• 93. 复原 IP 地址


    93. 复原 IP 地址





    This Java solution is designed to generate all possible valid IP addresses from a given string s. The code utilizes a depth-first search (DFS) strategy to explore all potential segmentations of the input string into four parts, each representing an octet of an IP address. Let’s break down the implementation and the key components of this solution.

    Key Components and Logic

    1. Class Members:

      • List result: A list to store the resulting valid IP addresses.
      • static final int SEGCOUNT = 4: A constant to represent the number of segments in an IP address.
      • int[] SEGMENTS = new int[SEGCOUNT]: An array to store the current segments of the IP address being formed.
    2. Main Method (restoreIpAddresses):

      • Takes the input string s.
      • Initiates the DFS with the starting segment number (segNums = 0) and starting index (segIndex = 0).
      • Returns the list of valid IP addresses.
    3. DFS Method (dfs_restoreIpAddresses):

      • Base Case: If the number of segments equals SEGCOUNT and the end of the string is reached, it forms a valid IP address.
      • Edge Case: If the end of the string is reached before forming 4 segments, it returns early.
      • Handling Leading Zeroes: If a segment starts with ‘0’, only ‘0’ is considered as a valid segment.
      • General Case: It forms segments by considering each substring from the current index to the next positions, ensuring each segment is within the valid range (0-255).

    Detailed Breakdown

    Main Method
    public List<String> restoreIpAddresses(String s) {
        dfs_restoreIpAddresses(s, 0, 0);
        return result;
    • Calls the dfs_restoreIpAddresses method to start the DFS traversal.
    • Returns the result list containing all valid IP addresses.
    DFS Method
    private void dfs_restoreIpAddresses(String s, int segNums, int segIndex) {
        // Base case: If four segments are formed
        if (segNums == SEGCOUNT) {
            if (segIndex == s.length()) {
                StringBuilder ipAddress = new StringBuilder();
                for (int i = 0; i < SEGCOUNT; ++i) {
                    if (i < SEGCOUNT - 1) {
        // Edge case: If the string is exhausted before forming 4 segments
        if (segIndex == s.length()) {
        // Handling leading zeroes
        if (s.charAt(segIndex) == '0') {
            SEGMENTS[segNums] = 0;
            dfs_restoreIpAddresses(s, segNums + 1, segIndex + 1);
        // Form segments and proceed with DFS
        int addr = 0;
        for (int segNext = segIndex; segNext < s.length(); segNext++) {
            addr = addr * 10 + (s.charAt(segNext) - '0');
            if (addr > 0 && addr <= 255) {
                SEGMENTS[segNums] = addr;
                dfs_restoreIpAddresses(s, segNums + 1, segNext + 1);
            } else {

    Key Points

    • Base Case Handling: Ensures that exactly 4 segments are formed and the entire string is consumed.
    • Leading Zeroes: Special case handling where ‘0’ can only be a segment by itself.
    • Valid Range Check: Each potential segment is validated to be within the range [0, 255].
    • DFS Traversal: Recursively explores all possible segmentations by adjusting segment numbers and string indices.

    This algorithm ensures that all valid combinations are checked systematically and invalid cases are pruned early, leading to efficient generation of valid IP addresses from the given string.



    package leetcode板块;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;
    public class _93复原IP地址_回溯 {
        List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
        static final int SEGCOUNT = 4;  //必须要保证有四个部分
        int [] SEGMENTS = new int[SEGCOUNT];  // 构建一个数组用做记录每次的IP
         * 复原所有可能的IP情况
         * @param s
         * @return
        public List<String> restoreIpAddresses(String s) {
            return result;
         * @param s     字符串
         * @param segNums   ip四个区间的当前数量
         * @param segIndex  当前所用到的长度索引位置
        private void dfs_restoreIpAddresses(String s, int segNums, int segIndex) {
            // 终止条件,且是找到了四个地址
            if (segNums == SEGCOUNT){
                if (segIndex  == s.length()){
                    StringBuilder ipAddress = new StringBuilder();
                    for (int i = 0;i<SEGCOUNT;++i){
                        if (i < SEGCOUNT-1){
                            //添加  .
            if (segIndex == s.length()){
            // TODO ----------------  开始进行一般化处理-----------------
            //  1.特殊情况   以 0 开头,就没有其他的方案可供选择,只能0单独作为一个IP地址
            if (s.charAt(segIndex) == '0'){
                SEGMENTS[segNums] = 0;
            // 其他情况的话则要进行分类讨论
            int addr = 0;
            //  需要考虑后面的是否也能够满足条件,不会对别人造成无法满足条件的情况
            for (int segNext = segIndex;segNext < s.length();segNext++){
                addr = addr * 10 + (s.charAt(segNext) - '0');
                if (addr > 0 && addr <= 255){
                    SEGMENTS[segNums] = addr;
                }else {


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  • 原文地址:https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_43554580/article/details/139674056