20240701给NanoPi R6C开发板编译友善之臂的Android12系统
2024/7/1 14:19
11.6.3 编译Android Tablet版本(首次编译)
echo "ROCKCHIP_DEVICE_DIR := device/rockchip/rk3588/nanopi6" > .rockchip_device.mk
# export INSTALL_GAPPS_FOR_TESTING=yes # 是否包含google apps
. setenv.sh
./build.sh -FMu
11.6 Android系统编译
11.6.1 电脑的软硬件要求
11.6.2 从网盘下载Android源代码
网盘路径:07_源代码/rk35xx-android12-xxxxxxx-YYYYMMDD.tgz (YYYYMMDD表示打包的日期, xxxxxxx表示最后的commit-id)
tar xzf /path/to/netdisk/07_源代码/rk35xx-android12-xxxxxxx-YYYYMMDD.tgz
cd rk35xx-android12
git pull
11.6.3 编译Android Tablet版本(首次编译)
echo "ROCKCHIP_DEVICE_DIR := device/rockchip/rk3588/nanopi6" > .rockchip_device.mk
# export INSTALL_GAPPS_FOR_TESTING=yes # 是否包含google apps
. setenv.sh
./build.sh -FMu
11.6.4 编译Android TV版本(首次编译)
echo "ROCKCHIP_DEVICE_DIR := device/rockchip/rk3588/nanopi6_box" > .rockchip_device.mk
# export INSTALL_GAPPS_FOR_TESTING=yes # 是否包含google apps
. setenv.sh
./build.sh -FMu
11.6.5 二次编译
# export INSTALL_GAPPS_FOR_TESTING=yes # 是否包含google apps
. setenv.sh
./build.sh -Mu
11.6.6 安装Android
Android编译完成后,image文件会存放在Android源代码目录的 rockdev/Image-aosp_nanopi3 子目录下。 USB线刷
用rockchip的工具刷入如下文件:rockdev/Image-aosp_nanopi3/update.img SD卡烧写
1) 将安装了 eflasher 系统的SD卡插入电脑;
2) 将 rockdev/Image-aosp_nanopi3 子目录下的文件更新到SD卡 FRIENDLYARM 分区里的android12或androidtv目录:
sudo cp -af parameter.txt config.cfg MiniLoaderAll.bin uboot.img \
dtbo.img vbmeta.img boot.img recovery.img \
misc.img pcba_small_misc.img pcba_whole_misc.img \
baseparameter.img super.img /media/$USER/FriendlyARM/android12
3) 将SD卡插入NanoPi-R6C,重新烧写Andorid系统即可;
11.6.7 打包成新的SD Image
git clone https://github.com/friendlyarm/sd-fuse_rk3588.git
mkdir $SDFUSE/android12
cd /path/to/rk35xx-android12/rockdev/Image-aosp_nanopi3
cp -af parameter.txt config.cfg MiniLoaderAll.bin uboot.img \
dtbo.img vbmeta.img boot.img recovery.img \
misc.img pcba_small_misc.img pcba_whole_misc.img \
baseparameter.img super.img $SDFUSE/android12
./mk-sd-image.sh android12
tar xvzf /path/to/netdrive/03_Partition\ image\ files/emmc-flasher-images.tgz
./mk-emmc-image.sh android12
更多信息,请参考 #打包新的SD Image
rootroot@rootroot-desktop:~$ time tar --use-compress-program=pigz -xvpf rk35xx-android12-e9ff7ac-20240507.tgz
rootroot@rootroot-desktop:~/rk35xx-android12$ ll
total 256128
drwxrwxr-x 37 rootroot rootroot 4096 6月 29 11:34 ./
drwxr-xr-x 34 rootroot rootroot 4096 6月 29 11:38 ../
lrwxrwxrwx 1 rootroot rootroot 19 5月 7 14:21 Android.bp -> build/soong/root.bp
drwxrwxr-x 35 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:21 art/
drwxrwxr-x 14 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:21 bionic/
drwxrwxr-x 4 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:21 bootable/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 rootroot rootroot 26 5月 7 14:21 bootstrap.bash -> build/soong/bootstrap.bash*
drwxrwxr-x 7 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:21 build/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 rootroot rootroot 23 5月 7 14:21 BUILD -> build/bazel/bazel.BUILD
-rwxrwxr-x 1 rootroot rootroot 8078 5月 7 14:21 build.sh*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 rootroot rootroot 33 5月 7 14:21 .classpath -> device/rockchip/common/.classpath*
drwxrwxr-x 3 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:21 compatibility/
drwxrwxr-x 13 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:22 cts/
drwxrwxr-x 7 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:22 dalvik/
drwxrwxr-x 5 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:22 developers/
drwxrwxr-x 19 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:22 development/
drwxrwxr-x 12 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:22 device/
drwxrwxr-x 358 rootroot rootroot 12288 5月 7 14:26 external/
drwxrwxr-x 16 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:27 frameworks/
