c++ sample
stt st1 = {i1=222, i2=333};
int t1 = (st1.i1 << 16 | st1.i2); //i1,i2合体, i1左移到高位, i2放到右边低位
int i1 = (t1 >> 16); //右移去低位, 剩i1
int i2 = (t1 ^ (i1 << 16); //去左边高位头, 剩i2
struct S1 {
int32_t a;
int b;
int c;
} __attribute__ ((packed));
class B {
public :
int geta();
class A {
private :
int a;
friend class B;
int B::geta() {
A a1;
a1.a = 2;
return a1.a;
B b;
b.geta() == 2;
int func(int x); /* 声明一个函数 */
int (*f) (int x); /* 声明一个函数指针 */
f=func; /* 将func函数的首地址赋给指针f */
f = &func;
int add(int a, int b);
int subtraction(int a, int b);
struct p_fun {
int (*pFunAdd) (int a, int b);
int (*pFunSubtraction) (int a, int b);
int main() {
p_fun pFun;
pFun.pFunAdd = add;
pFun.pFunSubtraction = subtraction;
printf("%d, %d", pFun.pFunAdd(1, 2), pFun.pFunSubtraction(2, 1));
return 0;
int i;
i = *p1; //p1缓存到i
*p1 = *p2;
*p2 = i; //p2=原p1
*p, *q;
q = p - 1;
p - q == 1; //偏移
(int)p - (int)q = 8; //地址值
class MyClass {
static int FunA(int a, int b) {return a + b;}
void FunB() {...}
void FunC() {}
int pFun1(int (*p)(int, int), int a, int b) {return (*p)(a, b);}
void pFun2(void (MyClass::*nonstatic)()) {(this->*nonstatic)();}
int main() {
MyClass* obj = new MyClass;
// 静态函数指针的使用
int (*pFunA)(int, int) = &MyClass::FunA;
cout << pFunA(1, 2) << endl;
// 成员函数指针的使用
void (MyClass::*pFunB)() = &MyClass::FunB;
// 通过 pFun1 只能调用静态方法
obj->pFun1(&MyClass::FunA, 1, 2);
// 通过 pFun2 就是调用成员方法
delete obj;
return 0;
// 成员指针函数基类
class Funct {
virtual int doit(int x) = 0;
virtual ~Funct() = 0;
inline Funct::~Funct() {}
typedef Funct* FunctPtr;
// 成员指针函数实例1
class Funct1 : public Funct {
Funct1(int y) : _y(y) {}
virtual int doit(int x) {return x * _y;}
int _y;
int main() {
// functionoid成员函数指针数组
FunctPtr array[1];
// functionoid模式初始化
array[0] = new Funct1(222);
// 可以通过不同的ctor参数, 建立同构异参函数环境
//array[x] = new Funct1(333);
// 可以对同基不同继承类合并管理
//array[y] = new Funct2(333, 666);
//上述2者结合, 可模拟不定个数参数调用
// functionoid模式调用
cout << array[0]->doit(333) << endl;
delete array[0];
return 0;
template<typename T> void f(){...} // T not show use
f<int>(); // type T will be int in this call
f<std::string>(); // type T will be std::string in this call
例如:f<long>(42); // param is int, but to be long
template<typename T> void foo(const T& x){... ← implementation details when T is neither int nor std::string }
template<> void foo<int>(const int& x) { ... ← implementation details when T is int }
template<> void foo<std::string>(const std::string& x) { ... ← implementation details when T is std::string }
template<typename T> inline void foo_part(const T& x) {... small amount of code used when T is neither int nor std::string ...}
template<> inline void foo_part<int>(const int& x) {... small amount of code used only when T is int ...}
template<> inline void fooo_part<std::string>(const std::string& x) {... small amount of code used only when T is std::string ...}
使用, 嵌套内实现同逻辑, 节省重复代码
template<typename T> void foo(const T& x) {foo_part(x);}
模板不是一个类或函数。 模板是一个“模式”,编译器用来生成的相似的类或者函数。
b.cpp : {Foo<int> f; f.someMethod(5);},编译器将看到Foo<int>,但不会同时看到模板代码,
因此编译器不会产生foo <int>::someMethod()的代码,因此会产生函数链接错误
1 模板函数在定义时实现
2 实现特例化+函数调用强行指定模板类型,
foo_impl.cpp :
#include "foo.cpp"
template void foo<int>();
b.cpp : {foo<int>();}
template<typename T> class B {class Xyz {...}; typedef int Pqr; void f() {}}
template<typename T> class D : public B<T>
Xyz x; / B<T>::Xyz x; 报错
typename B<T>::Xyz x; ok
f(); 报错
两边改为 this->f(); ok
指定了“匹配”功能, std::vector<Fred*>中找到一个匹配Fred的元素
template<typename T> class DereferencedEqual {
DereferencedEqual(const T* p) : p_(p) { }
