- removeIf
- stream
- parallelStream
- spliterator
- replaceAll
- sort
default boolean removeIf(Predicate super E> filter)
List<Integer> list = Lists.newArrayList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9);
// 删除列表中大于5的数
list.removeIf(item -> item > 5);
// [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
default void replaceAll(UnaryOperator operator)
List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4);
list.replaceAll(item -> item * 2);
list.forEach(System.out::println); // 2, 4, 6, 8
default void sort(Comparator super E> c)
List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4);
list.sort(Comparator.comparingInt(o -> o)); // 正序
list.sort((o1, o2) -> o2 - o1); // 倒序
default Spliterator spliterator()
List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4);
Spliterator<Integer> spliterator = list.spliterator();
- getOrDefault
- forEach
- putIfAbsent
- compute
- computeIfAbsent
- computeIfPresent
- merge
- remove(key, value)
- replace
- replaceAll
default V getOrDefault(Object key, V defaultValue)
Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<String, Integer>() {{
put("one", 1);
put("two", 2);
put("three", 3);
Integer one = map.getOrDefault("one", 11111);
System.out.println("one = " + one); // 1
Integer value = map.getOrDefault("four", 44444);
System.out.println("value = " + value); // 44444
default void forEach(BiConsumer super K,? super V> action)
Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<String, Integer>() {{
put("one", 1);
put("two", 2);
put("three", 3);
// 将value都乘2
map.forEach((key, value) -> {
map.put(key, value * 2);
map.forEach((k, v) -> System.out.println(k + "---" + v));
default V putIfAbsent(K key, V value)
// 创建一个 HashMap
HashMap<Integer, String> sites = new HashMap<>();
// 往 HashMap 添加一些元素
sites.put(1, "Google");
sites.put(2, "Runoob");
sites.put(3, "Taobao");
System.out.println("sites HashMap: " + sites);
// HashMap 不存在该key
sites.putIfAbsent(4, "Weibo");
// HashMap 中存在 Key
sites.putIfAbsent(2, "Wiki");
System.out.println("Updated Languages: " + sites);
//sites HashMap: {1=Google, 2=Runoob, 3=Taobao}
//Updated sites HashMap: {1=Google, 2=Runoob, 3=Taobao, 4=Weibo}
default V compute(K key, BiFunction super K,? super V,? extends V> remappingFunction)
//创建一个 HashMap
HashMap<String, Integer> prices = new HashMap<>();
// 往HashMap中添加映射项
prices.put("Shoes", 200);
prices.put("Bag", 300);
prices.put("Pant", 150);
System.out.println("HashMap: " + prices);
// 重新计算鞋子价格, -50
int newPrice = prices.compute("Shoes", (s, integer) -> integer - 50);
System.out.println("Discounted Price of Shoes: " + newPrice);
// 输出更新后的HashMap
System.out.println("Updated HashMap: " + prices);
// HashMap: {Pant=150, Bag=300, Shoes=200}
// Discounted Price of Shoes: 150
// Updated HashMap: {Pant=150, Bag=300, Shoes=150}
如果map中key不存在 或 key存在但value=null 的情况, 会重新进行计算
default V computeIfAbsent(K key, Function super K,? extends V> mappingFunction)
// 创建一个 HashMap
HashMap<String, Integer> prices = new HashMap<>();
// 往HashMap中添加映射项
prices.put("Shoes", 200);
prices.put("Bag", 300);
prices.put("Pant", 150);
System.out.println("HashMap: " + prices);
// 计算 Shirt 的值
int shirtPrice = prices.computeIfAbsent("Shirt", s -> 200);
System.out.println("Price of Shirt: " + shirtPrice);
// 输出更新后的HashMap
System.out.println("Updated HashMap: " + prices);
// 上面的key不存在的情况,将不存在的key,以及value存到map
// 如果key以及在map中存在,直接返回key的value,不进行计算了
HashMap: {Pant=150, Bag=300, Shoes=200}