drwxrwxr-x 8 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:44 .git/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rootroot rootroot 355 5月 7 14:21 .gitignore
drwxrwxr-x 19 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:28 hardware/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 rootroot rootroot 33 5月 7 14:28 javaenv.sh -> device/rockchip/common/javaenv.sh
drwxrwxr-x 5 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:29 kernel/
drwxrwxr-x 3 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:28 kernel-4.19/
drwxrwxr-x 26 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:29 kernel-5.10/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rootroot rootroot 243340516 6月 29 11:38 kernel-5.10c.tgz
drwxrwxr-x 19 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:29 libcore/
drwxrwxr-x 9 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:29 libnativehelper/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rootroot rootroot 92 5月 7 14:21 Makefile
drwxrwxr-x 9 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:29 mkcombinedroot/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 rootroot rootroot 38 5月 7 14:29 mkimage.sh -> device/friendlyelec/nanopi3/mkimage.sh*
drwxrwxr-x 9 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:30 packages/
drwxrwxr-x 5 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:30 pdk/
drwxrwxr-x 9 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:30 platform_testing/
drwxrwxr-x 34 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:41 prebuilts/
-rwxrwxr-x 1 rootroot rootroot 519 5月 7 14:42 restore_patches.sh*
drwxrwxr-x 9 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:42 rkbin/
drwxrwxr-x 4 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:21 RKDocs/
drwxrwxr-x 4 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:42 rkst/
drwxrwxr-x 5 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:21 RKTools/
drwxrwxr-x 21 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:42 sdk/
-rwxrwxr-x 1 rootroot rootroot 357 5月 7 14:42 setenv.sh*
drwxrwxr-x 45 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:43 system/
drwxrwxr-x 11 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:43 test/
drwxrwxr-x 4 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:43 toolchain/
drwxrwxr-x 23 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:43 tools/
drwxrwxr-x 24 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:43 u-boot/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rootroot rootroot 18741214 6月 29 11:33 u-boot1.tgz
drwxrwxr-x 7 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:44 vendor/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 rootroot rootroot 27 5月 7 14:21 WORKSPACE -> build/bazel/bazel.WORKSPACE
rootroot@rootroot-desktop:~/rk35xx-android12$ ll *.sh
-rwxrwxr-x 1 rootroot rootroot 8078 5月 7 14:21 build.sh*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 rootroot rootroot 33 5月 7 14:28 javaenv.sh -> device/rockchip/common/javaenv.sh
lrwxrwxrwx 1 rootroot rootroot 38 5月 7 14:29 mkimage.sh -> device/friendlyelec/nanopi3/mkimage.sh*
-rwxrwxr-x 1 rootroot rootroot 519 5月 7 14:42 restore_patches.sh*
-rwxrwxr-x 1 rootroot rootroot 357 5月 7 14:42 setenv.sh*
rootroot@rootroot-desktop:~/rk35xx-android12$ echo "ROCKCHIP_DEVICE_DIR := device/rockchip/rk3588/nanopi6" > .rockchip_device.mk
rootroot@rootroot-desktop:~/rk35xx-android12$ ll
total 256132
drwxrwxr-x 37 rootroot rootroot 4096 6月 29 11:44 ./
drwxr-xr-x 34 rootroot rootroot 4096 6月 29 11:38 ../
lrwxrwxrwx 1 rootroot rootroot 19 5月 7 14:21 Android.bp -> build/soong/root.bp
drwxrwxr-x 35 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:21 art/
drwxrwxr-x 14 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:21 bionic/
drwxrwxr-x 4 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:21 bootable/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 rootroot rootroot 26 5月 7 14:21 bootstrap.bash -> build/soong/bootstrap.bash*
