PX4 Log主要是用于记录飞控内部数据状态和信息,应用场景主要有以下几种:
为此,PX4 Log在设计上通过以下进行切割:
| Header |
| Definitions |
| Data |
| 0x55 0x4c 0x6f 0x67 0x01 0x12 0x35 | 0x01 | uint64_t |
| File magic (7B) | Version (1B) | Timestamp (8B) |
struct message_header_s {
uint16_t msg_size;
uint8_t msg_type;
struct ulog_message_flag_bits_s {
struct message_header_s header; // msg_type = 'B'
uint8_t compat_flags[8];
uint8_t incompat_flags[8];
uint64_t appended_offsets[3]; // file offset(s) for appended data if appending bit is set
struct message_format_s {
struct message_header_s header; // msg_type = 'F'
char format[header.msg_size];
struct ulog_message_info_header_s {
struct message_header_s header; // msg_type = 'I'
uint8_t key_len;
char key[key_len];
char value[header.msg_size-1-key_len]
struct ulog_message_info_multiple_header_s {
struct message_header_s header; // msg_type = 'M'
uint8_t is_continued; // can be used for arrays
uint8_t key_len;
char key[key_len];
char value[header.msg_size-2-key_len]
struct message_info_s {
struct message_header_s header; // msg_type = 'P'
uint8_t key_len;
char key[key_len];
char value[header.msg_size-1-key_len]
struct ulog_message_parameter_default_header_s {
struct message_header_s header; // msg_type = 'Q'
uint8_t default_types;
uint8_t key_len;
char key[key_len];
char value[header.msg_size-2-key_len]
struct message_add_logged_s {
struct message_header_s header; // msg_type = 'A'
uint8_t multi_id;
uint16_t msg_id;
char message_name[header.msg_size-3];
struct message_remove_logged_s {
struct message_header_s header; // msg_type = 'R'
uint16_t msg_id;
struct message_data_s {
struct message_header_s header; // msg_type = 'D'
uint16_t msg_id;
uint8_t data[header.msg_size-2];
struct message_logging_s {
struct message_header_s header; // msg_type = 'L'
uint8_t log_level;
uint64_t timestamp;
char message[header.msg_size-9]
struct message_logging_tagged_s {
struct message_header_s header; // msg_type = 'C'
uint8_t log_level;
uint16_t tag;
uint64_t timestamp;
char message[header.msg_size-9]
struct message_sync_s {
struct message_header_s header; // msg_type = 'S'
uint8_t sync_magic[8];
struct message_dropout_s {
struct message_header_s header; // msg_type = 'O'
uint16_t duration;
略:与3.3 I: Information 消息共用同样的消息结构体
略:与3.4 M: Multi Information 消息共用同样的消息结构体
略:与3.5 P: Parameter 消息共用同样的消息结构体
略:与3.6 Q: Default Parameter 消息共用同样的消息结构体
pxh> logger
### Description
System logger which logs a configurable set of uORB topics and system printf messages
(`PX4_WARN` and
Usage: logger [arguments...]
[-m ] Backend mode
values: file|mavlink|all, default: all
[-x] Enable/disable logging via Aux1 RC channel
[-e] Enable logging right after start until disarm (otherwise only when armed)
[-f] Log until shutdown (implies -e)
[-t] Use date/time for naming log directories and files
[-r ] Log rate in Hz, 0 means unlimited rate
default: 280
[-b ] Log buffer size in KiB
default: 12
[-p ] Poll on a topic instead of running with fixed rate (Log rate and topic intervals are ignored if this i
[-c ] Log rate factor (higher is faster)
default: 1.0
on start logging now, override arming (logger must be running)
off stop logging now, override arming (logger must be running)
status print status info
pxh> replay
### Description
This module is used to replay ULog files.
There are 2 environment variables used for configuration: `
Usage: replay [arguments...]
start Start replay, using log file from ENV variable 'replay'
trystart Same as 'start', but silently exit if no log file given
tryapplyparams Try to apply the parameters from the log file
status print status info
pxh> hardfault_log
### Description
Hardfault utility
Used in startup scripts to handle hardfaults
Usage: hardfault_log command
check Check if there's an uncommited hardfault
rearm Drop an uncommited hardfault
fault Generate a hardfault (this command crashes the system :)
0|1 Hardfault type: 0=divide by 0, 1=Assertion (default=0)
commit Write uncommited hardfault to /fs/microsd/fault_-1816558944.txt (and rearm, but don't reset)
count Read the reboot counter, counts the number of reboots of an uncommited hardfault (returned as the exit code of the program)
reset Reset the reboot counter
【2】PX4 Logging
【3】PX4 ULog File Format
【4】PX4 logger模块
【5】PX4 replay模块
【6】PX4 hardfault log模块