adb devices
adb shell
error: protocol fault (couldn't read status): Connection reset by peer
adb start-server
adb: failed to check server version: protocol fault (couldn't read status): Connection reset by peer
mv ~/.android ~/Download
In Android Studio: Open File / Settings
Go to: Settings / Build, Execution, Deployment / Debugger
In Section "Android Debug Bridge (abd)":
Uncheck "Enable adb mDNS for wireless debugging"
Restart Android Studio.
restart the computer.
adb kill-server
adb server -a
adb nodaemon start-server
netstat -tuln | grep 5353
export ADB_TRACE=all
wget http://dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/platform-tools_r30.0.4-linux.zip
./adb start-server
netstat -tuln | grep 5037
adb D 08-09 09:08:44 64447 64447 adb_trace.cpp:187] Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.41
adb D 08-09 09:08:44 64447 64447 adb_trace.cpp:187] Version 30.0.4-6686687
adb D 08-09 09:08:44 64447 64447 adb_trace.cpp:187] Installed as /home/apk/platform-tools_r30.0.4-linux/platform-tools/adb
adb D 08-09 09:08:44 64447 64447 adb_trace.cpp:187]
adb D 08-09 09:08:44 64447 64447 adb_client.cpp:346] adb_connect: service: host:start-server
adb D 08-09 09:08:44 64447 64447 adb_client.cpp:155] _adb_connect: host:version
adb D 08-09 09:08:44 64447 64447 adb_io.cpp:107] writex: fd=3 len=16 30303063686f73743a76657273696f6e 000chost:version
adb D 08-09 09:08:44 64447 64447 adb_io.cpp:81] readx: fd=3 wanted=4
adb D 08-09 09:08:44 64447 64447 adb_io.cpp:88] readx: fd=3 error 104: Connection reset by peer
adb devices
adb: failed to check server version: protocol fault (couldn't read status): Connection reset by peer
./gradlew assembleDebug
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Unable to find a usable idle daemon. I have connected to 100 different daemons but I could not use any of them to run the build. BuildActionParameters were DefaultBuildActionParameters{, currentDir=/home/yisheng/ssd/netease/cloud-gaming-sdk/CloudGame, systemProperties size=54, envVariables size=67, logLevel=LIFECYCLE, useDaemon=true, continuous=false, injectedPluginClasspath=[]}.
* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.
* Get more help at https://help.gradle.org
解决方法一:可以看看 /usr/bin/qzhddr