• 2199. Finding the Topic of Each Post


    Table: Keywords

    | Column Name | Type    |
    | topic_id    | int     |
    | word        | varchar |
    (topic_id, word) is the primary key for this table.
    Each row of this table contains the id of a topic and a word that is used to express this topic.
    There may be more than one word to express the same topic and one word may be used to express multiple topics.

    Table: Posts

    | Column Name | Type    |
    | post_id     | int     |
    | content     | varchar |
    post_id is the primary key for this table.
    Each row of this table contains the ID of a post and its content.
    Content will consist only of English letters and spaces.

    Leetcode has collected some posts from its social media website and is interested in finding the topics of each post. Each topic can be expressed by one or more keywords. If a keyword of a certain topic exists in the content of a post (case insensitive) then the post has this topic.

    Write an SQL query to find the topics of each post according to the following rules:

    • If the post does not have keywords from any topic, its topic should be "Ambiguous!".
    • If the post has at least one keyword of any topic, its topic should be a string of the IDs of its topics sorted in ascending order and separated by commas ','. The string should not contain duplicate IDs.

    Return the result table in any order.

    The query result format is in the following example.

    Example 1:

    Keywords table:
    | topic_id | word     |
    | 1        | handball |
    | 1        | football |
    | 3        | WAR      |
    | 2        | Vaccine  |
    Posts table:
    | post_id | content                                                                |
    | 1       | We call it soccer They call it football hahaha                         |
    | 2       | Americans prefer basketball while Europeans love handball and football |
    | 3       | stop the war and play handball                                         |
    | 4       | warning I planted some flowers this morning and then got vaccinated    |
    | post_id | topic      |
    | 1       | 1          |
    | 2       | 1          |
    | 3       | 1,3        |
    | 4       | Ambiguous! |
    1: "We call it soccer They call it football hahaha"
    "football" expresses topic 1. There is no other word that expresses any other topic.
    2: "Americans prefer basketball while Europeans love handball and football"
    "handball" expresses topic 1. "football" expresses topic 1. 
    There is no other word that expresses any other topic.
    3: "stop the war and play handball"
    "war" expresses topic 3. "handball" expresses topic 1.
    There is no other word that expresses any other topic.
    4: "warning I planted some flowers this morning and then got vaccinated"
    There is no word in this sentence that expresses any topic. Note that "warning" is different from "war" although they have a common prefix. 
    This post is ambiguous.
    Note that it is okay to have one word that expresses more than one topic.


    1. # Write your MySQL query statement below
    2. with t1 as (select
    3. p.post_id,group_concat(distinct k.topic_id order by k.topic_id separator ',' ) topic
    4. from
    5. Keywords k join Posts p
    6. on
    7. find_in_set(k.word,replace(p.content,' ',','))>0 #find_in_set (str,str2) 查询 str是否 在 str2 中 不区分大小写 不在 返回0 在返回 第一次出现的位置 且 分隔符 要用 ','
    8. -- instr(upper(p.content),upper(k.word))
    9. group by p.post_id
    10. )
    11. select
    12. post_id,ifnull(topic,'Ambiguous!') topic
    13. from
    14. Posts left join t1
    15. using(post_id)
    1. # Write your MySQL query statement below
    2. select a.post_id
    3. ,ifnull(group_concat(distinct b.topic_id order by b.topic_id)
    4. ,'Ambiguous!') topic
    5. from posts a left join keywords b
    6. on a.content like concat('% ',b.word,' %')
    7. or a.content like concat(b.word,' %')
    8. or a.content like concat('% ',b.word)
    9. group by a.post_id
    10. /*关键词的位置有以下三种情况:
    11. 位于句子中间:concat('% ',b.word,' %')
    12. 位于句子开头:concat(b.word,' %')
    13. 位于句子结尾:concat('% ',b.word)
    14. */

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  • 原文地址:https://blog.csdn.net/m0_69157845/article/details/125633464