• UiAutomator常用类之UI手势动作






    一、PointerAction  表示手指手势中的某一个动作,是一个抽象接口



    1. /** A {@link PointerAction} represents part of a {@link PointerGesture}. */
    2. private static abstract class PointerAction {
    3. final Point start;
    4. final Point end;
    5. final long duration;
    6. public PointerAction(Point startPoint, Point endPoint, long time) {
    7. start = startPoint;
    8. end = endPoint;
    9. duration = time;
    10. }
    11. public abstract Point interpolate(float fraction);
    12. }



    1. /**
    2. * A {@link PointerLinearMotionAction} moves the pointer between two points at a constant
    3. * speed.
    4. */
    5. private static class PointerLinearMoveAction extends PointerAction {
    6. public PointerLinearMoveAction(Point startPoint, Point endPoint, int speed) {
    7. super(startPoint, endPoint, (long)(1000 * calcDistance(startPoint, endPoint) / speed));
    8. }
    9. @Override
    10. public Point interpolate(float fraction) {
    11. Point ret = new Point(start);
    12. ret.offset((int)(fraction * (end.x - start.x)), (int)(fraction * (end.y - start.y)));
    13. return ret;
    14. }
    15. private static double calcDistance(final Point a, final Point b) {
    16. return Math.sqrt((b.x - a.x) * (b.x - a.x) + (b.y - a.y) * (b.y - a.y));
    17. }
    18. }


    1. /** A {@link PointerPauseAction} holds the pointer steady for the given amount of time. */
    2. private static class PointerPauseAction extends PointerAction {
    3. public PointerPauseAction(Point startPoint, long time) {
    4. super(startPoint, startPoint, time);
    5. }
    6. @Override
    7. public Point interpolate(float fraction) {
    8. return new Point(start);
    9. }
    10. }

    二、PointerGesture  手指的手势  关键类

            手指手势类PointerGesture类表示的是一个手指在屏幕上做出的手势。 PointerGesture内部维护了一个双向列表,保存了手指运动过程中所有的手指动作PointerAction

            1、PointerGesture对象中使用双端队列Deque mActions来存储组成手势的所有actions动作;






    1. class PointerGesture {
    2. // The list of actions that make up this gesture.
    3. private Deque mActions = new ArrayDeque();
    4. private long mDelay;
    5. private long mDuration;
    6. /** Constructs a PointerGesture which touches down at the given start point. */
    7. public PointerGesture(Point startPoint) {
    8. this(startPoint, 0);
    9. }
    10. /**
    11. * Constructs a PointerGesture which touches down at the given start point after a given delay.
    12. * Used in multi-point gestures when the pointers do not all touch down at the same time.
    13. */
    14. public PointerGesture(Point startPoint, long initialDelay) {
    15. if (initialDelay < 0) {
    16. throw new IllegalArgumentException("initialDelay cannot be negative");
    17. }
    18. mActions.addFirst(new PointerPauseAction(startPoint, 0));
    19. mDelay = initialDelay;
    20. }
    21. }

    2、pause()  长按,代表的是持续双向队列中最后一个action一段时间

    1. /** Adds an action which pauses for the specified amount of {@code time} in milliseconds. */
    2. public PointerGesture pause(long time) {
    3. if (time < 0) {
    4. throw new IllegalArgumentException("time cannot be negative");
    5. }
    6. mActions.addLast(new PointerPauseAction(mActions.peekLast().end, time));
    7. mDuration += (mActions.peekLast().duration);
    8. return this;
    9. }

    3、move() 移动

    1. /** Adds an action that moves the pointer to {@code dest} at {@code speed} pixels per second. */
    2. public PointerGesture move(Point dest, int speed) {
    3. mActions.addLast(new PointerLinearMoveAction(mActions.peekLast().end, dest, speed));
    4. mDuration += (mActions.peekLast().duration);
    5. return this;
    6. }



    1. /** Returns the pointer location at {@code time} milliseconds into this gesture. */
    2. public Point pointAt(long time) {
    3. if (time < 0) {
    4. throw new IllegalArgumentException("Time cannot be negative");
    5. }
    6. time -= mDelay;
    7. for (PointerAction action : mActions) {
    8. if (time < action.duration) {
    9. return action.interpolate((float)time / action.duration);
    10. }
    11. time -= action.duration;
    12. }
    13. return mActions.peekLast().end;
    14. }

    三、Gestures 手势

            Gestures仅仅是在PointerGesture上层再封装一层。某些手势动作比如click,Gestures仅仅是返回一个PointerGesture, 有些动作比如多个手指同时操作捏合,则Gestures返回该动作的多个PointerGesture。



    1. // Keep a handle to the ViewConfiguration
    2. private ViewConfiguration mViewConfig;
    3. // Private constructor.
    4. private Gestures(ViewConfiguration config) {
    5. mViewConfig = config;
    6. }
    7. /** Returns the {@link Gestures} instance for the given {@link Context}. */
    8. public static Gestures getInstance(UiDevice device) {
    9. if (sInstance == null) {
    10. Context context = device.getInstrumentation().getContext();
    11. sInstance = new Gestures(ViewConfiguration.get(context));
    12. }
    13. return sInstance;
    14. }



