john@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install nodejs
john@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install npm
john@ubuntu:~/roslibjs$ pwd
john@ubuntu:~$ git clone https://github.com/RobotWebTools/roslibjs.git
john@ubuntu:~/roslibjs$ npm install
#提示需要执行npm audit fix
john@ubuntu:~/roslibjs$ npm audit fix
john@ubuntu:~/roslibjs$ npm install
这里的主要测试html的代码是simple.html, 参考https://github.com/RobotWebTools/roslibjs/blob/develop/examples/simple.html
"utf-8" />
Simple roslib Example
Run the following commands in the terminal then refresh this page. Check the JavaScript
console for the output.
- roscore
- rostopic pub /listener std_msgs/String "Hello, World"
- rostopic echo /cmd_vel
- rosrun rospy_tutorials add_two_ints_server
- roslaunch rosbridge_server rosbridge_websocket.launch
Connecting to rosbridge...
"connected" style="color:#00D600; display:none">
"error" style="color:#FF0000; display:none">
Error in the backend!
"closed" style="display:none">
Connection closed.
Simple roslib Example
john@ubuntu:~$ roscore
... logging to /home/john/.ros/log/9ce7d29e-119b-11ed-ad09-9d6885123387/roslaunch-ubuntu-14886.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
started roslaunch server http://ubuntu:45603/
ros_comm version 1.15.14
* /rosdistro: noetic
* /rosversion: 1.15.14
auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [14895]
setting /run_id to 9ce7d29e-119b-11ed-ad09-9d6885123387
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [14906]
started core service [/rosout]
rostopic pub /listener std_msgs/String "Hello, World"
john@ubuntu:~$ rostopic pub /listener std_msgs/String "Hello, World"
publishing and latching message. Press ctrl-C to terminate
john@ubuntu:~$ rostopic echo /cmd_vel
WARNING: topic [/cmd_vel] does not appear to be published yet
x: 0.1
y: 0.2
z: 0.3
x: -0.1
y: -0.2
z: -0.3
`roslaunch rosbridge_server rosbridge_websocket.launch`的输出:
john@ubuntu:~$ roslaunch rosbridge_server rosbridge_websocket.launch
... logging to /home/john/.ros/log/9ce7d29e-119b-11ed-ad09-9d6885123387/roslaunch-ubuntu-15411.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
started roslaunch server http://ubuntu:43691/
* /rosapi/params_glob: [*]
* /rosapi/services_glob: [*]
* /rosapi/topics_glob: [*]
* /rosbridge_websocket/address:
* /rosbridge_websocket/authenticate: False
* /rosbridge_websocket/bson_only_mode: False
* /rosbridge_websocket/delay_between_messages: 0
* /rosbridge_websocket/fragment_timeout: 600
* /rosbridge_websocket/max_message_size: None
* /rosbridge_websocket/params_glob: [*]
* /rosbridge_websocket/port: 9090
* /rosbridge_websocket/retry_startup_delay: 5
* /rosbridge_websocket/services_glob: [*]
* /rosbridge_websocket/topics_glob: [*]
* /rosbridge_websocket/unregister_timeout: 10
* /rosbridge_websocket/use_compression: False
* /rosbridge_websocket/websocket_external_port: None
* /rosbridge_websocket/websocket_ping_interval: 0
* /rosbridge_websocket/websocket_ping_timeout: 30
* /rosdistro: noetic
* /rosversion: 1.15.14
rosapi (rosapi/rosapi_node)
rosbridge_websocket (rosbridge_server/rosbridge_websocket)
process[rosbridge_websocket-1]: started with pid [15432]
process[rosapi-2]: started with pid [15434]
2022-08-01 21:13:32+0800 [-] Log opened.
[INFO] [1659359612.771473]: Rosapi started
2022-08-01 21:13:32+0800 [-] registered capabilities (classes):
2022-08-01 21:13:32+0800 [-] - <class 'rosbridge_library.capabilities.call_service.CallService'>
2022-08-01 21:13:32+0800 [-] - <class 'rosbridge_library.capabilities.advertise.Advertise'>
2022-08-01 21:13:32+0800 [-] - <class 'rosbridge_library.capabilities.publish.Publish'>
2022-08-01 21:13:32+0800 [-] - <class 'rosbridge_library.capabilities.subscribe.Subscribe'>
2022-08-01 21:13:32+0800 [-] - <class 'rosbridge_library.capabilities.defragmentation.Defragment'>
2022-08-01 21:13:32+0800 [-] - <class 'rosbridge_library.capabilities.advertise_service.AdvertiseService'>
2022-08-01 21:13:32+0800 [-] - <class 'rosbridge_library.capabilities.service_response.ServiceResponse'>
2022-08-01 21:13:32+0800 [-] - <class 'rosbridge_library.capabilities.unadvertise_service.UnadvertiseService'>
2022-08-01 21:13:33+0800 [-] WebSocketServerFactory starting on 9090
2022-08-01 21:13:33+0800 [-] Starting factory <autobahn.twisted.websocket.WebSocketServerFactory object at 0x7fe5550d17f0>
2022-08-01 21:13:33+0800 [-] [INFO] [1659359613.034557]: Rosbridge WebSocket server started at ws://
2022-08-01 21:43:13+0800 [-] [INFO] [1659361393.971597]: Client connected. 1 clients total.
