DeepStream 参考应用程序是一个基于 GStreamer 的解决方案,由一组封装低级 API 以形成完整图形的GStreamer插件组成。参考应用程序能够接受来自各种来源的输入,如相机、RTSP输入、编码文件输入,并且还支持多流/源功能。由 NVIDIA 实现并作为 DeepStream SDK 的一部分提供的 GStreamer 插件列表包括:
Stream Muxer插件(Gst-nvstreammux
基于NVIDIA TensorRT™插件(Gst-nvinfer
)和 消息代理(Gst-nvmsgbroker
NVIDIA DeepStream SDK 参考应用程序使用 DeepStream 软件包中的samples/configs/deepstream-app
配置文件使用基于 freedesktop 规范的密钥文件格式,位于: Desktop Entry Specification
下图显示了启用预处理插件的预期输出(绿色 bboxes 是预定义的 ROIs):
Configuration Groups - deepstream app
Group | Configuration Group |
Application configurations that are not related to a specific component. | |
Tiled display in the application. | |
Source properties. There can be multiple sources. The groups must be named as: [source0], [source1] … | |
Source URI provided as a list. There can be multiple sources. The groups must be named as: [source-list] and [source-attr-all] | |
Specify properties and modify behavior of the streammux component. | |
Specify properties and modify behavior of the preprocess component. | |
Specify properties and modify behavior of the primary GIE. Specify properties and modify behavior of the secondary GIE. The groups must be named as: [secondary-gie0], [secondary-gie1] … | |
Specify properties and modify behavior of the object tracker. | |
Specify properties and modify behavior of the message converter component. | |
Specify properties and modify behavior of message consumer components. The pipeline can contain multiple message consumer components. Groups must be named as [message-consumer0], [message-consumer1] … | |
Specify properties and modify the on-screen display (OSD) component that overlays text and rectangles on the frame. | |
Specify properties and modify behavior of sink components that represent outputs such as displays and files for rendering, encoding, and file saving. The pipeline can contain multiple sinks. Groups must be named as: [sink0], [sink1] … | |
Diagnostics and debugging. This group is experimental. | |
Specify nvdsanalytics plugin configuration file, and to add the plugin in the application |
Application group
Key | Meaning | Type and Value | Example | Platforms |
enable-perf-measurement | Indicates whether the application performance measurement is enabled. | Boolean | enable-perf-measurement=1 | dGPU, Jetson |
perf-measurement-interval-sec | The interval, in seconds, at which the performance metrics are sampled and printed. | Integer, >0 | perf-measurement-interval-sec=10 | dGPU, Jetson |
gie-kitti-output-dir | Pathname of an existing directory where the application stores primary detector output in a modified KITTI metadata format. | String | gie-kitti-output-dir=/home/ubuntu/kitti_data/ | dGPU, Jetson |
kitti-track-output-dir | Pathname of an existing directory where the application stores tracker output in a modified KITTI metadata format. | String | kitti-track-output-dir=/home/ubuntu/kitti_data_tracker/ | dGPU, Jetson |
reid-track-output-dir | Pathname of an existing directory where the application stores tracker’s Re-ID feature output. Each line’s first integer is object id, and the remaining floats are its feature vector. | String | reid-track-output-dir=/home/ubuntu/reid_data_tracker/ | dGPU, Jetson |
Tiled-display 组属性是:
Tiled display group
Key | Meaning | Type and Value | Example | Platforms |
enable | Indicates whether tiled display is enabled. When user sets enable=2, first [sink] group with the key: link-to-demux=1 shall be linked to demuxer’s src_[source_id] pad where source_id is the key set in the corresponding [sink] group. | Integer, 0 = disabled, 1 = tiler-enabled 2 = tiler-and-parallel-demux-to-sink-enabled | enable=1 | dGPU, Jetson |
rows | Number of rows in the tiled 2D array. | Integer, >0 | rows=5 | dGPU, Jetson |
columns | Number of columns in the tiled 2D array. | Integer, >0 | columns=6 | dGPU, Jetson |
width | Width of the tiled 2D array, in pixels. | Integer, >0 | width=1280 | dGPU, Jetson |
