• [C++]C风格、C++风格和C++11特性的线程池



    thread pool就是线程的一种使用模式,一个线程池中维护着多个线程等待接收管理者分配的可并发执行的任务。

    • 避免了处理短时间任务时创建与销毁线程的代价
    • 既保证内核的充分利用,又能防止过度调度
    • 可用线程数量应该取决于可用的并发处理器、处理器内核、内存、网络sockets的数量


    • 线程池管理器(thread pool):创建、销毁线程池
    • 工作线程(pool wroker):在没有任务时处于等待状态,循环读取并执行任务队列中的任务
    • 任务(task):抽象一个任务,主要规定任务的入口、任务执行完后的收尾工作、任务的执行状态等
    • 任务队列(task queue):存放没有处理的任务,提供一种缓冲机制


    1. 抽象一个任务#


    typedef struct task { void* (*run)(void* args); // abstract a job function that need to run void* arg; // argument of the run function struct task* next; // point to the next task in task queue } task_t;

    2. 任务队列#

    • threadpool中用firstlast指针指向首尾两个任务
    • task结构体保证每个task都能指向任务队列中下一个task
    typedef struct task { void* (*run)(void* args); // abstract a job function that need to run void* arg; // argument of the run function struct task* next; // point to the next task in task queue } task_t; typedef struct threadpool { condition_t ready; // condition & mutex task_t* first; // fist task in task queue task_t* last; // last task in task queue int counter; // total task number int idle; // idle task number int max_threads; // max task number int quit; // the quit flag } threadpool_t;

    3. 线程安全的问题#


    typedef struct condition { /** * 互斥锁 */ pthread_mutex_t pmutex; /** * 条件变量 */ pthread_cond_t pcond; } condition_t;


    /** * 初始化 */ int condition_init(condition_t* cond); /** * 加锁 */ int condition_lock(condition_t* cond); /** * 解锁 */ int condition_unlock(condition_t* cond); /** * 条件等待 * * pthread_cond_wait(cond, mutex)的功能有3个: * 1) 调用者线程首先释放mutex * 2) 然后阻塞, 等待被别的线程唤醒 * 3) 当调用者线程被唤醒后,调用者线程会再次获取mutex */ int condition_wait(condition_t* cond); /** * 计时等待 */ int condition_timedwait(condition_t* cond, const timespec* abstime); /** * 激活一个等待该条件的线程 * * 1) 作用: 发送一个信号给另外一个处于阻塞等待状态的线程, 使其脱离阻塞状态继续执行 * 2) 如果没有线程处在阻塞状态, 那么pthread_cond_signal也会成功返回, 所以需要判断下idle thread的数量 * 3) 最多只会给一个线程发信号,不会有「惊群现象」 * 4) 首先根据线程优先级的高低确定发送给哪个线程信号, 如果优先级相同则优先发给等待最久的线程 * 5) 重点: pthread_cond_wait必须放在lock和unlock之间, 因为他要根据共享变量的状态决定是否要等待; 但是pthread_cond_signal既可以放在lock和unlock之间,也可以放在lock和unlock之后 */ int condition_signal(condition_t *cond); /** * 唤醒所有等待线程 */ int condition_broadcast(condition_t *cond); /** * 销毁 */ int condition_destroy(condition_t *cond);

    4. 线程池的实现#

    4.1 初始化一个线程池


    // initialize the thread pool void threadpool_init(threadpool_t* pool, int threads_num) { int n_status = condition_init(&pool ->ready); if (n_status == 0) { printf("Info: initialize the thread pool successfully!\n"); } else { printf("Error: initialize the thread pool failed, status:%d\n", n_status); } pool->first = NULL; pool->last = NULL; pool->counter = 0; pool->idle = 0; pool->max_threads = threads_num; pool->quit = 0; }
    4.2 向线程池中添加任务,并分配给它一个线程


    • 如果当前有空闲线程那么直接调用空闲线程执行函数
    • 如果无空闲线程且当前线程数未满时创建一个新的线程执行任务
    • 如果无空闲线程且当前线程数已满时,任务会呆在任务队列中等待线程池释放出空闲线程
    // add a task to thread pool void threadpool_add_task(threadpool_t* pool, void* (*run)(void *arg), void* arg) { // create a task task_t* new_task = reinterpret_cast<task_t*>(malloc(sizeof(task_t))); new_task->run = run; new_task->arg = arg; new_task->next = NULL; // lock the condition condition_lock(&pool->ready); // add the task to task queue if (pool->first == NULL) { pool->first = new_task; } else { // else add to the last task pool->last->next = new_task; } pool->last = new_task; /* * after you add a task to task queue, you need to allocate it to a thread: * (1)if idle thread num > 0: awake a idle thread * (2)if idle thread num = 0 & thread num does not reach maximum: create a new thread to run the task */ if (pool->idle > 0) { // awake a thread that wait for longest time condition_signal(&pool->ready); } else if (pool->counter < pool->max_threads) { // define a tid to get the thread identifier that we are going to create pthread_t tid; /* * pthread_create(): * (1)thread identifier * (2)set the pthread attribute * (3)the function that thread is going to run * (4)the args of run func * * A realistic limit of thread num is 200 to 400 threads * https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSLTBW_2.3.0/com.ibm.zos.v2r3.bpxbd00/ptcrea.htm */ pthread_create(&tid, NULL, thread_routine, pool); pool->counter++; } else { // when (idle == 0 & counter = max_threads), then wait printf("Warning: no idle thread, please wait...\n"); } condition_unlock(&pool->ready); }