drwxrwxr-x 7 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:21 build/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 rootroot rootroot 23 5月 7 14:21 BUILD -> build/bazel/bazel.BUILD
-rwxrwxr-x 1 rootroot rootroot 8078 5月 7 14:21 build.sh*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 rootroot rootroot 33 5月 7 14:21 .classpath -> device/rockchip/common/.classpath*
drwxrwxr-x 3 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:21 compatibility/
drwxrwxr-x 13 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:22 cts/
drwxrwxr-x 7 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:22 dalvik/
drwxrwxr-x 5 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:22 developers/
drwxrwxr-x 19 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:22 development/
drwxrwxr-x 12 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:22 device/
drwxrwxr-x 358 rootroot rootroot 12288 5月 7 14:26 external/
drwxrwxr-x 16 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:27 frameworks/
drwxrwxr-x 8 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:44 .git/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rootroot rootroot 355 5月 7 14:21 .gitignore
drwxrwxr-x 19 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:28 hardware/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 rootroot rootroot 33 5月 7 14:28 javaenv.sh -> device/rockchip/common/javaenv.sh
drwxrwxr-x 5 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:29 kernel/
drwxrwxr-x 3 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:28 kernel-4.19/
drwxrwxr-x 26 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:29 kernel-5.10/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rootroot rootroot 243340516 6月 29 11:38 kernel-5.10c.tgz
drwxrwxr-x 19 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:29 libcore/
drwxrwxr-x 9 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:29 libnativehelper/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rootroot rootroot 92 5月 7 14:21 Makefile
drwxrwxr-x 9 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:29 mkcombinedroot/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 rootroot rootroot 38 5月 7 14:29 mkimage.sh -> device/friendlyelec/nanopi3/mkimage.sh*
drwxrwxr-x 9 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:30 packages/
drwxrwxr-x 5 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:30 pdk/
drwxrwxr-x 9 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:30 platform_testing/
drwxrwxr-x 34 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:41 prebuilts/
-rwxrwxr-x 1 rootroot rootroot 519 5月 7 14:42 restore_patches.sh*
drwxrwxr-x 9 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:42 rkbin/
drwxrwxr-x 4 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:21 RKDocs/
drwxrwxr-x 4 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:42 rkst/
drwxrwxr-x 5 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:21 RKTools/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rootroot rootroot 54 6月 29 11:44 .rockchip_device.mk
drwxrwxr-x 21 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:42 sdk/
-rwxrwxr-x 1 rootroot rootroot 357 5月 7 14:42 setenv.sh*
drwxrwxr-x 45 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:43 system/
drwxrwxr-x 11 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:43 test/
drwxrwxr-x 4 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:43 toolchain/
drwxrwxr-x 23 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:43 tools/
drwxrwxr-x 24 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:43 u-boot/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rootroot rootroot 18741214 6月 29 11:33 u-boot1.tgz
drwxrwxr-x 7 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:44 vendor/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 rootroot rootroot 27 5月 7 14:21 WORKSPACE -> build/bazel/bazel.WORKSPACE
