Generics are new concepts added in Go version 1.18. Designers have long fought against adding support for generic, citing that it would break the simplicity of the design, and the empty interface can be used instead of it.
泛型是Go 1.18版本中添加的新概念。设计师们长期以来一直反对增加对通用的支持,理由是它会破坏设计的简单性,而且可以用空接口来代替它。
When can we use generics? If we want to have a function that checks if an element is present in the array, we must declare a function for each type (integer arrays, string arrays, and so on). Generally, these functions will have the same code base, iterate through the array, and check if the current element is the one we are looking for.
We can create a generic function by introduding the type parameter (in square brackets between the function name and function arguments), and use it in the function signature. Here is an example of Contains() function implemented with generics.
func Contains[T comparable](s []T, e T) bool {
for _, a := range s {
if a == e {
return true
return false
func main() {
arr := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
arr2 := []string{"a", "b", "c", "d"}
fmt.Println(Contains(arr, 3))
fmt.Println(Contains(arr2, "c"))
T can be any type that fulfills compareable constraints (all types that support equality operators == and !=).
T 可以是任意的,支持 == 和 != 比较运算符的类型。
Besides function generics, we can declare generic types. In the next example, we will define a type for the node which can be used in the implementation of a binary tree. In binary trees, each node can reference at most two other nodes(usually called left and right child) and hold value.
type Node[T any] struct {
leftChild *Node[T]
rightChild *Node[T]
value T
Constraint any is basically an alias for the empty interface, so any type can be used in place of T.
Panic is a built-in function that stops the regular flow, similar to the concept of runtime exceptions from other programming language (Java). When it is triggered, the message printed on standard output and function execution will be terminated.
Panic is often triggered by unexpected errors. Some examples of the most common unexpected errors are:
In the following example, panic Index out of range will be triggered.
func main() {
s:= []int{1,2,3}
Panic can be explicitly triggered in code by calling pani() function. This is often used for error handling, like in the following example.
func checkName(name string) {
if name == "" {
panic("Invalid name!!!")
It is not a good practice to use panics for normal error handling.