    5. 线程的执行过程#

    5.1 如果任务队列为空
    // when task queue is empty, then block 2 second to get the new task // If timeout, then destroy the thread while (pool->first == NULL && !pool->quit) { printf("Info: thread %ld is waiting for a task\n", (u_int64_t)pthread_self()); // get the system time clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &abs_name); abs_name.tv_sec += 2; int status; status = condition_timedwait(&pool->ready, &abs_name); // block for 2 second if (status == ETIMEDOUT) { printf("Info: thread %ld wait timed out\n", (u_int64_t)pthread_self()); timeout = true; break; } } ... // if visit task queue timeout(means no task in queue), quit destory the thread if (timeout) { pool->counter--; condition_unlock(&pool->ready); break; // destroy the thread }
    5.2 如果任务队列非空
    // when the thread run the task, we should unlock the thread pool if (pool->first != NULL) { // get the task from task queue task_t* t = pool->first; pool->first = t->next; // unlock the thread pool to make other threads visit task queue condition_unlock(&pool->ready); // run the task run func t->run(t->arg); free(t); // lock condition_lock(&pool->ready); }
    5.3 没有任务且收到退出信号
    // when task queue is clean and quit flag is 1, then destroy the thread if (pool->quit && pool->first == NULL) { pool->counter--; // 若线程池中线程数为0,通知等待线程(主线程)全部任务已经完成 if (pool->counter == 0) { condition_signal(&pool->ready); } condition_unlock(&pool->ready); break; // destroy the thread }

    6. 代码#


    #ifndef CONDITION_H_ #define CONDITION_H_ #include <pthread.h> #include <cstdio> typedef struct condition { /** * 互斥锁 */ pthread_mutex_t pmutex; /** * 条件变量 */ pthread_cond_t pcond; } condition_t; /** * 初始化 */ int condition_init(condition_t* cond); /** * 加锁 */ int condition_lock(condition_t* cond); /** * 解锁 */ int condition_unlock(condition_t* cond); /** * 条件等待 * * pthread_cond_wait(cond, mutex)的功能有3个: * 1) 调用者线程首先释放mutex * 2) 然后阻塞, 等待被别的线程唤醒 * 3) 当调用者线程被唤醒后,调用者线程会再次获取mutex */ int condition_wait(condition_t* cond); /** * 计时等待 */ int condition_timedwait(condition_t* cond, const timespec* abstime); /** * 激活一个等待该条件的线程 * * 1) 作用: 发送一个信号给另外一个处于阻塞等待状态的线程, 使其脱离阻塞状态继续执行 * 2) 如果没有线程处在阻塞状态, 那么pthread_cond_signal也会成功返回, 所以需要判断下idle thread的数量 * 3) 最多只会给一个线程发信号,不会有「惊群现象」 * 4) 首先根据线程优先级的高低确定发送给哪个线程信号, 如果优先级相同则优先发给等待最久的线程 * 5) 重点: pthread_cond_wait必须放在lock和unlock之间, 因为他要根据共享变量的状态决定是否要等待; 但是pthread_cond_signal既可以放在lock和unlock之间,也可以放在lock和unlock之后 */ int condition_signal(condition_t *cond); /** * 唤醒所有等待线程 */ int condition_broadcast(condition_t *cond); /** * 销毁 */ int condition_destroy(condition_t *cond); #endif // CONDITION_H_


    #include "condition.h" // 初始化 int condition_init(condition_t* cond) { int status; status = pthread_mutex_init(&cond->pmutex, NULL); if (status != 0) { printf("Error: pthread_mutex_init failed, return value:%d\n", status); return status; } status = pthread_cond_init(&cond->pcond, NULL); if (status != 0) { printf("Error: pthread_cond_init failed, return value:%d\n", status); return status; } return 0; } // 加锁 int condition_lock(condition_t* cond) { return pthread_mutex_lock(&cond->pmutex); } // 解锁 int condition_unlock(condition_t* cond) { return pthread_mutex_unlock(&cond->pmutex); } // 条件等待 int condition_wait(condition_t* cond) { return pthread_cond_wait(&cond->pcond, &cond->pmutex); } // 计时等待 int condition_timedwait(condition_t* cond, const timespec* abstime) { return pthread_cond_timedwait(&cond->pcond, &cond->pmutex, abstime); } // 激活一个等待该条件的线程 int condition_signal(condition_t *cond) { return pthread_cond_signal(&cond->pcond); } // 唤醒所有等待线程 int condition_broadcast(condition_t *cond) { return pthread_cond_broadcast(&cond->pcond); } // 销毁 int condition_destroy(condition_t *cond) { int status; status = pthread_mutex_destroy(&cond->pmutex); if (status != 0) { return status; } status = pthread_cond_destroy(&cond->pcond); if (status != 0) { return status; } return 0; }