height | Height of the tiled 2D array, in pixels. | Integer, >0 | height=720 | dGPU, Jetson |
gpu-id | GPU to be used by the element in case of multiple GPUs. | Integer, ≥0 | gpu-id=0 | dGPU |
nvbuf-memory-type | Type of memory the element is to allocate for output buffers. 0 (nvbuf-mem-default): a platform-specific default type 1 (nvbuf-mem-cuda-pinned): pinned/host CUDA memory 2 (nvbuf-mem-cuda-device): device CUDA memory 3 (nvbuf-mem-cuda-unified): unified CUDA memory For dGPU: All values are valid. For Jetson: Only 0 (zero) is valid. | Integer, 0, 1, 2, or 3 | nvbuf-memory-type=3 | dGPU, Jetson |
compute-hw | Compute Scaling HW to use. Applicable only for Jetson. dGPU systems uses GPU by default. 0 (Default): Default, GPU for Tesla, VIC for Jetson 1 (GPU): GPU 2 (VIC): VIC | Integer: 0-2 | compute-hw=1 | Jetson |
[source0] key1=value1 key2=value2 ... [source1] key1=value1 key2=value2 ...
Source group
Key | Meaning | Type and Value | Example | Platforms |
enable | Enables or disables the source. | Boolean | enable=1 | dGPU, Jetson |
type | Type of source; other properties of the source depend on this type. 1: Camera (V4L2) 2: URI 3: MultiURI 4: RTSP 5: Camera (CSI) (Jetson only) | Integer, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 | type=1 | dGPU, Jetson |
uri | URI to the encoded stream. The URI can be a file, an HTTP URI, or an RTSP live source. Valid when type=2 or 3. With MultiURI, the %d format specifier can also be used to specify multiple sources. The application iterates from 0 to num-sources−1 to generate the actual URIs. | String | uri=file:///home/ubuntu/source.mp4 uri= uri=rtsp:// uri=file:///home/ubuntu/source_%d.mp4 | dGPU, Jetson |
num-sources | Number of sources. Valid only when type=3. | Integer, ≥0 | num-sources=2 | dGPU, Jetson |
intra-decode-enable | Enables or disables intra-only decode. | Boolean | intra-decode-enable=1 | dGPU, Jetson |
num-extra-surfaces | Number of surfaces in addition to minimum decode surfaces given by the decoder. Can be used to manage the number of decoder output buffers in the pipeline. | Integer, ≥0 and ≤24 | num-extra-surfaces=5 | dGPU, Jetson |
gpu-id | GPU to be used by the element in case of multiple GPUs. | Integer, ≥0 | gpu-id=1 | dGPU |
camera-id | Unique ID for the input source to be added to metadata. (Optional) | Integer, ≥0 | camera-id=2 | dGPU, Jetson |
camera-width | Width of frames to be requested from the camera, in pixels. Valid when type=1 or 5. | Integer, >0 | camera-width=1920 | dGPU, Jetson |
camera-height | Height of frames to be requested from the camera, in pixels. Valid when type=1 or 5. | Integer, >0 | camera-height=1080 | dGPU, Jetson |
camera-fps-n | Numerator part of a fraction specifying the frame rate requested by the camera, in frames/sec. Valid when type=1 or 5. | Integer, >0 | camera-fps-n=30 | dGPU, Jetson |
camera-fps-d | Denominator part of a fraction specifying the frame rate requested from the camera, in frames/sec. Valid when type=1 or 5. | Integer, >0 | camera-fps-d=1 | dGPU, Jetson |
camera-v4l2-dev-node | Number of the V4L2 device node. For example, /dev/video | Integer, >0 | camera-v4l2-dev-node=1 | dGPU, Jetson |
latency | Jitterbuffer size in milliseconds; applicable only for RTSP streams. | Integer, ≥0 | latency=200 | dGPU, Jetson |
camera-csi-sensor-id | Sensor ID of the camera module. Valid when the type (type of source) is 5. | Integer, ≥0 | camera-csi-sensor-id=1 | Jetson |
drop-frame-interval | Interval to drop frames. For example, 5 means decoder outputs every fifth frame; 0 means no frames are dropped. | Integer, | drop-frame-interval=5 | dGPU, Jetson |
