/>
- select>
- <select id="selectByIds" resultType="student" parameterType="list">
- <include refid="select"/>
- <where>
- <foreach collection="list" open="sid IN (" close=")" item="sid" separator=",">
- #{sid}
- foreach>
- where>
- select>