• TCP/IP Illustrated Episode 6

    Multiplexing, Demultiplexing, and Encapsulation in TCP/IP

    We have already discussed the basics of protocol multiplexing, demultiplexing, and encapsulation. At each layer there is an identifier that allows a receiving system to determine which protocol or data stream belongs together. Usually there is also addressing information at each layer. This information is used to ensure that a PDU has been delivered to the right place. Figure 1-6 shows how demultiplexing works in a hypothetical Internet host.

    Although it is not really part of the TCP/IP suite, we shall begin bottom-up and mention how demultiplexing from the link layer is performed, using Ethernet as an example. We discuss several link-layer protocols in Chapter 3. An arriving Ethernet frame contains a 48-bit destination address (also called a link-layer or MAC—Media Access Control—address) and a 16-bit field called the Ethernet type. A value of 0x0800 (hexadecimal) indicates that the frame contains an IPv4 datagram. Values of 0x0806 and 0x86DD indicate ARP and IPv6, respectively. Assuming that the destination address matches one of the receiving system’s addresses, the frame is received and checked for errors, and the Ethernet Type field value is used to select which network-layer protocol should process it.

    Port Numbers

    Port numbers are 16-bit nonnegative integers (i.e., range 0–65535). These numbers are abstract and do not refer to anything physical. Instead, each IP address has 65,536 associated port numbers for each transport protocol that uses port numbers (most do), and they are used for determining the correct receiving application. For client/server applications (see Section 1.5.1), a server first “binds” to a port number, and subsequently one or more clients establish connections to the port number using a particular transport protocol on a particular machine. In this sense, port numbers act more like telephone number extensions, except they are usually assigned by standards.

    Standard port numbers are assigned by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). The set of numbers is divided into special ranges, including the well-known port numbers (0–1023), the registered port numbers (1024–49151), and the dynamic/private port numbers (49152–65535). Traditionally, servers wishing to bind to (i.e., offer service on) a well-known port require special privileges such as administrator or “root” access.


    If we examine the port numbers for these standard services and other standard TCP/IP services (Telnet, FTP, SMTP, etc.), we see that most are odd numbers. This is historical, as these port numbers are derived from the NCP port numbers. (NCP, the Network Control Protocol, preceded TCP as a transport-layer protocol for the ARPANET.) NCP was simplex, not full duplex, so each application required two connections, and an even-odd pair of port numbers was reserved for each application. When TCP and UDP became the standard transport layers, only a single port number was needed per application, yet the odd port numbers from NCP were used.

    The registered port numbers are available to clients or servers with special privileges, but IANA keeps a reserved registry for particular uses, so these port numbers should generally be avoided when developing new applications unless an IANA allocation has been procured. The dynamic/private port numbers are essentially unregulated.

    Names, Addresses, and the DNS

    With TCP/IP, each link-layer interface on each computer (including routers) has at least one IP address. IP addresses are enough to identify a host, but they are not very convenient for humans to remember or manipulate (especially the long addresses used with IPv6). In the TCP/IP world, the DNS is a distributed database that provides the mapping between host names and IP addresses (and vice versa). Names are set up in a hierarchy, ending in domains such as .com, .org, .gov, .in, .uk, and .edu. Perhaps surprisingly, DNS is an application-layer protocol and thus depends on the other protocols in order to operate. Although most of the TCP/IP suite does not use or care about names, typical users (e.g., those using Web browsers) use names frequently, so if the DNS fails to function properly, normal Internet access is effectively disabled. Chapter 11 looks into the DNS in detail.

    Internets, Intranets, and Extranets

    As suggested previously, the Internet has developed as the aggregate network resulting from the interconnection of constituent networks over time. The lowercase internet means multiple networks connected together, using a common protocol suite. The uppercase Internet refers to the collection of hosts around the world that can communicate with each other using TCP/IP. The Internet is an internet, but the reverse is not true.

    The easiest way to build an internet is to connect two or more networks with a router. A router is often a special-purpose device for connecting networks. The nice thing about routers is that they provide connections to many different types of physical networks: Ethernet, Wi-Fi, point-to-point links, DSL, cable Internet service, and so on.


    These devices are also called IP routers, but we will use the term router. Historically these devices were called gateways, and this term is used throughout much of the older TCP/IP literature. Today the term gateway is used for an application-layer gateway (ALG), a process that connects two different protocol suites (say, TCP/IP and IBM’s SNA) for one particular application (often electronic mail or file transfer).

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  • 原文地址:https://blog.csdn.net/myfather103/article/details/97921828