2022-08-01 21:43:14+0800 [-] [ERROR] [1659361394.318899]: [Client 0] [id: advertise:/tf2_web_republisher/goal:1] advertise: Unable to load the manifest for package tf2_web_republisher. Caused by: tf2_web_republisher
2022-08-01 21:43:14+0800 [-] ROS path [0]=/opt/ros/noetic/share/ros
2022-08-01 21:43:14+0800 [-] ROS path [1]=/home/john/jetmax/src
2022-08-01 21:43:14+0800 [-] ROS path [2]=/home/john/catkin_ws/src
2022-08-01 21:43:14+0800 [-] ROS path [3]=/opt/ros/noetic/share
2022-08-01 21:43:15+0800 [-] [ERROR] [1659361395.049878]: [Client 0] [id: subscribe:/tf2_web_republisher/feedback:3] subscribe: Unable to load the manifest for package tf2_web_republisher. Caused by: tf2_web_republisher
2022-08-01 21:43:15+0800 [-] ROS path [0]=/opt/ros/noetic/share/ros
2022-08-01 21:43:15+0800 [-] ROS path [1]=/home/john/jetmax/src
2022-08-01 21:43:15+0800 [-] ROS path [2]=/home/john/catkin_ws/src
2022-08-01 21:43:15+0800 [-] ROS path [3]=/opt/ros/noetic/share
2022-08-01 21:43:15+0800 [-] [ERROR] [1659361395.054902]: [Client 0] [id: publish:/tf2_web_republisher/goal:4] publish: Cannot infer topic type for topic /tf2_web_republisher/goal as it is not yet advertised
2022-08-01 21:43:20+0800 [-] [INFO] [1659361400.824869]: Client disconnected. 0 clients total.
2022-08-01 21:43:21+0800 [-] [INFO] [1659361401.006295]: Client connected. 1 clients total.
2022-08-01 21:43:21+0800 [-] [ERROR] [1659361401.142243]: [Client 1] [id: advertise:/tf2_web_republisher/goal:1] advertise: Unable to load the manifest for package tf2_web_republisher. Caused by: tf2_web_republisher
2022-08-01 21:43:21+0800 [-] ROS path [0]=/opt/ros/noetic/share/ros
2022-08-01 21:43:21+0800 [-] ROS path [1]=/home/john/jetmax/src
2022-08-01 21:43:21+0800 [-] ROS path [2]=/home/john/catkin_ws/src
2022-08-01 21:43:21+0800 [-] ROS path [3]=/opt/ros/noetic/share
2022-08-01 21:43:21+0800 [-] [ERROR] [1659361401.146786]: [Client 1] [id: subscribe:/tf2_web_republisher/feedback:3] subscribe: Unable to load the manifest for package tf2_web_republisher. Caused by: tf2_web_republisher
2022-08-01 21:43:21+0800 [-] ROS path [0]=/opt/ros/noetic/share/ros
2022-08-01 21:43:21+0800 [-] ROS path [1]=/home/john/jetmax/src
2022-08-01 21:43:21+0800 [-] ROS path [2]=/home/john/catkin_ws/src
2022-08-01 21:43:21+0800 [-] ROS path [3]=/opt/ros/noetic/share
2022-08-01 21:43:21+0800 [-] [ERROR] [1659361401.154688]: [Client 1] [id: publish:/tf2_web_republisher/goal:4] publish: Cannot infer topic type for topic /tf2_web_republisher/goal as it is not yet advertised
2022-08-01 21:45:54+0800 [-] [INFO] [1659361554.937012]: Client disconnected. 0 clients total.
2022-08-01 21:45:55+0800 [-] [INFO] [1659361555.125830]: Client connected. 1 clients total.
