IEEE官方的参考手册REFERENCE GUIDE,若有冲突,以官方手册为准!
title={{AI}-Enhanced Cloud-Edge-Terminal Collaborative Network: Survey, Applications, and Future Directions},
author={Gu, Huixian and Zhao, Liqiang and Han, Zhu and Zheng, Gan and Song, Shenghui},
journal={IEEE Commun. Surv. Tutorials},
month={2nd Quart.},
author={Ye, Xinyu and Li, Meng and Si, Pengbo and Yang, Ruizhe and Wang, Zhuwei and Zhang, Yanhua},
journal={IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol.}, title={Collaborative and Intelligent Resource Optimization for Computing and Caching in {IoV} With Blockchain and {MEC} Using {A3C} Approach},
January - Jan.
February - Feb.
March - Mar.
April - Apr.
May - May
June - Jun.
July - Jul.
August - Aug.
September - Sep. 或 Sept.
October - Oct.
November - Nov.
December - Dec.
First Quarter - 1st Quart.
Second Quarter - 2nd Quart.
Third Quarter - 3rd Quart.
Fourth Quarter - 4th Quart.
给出early access,以及上线的具体日期,在加上doi链接就可以了,页数是不需要的,能够点击找到这篇论文就行。
title={An Adaptive Cooperative Caching Strategy for Vehicular Networks},
author={Jin, Zhu and Song, Tiecheng and Jia, Wen-Kang},
journal={IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput.},
month={early access, Feb. 20,}, number={},
publisher={IEEE}, note={doi:{\color{blue}\href{}{10.1109/TMC.2024.3367543}}}}
title={Collaborative perception for connected and autonomous driving: Challenges, possible solutions and opportunities},
author={Hu, Senkang and Fang, Zhengru and Deng, Yiqin and Chen, Xianhao and Fang, Yuguang},
author={Fang, Sangsha and Khan, Zahid and Fan, Pingzhi},
booktitle={Proc. IEEE Veh. Technol. Conf. (VTC-Spring)},
title={A Cooperative {RSU} Caching Policy for Vehicular Content Delivery Networks in Two-Way Road with a {T-junction}},
address={Antwerp, Belgium},
IEEE Journals
aerospace and military
@STRING{IEEE_J_AES = "{IEEE} Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_ANE = "{IEEE} Trans. Aerosp. Navig. Electron."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_ANNE = "{IEEE} Trans. Aeronaut. Navig. Electron."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_AS = "{IEEE} Trans. Aerosp."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_AIRE = "{IEEE} Trans. Airborne Electron."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_MIL = "{IEEE} Trans. Mil. Electron."}
autos, transportation and vehicles (non-aerospace)
@STRING{IEEE_J_TITS = "{IEEE} Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_TVT = "{IEEE} Trans. Veh. Technol."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_TVC = "{IEEE} Trans. Veh. Commun."}
circuits, signals, systems, audio and controls
@STRING{IEEE_J_SPL = "{IEEE} Signal Process. Lett."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_ASSP = "{IEEE} Trans. Acoust., Speech, Signal Process."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_AU = "{IEEE} Trans. Audio"}
@STRING{IEEE_J_AUEA = "{IEEE} Trans. Audio Electroacoust."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_AC = "{IEEE} Trans. Autom. Control"}
@STRING{IEEE_J_CAS = "{IEEE} Trans. Circuits Syst."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_CASVT = "{IEEE} Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_CASI = "{IEEE} Trans. Circuits Syst. {I}"}
@STRING{IEEE_J_CASII = "{IEEE} Trans. Circuits Syst. {II}"}
in 2004 CASI and CASII renamed part title to CASI_RP and CASII_EB, respectively.