cudadec-memtype | Type of CUDA memory element used to allocate for output buffers for source of type 2,3 or 4. Not applicable for CSI or USB camera source 0 (memtype_device): Device memory allocated with cudaMalloc(). 1 (memtype_pinned): host/pinned memory allocated with cudaMallocHost(). 2 (memtype_unified): Unified memory allocated with cudaMallocManaged(). | Integer, 0, 1, or 2 | cudadec-memtype=1 | dGPU |
nvbuf-memory-type | Type of CUDA memory the element is to allocate for output buffers of nvvideoconvert, useful for source of type 1. 0 (nvbuf-mem-default, a platform-specific default 1 (nvbuf-mem-cuda-pinned): pinned/host CUDA memory. 2 (nvbuf-mem-cuda-device): Device CUDA memory. 3 (nvbuf-mem-cuda-unified): Unified CUDA memory. For dGPU: All values are valid. For Jetson: Only 0 (zero) is valid. | Integer, 0, 1, 2, or 3 | nvbuf-memory-type=3 | dGPU,Jetson |
select-rtp-protocol | Transport Protocol to use for RTP. Valid when type (type of source) is 4. 0: UDP + UDP Multicast + TCP 4: TCP only | Integer, 0 or 4 | select-rtp-protocol=4 | dGPU, Jetson |
rtsp-reconnect-interval-sec | Timeout in seconds to wait since last data was received from an RTSP source before forcing a reconnection. Setting it to 0 will disable the reconnection. Valid when type (type of source) is 4. | Integer, ≥0 | rtsp-reconnect-interval-sec=60 | dGPU, Jetson |
rtsp-reconnect-attempts | Maximum number of times a reconnection is attempted. Setting it to -1 means reconnection will be attempted infinitely. Valid when type of source is 4 and rtsp-reconnect-interval-sec is a non-zero positive value. | Integer, ≥-1 | rtsp-reconnect-attempts=2 | |
smart-record | Ways to trigger the smart record. 0: Disable 1: Only through cloud messages 2: Cloud message + Local events | Integer, 0, 1 or 2 | smart-record=1 | dGPU, Jetson |
smart-rec-dir-path | Path of directory to save the recorded file. By default, the current directory is used. | String | smart-rec-dir-path=/home/nvidia/ | dGPU, Jetson |
smart-rec-file-prefix | Prefix of file name for recorded video. By default, Smart_Record is the prefix. For unique file names every source must be provided with a unique prefix. | String | smart-rec-file-prefix=Cam1 | dGPU, Jetson |
smart-rec-cache | Size of smart record cache in seconds. | Integer, ≥0 | smart-rec-cache=20 | dGPU, Jetson |
smart-rec-container | Container format of recorded video. MP4 and MKV containers are supported. | Integer, 0 or 1 | smart-rec-container=0 | dGPU, Jetson |
smart-rec-start-time | Number of seconds earlier from now to start the recording. E.g. if t0 is the current time and N is the start time in seconds that means recording will start from t0 – N. Obviously for it to work the video cache size must be greater than the N. |
| smart-rec-start-time=5 | dGPU, Jetson |
smart-rec-default-duration | In case a Stop event is not generated. This parameter will ensure the recording is stopped after a predefined default duration. | Integer, ≥0 | smart-rec-default-duration=20 | dGPU, Jetson |
smart-rec-duration | Duration of recording in seconds. | Integer, ≥0 | smart-rec-duration=15 | dGPU, Jetson |
smart-rec-interval | This is the time interval in seconds for SR start / stop events generation. | Integer, ≥0 | smart-rec-interval=10 | dGPU, Jetson |
udp-buffer-size | UDP buffer size in bytes for RTSP sources. | Integer, ≥0 | udp-buffer-size=2000000 | dGPU, Jetson |
video-format | Output video format for the source. This value is set as the output format of the nvvideoconvert element for the source. | String: NV12, I420, P010_10LE, BGRx, RGBA | video-format=RGBA | dGPU, Jetson |
此外,DeepStream支持(Alpha功能)通过REST API进行动态传感器配置。 有关此功能的更多详细信息,请参阅示例配置文件和此处的深度流参考应用程序运行命令。
[source-list] num-source-bins=2 list=file:///opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/samples/streams/sample_1080p_h264.mp4;file:///opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/samples/streams/sample_1080p_h265.mp4 sgie-batch-size=8 ... [source-attr-all] enable=1 type=3 num-sources=1 gpu-id=0 cudadec-memtype=0 latency=100 rtsp-reconnect-interval-sec=0 ...