rootroot@rootroot-desktop:~/rk35xx-android12$ . setenv.sh
rootroot@rootroot-desktop:~/rk35xx-android12$ ./build.sh -FMu
grep: .config: No such file or directory
## make nanopi6_ab_defconfig -j72
HOSTCC scripts/basic/fixdep
HOSTCC scripts/kconfig/conf.o
SHIPPED scripts/kconfig/zconf.tab.c
SHIPPED scripts/kconfig/zconf.lex.c
SHIPPED scripts/kconfig/zconf.hash.c
HOSTCC scripts/kconfig/zconf.tab.o
In file included from scripts/kconfig/zconf.tab.c:2468:
scripts/kconfig/confdata.c: In function ‘conf_write’:
scripts/kconfig/confdata.c:771:19: warning: ‘%s’ directive writing likely 7 or more bytes into a region of size between 1 and 4097 [-Wformat-overflow=]
771 | sprintf(newname, "%s%s", dirname, basename);
| ^~~~~~
scripts/kconfig/confdata.c:771:19: note: assuming directive output of 7 bytes
In file included from /usr/include/stdio.h:867,
from scripts/kconfig/zconf.tab.c:82:
/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:36:10: note: ‘__builtin___sprintf_chk’ output 1 or more bytes (assuming 4104) into a destination of size 4097
36 | return __builtin___sprintf_chk (__s, __USE_FORTIFY_LEVEL - 1,
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
37 | __bos (__s), __fmt, __va_arg_pack ());
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In file included from scripts/kconfig/zconf.tab.c:2468:
scripts/kconfig/confdata.c:774:20: warning: ‘.tmpconfig.’ directive writing 11 bytes into a region of size between 1 and 4097 [-Wformat-overflow=]
774 | sprintf(tmpname, "%s.tmpconfig.%d", dirname, (int)getpid());
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In file included from /usr/include/stdio.h:867,
from scripts/kconfig/zconf.tab.c:82:
/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:36:10: note: ‘__builtin___sprintf_chk’ output between 13 and 4119 bytes into a destination of size 4097
36 | return __builtin___sprintf_chk (__s, __USE_FORTIFY_LEVEL - 1,
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
37 | __bos (__s), __fmt, __va_arg_pack ());
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
HOSTLD scripts/kconfig/conf
# configuration written to .config
scripts/kconfig/conf --silentoldconfig Kconfig
CHK include/config.h
UPD include/config.h
CFG u-boot.cfg
GEN include/autoconf.mk.dep
CFG spl/u-boot.cfg
CFG tpl/u-boot.cfg
GEN tpl/include/autoconf.mk
GEN spl/include/autoconf.mk
GEN include/autoconf.mk
CHK include/config/uboot.release
CHK include/generated/timestamp_autogenerated.h
UPD include/generated/timestamp_autogenerated.h
UPD include/config/uboot.release
HOSTCC scripts/dtc/flattree.o
HOSTCC scripts/dtc/dtc.o
HOSTCC scripts/dtc/fstree.o
HOSTCC scripts/dtc/data.o
HOSTCC scripts/dtc/livetree.o
HOSTCC scripts/dtc/treesource.o
HOSTCC scripts/dtc/checks.o
HOSTCC scripts/dtc/util.o
HOSTCC scripts/dtc/srcpos.o
SHIPPED scripts/dtc/dtc-parser.tab.c
SHIPPED scripts/dtc/dtc-lexer.lex.c
SHIPPED scripts/dtc/dtc-parser.tab.h
CHK include/generated/version_autogenerated.h
HOSTCC scripts/dtc/dtc-lexer.lex.o
HOSTCC scripts/dtc/dtc-parser.tab.o
UPD include/generated/version_autogenerated.h
CC lib/asm-offsets.s
CC arch/arm/lib/asm-offsets.s
CHK include/config.h
CFG u-boot.cfg
HOSTLD scripts/dtc/dtc
CHK include/generated/generic-asm-offsets.h
CHK include/generated/asm-offsets.h
UPD include/generated/generic-asm-offsets.h
UPD include/generated/asm-offsets.h
HOSTCC tools/gen_eth_addr
HOSTCC tools/gen_ethaddr_crc.o
LDS u-boot.lds
WRAP tools/lib/crc8.c
HOSTCC tools/mkenvimage.o
HOSTCC tools/os_support.o
WRAP tools/lib/crc32.c
HOSTCC tools/aisimage.o
HOSTCC tools/atmelimage.o
WRAP tools/common/bootm.c
HOSTCC tools/default_image.o
WRAP tools/lib/fdtdec.c
HOSTCC tools/fit_common.o
HOSTCC tools/fit_image.o
WRAP tools/common/image-fit.c
HOSTCC tools/image-host.o
WRAP tools/lib/fdtdec_common.c
WRAP tools/common/image.c