@STRING{IEEE_J_CASI_RP = "{IEEE} Trans. Circuits Syst. {I}"}
@STRING{IEEE_J_CASII_EB = "{IEEE} Trans. Circuits Syst. {II}"}
@STRING{IEEE_J_CT = "{IEEE} Trans. Circuit Theory"}
@STRING{IEEE_J_CST = "{IEEE} Trans. Control Syst. Technol."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_SP = "{IEEE} Trans. Signal Process."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_SU = "{IEEE} Trans. Sonics Ultrason."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_SAP = "{IEEE} Trans. Speech Audio Process."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_UE = "{IEEE} Trans. Ultrason. Eng."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_UFFC = "{IEEE} Trans. Ultrason., Ferroelectr., Freq. Control"}
@STRING{IEEE_J_COML = "{IEEE} Commun. Lett."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_JSAC = "{IEEE} J. Sel. Areas Commun."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_TCOM = "{IEEE} Trans. Commun."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_COMT = "{IEEE} Trans. Commun. Technol."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_TWCOM = "{IEEE} Trans. Wireless Commun."}
components, packaging and manufacturing
@STRING{IEEE_J_ADVP = "{IEEE} Trans. Adv. Packag."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_CHMT = "{IEEE} Trans. Compon., Hybrids, Manuf. Technol."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_CPMTA = "{IEEE} Trans. Compon., Packag., Manuf. Technol. {A}"}
@STRING{IEEE_J_CPMTB = "{IEEE} Trans. Compon., Packag., Manuf. Technol. {B}"}
@STRING{IEEE_J_CPMTC = "{IEEE} Trans. Compon., Packag., Manuf. Technol. {C}"}
@STRING{IEEE_J_CAPT = "{IEEE} Trans. Compon. Packag. Technol."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_CAPTS = "{IEEE} Trans. Compon. Packag. Technol."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_CPART = "{IEEE} Trans. Compon. Parts"}
@STRING{IEEE_J_EPM = "{IEEE} Trans. Electron. Packag. Manuf."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_MFT = "{IEEE} Trans. Manuf. Technol."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_PHP = "{IEEE} Trans. Parts, Hybrids, Packag."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_PMP = "{IEEE} Trans. Parts, Mater., Packag."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_TCAD = "{IEEE} J. Technol. Comput. Aided Design"}
@STRING{IEEE_J_CAD = "{IEEE} Trans. Comput.-Aided Design Integr. Circuits Syst."}
coding, data, information, knowledge
@STRING{IEEE_J_TIT = "{IEEE} Trans. Inf. Theory"}
@STRING{IEEE_J_KDE = "{IEEE} Trans. Knowl. Data Eng."}
computers, computation, networking and software
@STRING{IEEE_J_TC = "{IEEE} Trans. Comput."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_CAL = "{IEEE} Comput. Archit. Lett."}
disabled till definition is verified
STRING{IEEE_J_DSC = "{IEEE} Trans. Dependable Secure Comput."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_ECOMP = "{IEEE} Trans. Electron. Comput."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_EVC = "{IEEE} Trans. Evol. Comput."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_FUZZ = "{IEEE} Trans. Fuzzy Syst."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_IFS = "{IEEE} Trans. Inf. Forensics Security"}
@STRING{IEEE_J_MC = "{IEEE} Trans. Mobile Comput."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_NET = "{IEEE/ACM} Trans. Netw."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_NN = "{IEEE} Trans. Neural Netw."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_PDS = "{IEEE} Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_SE = "{IEEE} Trans. Softw. Eng."}
computer graphics, imaging, and multimedia
@STRING{IEEE_J_JDT = "{IEEE/OSA} J. Display Technol."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_IP = "{IEEE} Trans. Image Process."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_TMM = "{IEEE} Trans. Multimedia"}
@STRING{IEEE_J_VCG = "{IEEE} Trans. Vis. Comput. Graphics"}
cybernetics, ergonomics, robots, man-machine, and automation
@STRING{IEEE_J_ASE = "{IEEE} Trans. Autom. Sci. Eng."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_JRA = "{IEEE} J. Robot. Autom."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_HFE = "{IEEE} Trans. Hum. Factors Electron."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_MMS = "{IEEE} Trans. Man-Mach. Syst."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_PAMI = "{IEEE} Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell."}
in 1989 JRA became RA
in August 2004, RA split into ASE and RO
@STRING{IEEE_J_TRA = "{IEEE} Trans. Robot. Autom."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_TRO = "{IEEE} Trans. Robot."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_SMC = "{IEEE} Trans. Syst., Man, Cybern."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_SMCA = "{IEEE} Trans. Syst., Man, Cybern. {A}"}
@STRING{IEEE_J_SMCB = "{IEEE} Trans. Syst., Man, Cybern. {B}"}
@STRING{IEEE_J_SMCC = "{IEEE} Trans. Syst., Man, Cybern. {C}"}
@STRING{IEEE_J_SSC = "{IEEE} Trans. Syst. Sci. Cybern."}
earth, wind, fire and water
@STRING{IEEE_J_GE = "{IEEE} Trans. Geosci. Electron."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_GRS = "{IEEE} Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_GRSL = "{IEEE} Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_OE = "{IEEE} J. Ocean. Eng."}
education, engineering, history, IEEE, professional
disabled till definition is verified
STRING{IEEE_J_CJECE = "Canadian J. Elect. Comput. Eng."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_EDU = "{IEEE} Trans. Educ."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_EM = "{IEEE} Trans. Eng. Manag."}
disabled till definition is verified
STRING{IEEE_J_EWS = "{IEEE} Trans. Eng. Writing Speech"}
@STRING{IEEE_J_PC = "{IEEE} Trans. Prof. Commun."}
electromagnetics, antennas, EMI, magnetics and microwave
@STRING{IEEE_J_AWPL = "{IEEE} Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_MGWL = "{IEEE} Microw. Guided Wave Lett."}
IEEE seems to want "Compon." here, not "Comp."