    #ifndef THREAD_POLL_H_ #define THREAD_POLL_H_ #include "condition.h" typedef struct task { void* (*run)(void* args); // abstract a job function that need to run void* arg; // argument of the run function struct task* next; // point to the next task in task queue } task_t; typedef struct threadpool { condition_t ready; // condition & mutex task_t* first; // fist task in task queue task_t* last; // last task in task queue int counter; // total task number int idle; // idle task number int max_threads; // max task number int quit; // the quit flag } threadpool_t; /** * initialize threadpool */ void threadpool_init(threadpool_t* pool, int threads_num); /** * add a task to threadpool */ void threadpool_add_task(threadpool_t* pool, void* (*run)(void *args), void* arg); /** * destroy threadpool */ void threadpool_destroy(threadpool_t* pool); #endif // THREAD_POLL_H_


    #include <pthread.h> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstdio> #include <cerrno> #include <ctime> #include "threadpool.h" void *thread_routine(void *arg); // initialize the thread pool void threadpool_init(threadpool_t* pool, int threads_num) { int n_status = condition_init(&pool ->ready); if (n_status == 0) { printf("Info: initialize the thread pool successfully!\n"); } else { printf("Error: initialize the thread pool failed, status:%d\n", n_status); } pool->first = NULL; pool->last = NULL; pool->counter = 0; pool->idle = 0; pool->max_threads = threads_num; pool->quit = 0; } // add a task to thread pool void threadpool_add_task(threadpool_t* pool, void* (*run)(void *arg), void* arg) { // create a task task_t* new_task = reinterpret_cast<task_t*>(malloc(sizeof(task_t))); new_task->run = run; new_task->arg = arg; new_task->next = NULL; // lock the condition condition_lock(&pool->ready); // add the task to task queue if (pool->first == NULL) { pool->first = new_task; } else { // else add to the last task pool->last->next = new_task; } pool->last = new_task; /* * after you add a task to task queue, you need to allocate it to a thread: * (1)if idle thread num > 0: awake a idle thread * (2)if idle thread num = 0 & thread num does not reach maximum: create a new thread to run the task */ if (pool->idle > 0) { // awake a thread that wait for longest time condition_signal(&pool->ready); } else if (pool->counter < pool->max_threads) { // define a tid to get the thread identifier that we are going to create pthread_t tid; /* * pthread_create(): * (1)thread identifier * (2)set the pthread attribute * (3)the function that thread is going to run * (4)the args of run func * * A realistic limit of thread num is 200 to 400 threads * https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSLTBW_2.3.0/com.ibm.zos.v2r3.bpxbd00/ptcrea.htm */ pthread_create(&tid, NULL, thread_routine, pool); pool->counter++; } else { // when (idle == 0 & counter = max_threads), then wait printf("Warning: no idle thread, please wait...\n"); } condition_unlock(&pool->ready); } // create a thread to run the task run func // and the void *arg means the arg passed by pthread_create: pool void *thread_routine(void *arg) { struct timespec abs_name; bool timeout; printf("Info: create thread, and the thread id is: %ld\n", (u_int64_t)pthread_self()); threadpool_t *pool = reinterpret_cast<threadpool_t *>(arg); // keep visiting the task queue while (true) { timeout = false; condition_lock(&pool->ready); pool->idle++; // when task queue is empty, then block 2 second to get the new task // If timeout, then destroy the thread while (pool->first == NULL && !pool->quit) { printf("Info: thread %ld is waiting for a task\n", (u_int64_t)pthread_self()); // get the system time clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &abs_name); abs_name.tv_sec += 2; int status; status = condition_timedwait(&pool->ready, &abs_name); // block for 2 second if (status == ETIMEDOUT) { printf("Info: thread %ld wait timed out\n", (u_int64_t)pthread_self()); timeout = true; break; } } pool->idle--; // when the thread run the task, we should unlock the thread pool if (pool->first != NULL) { // get the task from task queue task_t* t = pool->first; pool->first = t->next; // unlock the thread pool to make other threads visit task queue condition_unlock(&pool->ready); // run the task run func t->run(t->arg); free(t); // lock condition_lock(&pool->ready); } // when task queue is clean and quit flag is 1, then destroy the thread if (pool->quit && pool->first == NULL) { pool->counter--; // 若线程池中线程数为0,通知等待线程(主线程)全部任务已经完成 if (pool->counter == 0) { condition_signal(&pool->ready); } condition_unlock(&pool->ready); break; // destroy the thread } // if visit task queue timeout(means no task in queue), quit destory the thread if (timeout) { pool->counter--; condition_unlock(&pool->ready); break; // destroy the thread } condition_unlock(&pool->ready); } // if break, destroy the thread printf("Info: thread %ld quit\n", (u_int64_t)pthread_self()); return NULL; } /* * destroy a thread pool: * 1) awake all the idle thread * 2) wait for the running thread to finish */ void threadpool_destroy(threadpool_t *pool) { if (pool->quit) { return; } condition_lock(&pool->ready); pool->quit = 1; if (pool->counter > 0) { if (pool->idle > 0) { condition_broadcast(&pool->ready); } while (pool->counter > 0) { condition_wait(&pool->ready); } } condition_unlock(&pool->ready); condition_destroy(&pool->ready); }