2022-08-01 21:45:55+0800 [-] [ERROR] [1659361555.218223]: [Client 2] [id: advertise:/tf2_web_republisher/goal:1] advertise: Unable to load the manifest for package tf2_web_republisher. Caused by: tf2_web_republisher
2022-08-01 21:45:55+0800 [-] ROS path [0]=/opt/ros/noetic/share/ros
2022-08-01 21:45:55+0800 [-] ROS path [1]=/home/john/jetmax/src
2022-08-01 21:45:55+0800 [-] ROS path [2]=/home/john/catkin_ws/src
2022-08-01 21:45:55+0800 [-] ROS path [3]=/opt/ros/noetic/share
2022-08-01 21:45:55+0800 [-] [ERROR] [1659361555.223203]: [Client 2] [id: subscribe:/tf2_web_republisher/feedback:3] subscribe: Unable to load the manifest for package tf2_web_republisher. Caused by: tf2_web_republisher
2022-08-01 21:45:55+0800 [-] ROS path [0]=/opt/ros/noetic/share/ros
2022-08-01 21:45:55+0800 [-] ROS path [1]=/home/john/jetmax/src
2022-08-01 21:45:55+0800 [-] ROS path [2]=/home/john/catkin_ws/src
2022-08-01 21:45:55+0800 [-] ROS path [3]=/opt/ros/noetic/share
2022-08-01 21:45:55+0800 [-] [ERROR] [1659361555.227773]: [Client 2] [id: publish:/tf2_web_republisher/goal:4] publish: Cannot infer topic type for topic /tf2_web_republisher/goal as it is not yet advertised
2022-08-01 21:46:22+0800 [-] [INFO] [1659361582.056263]: Client disconnected. 0 clients total.
2022-08-01 21:46:26+0800 [-] [INFO] [1659361586.740728]: Client connected. 1 clients total.
2022-08-01 21:46:26+0800 [-] [INFO] [1659361586.873740]: [Client 3] Subscribed to /listener
2022-08-01 21:46:26+0800 [-] [INFO] [1659361586.910506]: [Client 3] Advertised service /set_bool.
2022-08-01 21:46:26+0800 [-] [INFO] [1659361586.959539]: [Client 3] Unsubscribed from /listener
2022-08-01 21:50:56+0800 [-] [INFO] [1659361856.983826]: Client disconnected. 0 clients total.
2022-08-01 21:50:57+0800 [-] [INFO] [1659361857.427746]: Client connected. 1 clients total.
2022-08-01 21:50:57+0800 [-] [INFO] [1659361857.462512]: [Client 4] Subscribed to /listener
2022-08-01 21:50:57+0800 [-] [WARN] [1659361857.465272]: [Client 4] Duplicate service advertised. Overwriting /set_bool.
2022-08-01 21:50:57+0800 [-] [INFO] [1659361857.481433]: [Client 4] Advertised service /set_bool.
2022-08-01 21:50:57+0800 [-] [INFO] [1659361857.527972]: [Client 4] Unsubscribed from /listener
rosrun rospy_tutorials add_two_ints_server
john@ubuntu:~$ rosrun rospy_tutorials add_two_ints_server
Returning [1 + 2 = 3]
Ctrl + Shift + K
Connection closed. simple.html:32:13
Connection made! simple.html:24:13
Result for service call on /add_two_ints: 3 simple.html:108:13
Received message on /listener: Hello, World simple.html:82:13
Array(27) [ "/run_id", "/roslaunch/uris/host_ubuntu__45603", "/roslaunch/uris/host_ubuntu__43691", "/rosversion", "/rosdistro", "/rosbridge_websocket/authenticate", "/rosbridge_websocket/port", "/rosbridge_websocket/address", "/rosbridge_websocket/retry_startup_delay", "/rosbridge_websocket/fragment_timeout", … ]
0: "/run_id"
1: "/roslaunch/uris/host_ubuntu__45603"
2: "/roslaunch/uris/host_ubuntu__43691"
3: "/rosversion"
4: "/rosdistro"
5: "/rosbridge_websocket/authenticate"
6: "/rosbridge_websocket/port"
7: "/rosbridge_websocket/address"
8: "/rosbridge_websocket/retry_startup_delay"
9: "/rosbridge_websocket/fragment_timeout"
10: "/rosbridge_websocket/delay_between_messages"
11: "/rosbridge_websocket/max_message_size"
12: "/rosbridge_websocket/unregister_timeout"
13: "/rosbridge_websocket/use_compression"
14: "/rosbridge_websocket/websocket_ping_interval"
15: "/rosbridge_websocket/websocket_ping_timeout"
16: "/rosbridge_websocket/websocket_external_port"
17: "/rosbridge_websocket/topics_glob"
18: "/rosbridge_websocket/services_glob"
19: "/rosbridge_websocket/params_glob"
20: "/rosbridge_websocket/bson_only_mode"
21: "/rosbridge_websocket/actual_port"
22: "/rosapi/topics_glob"
23: "/rosapi/services_glob"
24: "/rosapi/params_glob"
25: "/favorite_color"
26: "/max_vel_y"
length: 27
<prototype>: Array []
MAX VAL: 0.8 simple.html:145:13
My robot's favorite color is red simple.html:158:13
Basic ROS functionality with roslibjs