使用新的MPU或是MCU这些而言首先需要准备一个开发板,通常芯片厂家对于主要推的芯片都是有开发板的。NUC980官方也出了一些开发板,比较常提到的是 NuMaker-IIoT-NUC980 这块开发板。官方的这块开发板稍稍有点贵了,而且长得不是很好看(主要原因),所以我就自己画了开发板。
This is a development board project for Nuvoton NUC980 Series. It can be used for LQFP128 package chips such as NUC980DK61YC, NUC980DK71YC.
This project is designed with Kicad.
The NUC980 series with the ARM926EJ-S core can operate at up to 300 MHz . It offers 64-pin, 128-pin and 216-pin LQFP packages stacked with 64 MB and 128 MB DDR-II Memory to reduce PCB size and EMI issues. Rich peripherals include 10 sets of UART , dual Ethernet, 4 sets CAN 2.0B, dual SDIO / eMMC interface, NAND Flash interface, QSPI NAND, 8 Ports USB Host, ISO-7816 interface and High-Speed USB 2.0 host / device controller to allow more flexibility in designs. The NUC980 also integrates the crypto engine which provides hardware acceleration for AES, SHA, ECC, RSA function.
It supports industrial temperature from - 40 ℃ to 85 ℃ and targets Industrial Control, Industrial IoT Gateway, Network Printer, Meter Concentrator and Smart Home Gateway applications.
For more details see the Nuvoton website: NUC980 工业控制物联网系列