Abandoned and Chosen 之 The adoption
1. exterior n.外部,外观,外貌
…, Paul ended up with a gentle and calm disposition under his leathery.
2. be primed to do sth. 准备好做某事
…, she was primed to start a new life.
3. prominent adj.显赫的
Jandali was the youngest of nine children in a prominent Syrian family.
4. premium n.额外费用,奖金,保险费,溢价
Like the Schieble family, the Jandalis put a premium on education.
5. standoff n.僵局
The standoff lasted weeks, …
6. stipulation n.规定
Eventually Joanne relented(变得温和了,放宽了要求), with the stipulation …
7. acclaimed adj.杰出的
… who grew up to become the acclaimed novelist Mona Simpson …
【ps: acclaim v.赞扬,称赞,为…喝彩;n.赞扬,称誉,高度评价】
8. dismiss v.否认, 驳回【常用义:解雇】
Jobs dismissed it.
9. curt adj.草率的;简要的,简短而失礼的;唐突无礼的
When speaking about his biological parents, on the other hand, he was cult.
10. sprout v.涌现,突然出现
Other defense contractors sprouted nearby during the 1950s…
11. stretch back to 回溯到
Its roots streched back to 1938, …
12. outgrow v.过大而不适于
Fortunately there was a place nearby for entrepreneurs who had outgrown their garages.
13. blue-chip adj.第一流的,靠得住的,独特的,蓝色筹码的
By the time Jobs … was the blue-chip company where every engineer seeking financial stability wanted to work.
14. notably adj.著名的
15. abbreviate v.简称
…they called Integrated Electronics Corporation, which they soon smartly abbreviated to Intel.
16. exponential adj.爆炸式发展的
The exponential growth of this industry was correlated with the phenomenon famously discovered by Moore, …
17. dub v.把……称为,给……起绰号;
…, the Intel 4004, which was dubbed a “microprocessor”.
18. amplify v.放大
amplifier 放大器.
19. willful adj.任性的
…, they were willing to adapt their lives to suit a son who was very smart — and also willflul…
20. defer to 迎合
They were willing to defer to my needs…