Price of Shirt: 280
Updated HashMap: {Pant=150, Shirt=280, Bag=300, Shoes=200}
只对map中存在的key, 进行计算, 并添加到map
default V computeIfPresent(K key, BiFunction super K,? super V,? extends V> remappingFunction)
// 创建一个 HashMap
HashMap<String, Integer> prices = new HashMap<>();
// 往HashMap中添加映射项
prices.put("Shoes", 200);
prices.put("Bag", 300);
prices.put("Pant", 150);
System.out.println("HashMap: " + prices);
// 对于ABC不存的key,不会计算,也不会添加到HashMap中
// Integer abc = prices.computeIfPresent("ABC", (s, integer) -> integer * 2);
// System.out.println("abc = " + abc); // null
// System.out.println("HashMap: " + prices); // HashMap: {Pant=150, Bag=300, Shoes=200}
Integer shoesNewPrice = prices.computeIfPresent("Shoes", (key, value) -> value * 2);
System.out.println("shoesNewPrice = " + shoesNewPrice); // 400
System.out.println("HashMap: " + prices); //HashMap: {Pant=150, Bag=300, Shoes=400}
default V merge(K key, V value, BiFunction super V,? super V,? extends V> remappingFunction)
default boolean remove(Object key, Object value)
Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<String, Integer>() {{
put("one", 1);
put("two", 2);
boolean one = map.remove("one", 111);
System.out.println("one = " + one); // false
boolean one1 = map.remove("one", 1);
System.out.println("one1 = " + one1); // true
- default V replace(K key, V value)
- 当map中存在该key的时候,才替换value
- default boolean replace(K key, V oldValue, V newValue)
- 当map中存在该key且映射的值等于oldValue时, 才替换成newValue
- default void replaceAll(BiFunction super K,? super V,? extends V> function)
- 对map中的每个映射执行function指定的操作,并用function的执行结果替换原来的value
Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<String, Integer>() {{
put("one", 1);
put("two", 2);
System.out.println(map); // {one=1, two=2}
map.replaceAll((s, integer) -> integer * 2);
System.out.println(map); // {one=2, two=4}
List<String> strList = Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c", "b", "a");
// toCollection()
Collection<String> strCollection = strList.parallelStream().collect(Collectors.toCollection(HashSet::new));
System.out.println(strCollection); // [a, b, c]
Set<String> strSet = strList.parallelStream().collect(Collectors.toCollection(HashSet::new));
System.out.println(strSet); // [a, b, c]
List<String> strList1 = strList.parallelStream().sorted(String::compareToIgnoreCase)
System.out.println(strList1); // [a, a, b, b, c]
List<String> strList = Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c", "b", "a");
List<String> uppercaseList = strList.parallelStream().map(String::toUpperCase).collect(Collectors.toList());
System.out.println(uppercaseList); // [A, B, C, B, A]
Set<String> collect = strList.parallelStream().map(String::toUpperCase).collect(Collectors.toSet());
System.out.println("collect = " + collect); // [A, B, C]
- public static
Collector > toMap(Function super T,? extends K> keyMapper, Function super T,? extends U> valueMapper) 两个参数的toMap - public static
Collector > toMap(Function super T,? extends K> keyMapper, Function super T,? extends U> valueMapper, BinaryOperator<> mergeFunction) 三个参数的 - public static
> Collector toMap(Function super T,? extends K> keyMapper, Function super T,? extends U> valueMapper, BinaryOperator mergeFunction, Supplier<> mapFactory) 四个参数的
List<String> strList = Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c");
Map<String, String> map =, new Function<String, String>() {
public String apply(String s) {
// 设置value