    #include <unistd.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "threadpool.h" #define THREADPOOL_MAX_NUM 30 void* mytask(void *arg) { printf("Info: thread %ld is working on task %d\n", (u_int64_t)pthread_self(), *reinterpret_cast<int*>(arg)); sleep(1); free(arg); return NULL; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { threadpool_t pool; threadpool_init(&pool, THREADPOOL_MAX_NUM); // add task to task queue for (int i=0; i < 100; i++) { int *arg = reinterpret_cast<int *>(malloc(sizeof(int))); *arg = i; threadpool_add_task(&pool, mytask, arg); } threadpool_destroy(&pool); return 0; }


    $g++ -g test.cpp threadpool.cpp condition.cpp -o test -std=c++11 -lpthread $./test Info: initialize the thread pool successfully! Info: create thread, and the thread id is: 139898193295104 Info: create thread, and the thread id is: 139898176509696 Info: thread 139898176509696 is working on task 0 Info: create thread, and the thread id is: 139898168116992 Info: create thread, and the thread id is: 139898184902400 Info: create thread, and the thread id is: 139898134546176 Info: create thread, and the thread id is: 139898126153472 Info: create thread, and the thread id is: 139898117760768 Info: thread 139898117760768 is working on task 1 Info: create thread, and the thread id is: 139898100975360 Info: create thread, and the thread id is: 139898092582656 Info: create thread, and the thread id is: 139898084189952 Info: create thread, and the thread id is: 139898159724288 Info: create thread, and the thread id is: 139898109368064 Info: create thread, and the thread id is: 139898067404544 Info: create thread, and the thread id is: 139898059011840 Info: create thread, and the thread id is: 139898050619136 Info: create thread, and the thread id is: 139898042226432 Info: create thread, and the thread id is: 139898033833728 Info: create thread, and the thread id is: 139898025441024 Info: create thread, and the thread id is: 139898017048320 Info: create thread, and the thread id is: 139898008655616 Info: create thread, and the thread id is: 139898075797248 Info: create thread, and the thread id is: 139898000262912 Info: create thread, and the thread id is: 139898142938880 Info: create thread, and the thread id is: 139898151331584 Info: thread 139898159724288 is working on task 2 Info: thread 139898151331584 is working on task 3 Info: create thread, and the thread id is: 139897991870208 Info: create thread, and the thread id is: 139897966692096 Info: create thread, and the thread id is: 139897958299392 Warning: no idle thread, please wait... 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Info: thread 139898142938880 is working on task 6 Warning: no idle thread, please wait... Info: thread 139898042226432 is working on task 7 Warning: no idle thread, please wait... Info: thread 139897949906688 is working on task 8 Info: thread 139898184902400 is working on task 11 Info: thread 139898134546176 is working on task 13 Info: thread 139898017048320 is working on task 14 Info: thread 139898008655616 is working on task 16 Info: thread 139898193295104 is working on task 18 Info: thread 139898000262912 is working on task 20 Info: thread 139898100975360 is working on task 21 Info: thread 139897983477504 is working on task 9 Info: thread 139897975084800 is working on task 10 Info: thread 139898092582656 is working on task 26 Info: thread 139898050619136 is working on task 24 Info: thread 139897991870208 is working on task 28 Info: thread 139898025441024 is working on task 12 Info: thread 139898084189952 is working on task 15 Info: thread 139898109368064 is working on task 17 Info: thread 139897966692096 is working on task 25 Info: thread 139898075797248 is working on task 19 Info: thread 139898059011840 is working on task 22 Info: thread 139897958299392 is 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task 66 Info: thread 139898042226432 is working on task 67 Info: thread 139897949906688 is working on task 69 Info: thread 139898184902400 is working on task 68 Info: thread 139898000262912 is working on task 70 Info: thread 139898008655616 is working on task 71 Info: thread 139898017048320 is working on task 72 Info: thread 139898050619136 is working on task 73 Info: thread 139898134546176 is working on task 74 Info: thread 139898109368064 is working on task 78 Info: thread 139898100975360 is working on task 80 Info: thread 139897975084800 is working on task 82 Info: thread 139898075797248 is working on task 81 Info: thread 139897966692096 is working on task 85 Info: thread 139897958299392 is working on task 86 Info: thread 139898126153472 is working on task 88 Info: thread 139898059011840 is working on task 89 Info: thread 139898092582656 is working on task 87 Info: thread 139898025441024 is working on task 76 Info: thread 139898084189952 is working on task 77 Info: thread 139898193295104 is working on task 75 Info: thread 139897991870208 is working on task 79 Info: thread 139898033833728 is working on task 83 Info: thread 139897983477504 is working on task 84 Info: thread 139898176509696 is working on task 90 Info: thread 139898117760768 is working on task 91 Info: thread 139898159724288 is working on task 92 Info: thread 139898151331584 is working on task 93 Info: thread 139898067404544 is working on task 94 Info: thread 139898168116992 is working on task 95 Info: thread 139898142938880 is working on task 96 Info: thread 139898042226432 is working on task 97 Info: thread 139897949906688 is working on task 98 Info: thread 139898184902400 is working on task 99 Info: thread 139898000262912 quit Info: thread 139898008655616 quit Info: thread 139898017048320 quit Info: thread 139898050619136 quit Info: thread 139898134546176 quit Info: thread 139898109368064 quit Info: thread 139898100975360 quit Info: thread 139897966692096 quit Info: thread 139898126153472 quit Info: thread 139897975084800 quit Info: thread 139898075797248 quit Info: thread 139897958299392 quit Info: thread 139898059011840 quit Info: thread 139898092582656 quit Info: thread 139898025441024 quit Info: thread 139898084189952 quit Info: thread 139898193295104 quit Info: thread 139897991870208 quit Info: thread 139898033833728 quit Info: thread 139897983477504 quit Info: thread 139898176509696 quit Info: thread 139898117760768 quit Info: thread 139898159724288 quit Info: thread 139898151331584 quit Info: thread 139898067404544 quit Info: thread 139898168116992 quit Info: thread 139898142938880 quit Info: thread 139898042226432 quit Info: thread 139897949906688 quit Info: thread 139898184902400 quit