@STRING{IEEE_J_MWCL = "{IEEE} Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_AP = "{IEEE} Trans. Antennas Propag."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_EMC = "{IEEE} Trans. Electromagn. Compat."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_MAG = "{IEEE} Trans. Magn."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_MTT = "{IEEE} Trans. Microw. Theory Tech."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_RFI = "{IEEE} Trans. Radio Freq. Interference"}
@STRING{IEEE_J_TJMJ = "{IEEE} Transl. J. Magn. Jpn."}
energy and power
@STRING{IEEE_J_EC = "{IEEE} Trans. Energy Convers."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_PEL = "{IEEE} Power Electron. Lett."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_PWRAS = "{IEEE} Trans. Power App. Syst."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_PWRD = "{IEEE} Trans. Power Del."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_PWRE = "{IEEE} Trans. Power Electron."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_PWRS = "{IEEE} Trans. Power Syst."}
industrial, commercial and consumer
@STRING{IEEE_J_APPIND = "{IEEE} Trans. Appl. Ind."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_BC = "{IEEE} Trans. Broadcast."}
disabled till definition is verified
STRING{IEEE_J_BCTV = "{IEEE} Trans. Broadcast Television Receivers"}
@STRING{IEEE_J_CE = "{IEEE} Trans. Consum. Electron."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_IE = "{IEEE} Trans. Ind. Electron."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_IECI = "{IEEE} Trans. Ind. Electron. Contr. Instrum."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_IA = "{IEEE} Trans. Ind. Appl."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_IGA = "{IEEE} Trans. Ind. Gen. Appl."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_IINF = "{IEEE} Trans. Ind. Informat."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_PSE = "{IEEE} J. Product Safety Eng."}
instrumentation and measurement
@STRING{IEEE_J_IM = "{IEEE} Trans. Instrum. Meas."}
insulation and materials
@STRING{IEEE_J_JEM = "{IEEE/TMS} J. Electron. Mater."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_DEI = "{IEEE} Trans. Dielectr. Electr. Insul."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_EI = "{IEEE} Trans. Electr. Insul."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_MECH = "{IEEE/ASME} Trans. Mechatronics"}
@STRING{IEEE_J_MEMS = "J. Microelectromech. Syst."}
medical and biological
@STRING{IEEE_J_BME = "{IEEE} Trans. Biomed. Eng."}
Note: The B-ME journal later dropped the hyphen and became the BME.
@STRING{IEEE_J_B-ME = "{IEEE} Trans. Bio-Med. Eng."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_BMELC = "{IEEE} Trans. Bio-Med. Electron."}
disabled till definition is verified
STRING{IEEE_J_CBB = "{IEEE/ACM} Trans. Comput. Biology Bioinformatics"}
@STRING{IEEE_J_ITBM = "{IEEE} Trans. Inf. Technol. Biomed."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_ME = "{IEEE} Trans. Med. Electron."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_MI = "{IEEE} Trans. Med. Imag."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_NB = "{IEEE} Trans. Nanobiosci."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_NSRE = "{IEEE} Trans. Neural Syst. Rehabil. Eng."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_RE = "{IEEE} Trans. Rehabil. Eng."}
optics, lightwave and photonics
@STRING{IEEE_J_PTL = "{IEEE} Photon. Technol. Lett."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_JLT = "J. Lightw. Technol."}
physics, electrons, nanotechnology, nuclear and quantum electronics
@STRING{IEEE_J_EDL = "{IEEE} Electron Device Lett."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_JQE = "{IEEE} J. Quantum Electron."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_JSTQE = "{IEEE} J. Sel. Topics Quantum Electron."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_ED = "{IEEE} Trans. Electron Devices"}
@STRING{IEEE_J_NANO = "{IEEE} Trans. Nanotechnol."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_NS = "{IEEE} Trans. Nucl. Sci."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_PS = "{IEEE} Trans. Plasma Sci."}
IEEE seems to want "Mat." here, not "Mater."