return s.toUpperCase() + ":gzy";
System.out.println("map = " + map); // map = {a=A:gzy, b=B:gzy, c=C:gzy}
// -----------------------
List<String> strList2 = Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c", "a", "b", "a");
Map<String, String> map2 =, String::toUpperCase, new BinaryOperator<String>() {
public String apply(String s1, String s2) {
return s1 + "_" + s2;
// 第三个参数是为了解决,相同key的问题,通过指定规则来合并
System.out.println("map2 = " + map2); // map2 = {a=A_A_A, b=B_B, c=C}
// -----------------------
List<String> strList3 = Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c", "a", "b", "a");
TreeMap<String, String> treeMap =, String::toUpperCase, new BinaryOperator<String>() {
public String apply(String s1, String s2) {
return s1 + "_" + s2;
}, new Supplier<TreeMap<String, String>>() {
public TreeMap<String, String> get() {
return new TreeMap<>();
System.out.println("treeMap = " + treeMap); // treeMap = {a=A_A_A, b=B_B, c=C}
List<String> strList = Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c");
// 等同 String collect = String.join("", strList)
String collect =;
System.out.println("collect = " + collect); // abc
// String collect1 = String.join("-", strList);
String collect1 ="-"));
System.out.println("collect1 = " + collect1);
// 在拼接后的字符,之前和之后加上前缀后缀
String collect2 ="-", "0", "9"));
System.out.println("collect2 = " + collect2);
collect = abc
collect1 = a-b-c
collect2 = 0a-b-c9
Set<String> setStr = Stream.of("a", "a", "b")
.collect(Collectors.mapping(String::toUpperCase, Collectors.toSet()));
System.out.println(setStr); // [A, B]
Set<String> setStr1 = Stream.of("a", "a", "b")
.collect(Collectors.flatMapping(s -> Stream.of(s.toUpperCase()), Collectors.toSet()));
System.out.println(setStr1); // [A, B]
List<String> strList2 = Lists.newArrayList("1", "2", "10", "100", "20", "999");
Set<String> set = strList2.parallelStream()
.collect(Collectors.filtering(s -> s.length() < 2, Collectors.toSet()));
System.out.println(set); // [1, 2]
Long evenCount = Stream.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5).filter(x -> x % 2 == 0).collect(Collectors.counting());
System.out.println(evenCount); // 2
Optional<Integer> min = Stream.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5).collect(Collectors.minBy((x, y) -> x - y));
System.out.println(min); // Optional[1]
Optional<Integer> max = Stream.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5).collect(Collectors.maxBy((x, y) -> x - y));
System.out.println(max); // Optional[5]
List<String> strList3 = Arrays.asList("1", "2", "3", "4", "5");
Integer sum = strList3.parallelStream().collect(Collectors.summingInt(Integer::parseInt));
System.out.println(sum); // 15
Long sumL = Stream.of("12", "23").collect(Collectors.summingLong(Long::parseLong));
System.out.println(sumL); // 35
Double sumD = Stream.of("1e2", "2e3").collect(Collectors.summingDouble(Double::parseDouble));
System.out.println(sumD); // 2100.0
List<String> strList4 = Arrays.asList("1", "2", "3", "4", "5");
Double average = strList4.parallelStream().collect(Collectors.averagingInt(Integer::parseInt));
System.out.println(average); // 3.0
Double averageL = Stream.of("12", "23").collect(Collectors.averagingLong(Long::parseLong));
System.out.println(averageL); // 17.5
Double averageD = Stream.of("1e2", "2e3").collect(Collectors.averagingDouble(Double::parseDouble));
System.out.println(averageD); // 1050.0
当我们使用 Stream 流处理数据后,可以根据某个属性来将数据进行分组。