    1. 基于条件变量的线程池#


    #ifndef THREAD_POOL_H #define THREAD_POOL_H #include <stdio.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <functional> #include <vector> #include <queue> class ThreadPool { public: typedef void *(WrokerFunc)(void* arg); struct Task { WrokerFunc* run; void* arg; }; explicit ThreadPool(int thread_num); ~ThreadPool(); void addTask(WrokerFunc* func, void* arg); private: std::queue<Task*> task_queue_; std::vector<pthread_t> thread_list_; bool is_running_; // note: is_running_不用原子变量或者锁操作可能存在卡死问题 pthread_mutex_t mutex_; pthread_cond_t condition_; static void* thread_routine(void* pool_ptr); void thread_worker(); }; // =========================implementation========================= inline ThreadPool::ThreadPool(int thread_num) : is_running_(true) { pthread_mutex_init(&mutex_, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&condition_, NULL); for (int i = 0; i < thread_num; i++) { pthread_t pid; pthread_create(&pid, NULL, thread_routine, this); thread_list_.push_back(pid); } } inline ThreadPool::~ThreadPool() { pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_); is_running_ = false; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_); pthread_cond_broadcast(&condition_); // wakeup all threads that block to get task for (int i = 0; i < thread_list_.size(); i++) { pthread_join(thread_list_[i], NULL); } pthread_cond_destroy(&condition_); pthread_mutex_destroy(&mutex_); } inline void ThreadPool::addTask(WrokerFunc* func, void* arg) { Task* task = new Task(); task->run = func; task->arg = arg; pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_); task_queue_.push(task); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_); pthread_cond_signal(&condition_); } inline void* ThreadPool::thread_routine(void* pool_ptr) { ThreadPool* pool = static_cast<ThreadPool*>(pool_ptr); pool->thread_worker(); } inline void ThreadPool::thread_worker() { Task* task = NULL; while (true) { pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_); if (!is_running_) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_); break; } if (task_queue_.empty()) { pthread_cond_wait(&condition_, &mutex_); // 获取不到任务时阻塞, 直到有新的任务入队 if (task_queue_.empty()) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_); continue; } } task = task_queue_.front(); task_queue_.pop(); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_); (*(task->run))(task->arg); delete task; task = NULL; } // 线程池终止时(is_running_ = false)确保任务队列为空后退出 while (true) { pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_); if (task_queue_.empty()) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_); break; } task = task_queue_.front(); task_queue_.pop(); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_); delete task; task = NULL; } printf("Info: thread[%lu] exit\n", pthread_self()); } #endif // THREAD_POOL_H


    #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <vector> #include "threadpool.h" void* MyTaskFunc(void* arg) { int* i = static_cast<int*>(arg); printf("[MyTaskFunc]: thread[%lu] is working on %d\n", pthread_self(), *i); return NULL; } int main() { ThreadPool pool(10); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { int* arg = new int(i); pool.addTask(&MyTaskFunc, arg); } return 0; }


    $g++ -g threadpool_test.cpp -o threadpool_test -lpthread $./threadpool_test [MyTaskFunc]: thread[140224777099008] is working on 0 [MyTaskFunc]: thread[140224793884416] is working on 8 [MyTaskFunc]: thread[140224844240640] is working on 2 Info: thread[140224844240640] exit [MyTaskFunc]: thread[140224827455232] is working on 4 Info: thread[140224827455232] exit [MyTaskFunc]: thread[140224810669824] is working on 6 Info: thread[140224810669824] exit [MyTaskFunc]: thread[140224777099008] is working on 10 Info: thread[140224777099008] exit [MyTaskFunc]: thread[140224852633344] is working on 1 Info: thread[140224852633344] exit [MyTaskFunc]: thread[140224835847936] is working on 3 Info: thread[140224835847936] exit [MyTaskFunc]: thread[140224802277120] is working on 7 Info: thread[140224802277120] exit Info: thread[140224793884416] exit [MyTaskFunc]: thread[140224819062528] is working on 5 Info: thread[140224819062528] exit [MyTaskFunc]: thread[140224785491712] is working on 9 Info: thread[140224785491712] exit