    1. /** Returns a {@link PointerGesture} representing a click at the given {@code point}. */
    2. public PointerGesture click(Point point) {
    3. // A basic click is a touch down and touch up over the same point with no delay.
    4. return click(point, 0);
    5. }
    6. /**
    7. * Returns a {@link PointerGesture} representing a click at the given {@code point} that lasts
    8. * for {@code duration} milliseconds.
    9. *
    10. * @param point The point to click.
    11. * @param duration The duration of the click in milliseconds.
    12. * @return The {@link PointerGesture} representing this click.
    13. */
    14. public PointerGesture click(Point point, long duration) {
    15. // A click is a touch down and touch up over the same point with an optional delay inbetween
    16. return new PointerGesture(point).pause(duration);
    17. }


    1. /**
    2. * Returns a {@link PointerGesture} representing a swipe.
    3. *
    4. * @param start The touch down point for the swipe.
    5. * @param end The touch up point for the swipe.
    6. * @param speed The speed at which to move in pixels per second.
    7. * @return The {@link PointerGesture} representing this swipe.
    8. */
    9. public PointerGesture swipe(Point start, Point end, int speed) {
    10. // A swipe is a click that moves before releasing the pointer.
    11. return click(start).move(end, speed);
    12. }

    四、GestureController 手势控制

            执行给定的PointerGesture中双端队列Deque mActions保存的所有的手势动作行为。为了执行手势,该方法会记录手势中经过的每个点的位置,并向系统中插入MotionEvent事件,从而达到UI的效果。

    public void performGesture(PointerGesture ... gestures){}











    1. public void performGesture(PointerGesture ... gestures) {
    2. // Initialize pointers
    3. int count = 0;
    4. Map pointers = new HashMap();
    5. for (PointerGesture g : gestures) {
    6. pointers.put(g, new Pointer(count++, g.start()));
    7. }
    8. // Initialize MotionEvent arrays
    9. List properties = new ArrayList();
    10. List coordinates = new ArrayList();
    11. // Track active and pending gestures
    12. PriorityQueue active = new PriorityQueue(gestures.length,
    14. PriorityQueue pending = new PriorityQueue(gestures.length,
    16. pending.addAll(Arrays.asList(gestures));
    17. // Record the start time
    18. long startTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
    19. // Loop
    20. MotionEvent event;
    21. for (long elapsedTime = 0; !pending.isEmpty() || !active.isEmpty();
    22. elapsedTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - startTime) {
    23. // Touchdown any new pointers
    24. while (!pending.isEmpty() && elapsedTime > pending.peek().delay()) {
    25. PointerGesture gesture = pending.remove();
    26. Pointer pointer = pointers.get(gesture);
    27. // Add the pointer to the MotionEvent arrays
    28. properties.add(pointer.prop);
    29. coordinates.add(pointer.coords);
    30. // Touch down
    31. int action = MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN;
    32. if (!active.isEmpty()) {
    33. // Use ACTION_POINTER_DOWN for secondary pointers. The index is stored at
    35. action = MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN
    36. + ((properties.size() - 1) << MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_INDEX_SHIFT);
    37. }
    38. event = getMotionEvent(startTime, startTime + elapsedTime, action, properties,
    39. coordinates);
    40. getDevice().getUiAutomation().injectInputEvent(event, true);
    41. // Move the PointerGesture to the active list
    42. active.add(gesture);
    43. }
    44. // Touch up any completed pointers
    45. while (!active.isEmpty()
    46. && elapsedTime > active.peek().delay() + active.peek().duration()) {
    47. PointerGesture gesture = active.remove();
    48. Pointer pointer = pointers.get(gesture);
    49. // Update pointer positions
    50. pointer.updatePosition(gesture.end());
    51. for (PointerGesture current : active) {
    52. pointers.get(current).updatePosition(current.pointAt(elapsedTime));
    53. }
    54. int action = MotionEvent.ACTION_UP;
    55. int index = properties.indexOf(pointer.prop);
    56. if (!active.isEmpty()) {
    57. action = MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP
    58. + (index << MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_INDEX_SHIFT);
    59. }
    60. event = getMotionEvent(startTime, startTime + elapsedTime, action, properties,
    61. coordinates);
    62. getDevice().getUiAutomation().injectInputEvent(event, true);
    63. properties.remove(index);
    64. coordinates.remove(index);
    65. }
    66. // Move any active pointers
    67. for (PointerGesture gesture : active) {
    68. Pointer pointer = pointers.get(gesture);
    69. pointer.updatePosition(gesture.pointAt(elapsedTime - gesture.delay()));
    70. }
    71. if (!active.isEmpty()) {
    72. event = getMotionEvent(startTime, startTime + elapsedTime, MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE,
    73. properties, coordinates);
    74. getDevice().getUiAutomation().injectInputEvent(event, true);
    75. }
    76. }
    77. }


    PointerAction:代表 手势中的某个动作;

    PointerGesture:代表 一个手指在屏幕上操作的完整手势;

    Gestures: 在PointerGesture基础上封装了一层,可以表示多个手指的PointerGesture;



    Android之UiAutomator测试框架源码分析(第29篇:UiObject2中的点击控件功能深度分析)_叫我王员外就行的博客-CSDN博客_uiautomator2 源码分析前言UI自动化的三个重要组成部分为查找控件、操作控件、预期结果,UiObject2是如何做到操作控件的?通过本篇源码分析,我们将知道插装测试的点击原理https://blog.csdn.net/cadi2011/article/details/106739947

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    Ansible 企业级自动化运维实战
    第六十一章 符号概览
  • 原文地址:https://blog.csdn.net/liuqinhou/article/details/125991566