Map<Integer, List<Integer>> mapGroupBy = Stream.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3).collect(Collectors.groupingBy(x -> x * 10));
System.out.println(mapGroupBy); // {50=[5], 20=[2], 40=[4, 4], 10=[1], 30=[3, 3]}
* Stream流数据--分组操作
* 备注:切记Stream流只能被消费一次,流就失效了
public class CollectDataToArray{
public static void main(String[] args) {
Stream<Student> studentStream = Stream.of(
new Student("赵丽颖", 52, 56),
new Student("杨颖", 56, 88),
new Student("迪丽热巴", 56, 99),
new Student("柳岩", 52, 53)
Map<Integer, List<Student>> map = studentStream.collect(Collectors.groupingBy((s -> s.getAge())));
System.out.println(key + "---->"+value);
//2.按照分数>=60 分为"及格"一组 <60 分为"不及格"一组
Map<String, List<Student>> map = studentStream.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(s -> {
if (s.getScore() >= 60) {
return "及格";
} else {
return "不及格";
System.out.println(key + "---->"+value.get());
Map<Integer, Optional<Student>> reducingMap = studentStream.collect(
reducingMap .forEach((key,value)->{
System.out.println(key + "---->"+value);
52---->[Student{name='赵丽颖', age=52, score=56}, Student{name='柳岩', age=52, score=53}]
56---->[Student{name='杨颖', age=56, score=88}, Student{name='迪丽热巴', age=56, score=99}]
不及格---->[Student{name='赵丽颖', age=52, score=56}, Student{name='柳岩', age=52, score=53}]
及格---->[Student{name='杨颖', age=56, score=88}, Student{name='迪丽热巴', age=56, score=99}]
52---->Student{name='赵丽颖', age=52, score=95}
56---->Student{name='杨颖', age=56, score=88}
* Stream流数据--多级分组操作
* 备注:切记Stream流只能被消费一次,流就失效了
public class CollectDataToArray{
public static void main(String[] args) {
Stream<Student> studentStream = Stream.of(
new Student("赵丽颖", 52, 95),
new Student("杨颖", 56, 88),
new Student("迪丽热巴", 56, 55),
new Student("柳岩", 52, 33)
//分析:第一个Collectors.groupingBy() 使用的是(年龄+成绩)两个维度分组,所以使用两个参数 groupingBy()方法
// 第二个Collectors.groupingBy() 就是用成绩分组,使用一个参数 groupingBy() 方法
Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<Student>>>> map = studentStream.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(str -> str.getAge(), Collectors.groupingBy(str -> str.getScore(), Collectors.groupingBy((student) -> {
if (student.getScore() >= 60) {
return "及格";
} else {
return "不及格";
System.out.println("年龄:" + key);
System.out.println("\t" + v2);
{不及格=[Student{name='柳岩', age=52, score=33}]}
{及格=[Student{name='赵丽颖', age=52, score=95}]}
{不及格=[Student{name='迪丽热巴', age=56, score=55}]}
{及格=[Student{name='杨颖', age=56, score=88}]}
Map<Integer, List<Integer>> mapGroupBy = Stream.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3).collect(Collectors.groupingByConcurrent(x -> x * 10));
System.out.println(mapGroupBy); // {50=[5], 20=[2], 40=[4, 4], 10=[1], 30=[3, 3]}
分组和分区的区别就在:分组可以有多个组。分区只会有两个区( true 和 false)
Map<Boolean, List<Integer>> mapPartitionBy = Stream.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3).collect(Collectors.partitioningBy(x -> x % 2 == 0));
System.out.println(mapPartitionBy); // {false=[1, 3, 5, 3], true=[2, 4, 4]}
Map<Boolean, Optional<Integer>> reducing = Stream.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3).collect(Collectors.partitioningBy(
x -> x % 2 == 0, Collectors.reducing(BinaryOperator.maxBy(Comparator.comparing(Integer::intValue)))));
System.out.println(reducing); // {false=Optional[5], true=Optional[4]}
返回统计数据:min, max, average, count, sum
IntSummaryStatistics summarizingInt = Stream.of("12", "23", "35")
//IntSummaryStatistics{count=3, sum=70, min=12, average=23.333333, max=35}