    2. 基于信号量的同步任务队列#



    #ifndef SYNC_TASK_QUEUE_H #define SYNC_TASK_QUEUE_H #include <semaphore.h> #include <vector> #include "threadpool.h" class SyncTaskQueue { public: struct SyncTask { ThreadPool::Task task; sem_t* sem; }; explicit SyncTaskQueue(ThreadPool* pool_ptr); ~SyncTaskQueue(); void addTask(ThreadPool::WrokerFunc* func, void* sync_task_ptr); void wait(); private: ThreadPool* threadpool_; sem_t sem_; int sync_task_num_; // 务必保证单线程读写, 否则需要加锁 static ThreadPool::WrokerFunc workerFuncWrapper; }; inline SyncTaskQueue::SyncTaskQueue(ThreadPool* pool_ptr) : threadpool_(pool_ptr), sync_task_num_(0) { sem_init(&sem_, 0, 0); } inline SyncTaskQueue::~SyncTaskQueue() { // make sure that all task has been finished before destory if (sync_task_num_ > 0) { wait(); } sem_destroy(&sem_); } inline void SyncTaskQueue::addTask(ThreadPool::WrokerFunc* func, void* arg) { sync_task_num_++; // wrapper the worker function with sem SyncTask* sync_task = new SyncTask(); sync_task->sem = &(this->sem_); sync_task->task.run = func; sync_task->task.arg = arg; threadpool_->addTask(&workerFuncWrapper, sync_task); } inline void SyncTaskQueue::wait() { while (sync_task_num_) { int sem_value = 0; sem_wait(&sem_); sync_task_num_--; } } inline void* SyncTaskQueue::workerFuncWrapper(void* sync_task_ptr) { SyncTask* sync_task = static_cast<SyncTask*>(sync_task_ptr); (*(sync_task->task.run))(sync_task->task.arg); sem_post(sync_task->sem); delete sync_task; } #endif // SYNC_TASK_QUEUE_H


    #include <unistd.h> #include "sync_task_queue.h" void* MyTaskFunc(void* arg) { int i = *static_cast<int*>(arg); printf("[MyTaskFunc]: thread[%lu] is working on %d\n", pthread_self(), i); sleep(2); return NULL; } int main() { ThreadPool threadpool(20); SyncTaskQueue sync_task_queue(&threadpool); for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) { int* arg = new int(i); sync_task_queue.addTask(&MyTaskFunc, arg); } printf("====================================wait for result===================================\n"); sync_task_queue.wait(); }


    $g++ -g sync_task_queue_test.cpp -o sync_task_queue_test -lpthread $./sync_task_queue_test [MyTaskFunc]: thread[140349199148800] is working on 0 [MyTaskFunc]: thread[140349266290432] is working on 12 [MyTaskFunc]: thread[140349358610176] is working on 2 [MyTaskFunc]: thread[140349341824768] is working on 3 [MyTaskFunc]: thread[140349333432064] is working on 4 [MyTaskFunc]: thread[140349325039360] is working on 5 [MyTaskFunc]: thread[140349308253952] is working on 6 [MyTaskFunc]: thread[140349299861248] is working on 8 [MyTaskFunc]: thread[140349316646656] is working on 7 [MyTaskFunc]: thread[140349283075840] is working on 9 [MyTaskFunc]: thread[140349291468544] is working on 10 [MyTaskFunc]: thread[140349274683136] is working on 11 [MyTaskFunc]: thread[140349257897728] is working on 13 [MyTaskFunc]: thread[140349249505024] is working on 14 [MyTaskFunc]: thread[140349350217472] is working on 1 ====================================wait for result=================================== Info: thread[140349232719616] exit Info: thread[140349241112320] exit Info: thread[140349266290432] exit Info: thread[140349207541504] exit Info: thread[140349299861248] exit Info: thread[140349283075840] exit Info: thread[140349291468544] exit Info: thread[140349249505024] exit Info: thread[140349274683136] exit Info: thread[140349333432064] exit Info: thread[140349325039360] exit Info: thread[140349308253952] exit Info: thread[140349224326912] exit Info: thread[140349316646656] exit Info: thread[140349199148800] exit Info: thread[140349350217472] exit Info: thread[140349257897728] exit Info: thread[140349215934208] exit Info: thread[140349358610176] exit Info: thread[140349341824768] exit



