• 网络安全与基础设施安全局(CISA):两国将在网络安全方面扩大合作


    The US government’s cybersecurity agency has signed an agreement with its Ukrainian counterpart to work more closely together on cybersecurity.



    美国网络安全和基础设施安全局(CISA)本月28日宣布,其已与乌克兰国家特别通信和信息保护局(SSSCIP)签署了合作备忘录(MoC)。CISA 表示,这将进一步增进两机构之间的关系。

    根据协议,这两个机构将交换有关网络事件的信息和最佳实践。SSSCIP 副主席 Oleksandr Potii 表示,他们还将实时共享有关关键基础设施安全的技术信息。


    “网络威胁跨越国界和海洋,”CISA主任Jen Easterly说。此外,她表示俄罗斯在这场无端战争中正进行“网络侵略”。“因此,我们期待在与SSSCIP现有关系的基础上,共享信息并共同建立全球抵御网络威胁的能力。”

    本月初,SSSCIP报告称 ,今年第二季度的网络攻击激增。4 月,有消息称该国的国家电信提供商Ukrtelecom 使用泄露的员工凭证遭到网络攻击。同月,乌克兰的高压变电站遭受了一种新的Industroyer恶意软件变种攻击,该变种与2016年俄罗斯Sandworm组织对乌克兰的攻击有关。

    CISA一直在采取额外措施来保护美国的组织,曾在2月发起了一项名为Shields Up的活动,并警告该国国内组织要为可能的俄罗斯网络攻击做好准备。

    美国并不是唯一帮助乌克兰抵御俄罗斯袭击的政府。欧盟早在2月,已部署一个网络快速响应小组 (CRRT) 来帮助乌克兰。在立陶宛的带领下,该团队得到了克罗地亚、波兰、爱沙尼亚、罗马尼亚和荷兰的支持。

    The US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) announced yesterday that it had signed a Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) with the Ukrainian State Service of Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine (SSSCIP). It will extend an existing relationship between the two agencies, said CISA.

    Under the agreement, the two organizations will exchange information and best practices relating to cyber incidents. They will also share technical information about critical infrastructure security in real time, said Oleksandr Potii, deputy chairman of the SSSCIP. The MoC also authorizes the two agencies to conduct joint exercises and training sessions.

    “Cyber threats cross borders and oceans,” said CISA Director Jen Easterly, calling out Russia for “cyber aggression” in what she said was an unprovoked war. “So we look forward to building on our existing relationship with SSSCIP to share information and collectively build global resilience against cyber threats.”

    Earlier this month, the SSSCIP reported a surge in cyber-attacks in the second quarter of this year. In April, news emerged of a cyber-attack against the country’s national telecommunications provider Ukrtelecom using compromised employee credentials. The same month saw a hit against high-voltage electrical substations in Ukraine using a new variant of Industroyer malware, which was linked to a 2016 attack against Ukraine by Russia’s Sandworm group.

    CISA has also been taking extra steps to protect organizations in the US. It launched a campaign called Shields Up in February, as it warned domestic organizations to prepare against possible Russian cyber-attacks.

    The US is not the only government to help Ukraine defend itself against Russian attacks. The EU also deployed a Cyber Rapid Response Team (CRRT) to help the country in February. Led by Lithuania, the team also received support from Croatia, Poland, Estonia, Romania and the Netherlands.


    —  关于泛联新安  —



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  • 原文地址:https://blog.csdn.net/m0_50579386/article/details/126085022