Source List group
Key | Meaning | Type and Value | Example | Platforms |
enable | Enables or disables the source. | Boolean | enable=1 | dGPU, Jetson |
num-source-bins | The total number of source URI’s provided with the key list | Integer | num-source-bins=2 | dGPU, Jetson |
sgie-batch-size | sgie batch size is number of sources * fair fraction of number of objects detected per frame per source the fair fraction of number of object detected is assumed to be 4 | Integer | sgie-batch-size=8 | dGPU, Jetson |
list | The list of URI’s separated by semi-colon ‘;’ | String | list=rtsp://ip-address:port/stream1;rtsp://ip-address:port/stream2 | dGPU, Jetson |
sensor-id-list | (Alpha Feature) Applicable only when use-nvmultiurisrcbin=1. The list of unique Identifiers identifying each stream separated by semi-colon ‘;’ | String | sensor-id-list=UniqueSensorId1;UniqueSensorId2 | dGPU |
use-nvmultiurisrcbin | (Alpha Feature) Boolean if set enable the use of nvmultiurisrcbin with REST API support for dynamic sensor provisioning | Boolean | use-nvmultiurisrcbin=0(default) | dGPU |
max-batch-size | (Alpha Feature) Applicable only when use-nvmultiurisrcbin=1. Sets the maximum number of sensors that can be streamed using this instance of DeepStream | Integer | max-batch-size=10 | dGPU |
http-ip | (Alpha Feature) Applicable only when use-nvmultiurisrcbin=1. The HTTP Endpoint IP address to use | String | http-ip=localhost (default) | dGPU |
http-port | (Alpha Feature) Applicable only when use-nvmultiurisrcbin=1. The HTTP Endpoint port number to use. Note: User may pass empty string to disable REST API server | String | http-ip=9001 (default) | dGPU |
[ource-attr-all]组支持除Source组的uri之外的所有属性。 示例配置文件可以在/opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/sources/apps/sample_apps/deepstream-test5/configs/test5_config_file_nvmultiurisrcbin_src_list_attr_all.txt找到。
Streammux group
Key | Meaning | Type and Value | Example | Platforms |
gpu-id | GPU element is to use in case of multiple GPUs. | Integer, ≥0 | gpu-id=1 | dGPU |
live-source | Informs the muxer that sources are live. | Boolean | live-source=0 | dGPU, Jetson |
buffer-pool-size | Number of buffers in Muxer output buffer pool. | Integer, >0 | buffer-pool-size=4 | dGPU, Jetson |
batch-size | Muxer batch size. | Integer, >0 | batch-size=4 | dGPU, Jetson |
batched-push-timeout | Timeout in microseconds after to push the batch after the first buffer is available, even if the complete batch is not formed. | Integer, ≥−1 | batched-push-timeout=40000 | dGPU, Jetson |
width | Muxer output width in pixels. | Integer, >0 | width=1280 | dGPU, Jetson |
height | Muxer output height in pixels. | Integer, >0 | height=720 | dGPU, Jetson |
enable-padding | Indicates whether to maintain source aspect ratio when scaling by adding black bands. | Boolean | enable-padding=0 | dGPU, Jetson |
nvbuf-memory-type | Type of CUDA memory the element is to allocate for output buffers. 0 (nvbuf-mem-default, a platform-specific default 1 (nvbuf-mem-cuda-pinned): pinned/host CUDA memory. 2 (nvbuf-mem-cuda-device): Device CUDA memory. 3 (nvbuf-mem-cuda-unified): Unified CUDA memory. For dGPU: All values are valid. For Jetson: Only 0 (zero) is valid. | Integer, 0, 1, 2, or 3 | nvbuf-memory-type=3 | dGPU |
