• [buuctf.reverse] 117-120


    117_[XMAN2018排位赛]Dragon Quest


    119_[CFI-CTF 2018]Automated Reversing


    117_[XMAN2018排位赛]Dragon Quest


    1. int __cdecl main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp)
    2. {
    3. ...
    4. std::operator<<<std::char_traits<char>>(
    5. &std::cout,
    6. (unsigned int)"Enter the dragon's secret: ",
    7. "Enter the dragon's secret: ");
    8. fgets(s, 257, stdin);
    9. std::allocator<char>::allocator(v8);
    10. std::string::string(v9, s, v8);
    11. std::allocator<char>::~allocator(v8);
    12. std::string::string((std::string *)v7, (const std::string *)v9);
    13. started = start_quest((std::string *)v7);
    14. std::string::~string((std::string *)v7);
    15. if ( started == 4919 )
    16. {
    17. std::string::string((std::string *)v6, (const std::string *)v9);
    18. reward_strength(v6);
    19. std::string::~string((std::string *)v6);
    20. }
    21. ...
    22. }


    1. __int64 __fastcall start_quest(std::string *a1)
    2. {
    3. ......
    4. v10 = a1;
    5. if ( y26 >= 10 && ((((_BYTE)x25 - 1) * (_BYTE)x25) & 1) != 0 ) #恒为0无条件不跳转
    6. goto LABEL_13;
    7. while ( 1 )
    8. {
    9. v9 = &v2[-2];
    10. v8 = &v2[-2];
    11. v7 = (int *)&v2[-2];
    12. v6 = (std::string *)&v2[-2];
    13. std::vector<int>::push_back(&hero, &secret_100); //数据
    14. std::vector<int>::push_back(&hero, &secret_214);
    15. std::vector<int>::push_back(&hero, &secret_266);
    16. std::vector<int>::push_back(&hero, &secret_369);
    17. ......


    1. .data:000000000061013C 64 secret_100 db 64h ; d ; DATA XREF: start_quest(std::string)+5E↑o
    2. .data:000000000061013C ; start_quest(std::string)+8CD↑o
    3. .data:000000000061013D 00 db 0
    4. .data:000000000061013E 00 db 0
    5. .data:000000000061013F 00 db 0
    6. .data:0000000000610140 public secret_214
    7. .data:0000000000610140 D6 secret_214 db 0D6h ; DATA XREF: start_quest(std::string)+AF↑o
    8. .data:0000000000610140 ; start_quest(std::string)+8E6↑o
    9. .data:0000000000610141 00 db 0
    10. .data:0000000000610142 00 db 0
    11. .data:0000000000610143 00 db 0
    12. .data:0000000000610144 public secret_266
    13. .data:0000000000610144 0A secret_266 db 0Ah ; DATA XREF: start_quest(std::string)+C8↑o
    14. .data:0000000000610144 ; start_quest(std::string)+8FF↑o
    15. .data:0000000000610145 01 db 1
    16. .data:0000000000610146 00 db 0
    17. .data:0000000000610147 00 db 0
    18. .data:0000000000610148 public secret_369
    19. .data:0000000000610148 71 secret_369 db 71h ; q ; DATA XREF: start_quest(std::string)+E1↑o
    20. .data:0000000000610148 ; start_quest(std::string)+918↑o
    21. .data:0000000000610149 01 db 1
    22. .data:000000000061014A 00 db 0
    23. .data:000000000061014B 00 db 0
    24. .data:000000000061014C public secret_417
    25. .data:000000000061014C A1 secret_417 db 0A1h ; DATA XREF: start_quest(std::string)+FA↑o
    26. .data:000000000061014C ; start_quest(std::string)+931↑o
    27. .data:000000000061014D 01 db 1
    28. .data:000000000061014E 00 db 0
    29. .data:000000000061014F 00 db 0
    30. .data:0000000000610150 public secret_527
    31. .data:0000000000610150 0F secret_527 db 0Fh ; DATA XREF: start_quest(std::string)+113↑o
    32. .data:0000000000610150 ; start_quest(std::string)+94A↑o
    33. .data:0000000000610151 02 db 2
    34. .data:0000000000610152 00 db 0
    35. .data:0000000000610153 00 db 0


    1. a = [0,100,214,266,369,417,527,622,733,847,942,1054,1106,1222,1336,1441,1540,1589,1686,1796,1891,1996,2112,2165,2260,2336,2412,2498,2575]
    2. print(bytes([a[i]- a[i-1] for i in range(1, len(a))]))
    3. #dr4g0n_or_p4tric1an_it5_LLVM
    4. #flag{dr4g0n_or_p4tric1an_it5_LLVM}