    1. 代码#




    #ifndef THREAD_POOL_H #define THREAD_POOL_H #include <vector> #include <queue> #include <memory> #include <thread> #include <mutex> #include <condition_variable> #include <future> #include <utility> #include <functional> #include <stdexcept> class ThreadPool { public: explicit ThreadPool(size_t); template<typename F, typename... Args> auto enqueue(F&& f, Args&&... args) -> std::future<typename std::result_of<F(Args...)>::type>; ~ThreadPool(); private: // need to keep track of threads so we can join them std::vector<std::thread> workers_; // the task queue std::queue<std::function<void()>> tasks_; // synchronization std::mutex queue_mutex_; std::condition_variable condition_; bool stop_; }; // the constructor just launches some amount of workers inline ThreadPool::ThreadPool(size_t threads) : stop_(false) { for (size_t i = 0; i < threads; ++i) { workers_.emplace_back( [this] { for (;;) { std::function<void()> task; { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(this->queue_mutex_); this->condition_.wait(lock, [this] { return this->stop_ || !this->tasks_.empty(); }); if (this->stop_ && this->tasks_.empty()) { return; } task = std::move(this->tasks_.front()); this->tasks_.pop(); } task(); } }); } } // add new work item to the pool template<class F, class... Args> auto ThreadPool::enqueue(F&& f, Args&&... args) -> std::future<typename std::result_of<F(Args...)>::type> { using return_type = typename std::result_of<F(Args...)>::type; auto task = std::make_shared< std::packaged_task<return_type()>> ( std::bind(std::forward<F>(f), std::forward<Args>(args)...)); std::future<return_type> res = task->get_future(); { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(queue_mutex_); // don't allow enqueueing after stopping the pool if (stop_) { throw std::runtime_error("enqueue on stopped ThreadPool"); } tasks_.emplace([task](){ (*task)(); }); } condition_.notify_one(); return res; } // the destructor joins all threads inline ThreadPool::~ThreadPool() { { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(queue_mutex_); stop_ = true; } condition_.notify_all(); for (std::thread &worker : workers_) { worker.join(); } } #endif // THREAD_POOL_H


    #include <unistd.h> #include "threadpool.h" void mytask(int i) { printf("Info: thread %ld is working on task %d\n", (u_int64_t)pthread_self(), i); sleep(1); return; } int main() { ThreadPool threadpool(20); for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { threadpool.enqueue(mytask, i); } return 0; }


    $g++ -g test.cpp -o test -std=c++11 -lpthread $./test Info: thread 139679726323456 is working on task 1 Info: thread 139679709538048 is working on task 3 Info: thread 139679717930752 is working on task 2 Info: thread 139679734716160 is working on task 0 Info: thread 139679600432896 is working on task 15 Info: thread 139679684359936 is working on task 6 Info: thread 139679617218304 is working on task 14 Info: thread 139679634003712 is working on task 12 Info: thread 139679667574528 is working on task 8 Info: thread 139679625611008 is working on task 13 Info: thread 139679575254784 is working on task 19 Info: thread 139679659181824 is working on task 9 Info: thread 139679701145344 is working on task 4 Info: thread 139679692752640 is working on task 5 Info: thread 139679592040192 is working on task 17 Info: thread 139679583647488 is working on task 18 Info: thread 139679675967232 is working on task 7 Info: thread 139679642396416 is working on task 11 Info: thread 139679608825600 is working on task 16 Info: thread 139679650789120 is working on task 10 Info: thread 139679684359936 is working on task 21 Info: thread 139679617218304 is working on task 24 Info: thread 139679600432896 is working on task 28 Info: thread 139679709538048 is working on task 23 Info: thread 139679659181824 is working on task 30 Info: thread 139679692752640 is working on task 32 Info: thread 139679583647488 is working on task 34 Info: thread 139679608825600 is working on task 35 Info: thread 139679592040192 is working on task 33 Info: thread 139679634003712 is working on task 25 Info: thread 139679625611008 is working on task 29 Info: thread 139679726323456 is working on task 20 Info: thread 139679701145344 is working on task 31 Info: thread 139679650789120 is working on task 36 Info: thread 139679667574528 is working on task 27 Info: thread 139679575254784 is working on task 37 Info: thread 139679734716160 is working on task 26 Info: thread 139679675967232 is working on task 38 Info: thread 139679717930752 is working on task 22 Info: thread 139679642396416 is working on task 39 Info: thread 139679684359936 is working on task 40 Info: thread 139679692752640 is working on task 45 Info: thread 139679625611008 is working on task 51 Info: thread 139679583647488 is working on task 43 Info: thread 139679659181824 is working on task 44 Info: thread 139679575254784 is working on task 55 Info: thread 139679592040192 is working on task 47 Info: thread 139679617218304 is working on task 41 Info: thread 139679717930752 is working on task 57 Info: thread 139679726323456 is working on task 49 Info: thread 139679634003712 is working on task 50 Info: thread 139679650789120 is working on task 52 Info: thread 139679675967232 is working on task 59 Info: thread 139679667574528 is working on task 54 Info: thread 139679608825600 is working on task 46 Info: thread 139679734716160 is working on task 56 Info: thread 139679600432896 is working on task 48 Info: thread 139679642396416 is working on task 58 Info: thread 139679709538048 is working on task 42 Info: thread 139679701145344 is working on task 53 Info: thread 139679684359936 is working on task 60 Info: thread 139679625611008 is working on task 62 Info: thread 139679692752640 is working on task 61 Info: thread 139679583647488 is working on task 63 Info: thread 139679659181824 is working on task 64 Info: thread 139679575254784 is working on task 65 Info: thread 139679592040192 is working on task 66 Info: thread 139679617218304 is working on task 67 Info: thread 139679717930752 is working on task 68 Info: thread 139679726323456 is working on task 69 Info: thread 139679650789120 is working on task 71 Info: thread 139679634003712 is working on task 70 Info: thread 139679675967232 is working on task 72 Info: thread 139679667574528 is working on task 73 Info: thread 139679608825600 is working on task 74 Info: thread 139679734716160 is working on task 75 Info: thread 139679642396416 is working on task 77 Info: thread 139679709538048 is working on task 78 Info: thread 139679701145344 is working on task 79 Info: thread 139679600432896 is working on task 76 Info: thread 139679684359936 is working on task 80 Info: thread 139679625611008 is working on task 81 Info: thread 139679583647488 is working on task 83 Info: thread 139679692752640 is working on task 82 Info: thread 139679659181824 is working on task 84 Info: thread 139679575254784 is working on task 85 Info: thread 139679717930752 is working on task 88 Info: thread 139679617218304 is working on task 87 Info: thread 139679592040192 is working on task 86 Info: thread 139679634003712 is working on task 91 Info: thread 139679650789120 is working on task 90 Info: thread 139679667574528 is working on task 93 Info: thread 139679675967232 is working on task 92 Info: thread 139679608825600 is working on task 94 Info: thread 139679726323456 is working on task 89 Info: thread 139679734716160 is working on task 95 Info: thread 139679709538048 is working on task 96 Info: thread 139679642396416 is working on task 97 Info: thread 139679701145344 is working on task 98 Info: thread 139679600432896 is working on task 99