HOSTCC tools/imagetool.o
HOSTCC tools/imximage.o
HOSTCC tools/kwbimage.o
WRAP tools/lib/md5.c
HOSTCC tools/lpc32xximage.o
HOSTCC tools/mxsimage.o
HOSTCC tools/omapimage.o
HOSTCC tools/pblimage.o
HOSTCC tools/pbl_crc32.o
HOSTCC tools/vybridimage.o
WRAP tools/lib/rc4.c
HOSTCC tools/rkcommon.o
frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/DeviceControlsControllerImpl.kt:94:51: warning: 'CONTROLS_ENABLED: String' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java
if (secureSettings.getInt(Settings.Secure.CONTROLS_ENABLED, 1) == 0) {
frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/tv/VpnStatusObserver.kt:43:24: warning: 'get(Class
frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/util/kotlin/nullability.kt:29:1: warning: expected performance impact from inlining is insignificant. Inlining works best for functions with parameters of functional types
inline fun
[ 99% 136155/136177] //frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI:SystemUI r8 [common]
Warning: Missing class android.compat.annotation.UnsupportedAppUsage (referenced from: void com.android.systemui.people.widget.PeopleBackupHelper.writeNewStateDescription(android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor))
Missing class android.support.annotation.Keep (referenced from: kotlinx.coroutines.android.AndroidExceptionPreHandler)
Missing class org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull (referenced from: java.util.List com.android.keyguard.FontInterpolator$VarFontKey.sortedAxes and 4934 other contexts)
Missing class org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable (referenced from: android.graphics.fonts.Font com.android.keyguard.FontInterpolator$InterpKey.l and 1141 other contexts)
[100% 136177/136177] Target super fs image for debug: out/target/product/nanopi3/super.img
2024-06-29 13:59:46 - build_super_image.py - INFO : Building super image from info dict...
2024-06-29 13:59:46 - sparse_img.py - INFO : Total of 242323 4096-byte output blocks in 16 input chunks.
2024-06-29 13:59:46 - sparse_img.py - INFO : Total of 39899 4096-byte output blocks in 6 input chunks.
2024-06-29 13:59:46 - sparse_img.py - INFO : Total of 72543 4096-byte output blocks in 8 input chunks.
2024-06-29 13:59:47 - sparse_img.py - INFO : Total of 4246 4096-byte output blocks in 2 input chunks.
2024-06-29 13:59:47 - sparse_img.py - INFO : Total of 169 4096-byte output blocks in 2 input chunks.
2024-06-29 13:59:47 - sparse_img.py - INFO : Total of 64 4096-byte output blocks in 4 input chunks.
2024-06-29 13:59:47 - sparse_img.py - INFO : Total of 61185 4096-byte output blocks in 5 input chunks.
2024-06-29 13:59:57 - build_super_image.py - INFO : Done writing image out/target/product/nanopi3/super.img
#### build completed successfully (02:10:16 (hh:mm:ss)) ####
create dtbo.img...
create rockdev/Image-aosp_nanopi3/resource.img...
create rockdev/Image-aosp_nanopi3/boot.img...
create rockdev/Image-aosp_nanopi3/boot-debug.img...
skip copy images: /home/rootroot/rk35xx-android12/out/target/product/nanopi3/vendor_boot.img
skip copy images: /home/rootroot/rk35xx-android12/out/target/product/nanopi3/vendor_boot-debug.img
skip copy images: /home/rootroot/rk35xx-android12/out/target/product/nanopi3/recovery.img
create rockdev/Image-aosp_nanopi3/super.img...
skip copy images: /home/rootroot/rk35xx-android12/out/target/product/nanopi3/userdata.img
create vbmeta.img...
BOARD_AVB_ENABLE is false, use default vbmeta.img
create misc.img.... done.
create uboot.img...
u-boot/trust.img not fount! Please make it from u-boot first!
create loader...
create config.cfg...
create baseparameter...done.
IMAGE_PATH: rockdev/Image-aosp_nanopi3
#### make completed successfully (02:23:14 (hh:mm:ss)) ####
generate update.img
packing update.img with Image -RK3588
regenernate package-file-tmp...
start to make update.img...
