I am trying to import a text file in which tab delimited and text qualifier is double quotes.
I want following text
"655295" "Keisuke" "" "Ueda" "1-2-2, Central Park East F201" "Utase, Mihama-Ku"
to convert to
"655295","Keisuke","","Ueda","1-2-2, Central Park East F201","Utase, Mihama-Ku"
I tried derived column transformation, but it did not help. I tried script component, but that didn't work either. Can someone please help me out here.
Thank you in advance!!
- public override void Input0_ProcessInputRow(Input0Buffer Row)
- {
- /*
- * Add your code here
- */
- String inputString = Row.line.ToString();
- int count = Row.line.Split('"').Length - 1;
- int counter = 1;
- while (counter < count)
- {
- if (counter % 2 == 0)
- {
- int StartIndex = GetNthIndex(inputString.ToString(), Convert.ToChar("\""), counter);
- int EndIndex = GetNthIndex(inputString.ToString(), Convert.ToChar("\""), counter + 1);
- inputString = inputString.ToString().Substring(0, StartIndex + 1) + "," +
- inputString.ToString().Substring(EndIndex);
- }
- else
- {
- }
- counter = counter + 1;
- }
- Row.OutputLine = inputString;
- }
- int GetNthIndex(string s, char t, int n)
- {
- int count = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++)
- {
- if (s[i] == t)
- {
- count++;
- if (count == n)
- {
- return i;
- }
- }
- }
- return -1;
- }
A | |
1 | =file("d:\\source.txt ").import() |
2 | =file("d:\\target.txt").export(A1;",") |
A2:将 A1 中的分隔符改成逗号后导出到target.txt文本中
写好的脚本如何在应用程序中调用,可以参考Java 如何调用 SPL 脚本