    2. 使用方式#

    2.1 全局线程池 + 异步任务


    #include <unistd.h> #include "threadpool.h" // 全局异步线程池 ThreadPool g_threadpool2(20); int main() { // 执行异步任务 g_threadpool2.enqueue( [] { sleep(1); printf("async task done\n"); }); return 0; }


    $g++ -g test.cpp -o test -std=c++11 -lpthread $./test async task done
    2.2 全局线程池 + 同步任务


    #include <unistd.h> #include <memory> #include "threadpool.h" // 全局异步线程池 ThreadPool g_threadpool2(20); int main() { // 创建同步任务 auto res = g_threadpool2.enqueue( [] { sleep(1); printf("sync task done\n"); }); // 阻塞等待同步结果 res.wait(); return 0; }


    $g++ -g test.cpp -o test -std=c++11 -lpthread $./test sync task done
    2.3 局部线程池实现并发同步





    #include <unistd.h> #include <memory> #include "threadpool.h" int main() { // 创建并发度为5的局部线程池 std::shared_ptr<ThreadPool> threadpool = std::make_shared<ThreadPool>(5); // 创建30个异步任务 for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) { threadpool->enqueue( [i] { sleep(1); printf("Info: thread %ld is working on task %d\n", (u_int64_t)pthread_self(), i); }); } // 阻塞直至获取同步结果 threadpool.reset(); return 0; }


    $g++ -g test.cpp -o test -std=c++11 -lpthread $./test Info: thread 139811129124608 is working on task 4 Info: thread 139811145910016 is working on task 2 Info: thread 139811137517312 is working on task 3 Info: thread 139811162695424 is working on task 0 Info: thread 139811154302720 is working on task 1 Info: thread 139811129124608 is working on task 5 Info: thread 139811137517312 is working on task 7 Info: thread 139811145910016 is working on task 6 Info: thread 139811162695424 is working on task 8 Info: thread 139811154302720 is working on task 9 Info: thread 139811129124608 is working on task 10 Info: thread 139811137517312 is working on task 11 Info: thread 139811162695424 is working on task 13 Info: thread 139811154302720 is working on task 14 Info: thread 139811145910016 is working on task 12 Info: thread 139811129124608 is working on task 15 Info: thread 139811137517312 is working on task 18 Info: thread 139811145910016 is working on task 19 Info: thread 139811162695424 is working on task 16 Info: thread 139811154302720 is working on task 17 Info: thread 139811129124608 is working on task 21 Info: thread 139811162695424 is working on task 23 Info: thread 139811154302720 is working on task 24 Info: thread 139811145910016 is working on task 22 Info: thread 139811137517312 is working on task 20 Info: thread 139811162695424 is working on task 25 Info: thread 139811154302720 is working on task 26 Info: thread 139811129124608 is working on task 27 Info: thread 139811137517312 is working on task 29 Info: thread 139811145910016 is working on task 28


    [1] https://www.cnblogs.com/ailumiyana/p/10016965.html

    [2] https://github.com/progschj/ThreadPool/blob/master/ThreadPool.h

    [3] https://blog.csdn.net/qq_34771252/article/details/90319537

    [4] https://github.com/lizhenghn123/zl_threadpool/tree/master/ThreadPoolCpp03

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