attach-sys-ts-as-ntp | For live sources, the muxed buffer shall have associated NvDsFrameMeta->ntp_timestamp set to system time or the server’s NTP time when streaming RTSP. If set to 1, system timestamp will be attached as ntp timestamp. If set to 0, ntp timestamp from rtspsrc, if available, will be attached. | Boolean | attach-sys-ts-as-ntp=0 | dGPU, Jetson |
config-file-path | This key is valid only for the new streammux. Please refer the plugin manual section “New Gst-nvstreammux” for more information. Absolute or relative (to DS config-file location) path of mux configuration file. | String | config-file-path=config_mux_source30.txt | dGPU, Jetson |
sync-inputs | Time synchronize input frames before batching them. | Boolean | sync-inputs=0 (default) | dGPU, Jetson |
max-latency | Additional latency in live mode to allow upstream to take longer to produce buffers for the current position (in nanoseconds). | Integer, ≥0 | max-latency=0 (default) | dGPU, Jetson |
drop-pipeline-eos | Boolean property to control EOS propagation downstream from nvstreammux when all the sink pads are at EOS. (Experimental) | Boolean | drop-pipeline-eos=0(default) | dGPU/Jetson |
[primary-gie] key1=value1 key2=value2 ... [secondary-gie1] key1=value1 key2=value2 ...
主要和次要GIE配置如下。对于每个配置,Valid for列指示配置属性是对主要还是次要TensorRT模型有效,还是对两个模型都有效。
Primary and Secondary GIE* group
Key | Meaning | Type and Value | Example | Platforms/ GIEs* |
enable | Indicates whether the primary GIE must be enabled. | Boolean | enable=1 | dGPU, Jetson Both GIEs |
gie-unique-id | Unique component ID to be assigned to the nvinfer instance. Used to identify metadata generated by the instance. | Integer, >0 | gie-unique-id=2 | Both |
gpu-id | GPU to be used by the element in case of multiple GPUs. | Integer, ≥0 | gpu-id=1 | dGPU, Both GIEs |
model-engine-file | Absolute pathname of the pre-generated serialized engine file for the mode. | String | model-engine-file=../../ models/Primary_Detector/resnet10. caffemodel_b4_int8.engine | Both GIEs |
nvbuf-memory-type | Type of CUDA memory element is to allocate for output buffers. 0 (nvbuf-mem-default): a platform-specific default 1 (nvbuf-mem-cuda-pinned): pinned/host CUDA memory 2 (nvbuf-mem-cuda-device): Device CUDA memory 3 (nvbuf-mem-cuda-unified): Unified CUDA memory For dGPU: All values are valid. For Jetson: Only 0 (zero) is valid. | Integer, 0, 1, 2, or 3 | nvbuf-memory-type=3 | dGPU, Jetson Primary GIE |
config-file | Pathname of a configuration file which specifies properties for the Gst-nvinfer plugin. It may contain any of the properties described in this table except config-file itself. Properties must be defined in a group named [property]. For more details about parameters see “Gst-nvinfer File Configuration Specifications” in the DeepStream 4.0 Plugin Manual. | String | config-file=¬/home/-ubuntu/-config_infer_resnet.txt For complete examples, see the sample file samples/¬configs/-deepstream-app/-config_infer_resnet.txt or the deepstream-test2 sample application. | dGPU, Jetson Both GIEs |
batch-size | The number of frames(P.GIE)/objects(S.GIE) to be inferred together in a batch. | Integer, >0 Integer, >0 | batch-size=2 | dGPU, Jetson Both GIEs |
interval | Number of consecutive batches to skip for inference. | Integer, >0 Integer, >0 | interval=2 | dGPU, Jetson Primary GIE |
bbox-border-color | The color of the borders for the objects of a specific class ID, specified in RGBA format. The key must be of format bbox-border-color | R:G:B:A Float, 0≤R,G,B,A≤1 | bbox-border-color2= 1;0;0;1 (Red for class-id 2) | dGPU, Jetson Both GIEs |