@STRING{IEEE_J_DMR = "{IEEE} Trans. Device Mater. Rel."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_R = "{IEEE} Trans. Rel."}
semiconductors, superconductors, electrochemical and solid state
@STRING{IEEE_J_ESSL = "{IEEE/ECS} Electrochem. Solid-State Lett."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_JSSC = "{IEEE} J. Solid-State Circuits"}
@STRING{IEEE_J_ASC = "{IEEE} Trans. Appl. Supercond."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_SM = "{IEEE} Trans. Semicond. Manuf."}
@STRING{IEEE_J_VLSI = "{IEEE} Trans. {VLSI} Syst."}
IEEE Magazines
@STRING{IEEE_M_AES = "{IEEE} Aerosp. Electron. Syst. Mag."}
@STRING{IEEE_M_HIST = "{IEEE} Ann. Hist. Comput."}
@STRING{IEEE_M_AP = "{IEEE} Antennas Propag. Mag."}
@STRING{IEEE_M_CD = "{IEEE} Circuits Devices Mag."}
@STRING{IEEE_M_CAS = "{IEEE} Circuits Syst. Mag."}
@STRING{IEEE_M_COM = "{IEEE} Commun. Mag."}
@STRING{IEEE_M_COMSOC = "{IEEE} Commun. Soc. Mag."}
@STRING{IEEE_M_CIM = "{IEEE} Comput. Intell. Mag."}
CSEM changed to CSE in 1999
@STRING{IEEE_M_CSE = "{IEEE} Comput. Sci. Eng."}
@STRING{IEEE_M_CSEM = "{IEEE} Comput. Sci. Eng. Mag."}
@STRING{IEEE_M_C = "{IEEE} Computer"}
@STRING{IEEE_M_CAP = "{IEEE} Comput. Appl. Power"}
@STRING{IEEE_M_CGA = "{IEEE} Comput. Graph. Appl."}
@STRING{IEEE_M_CONC = "{IEEE} Concurrency"}
@STRING{IEEE_M_CS = "{IEEE} Control Syst. Mag."}
@STRING{IEEE_M_DTC = "{IEEE} Des. Test. Comput."}
@STRING{IEEE_M_EI = "{IEEE} Electr. Insul. Mag."}
@STRING{IEEE_M_ETR = "{IEEE} ElectroTechnol. Rev."}
@STRING{IEEE_M_EMB = "{IEEE} Eng. Med. Biol. Mag."}
@STRING{IEEE_M_EMR = "{IEEE} Eng. Manag. Rev."}
@STRING{IEEE_M_IA = "{IEEE} Ind. Appl. Mag."}
@STRING{IEEE_M_IM = "{IEEE} Instrum. Meas. Mag."}
@STRING{IEEE_M_IS = "{IEEE} Intell. Syst."}
@STRING{IEEE_M_IC = "{IEEE} Internet Comput."}
@STRING{IEEE_M_MW = "{IEEE} Microw. Mag."}
@STRING{IEEE_M_MM = "{IEEE} Multimedia"}
IEEE's editorial manual lists "Pers. Commun.",
but "Personal Commun. Mag." seems to be what is used in the journals
@STRING{IEEE_M_PCOM = "{IEEE} Personal Commun. Mag."}
@STRING{IEEE_M_POT = "{IEEE} Potentials"}
CAP and PER merged to form PE in 2003
@STRING{IEEE_M_PE = "{IEEE} Power Energy Mag."}
@STRING{IEEE_M_PER = "{IEEE} Power Eng. Rev."}
@STRING{IEEE_M_PVC = "{IEEE} Pervasive Comput."}
@STRING{IEEE_M_RA = "{IEEE} Robot. Autom. Mag."}
@STRING{IEEE_M_SAP = "{IEEE} Security Privacy"}
@STRING{IEEE_M_SP = "{IEEE} Signal Process. Mag."}
@STRING{IEEE_M_S = "{IEEE} Softw."}
@STRING{IEEE_M_TS = "{IEEE} Technol. Soc. Mag."}
@STRING{IEEE_M_VT = "{IEEE} Veh. Technol. Mag."}
@STRING{IEEE_M_WC = "{IEEE} Wireless Commun. Mag."}
@STRING{IEEE_M_TODAY = "Today's Engineer"}
IEEE Online Publications
@STRING{IEEE_O_CSTO = "{IEEE} Commun. Surveys Tuts."}
disabled till definition is verified
STRING{IEEE_O_DSO = "{IEEE} Distrib. Syst. Online"}
@string{ICRA = "Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Robot. Autom. (ICRA)"}
@string{ICC = "Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Commun. (ICC)"}
@string{ITSC = "Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Intell. Transp. Syst. (ITSC)"}
@string{GLOBECOM = "Proc. IEEE Global Commun. Conf. (GLOBECOM)"}
@string{ECCV = "Proc. Eur. Conf. Comput. Vis.(ECCV)"}
@string{CVPR = "Proc. IEEE Conf. Comput. Vis. Pattern Recognit. (CVPR)"}
如果还有其他需求,请仔细参考IEEE REFERENCE GUIDE,找到你需要的类型按规范进行引用!