Android Firmware Package Tool v2.2
------ PACKAGE ------
Add file: ./package-file
package-file,Add file: ./package-file done,offset=0x800,size=0x2e4,userspace=0x1
Add file: ./Image/MiniLoaderAll.bin
bootloader,Add file: ./Image/MiniLoaderAll.bin done,offset=0x1000,size=0x759c0,userspace=0xec
Add file: ./Image/parameter.txt
parameter,Add file: ./Image/parameter.txt done,offset=0x77000,size=0x2ed,userspace=0x1,flash_address=0x00000000
Add file: ./Image/uboot.img
uboot_a,Add file: ./Image/uboot.img done,offset=0x77800,size=0x400000,userspace=0x800,flash_address=0x00004000
uboot_b,Add file: ./Image/uboot.img done,found same item in the previous
Add file: ./Image/misc.img
misc,Add file: ./Image/misc.img done,offset=0x477800,size=0xc000,userspace=0x18,flash_address=0x00008000
Add file: ./Image/dtbo.img
dtbo_a,Add file: ./Image/dtbo.img done,offset=0x483800,size=0x300,userspace=0x1,flash_address=0x0000a000
dtbo_b,Add file: ./Image/dtbo.img done,found same item in the previous
Add file: ./Image/vbmeta.img
vbmeta_a,Add file: ./Image/vbmeta.img done,offset=0x484000,size=0x1000,userspace=0x2,flash_address=0x0000e000
vbmeta_b,Add file: ./Image/vbmeta.img done,found same item in the previous
Add file: ./Image/boot.img
boot_a,Add file: ./Image/boot.img done,offset=0x485000,size=0x33a5000,userspace=0x674a,flash_address=0x00010000
boot_b,Add file: ./Image/boot.img done,found same item in the previous
Add file: ./Image/baseparameter.img
baseparameter,Add file: ./Image/baseparameter.img done,offset=0x382a000,size=0x100000,userspace=0x200,flash_address=0x0011e000
Add file: ./Image/super.img
super,Add file: ./Image/super.img done,offset=0x392a000,size=0x6598e360,userspace=0xcb31d,flash_address=0x00120000
Add CRC...
Make firmware OK!
------ OK ------
********rkImageMaker ver 2.23********
Generating new image, please wait...
Writing head info...
Writing boot file...
Writing firmware...
Generating MD5 data...
MD5 data generated successfully!
New image generated successfully!
Making update.img OK.
#### make completed successfully (02:23:27 (hh:mm:ss)) ####
rootroot@rootroot-desktop:~/rk35xx-android12$ cd rockdev/
rootroot@rootroot-desktop:~/rk35xx-android12/rockdev$ ll
total 12
drwxrwxr-x 3 rootroot rootroot 4096 6月 29 14:09 ./
drwxrwxr-x 40 rootroot rootroot 4096 6月 29 14:09 ../
drwxrwxr-x 2 rootroot rootroot 4096 6月 29 14:09 Image-aosp_nanopi3/
rootroot@rootroot-desktop:~/rk35xx-android12/rockdev$ cd Image-aosp_nanopi3/
rootroot@rootroot-desktop:~/rk35xx-android12/rockdev/Image-aosp_nanopi3$ ll
total 3505824
drwxrwxr-x 2 rootroot rootroot 4096 6月 29 14:09 ./
drwxrwxr-x 3 rootroot rootroot 4096 6月 29 14:09 ../
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rootroot rootroot 1048576 5月 7 14:22 baseparameter.img
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rootroot rootroot 54319104 6月 29 13:29 boot-debug.img
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rootroot rootroot 54153216 6月 29 13:29 boot.img
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rootroot rootroot 7959 5月 7 14:22 config.cfg
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rootroot rootroot 768 6月 29 11:56 dtbo.img
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rootroot rootroot 481728 6月 29 11:46 MiniLoaderAll.bin
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rootroot rootroot 49152 5月 7 14:42 misc.img
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rootroot rootroot 737 6月 29 12:44 parameter.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rootroot rootroot 49152 5月 7 14:42 pcba_small_misc.img
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rootroot rootroot 49153 5月 7 14:42 pcba_whole_misc.img
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rootroot rootroot 6273024 6月 29 11:49 resource.img
-rw-r--r-- 1 rootroot rootroot 1704518496 6月 29 13:59 super.img
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rootroot rootroot 4194304 6月 29 11:46 uboot.img
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rootroot rootroot 1764942410 6月 29 14:09 update.img
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rootroot rootroot 4096 5月 7 14:22 vbmeta.img
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