bbox-bg-color | The color of the boxes drawn over objects of a specific class ID, in RGBA format. The key must be of format bbox-bg-color | R:G:B:A Float, 0≤R,G,B,A≤1 | bbox-bg-color3=-0;1;0;0.3 (Semi-transparent green for class-id 3) | dGPU, Jetson Both GIEs |
operate-on-gie-id | A unique ID of the GIE, on whose metadata (NvDsFrameMeta) this GIE is to operate. | Integer, >0 | operate-on-gie-id=1 | dGPU, Jetson Secondary GIE |
operate-on-class-ids | Class IDs of the parent GIE on which this GIE must operate. The parent GIE is specified using operate-on-gie-id. | Semicolon separated integer array | operate-on-class-ids=1;2 (operate on objects with class IDs 1, 2 generated by parent GIE) | dGPU, Jetson Secondary GIE |
infer-raw-output-dir | Pathname of an existing directory in which to dump the raw inference buffer contents in a file. | String | infer-raw-output-dir=/home/ubuntu/infer_raw_out | dGPU, Jetson Both GIEs |
labelfile-path | Pathname of the labelfile. | String | labelfile-path=../../models/Primary_Detector/labels.txt | dGPU, Jetson Both GIEs |
plugin-type | Plugin to use for inference. 0: nvinfer (TensorRT) 1: nvinferserver (Triton inference server) | Integer, 0 or 1 | plugin-type=1 | dGPU, Jetson Both GIEs |
input-tensor-meta | Use preprocessed input tensors attached as metadata by nvdspreprocess plugin instead of preprocessing inside the nvinfer. | Integer, 0 or 1 | input-tensor-meta=1 | dGPU, Jetson, Primary GIE |
Tracker 组属性包括以下内容,更多详细信息可以在Gst属性中找到:
Tracker group
Key | Meaning | Type and Value | Example | Platforms |
enable | Enables or disables the tracker. | Boolean | enable=1 | dGPU, Jetson |
tracker-width | Frame width at which the tracker will operate, in pixels. | Integer, ≥0 | tracker-width=960 | dGPU, Jetson |
tracker-height | Frame height at which the tracker will operate, in pixels. | Integer, ≥0 | tracker-height=544 | dGPU, Jetson |
gpu-id | GPU to be used by the element in case of multiple GPUs. | Integer, ≥0 | gpu-id=1 | dGPU |
ll-config-file | Pathname for the low-level tracker configuration file. | String | ll-config-file=iou_config.txt | dGPU, Jetson |
ll-lib-file | Pathname for the low-level tracker implementation library. | String | ll-lib-file=/usr/-local/deepstream/libnvds_mot_iou.so | dGPU, Jetson |
enable-batch-process | Enables batch processing across multiple streams. | Boolean | enable-batch-process=1 | dGPU, Jetson |
enable-past-frame | Enables reporting past-frame data | Boolean | enable-past-frame=1 | dGPU, Jetson |
tracking-surface-type | Set surface stream type for tracking. (default value is 0) | Integer, ≥0 | tracking-surface-type=0 | dGPU, Jetson |
display-tracking-id | Enables tracking id display. | Boolean | display-tracking-id=1 | dGPU, Jetson |
Message converter group
Key | Meaning | Type and Value | Example | Platforms |
enable | Enables or disables the message converter. | Boolean | enable=1 | dGPU, Jetson |
msg-conv-config | Pathname of the configuration file for the Gst-nvmsgconv element. | String | msg-conv-config=dstest5_msgconv_sample_config.txt | dGPU, Jetson |
msg-conv-payload-type | Type of payload. 0, PAYLOAD_DEEPSTREAM: Deepstream schema payload. 1, PAYLOAD_DEEPSTREAM_MINIMAL: Deepstream schema payload minimal. 256, PAYLOAD_RESERVED: Reserved type. 257, PAYLOAD_CUSTOM: Custom schema payload. | Integer 0, 1, 256, or 257 | msg-conv-payload-type=0 | dGPU, Jetson |
