是一个header only多线程库
A fast multi-producer, multi-consumer lock-free concurrent queue for C++11
#include "concurrentqueue.h"
#include "blockingconcurrentqueue.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace moodycamel;
#. 全部Api,伪代码
# Allocates more memory if necessary
enqueue(item) : bool
enqueue(prod_token, item) : bool
enqueue_bulk(item_first, count) : bool
enqueue_bulk(prod_token, item_first, count) : bool
# Fails if not enough memory to enqueue
try_enqueue(item) : bool
try_enqueue(prod_token, item) : bool
try_enqueue_bulk(item_first, count) : bool
try_enqueue_bulk(prod_token, item_first, count) : bool
# Attempts to dequeue from the queue (never allocates)
try_dequeue(item&) : bool
try_dequeue(cons_token, item&) : bool
try_dequeue_bulk(item_first, max) : size_t
try_dequeue_bulk(cons_token, item_first, max) : size_t
# If you happen to know which producer you want to dequeue from
try_dequeue_from_producer(prod_token, item&) : bool
try_dequeue_bulk_from_producer(prod_token, item_first, max) : size_t
# A not-necessarily-accurate count of the total number of elements
size_approx() : size_t
#. 基础的使用方法,自动开辟内存空间
ConcurrentQueue<int> q;
int item;
bool found = q.try_dequeue(item);
assert(found && item == 25);
#. 阻塞线程中的使用方法
BlockingConcurrentQueue<int> q;
thread producer([&]() {
for (int i = 0; i != 100; ++i) {
this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::milliseconds(i % 10));
cout << "producer:" << to_string(i) << endl;
thread consumer([&]() {
for (int i = 0; i != 100; ++i) {
int item;
assert(item == i);
if (q.wait_dequeue_timed(item, chrono::milliseconds(5))) {
assert(item == i);
cout << "consumer:" << to_string(i) << endl;
assert(q.size_approx() == 0);
#. 高效率Token使用
// speed up token
ConcurrentQueue<int> q;
ProducerToken ptok(q);
q.enqueue(ptok, 17);
ConsumerToken ctok(q);
int item;
q.try_dequeue(ctok, item);
assert(item == 17);
#. 批处理Bulk使用
ConcurrentQueue<int> q;
int items[] = {11, 22, 33, 44, 55};
q.enqueue_bulk(items, 5);
int result[5];
int count = q.try_dequeue_bulk(result, 5);
for (int i = 0; i != count; ++i) {
assert(result[i] == items[i]);