    1. int __cdecl main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp)
    2. {
    3. ...
    4. sub_140004DD0(std::cin, v52); // 读入
    5. v4 = v52;
    6. if ( v54 >= 0x10 )
    7. v4 = (void **)v52[0];
    8. v5 = (void **)((char *)v4 + v53);
    9. v20[0] = 9024;
    10. *(_QWORD *)v23 = &v22;
    11. v23[8] = byte_14000C7D7;
    12. v31 = *(__m128d *)v23;
    13. v32 = &unk_14000C7ED;
    14. v33 = &v31;
    15. *(_QWORD *)v23 = (char *)&v21 + 2;
    16. v34 = *(__m128d *)v23;
    17. v29[0] = (__int64)&unk_14000C7ED;
    18. v29[1] = (__int64)&v34;
    19. *(_QWORD *)v23 = &v21;
    20. v23[8] = byte_14000C7D7;
    21. v27[0] = (__int64)&unk_14000C7ED;
    22. v27[1] = (__int64)&v35;
    23. v28[0] = (__int64)v27;
    24. v28[1] = (__int64)v20;
    25. v30[0] = (__int64)v28;
    26. v30[1] = (__int64)v29;
    27. v36 = v30;
    28. v37 = (__int64)v20 + 1;
    29. v48 = (__int64)v4 + v53;
    30. *((_QWORD *)&v24 + 1) = *(_QWORD *)&v31.m128d_f64[0];
    31. *(__m128d *)&v46[8] = v34;
    32. *(_OWORD *)&v23[8] = *(_OWORD *)v23;
    33. v35 = *(__m128d *)&v23[8];
    34. v38 = *(_OWORD *)v23; // 数据结构 d1 @ d2 # d3
    35. v39 = *(_OWORD *)&_mm_unpackhi_pd(v35, v35);
    36. v40 = '@';
    37. v41 = *(_OWORD *)v46;
    38. v42 = *(_OWORD *)&_mm_unpackhi_pd(v34, v34);
    39. v43 = '#';
    40. v44 = v24;
    41. v45 = *(_OWORD *)&_mm_unpackhi_pd(v31, v31);
    42. v47 = v4;
    43. *(_QWORD *)&v24 = &v47;
    44. *((_QWORD *)&v24 + 1) = &v48;
    45. v25 = &unk_14000C808;
    46. v26 = &unk_14000C808;
    47. *(_QWORD *)v23 = &v38;
    48. if ( sub_140005910((__int64 *)v23, (__int64)&v21, (__int64 **)&v24) || v47 != v5 )// 判断结构 d1@d2#d3
    49. _exit(0);
    50. LODWORD(v47) = v21;
    51. WORD2(v47) = v22;
    52. sub_1400029B0(&v47); // d1 = 78
    53. sub_1400046A0(Block);
    54. if ( v50 != 5 )
    55. goto LABEL_40;
    56. v6 = time64(0i64);
    57. if ( v6 - v3 > 3 )
    58. goto LABEL_40;
    59. v7 = Block;
    60. if ( v51 >= 0x10 )
    61. v7 = (void **)Block[0];
    62. if ( aEqdtw91a0qwryu[*(char *)v7 - 48] != 68 )// d2 = 20637
    63. goto LABEL_39;
    64. v8 = Block;
    65. if ( v51 >= 0x10 )
    66. v8 = (void **)Block[0];
    67. if ( aEqdtw91a0qwryu[*((char *)v8 + 1) - 48] != 101 )
    68. goto LABEL_39;
    69. v9 = Block;
    70. if ( v51 >= 0x10 )
    71. v9 = (void **)Block[0];
    72. if ( aEqdtw91a0qwryu[*((char *)v9 + 2) - 48] != 49 )
    73. goto LABEL_39;
    74. v10 = Block;
    75. if ( v51 >= 0x10 )
    76. v10 = (void **)Block[0];
    77. if ( aEqdtw91a0qwryu[*((char *)v10 + 3) - 48] != 116 )
    78. goto LABEL_39;
    79. v11 = Block;
    80. if ( v51 >= 0x10 )
    81. v11 = (void **)Block[0];
    82. if ( aEqdtw91a0qwryu[*((char *)v11 + 4) - 48] != 97 )
    83. {
    84. LABEL_39:
    85. Sleep(5u);
    86. _exit(0);
    87. }
    88. if ( (int)(time64(0i64) - v6) > 2 )
    89. LABEL_40:
    90. _exit(0);
    91. if ( WORD2(v47) % (unsigned int)(unsigned __int16)v47 != 12 && WORD2(v47) / (unsigned int)(unsigned __int16)v47 != 3 )// v47[1] = v47[0]*3+12 d3=114
    92. {
    93. sub_1400041F0(std::cout, "You failed...again");
    94. _exit(0);
    95. }
    96. v12 = sub_1400041F0(std::cout, "Your flag is:");
    97. std::ostream::operator<<(v12, sub_1400043C0);
    98. v13 = sub_1400041F0(std::cout, "de1ctf{");
    99. v14 = v52;
    100. if ( v54 >= 0x10 )
    101. v14 = (void **)v52[0];
    102. v15 = sub_140004FC0(v13, v14, v53);
    103. v16 = sub_1400041F0(v15, "}");
    104. std::ostream::operator<<(v16, sub_1400043C0);
    105. if ( v51 >= 0x10 )
    106. {
    107. v17 = Block[0];
    108. if ( v51 + 1 >= 0x1000 )
    109. {
    110. v17 = (void *)*((_QWORD *)Block[0] - 1);
    111. if ( (unsigned __int64)(Block[0] - v17 - 8) > 0x1F )
    112. invalid_parameter_noinfo_noreturn();
    113. }
    114. j_j_free(v17);
    115. }
    116. v50 = 0i64;
    117. v51 = 15i64;
    118. LOBYTE(Block[0]) = 0;
    119. if ( v54 >= 0x10 )
    120. {
    121. v18 = v52[0];
    122. if ( v54 + 1 >= 0x1000 )
    123. {
    124. v18 = (void *)*((_QWORD *)v52[0] - 1);
    125. if ( (unsigned __int64)(v52[0] - v18 - 8) > 0x1F )
    126. invalid_parameter_noinfo_noreturn();
    127. }
    128. j_j_free(v18);
    129. }
    130. return 0;
    131. }


