广泛意义上来说,数学的学习分理论和应用两大类。在我们IB数学里,大纲有两种供学校选择:分析与方法Analysis and Approaches(AA, 偏理论)和应用与阐释 Application and Interpretations(AI, 偏实践)。效实IB选择的教材AA,其原因有二:理论类的数学更适合中国学生的学习,以及学习AA更有利于大学的申请。当然,我们不仅仅希望学生在理论上打好基础。在IB的学习中,我们也会指导学生完成数学论文写作,将理论的数学知识用于解决生活中的问题,理论贯彻实践,同时提高学术论文写作能力。
我们的数学外教老师Dr. Bonsu对IB数学的培养人才方式提出了自己的见解:
Having taught other curricula and IB, I personally recommend the IB mathematics curriculum to any student wishing to develop sharp mathematical skills and broaden their horizons of enquiry and rigor.
IB mathematics takes students through critical thinking exercises in both theoretical and applied mathematics. The syllabus requires students to know the history, philosophy and the logic behind mathematical theories as well as pushing them to solve rigorous problems which students sometimes have to think outside the box to figure out. This approach is more beneficial to students’ development as opposed to the usual lecture-formula-example-solve approach from other curricula.
在教授过其他课程体系和IB课程之后,我个人向任何希望发展敏锐的数学技能并拓宽他们探究和严谨视野的学生推荐 IB数学课程。
We also incorporate TOK, Theory of Knowledge in the mathematics lessons for students to be able to make connections between mathematics and other areas of knowledge. We discuss questions such as ‘is math invented or created?’, ‘ what is the difference between logical proof and statistical evidence?’, etc. These kind of questions help to deepen students’ understanding of mathematical knowledge and they get to see the usefulness of the subject in everyday life.
The Extended Essay and Internal Assessment introduces students to research work. Most students around the world get to read or write an academic paper probably in their undergraduate studies or beyond. This is a great privilege for a high school student to begin research at such an early age. Students are asked to write an essay on a mathematics topic of their choice and they are encouraged to pick something they are interested in or familiar with. An example is a student in Xiaoshi IB Center who was very active in drama and also interested in mathematics and decided to write an EE about ‘the optimization of stage lights’ which was an impressive research by a high school student. No wonder she got an offer from Imperial College mathematics department.