- class MyClass
- {
- public:
- int GetValue() { return _value; }
- void SetValue(int num) { _value = num; }
- string GetStrValue() { return _strValue; }
- void SetValue(string str) { _strValue = str; }
- private:
- int _value;
- string _strValue;
- };
在Windows系统下使用VS IED有种方式可以实现和C#属性的用法类似的方式:
属性 (C++) | Microsoft Docs 微软的文档
Microsoft 专用
此特性可应用于类或结构定义中的非静态“虚拟数据成员”。 编译器通过将这些“虚拟数据成员”的引用更改为函数调用来将其作为数据成员处理。
- __declspec(property(get = GetValue, put = SetValue)) int value;
- __declspec(property(get = GetStrValue, put = SetValue)) string strValue;
这行语法的内容是,只有 __declspec(property(get = GetValue, put = SetValue)) int value;
- MyClass myc;
- myc.value = 10;
- myc.strValue = "hello world";
- cout << myc.value << endl;
- cout << myc.strValue << endl;
- template <typename T>
- class MyTempClass
- {
- public:
- T GetValue() { return _value; }
- void SetValue(T num) { _value = num; }
- __declspec(property(get = GetValue, put = SetValue)) T value;
- private:
- T _value;
- };
- MyTempClass<int> Mytc;
- Mytc.value = 20;
- cout << Mytc.value << endl;
- MyTempClass
strMytc; - strMytc.value = "qwert";
- cout << strMytc.value << endl;
- MyTempClass<double> dMytc;
- dMytc.value = 3.1415;
- cout << dMytc.value << endl;
- // CppGetSet.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
- //
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include
- #include
- using namespace std;
- class MyClass
- {
- public:
- int GetValue() { return _value; }
- void SetValue(int num) { _value = num; }
- string GetStrValue() { return _strValue; }
- void SetValue(string str) { _strValue = str; }
- __declspec(property(get = GetValue, put = SetValue)) int value;
- __declspec(property(get = GetStrValue, put = SetValue)) string strValue;
- private:
- int _value;
- string _strValue;
- };
- template <typename T>
- class MyTempClass
- {
- public:
- T GetValue() { return _value; }
- void SetValue(T num) { _value = num; }
- __declspec(property(get = GetValue, put = SetValue)) T value;
- private:
- T _value;
- };
- int main()
- {
- MyClass myc;
- myc.value = 10;
- myc.strValue = "hello world";
- cout << myc.value << endl;
- cout << myc.strValue << endl;
- MyTempClass<int> Mytc;
- Mytc.value = 20;
- cout << Mytc.value << endl;
- MyTempClass
strMytc; - strMytc.value = "qwert";
- cout << strMytc.value << endl;
- MyTempClass<double> dMytc;
- dMytc.value = 3.1415;
- cout << dMytc.value << endl;
- return 0;
- }