bool operator() (const T* p2) const { return *p_ == *p2; }
const T* p_;
void matchFred(std::vector<Fred*> v, const Fred& match){
std::find_if(v.begin(), v.end(), DereferencedEqual<Fred>(&match));
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
template<typename K,typename V>
class ccmap {
ccmap() {}
~ccmap() {_map.clear();}
V operator[](const K k) {
auto it = _map.find(k);
if (it == _map.end()) {
throw "fuck";
return it->second;
typename std::map<K,V>::iterator find(const K k) {return _map.find(k);}
typename std::map<K,V>::iterator end() {return _map.end();}
typename std::map<K,V>::const_iterator end() const {return _map.end();}
typename std::map<K,V>::iterator begin() {return _map.begin();}
typename std::map<K,V>::const_iterator begin() const {return _map.begin();}
typename std::map<K,V>::iterator rend() {return _map.rend();}
typename std::map<K,V>::iterator rbegin() {return _map.rbegin();}
void insert(const K k) {_map[k] = V();}
void insert(const K k, const V v) {_map[k]=v;}
void insert(const std::pair<K, V>& p) {_map[p.first] = p.second;}
std::map<K, V> _map;
void F1(int a, int b){}
void F2(const ccmap<uint32_t, uint32_t>& mapf) {
for (auto it : mapf) {
cout << "for mapff: " << it.first << "," << it.second << endl;
int main()
//ccmap<uint32_t, uint32_t> mapf;
//mapf[1] = F1;
//mapf.insert(1, 23);
//mapf.insert({2, 66});
//char name[100];
//cout << "lenn: " << (name[0]=='\0') << endl;
//cout << "mapf: " << (mapf.find(1)->second) << endl;
//cout << "mapf: " << mapf[1] << endl;
//cout << "mapf: " << mapf[2] << endl;
ccmap<uint32_t, ccmap<uint32_t, std::vector<uint32_t>>> mapffv;
mapffv.insert({1, ccmap<uint32_t, std::vector<uint32_t>>()});
mapffv.find(1)->second.insert({1, std::vector<uint32_t>()});
for (auto it2 = mapffv.find(1)->second.find(1)->second.begin(); it2 != mapffv.find(1)->second.find(1)->second.end(); ++it2) {
cout << "mapffv: " << *it2 << endl;
uint64_t id = (uint64_t)10 << 32 | (uint64_t)456 << 16 | (uint64_t)235;
uint16_t m1 = (uint64_t)id >> 32;
uint16_t m2 = (id ^ ((uint64_t)m1<<32))>>16;
uint16_t m3 = (id ^ ((uint64_t)m1<<32))^(m2<<16);
cout << "i: " << m1 << ' '<< m2 << ' ' << m3 << endl;
return 0;
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
using namespace std;
class Obj {
Obj(int i) {id=i;op=0;v1=0;v2=0;}
void Print() {
cout << id << endl;
void set_op(int i) {op=i;}
void set_v1(int i) {v1=i;}
void set_v2(int i) {v2=i;}
int get_op() {return op;}
int get_v1() {return v1;}
int get_v2() {return v2;}
int id;
int op;
int v1;
int v2;
class Cmp {
bool operator() (Obj* lv, Obj* rv) const {
/*if (lv->get_op() == rv->get_op()) {
if (lv->get_v1() == lv->get_v1()) {
return lv->get_v2() > rv->get_v2();
return lv->get_v1() > rv->get_v1();
return lv->get_op() < rv->get_op();
return false;
typedef std::multiset<Obj*, Cmp> Rk;
typedef std::map<int, Rk> Ok;
void update(Ok& okr, int k, Obj* pO, int opt=0) {
if (1 == opt) {
auto ret = okr[k].equal_range(pO);
for (auto it = ret.first; it != ret.second;) {
if (*it == pO) {
cout << "erase " << pO << endl;
} else {
} else {
void Print(Ok& okr, int ord) {
cout << "--" << ord << "--" << endl;
for (auto it = okr[1].begin(); it != okr[1].end(); ++it) {
int main()
Ok okr;
Obj o1(1);
update(okr, 1, &o1);
Obj o2(2);
update(okr, 1, &o2);
Obj o3(3);
update(okr, 1, &o3);
//Obj o4(4);
//update(okr, 1, &o4);
Print(okr, 1);
update(okr, 1, &o1, 1);
update(okr, 1, &o1);
Print(okr, 2);
cout << "ok" << (uint32_t)-1 << endl;
//cout << "i: " << m1 << ' '<< m2 << ' ' << m3 << endl;
return 0;
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