New version 10.1001.1.1 Release (build date 22-06-2022), VectorDraw Developer Framework (VDF), vdRay library. See what's new in this version here. Includes support for NET 6 Windows Forms.
VectorDraw Developer Framework (VDF) is an easy to program SDK component that every developer need to easily create and manage and print 2D and 3D drawings in his applications. Its objects expose methods and properties that are compatible with most common vector formats and other CAD objects. Supports over 10 vector formats and many raster formats and has the ability to export drawings to PDF. It is fully object oriented (OOP) .NET 2 ready and includes ActiveX component , read more...
VectorCADEx Sample
C# project (source code) CAD Editor
VectorCADEx (vdfCAD) is a professional drawing CAD editor with source code available, written in C# 2005 that uses VDF libraries version 6009 and above. This makes VectorCADEx an excellent base platform that can be easy tailored by the developer to suit his needs. It can be localized in any language and can have add-ons made by the developer.
The source code is prov
All Articles for version[10.1001]
Wish : 70002174 Add Polygon select on WebControl
Bug : 70002154 Open vds from VDF FrameWork loses Layer 0 properties
Bug : 70002155 Double numbers are not parsed properly when open vds files from VDF component
Wish : 70002177 new Dwg Export Flags
Bug : 70002159 Error Opening of specific dwg file
Bug : 70002180 Hatch backround issue in DWG
Bug : 70002188 Issue with external references layers on off property in dwg file
Bug : 70002197 DWG with specific SHX cannot be imported
Bug : 70002173 PDF export issue incompatibility with some PDF viewers
Wish : 70002153 I wish I could know the unit type of a unit xproperty of a product
Wish : 70002160 I wish when cloning a vdProduct object the IFCGlobalId would be preserved
Wish : 70002198 Read IFC object type properties
Bug : 70002156 Lunits of vdIfcDocument is not perserved when the object is cloned
Bug : 70002158 IFC products with SectionPath entities are no export properly to IFC
Bug : 70002214 Same objects are not saved properly after scaling
Bug : 70002215 Selecting and scaling IFC objects produce incorrect results
Bug : 70002223 Some Hatches are not visible from Dgn files
Wish : 70002151 Manage new ISupportResolveReferenceObjects entities
Wish : 70002161 Speed up osnap selection
Wish : 70002167 I wish I could reset the DimOvewriteValue of vdLeader object
Wish : 70002178 vdExportFlags default value changed
Wish : 70002179 vdPolyface improvements
Wish : 70002189 Move Model entities to an other Document
Wish : 70002190 EMF images are exported to PDF with low quality
Wish : 70002196 Update properties on printer when exiting the printer form
Wish : 70002200 Polyface with large number of vertices is not exported correctly in DXF
Bug : 70002150 Update of vdAttrib or vdInsert with vdAttribs hang the application
Bug : 70002152 Error loading ProxyFigures from vdml file
Bug : 70002162 Color Dialog components are not display properly
Bug : 70002165 Exception is thrown when UpdateActionControl is called
Bug : 70002166 Cannot delete layer when used in Attribute that is inside a deleted insert
Bug : 70002176 Boxes are drawn on an Mtext when BackGroundMask is true in the Textstyle
Bug : 70002181 CmdStrecth issue with polyline with last segment arc
Bug : 70002183 Draw entities with linetypes in 3d render freezes the application
Bug : 70002185 Model zoom extends raises Illegal characters in path error
Bug : 70002186 HatchProperties with HatchBlock is not visible in high zoomscale
Bug : 70002187 Redo history is cleared when the zoom changed
Bug : 70002191 TrueType Fonts and Line widths are not correct when import EMF file
Bug : 70002182 Some issues exporting Dimension and Text to DXF
Bug : 70002194 Pencolor transparency of vdImage is not working in wire2d render mode
Bug : 70002201 Issue with grip selecting nothing
Bug : 70002202 Some Korean SHX texts are not displayed properly
Bug : 70002204 Stream closed after LoadFromMemory
Bug : 70002205 Pattern hatched area selection
Bug : 70002206 STL file is not imported properly due to regional settings
Bug : 70002208 Some PAT files are not loaded properly
Bug : 70002209 anti-aliasing disabled for high poly polyfaces in wireframe mode vdraw 10
Bug : 70002210 ExplodeCustomObjectsOnSave does not supported when export to dgn file format
Bug : 70002212 Blocks with self refences blocks throw an exception
Bug : 70002213 Reducing the Z Scale of block references alters the colors in 3d render modes
Bug : 70002216 some vdPolyFace objects are not draw properly
Bug : 70002217 Object snaps are not working properly with hatched fill polylines
Bug : 70002219 Slow draw of specific drawing with many vdInsert
Bug : 70002221 Open vddimension from WebControl adds extra Xproperty
Bug : 70002222 BoundingBox of vdDimension raises an exception when it is not added to a Document
Bug : 70002226 CmdCircle user action does not select right Radius when 3d osnaps selected
General : 70002163 Support of NET CORE 6
General : 70002172 New License Managment
General : 70002211 Length Units when exporting SKP files