    1. #123@456#789
    2. #d1 = 78
    3. #d2 = 20637
    4. #d3 = 114
    5. #flag{78@20637#114}

    119_[CFI-CTF 2018]Automated Reversing

    附件里有970个小文件,还随机送了生成程序和解密程序solution.py  当时一楞,还给了解密程序。直接运行不就得了。不过可能那是python2写的,我这3有点小问题,于是小小改动一点。输出一大堆东西,在里边就有flag


    1. flag = b''
    2. for i in range(970):
    3. path = "binaries/binary{}".format(i)
    4. with open(path, "rb") as f:
    5. binary = f.read()
    6. operator = binary[0xca]
    7. key = binary[0xcb]
    8. check = binary[0xce]
    9. if operator == 0xc2: # add
    10. flag += bytes([(0x100+ check - key) & 0xff])
    11. elif operator == 0xea: # sub
    12. flag += bytes([(check + key) & 0xff])
    13. else:
    14. flag += bytes([check ^ key])
    15. print(flag)
    16. #改python3 chr改为bytes
    17. #flag{1s_th1s_4_pr0g_ch4ll_0r_4_r3ve3se_ch4ll?}
    18. '''
    19. b'\nLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis nato
    20. que penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu,
    21. pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu.
    22. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tin
    23. cidunt. Cras dapibus. The flag is CFI{1s_th1s_4_pr0g_ch4ll_0r_4_r3ve3se_ch4ll?}. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenea
    24. n leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. I stole this idea directly from Defcon Quals 2016. Phase
    25. llus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet. Quisque rutrum. Aenean imperdiet. Etiam ultricies nisi vel augue. Curabitur
    26. ullamcorper ultricies nisi. Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam semp
    27. er libero, si'
    28. '''



    hint md5('rctf{'+input+'}').digest.hex() == '5f8243a662cf71bf31d2b2602638dc1d'


    1. __int64 __fastcall main(int a1, char **a2, char **a3)
    2. {
    3. ...
    4. memset(v11, 0, 0x100uLL);
    5. __printf_chk(1LL, "Input right flag you can got 'Bingo!' :");
    6. __isoc99_scanf("%31s", v11);
    7. v3 = &v11[strlen(v11)];
    8. if ( (unsigned __int64)(v3 - v11) > 0x10 )
    9. {
    10. puts("input is too long!");
    11. }
    12. else if ( v3 - v11 == 16 )
    13. {
    14. v4 = sub_C00((unsigned __int64)v11, 16, (char **)&ptr);// 16进制转数字
    15. if ( v4
    16. && (v5 = sub_1180(ptr, v4, (__int64)&unk_202010, 16, &v9), (v6 = v5) != 0LL)// tea
    17. && v9 > 0
    18. && (unsigned __int16)((__int64 (__fastcall *)(char *))sub_13D0)(v5) == 27106 )// crc校验
    19. {
    20. for ( i = 0LL; v9 > (int)i; ++i )
    21. v6[i] ^= 0x17u;
    22. puts(v6);
    23. if ( ptr )
    24. free(ptr);
    25. free(v6);
    26. }
    27. else
    28. {
    29. puts("input flag is wrong!");
    30. }
    31. }
    32. else
    33. {
    34. puts("input is too short!");
    35. }
    36. return 0LL;
    37. }





    1. #hint md5('rctf{'+input+'}').digest.hex() == '5f8243a662cf71bf31d2b2602638dc1d' buu未给出
    2. import xxtea
    3. import hashlib
    4. key = [0xc7,0xe0,0xc7,0xe0,0xd7,0xd3,0xf1,0xc6,0xd3,0xc6,0xd3,0xc6,0xce,0xd2,0xd0,0xc4]
    5. text = [v^0x17 for v in b'Bingo!\0\0']
    6. for i in range(0x100):
    7. for j in range(0x100):
    8. text[6] = i
    9. text[7] = j
    10. c = xxtea.encrypt(bytes(text), bytes(key), padding=False ).hex()
    11. flag = 'rctf{'+c+'}'
    12. #print(flag)
    13. if hashlib.md5(flag.encode()).digest().hex() == '5f8243a662cf71bf31d2b2602638dc1d':
    14. print('OK:',flag)
    15. exit()
    16. #rctf{05e8a376e4e0446e}
    17. #flag{05e8a376e4e0446e}

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  • 原文地址:https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_52640415/article/details/125438505