<Android音频>Android native层使用TrackPlayer播放pcm_王二の黄金时代的博客-CSDN博客
<Android音频>Android native层直接使用AudioFlinger播放pcm_王二の黄金时代的博客-CSDN博客
一:概述 一个c语言demo可执行程序,直接使用AudioFlinger 播放pcm.
环境 ubuntu22.04 编译 aosp11 源码
源码 main()
这是一个c语言demo程序,android源码环境,编译得到 bin文件,push到设备上在shell环境运行,播放pcm数据。如果是app java开发,没有系统源码,就不建议往下看了。
用于研究AudioFlinger源码,这是一个demo,在源码层面编译,直接获取AuduioFlinger服务,使用AudioFlinger的 public方法来播放一个demo. 原创,分析源码参考AudioTrack(native层)编写而来。
- /*
- * author:cnaok 20220630
- * aosp 11 http://aospxref.com/android-11.0.0_r21/
- * 直接使用 AudioFlinger接口,播放pcm数据
- * 参照源码中 AudioTrack.cpp 和AudioFlinger的交互
- */
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <iostream>
- #include <media/AudioSystem.h>
- #include <media/IAudioFlinger.h>
- #include <binder/IPCThreadState.h>
- #include <private/media/AudioTrackShared.h> // for audio_track_cblk_t
- using namespace android;
- // namespace android
- // {
- // 以每20ms的数据量,读一次文件
- #define WRITE_TIME_MS 20
- int track_demo()
- {
- // 初始化下源数据
- FILE *fp_in = fopen("yk_48000_2_16.pcm", "r");
- if (fp_in == NULL)
- {
- printf("[canok]erro to open file\n");
- return -1;
- }
- int chanles = 2; // static inline uint32_t audio_channel_count_from_out_mask(audio_channel_mask_t channel)
- int samplerate = 48000;
- int bits = 16;
- size_t mFrameSize = chanles * bits / 8; // channelCount * audio_bytes_per_sample(format);
- size_t mFrames = samplerate * WRITE_TIME_MS / 1000;
- int buf_size = mFrames * mFrameSize;
- void *buf = malloc(buf_size);
- if (buf == NULL)
- {
- printf("[canok]malloc erro\n");
- return -1;
- }
- // get_audio_flinger
- const sp<IAudioFlinger> &audioFlinger = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger();
- if (audioFlinger == 0)
- {
- std::cout << "err to get audio_flinger" << std::endl;
- }
- IAudioFlinger::CreateTrackInput input;
- IAudioFlinger::CreateTrackOutput output;
- input.speed = 1.0;
- input.frameCount = samplerate * WRITE_TIME_MS / 1000;
- input.config.sample_rate = samplerate;
- input.config.channel_mask = AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO; // 0x1u // system/media/audio/include/system/audio-base.h
- input.config.format = AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT; // AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM | AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT; // system/media/audio/include/system/audio-base.h
- // input.config.offload_info = mOffloadInfoCopy;
- input.clientInfo.clientTid = -1;
- input.sessionId = AUDIO_SESSION_ALLOCATE;
- input.clientInfo.clientPid = IPCThreadState::self()->getCallingPid();
- input.clientInfo.clientUid = IPCThreadState::self()->getCallingPid();
- status_t status = NO_ERROR;
- // 1.1 Audioflinger 请求创建mAudioTrack (Audioflinger内部会根据请求input的配置,从AudioPolicy获取合适的输出设备,打开)
- sp<IAudioTrack> mAudioTrack = audioFlinger->createTrack(input,
- output,
- &status);
- std::cout << "status:" << status << std::endl;
- std::cout << "creatTrack_ output:" << std::endl
- << " flags " << output.flags << std::endl
- << " frameCount " << output.frameCount << std::endl
- << " notificationFrameCount " << output.notificationFrameCount << std::endl
- << " selectedDeviceId " << output.selectedDeviceId << std::endl