msg-conv-msg2p-lib | Absolute pathname of an optional custom payload generation library. This library implements the API defined by sources/libs/nvmsgconv/nvmsgconv.h. | String | msg-conv-msg2p-lib=/opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-4.0/lib/libnvds_msgconv.so | dGPU, Jetson |
msg-conv-comp-id | comp-id Gst property of the gst-nvmsgconv element. This is the Id of the component that attaches the NvDsEventMsgMeta which must be processed by gst-nvmsgconv element. | Integer, >=0 | msg-conv-comp-id=1 | dGPU, Jetson |
debug-payload-dir | Directory to dump payload | String | debug-payload-dir= | dGPU Jetson |
multiple-payloads | Generate multiple message payloads | Boolean | multiple-payloads=1 Default is 0 | dGPU Jetson |
msg-conv-msg2p-newapi | Generate payloads using Gst buffer frame/object metadata | Boolean | msg-conv-msg2p-newapi=1 Default is 0 | dGPU Jetson |
msg-conv-frame-interval | Frame interval at which payload is generated | Integer, 1 to 4,294,967,295 | msg-conv-frame-interval=25 Default is 30 | dGPU Jetson |
Message consumer group
Key | Meaning | Type and Value | Example | Platforms |
enable | Enables or disables the message consumer. | Boolean | enable=1 | dGPU, Jetson |
proto-lib | Path to the library having protocol adapter implementation. | String | proto-lib=/opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-4.0/lib/libnvds_kafka_proto.so | dGPU, Jetson |
conn-str | Connection string of the server. | String | conn-str=foo.bar.com;80 | dGPU, Jetson |
config-file | Path to the file having additional configurations for protocol adapter, | String | config-file=../cfg_kafka.txt | dGPU, Jetson |
subscribe-topic-list | List of topics to subscribe. | String | subscribe-topic-list=toipc1;topic2;topic3 | dGPU, Jetson |
sensor-list-file | File having mappings from sensor index to sensor name. | String | sensor-list-file=dstest5_msgconv_sample_config.txt | dGPU, Jetson |
OSD group
Key | Meaning | Type and Value | Example | Platforms |
enable | Enables or disables the On-Screen Display (OSD). | Boolean | enable=1 | dGPU, Jetson |
gpu-id | GPU to be used by the element in case of multiple GPUs. | Integer, ≥0 | gpu-id=1 | dGPU |
border-width | Border width of the bounding boxes drawn for objects, in pixels. | Integer, ≥0 | border-width=10 | dGPU, Jetson |
border-color | Border color of the bounding boxes drawn for objects. | R;G;B;A Float, 0≤R,G,B,A≤1 | border-color=0;0;0.7;1 #Dark Blue | dGPU, Jetson |
text-size | Size of the text that describes the objects, in points. | Integer, ≥0 | text-size=16 | dGPU, Jetson |
text-color | The color of the text that describes the objects, in RGBA format. | R;G;B;A Float, 0≤R,G,B,A≤1 | text-color=0;0;0.7;1 #Dark Blue | dGPU, Jetson |
text-bg-color | The background color of the text that describes the objects, in RGBA format. | R;G;B;A Float, 0≤R,G,B,A≤1 | text-bg-color=0;0;0;0.5 #Semi-transparent black | dGPU, Jetson |
clock-text-size | The size of the clock time text, in points. | Integer, >0 | clock-text-size=16 | dGPU, Jetson |
clock-x-offset | The horizontal offset of the clock time text, in pixels. | Integer, >0 | clock-x-offset=100 | dGPU, Jetson |
clock-y-offset | The vertical offset of the clock time text, in pixels. | Integer, >0 | clock-y-offset=100 | dGPU, Jetson |
