+---------------+---------+ | Column Name | Type | +---------------+---------+ | product_id | int | | product_name | varchar | +---------------+---------+ product_id 是这张表的主键。 product_name 是产品的名称。
+---------------------+---------+ | Column Name | Type | +---------------------+---------+ | product_id | int | | period_start | date | | period_end | date | | average_daily_sales | int | +---------------------+---------+ product_id 是这张表的主键。 period_start 和 period_end 是该产品销售期的起始日期和结束日期,且这两个日期包含在销售期内。 average_daily_sales 列存储销售期内该产品的日平均销售额。
编写一段 SQL 查询每个产品每年的总销售额,并包含 product_id, product_name 以及 report_year 等信息。
销售年份的日期介于 2018 年到 2020 年之间。你返回的结果需要按 product_id 和 report_year 排序。
示例 1:
table: +------------+--------------+ | product_id | product_name | +------------+--------------+ | 1 | LC Phone | | 2 | LC T-Shirt | | 3 | LC Keychain | +------------+--------------+
输入: ProductSales
table: +------------+--------------+-------------+---------------------+ | product_id | period_start | period_end | average_daily_sales | +------------+--------------+-------------+---------------------+ | 1 | 2019-01-25 | 2019-02-28 | 100 | | 2 | 2018-12-01 | 2020-01-01 | 10 | | 3 | 2019-12-01 | 2020-01-31 | 1 | +------------+--------------+-------------+---------------------+ 输出: +------------+--------------+-------------+--------------+ | product_id | product_name | report_year | total_amount | +------------+--------------+-------------+--------------+ | 1 | LC Phone | 2019 | 3500 | | 2 | LC T-Shirt | 2018 | 310 | | 2 | LC T-Shirt | 2019 | 3650 | | 2 | LC T-Shirt | 2020 | 10 | | 3 | LC Keychain | 2019 | 31 | | 3 | LC Keychain | 2020 | 31 | +------------+--------------+-------------+--------------+ 解释: LC Phone 在 2019-01-25 至 2019-02-28 期间销售,该产品销售时间总计35天。销售总额 35*100 = 3500。 LC T-shirt 在 2018-12-01 至 2020-01-01 期间销售,该产品在2018年、2019年、2020年的销售时间分别是31天、365天、1天,2018年、2019年、2020年的销售总额分别是31*10=310、365*10=3650、1*10=10。 LC Keychain 在 2019-12-01 至 2020-01-31 期间销售,该产品在2019年、2020年的销售时间分别是:31天、31天,2019年、2020年的销售总额分别是31*1=31、31*1=31。
- with recursive sales_period AS ( # 递归体声明
- select
- product_id,
- period_start AS d1,
- if (str_to_date(concat(year(period_start),'-12-31'), '%Y-%m-%d') < period_end,
- str_to_date(concat(year(period_start),'-12-31'), '%Y-%m-%d'), period_end) AS d2
- from Sales
- select
- t.product_id,
- if (DATE_ADD(t.d2, INTERVAL 1 YEAR) < period_end,
- DATE_ADD(t.d2, INTERVAL 1 YEAR), period_end) AS d2
- from sales_period AS t
- JOIN Sales USING(product_id)
- where d2 < Sales.period_end
- )
- select
- CAST(p.product_id AS CHAR) AS product_id,
- p.product_name AS product_name,
- CAST(year(sp.d1) AS CHAR) AS report_year,
- s.average_daily_sales * (datediff(sp.d2, sp.d1) + 1) AS total_amount
- from sales_period AS sp
- JOIN Product AS p USING(product_id)
- JOIN Sales AS s USING(product_id)
- where year(sp.d1) BETWEEN 2018 and 2020
- # 题目要求按序返回
- order by product_id, report_year
- with recursive t(n) as (
- select 0
- union all
- select n+1 from t where n<(select max(datediff(period_end, period_start)) from Sales)
- )
- select
- s.product_id,
- p.product_name,
- DATE_FORMAT(DATE_ADD(s.period_start, INTERVAL t.n DAY), '%Y') as report_year,
- sum(s.average_daily_sales) as total_amount
- from Sales s
- join t on datediff(s.period_end, s.period_start)>=t.n
- join Product p on s.product_id=p.product_id
- group by 1, 2, 3
- order by 1, 3