- << " sessionId " << output.sessionId << std::endl
- << " afFrameCount " << output.afFrameCount << std::endl
- << " afSampleRate " << output.afSampleRate << std::endl
- << " afLatencyMs " << output.afLatencyMs << std::endl
- << " outputId " << output.outputId << std::endl
- << " portId " << output.portId << std::endl;
- if (mAudioTrack == nullptr)
- {
- printf("[canok]create audioTrack err\n");
- return -1;
- }
- // 1.2 start AudioTrack
- mAudioTrack->start();
- // 2.0 mCblkMemory 从AudioTrack获取mCblkMemory,用于后续 “共享内存” 操作对象
- sp<IMemory> mCblkMemory = mAudioTrack->getCblk();
- if (mCblkMemory == 0)
- {
- printf("[canok]%s: Could not get control block", __func__);
- }
- // 2.1 mCblk
- void *iMemPointer = mCblkMemory->unsecurePointer();
- if (iMemPointer == NULL)
- {
- printf("[canok]%s: Could not get control block pointer", __func__);
- status = NO_INIT;
- }
- audio_track_cblk_t *mCblk = static_cast<audio_track_cblk_t *>(iMemPointer);
- // 2.2 mProxy
- //创建一个 audio_track_cblk 的辅助操作对象,后续就通过这个对象,来往audioflinger放数据。
- sp<AudioTrackClientProxy> mProxy; // primary owner of the memory
- mProxy = new AudioTrackClientProxy(mCblk, mCblk + 1, output.frameCount, mFrameSize);
- // 3.0 从mProxy 获取buffer,填充buffer,释放buffer
- while (fread(buf, 1, buf_size, fp_in) > 0)
- {
- int count = mFrames;
- uint8_t *bufsrc = (uint8_t *)buf;
- while (count > 0)
- {
- printf("[canok]track: to obtainBuffer<<<<<<<<<[%s%d] count %d \n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, count);
- /* code */
- // 3.1获取一个 buffer
- Proxy::Buffer audioBuffer;
- audioBuffer.mFrameCount = count; //希望获取的frame 数量。
- const struct timespec *requested = &ClientProxy::kForever; // 无限超时
- status = mProxy->obtainBuffer(&audioBuffer, requested, NULL); // elapsed 为Null, elaped是一个输出参数,他会告诉你这个调用阻塞了多少时间,如果不需要这个数,给null
- // 获取的audioBuffer , mFrameCount中是实际获取到的帧数。
- std::cout << "obtainBufffer:" << std::endl
- << " status: " << status << std::endl
- << " mFrameCount: " << audioBuffer.mFrameCount << std::endl;
- if (status != NO_ERROR)
- {
- printf("[canok][%s%d] erro to obtainBuffer :%d \n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, status);
- }
- // 3.2 填充这个buffer
- size_t toWrite = audioBuffer.mFrameCount * mFrameSize;
- printf("[canok]track:[%s%d] toWrite:%zu srcPostion: %ld , srcLeaveSize: %ld \n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, toWrite, bufsrc - (uint8_t *)buf, buf_size - (bufsrc - (uint8_t *)buf));
- memcpy(audioBuffer.mRaw, bufsrc, toWrite);
- // 3.3 释放这个buffer
- mProxy->releaseBuffer(&audioBuffer);
- count -= audioBuffer.mFrameCount;
- bufsrc += toWrite;
- }
- }
- free(buf);
- fclose(fp_in);
- return 0;
- }
- int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
- {
- track_demo();
- return 0;
- }
- // }
- cc_binary {
- name: "AFdemo",
- srcs: [
- "main.cpp",
- ],
- shared_libs: [
- "libaudioclient",
- "libaudioutils",
- "libutils",
- "libbinder",
- ],
- header_libs: [
- "libmedia_headers",
- ],
- include_dirs: [
- // "frameworks/av/media/libavextensions",
- "frameworks/av/media/libnbaio/include_mono/",
- ],
- cflags: [
- "-Wall",
- "-Werror",
- "-Wno-error=deprecated-declarations",
- "-Wno-unused-parameter",
- "-Wno-unused-variable",
- ],
- }
可执行程序,push到设备上可以直接 shell环境运行,能播放声音。