目前网络上许多构建Curl和OpenSSL的教程都是很老的,并且大多数教程都是针对VS IDE进行构建。对于MinGW版本的Curl库构建,资料都很少。我从网络资料得到启发,根据项目中的指引,最终将MinGW版本的Curl和OpenSSL都构建了出来,在此记录当作备份和交流
67566@BEN-WORKPC ~
$ cat /etc/fstab
#This is a sample file for /etc/fstab.
#Currently /etc/fstab is only read during dll initialization.
#I will eventually watch the directory for changes and reread the file.
#The line format is simple in that you give the Win32 path, followed by one or
#more space or tab delimiter, followed by the mount point. Mount points in
#typical UNIX environments must be a physical name on a drive before it can
#actually be used as a mount point. In this implementation the "must exist"
#requirement isn't enforced, however, it will be an aide to such programs as
#find and readline's tab completion if it does exist.
#You can use a # as the first character on the line as a comment indicator.
#Blank lines are ignored.
#Win32_Path Mount_Point
c:\\Qt\\Qt5.12.12\\Tools\\mingw730_32 /mingw
c:\\Users\\67566\\Downloads\\perl-5.24.0-mingw32\\perl-5.24.0 /perl