font | Name of the font for text that describes the objects. | String | font=Purisa | dGPU, Jetson |
Enter the shell command fc-list to display the names of available fonts. | ||||
clock-color | Color of the clock time text, in RGBA format. | R;G;B;A Float, 0≤R,G,B,A≤1 | clock-color=1;0;0;1 #Red | dGPU, Jetson |
nvbuf-memory-type | Type of CUDA memory the element is to allocate for output buffers. 0 (nvbuf-mem-default): a platform-specific default 1 (nvbuf-mem-cuda-pinned): pinned/host CUDA memory 2 (nvbuf-mem-cuda-device): Device CUDA memory 3 (nvbuf-mem-cuda-unified): Unified CUDA memory For dGPU: All values are valid. For Jetson: Only 0 (zero) is valid. | Integer, 0, 1, 2, or 3 | nvbuf-memory-type=3 | dGPU |
process-mode | NvOSD processing mode. 0: CPU 1: GPU | Integer, 0, 1, or 2 | process-mode=1 | dGPU, Jetson |
display-text | Indicate whether to display text | Boolean | display-text=1 | dGPU, Jetson |
display-bbox | Indicate whether to bounding box | Boolean | display-bbox=1 | dGPU, Jetson |
display-mask | Indicate whether to display instance mask | Boolean | display-mask=1 | dGPU, Jetson |
Sink 组指定用于呈现、编码和文件保存的Sink 组件的属性并修改其行为。
Sink group
Key | Meaning | Type and Value | Example | Platforms |
enable | Enables or disables the sink. | Boolean | enable=1 | dGPU, Jetson |
type | Type of sink, to use. 1: Fakesink 2: EGL based windowed nveglglessink for dGPU and nv3dsink for Jetson 3: Encode + File Save (encoder + muxer + filesink) 4: Encode + RTSP streaming; Note: sync=1 for this type is not applicable; 5: nvdrmvideosink (Jetson only) 6: Message converter + Message broker | Integer, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 | type=2 | dGPU, Jetson |
sync | Indicates how fast the stream is to be rendered. 0: As fast as possible 1: Synchronously | Integer, 0 or 1 | sync=1 | dGPU, Jetson |
qos | Indicates whether the sink is to generate Quality-of-Service events, which can lead to the pipeline dropping frames when pipeline FPS cannot keep up with the stream frame rate. | Boolean | qos=0 | dGPU, Jetson |
source-id | The ID of the source whose buffers this sink must use. The source ID is contained in the source group name. For example, for group [source1] source-id=1. | Integer, ≥0 | source-id=1 | dGPU, Jetson |
gpu-id | GPU to be used by the element in case of multiple GPUs. | Integer, ≥0 | gpu-id=1 | dGPU |
container | Container to use for the file save. Only valid for type=3. | 1: MP4 | 2: MKV | Integer, 1 or 2 | container=1 | dGPU, Jetson |
codec | The encoder to be used to save the file. 1: H.264 (hardware) 2: H.265 (hardware) | Integer, 1 or 2 | codec=1 | dGPU, Jetson |
bitrate | Bitrate to use for encoding, in bits per second. Valid for type=3 and 4. | Integer, >0 | bitrate=4000000 | dGPU, Jetson |
iframeinterval | Encoding intra-frame occurrence frequency. | Integer, 0≤iv≤MAX_INT | iframeinterval=30 | dGPU, Jetson |
output-file | Pathname of the output encoded file. Only valid for type=3. | String | output-file=/home/ubuntu/output.mp4 | dGPU, Jetson |
nvbuf-memory-type | Type of CUDA memory the plugin is to allocate for output buffers. 0 (nvbuf-mem-default): a platform-specific default 1 (nvbuf-mem-cuda-pinned): pinned/host CUDA memory 2 (nvbuf-mem-cuda-device): Device CUDA memory 3 (nvbuf-mem-cuda-unified): Unified CUDA memory For dGPU: All values are valid. For Jetson: Only 0 (zero) Is valid. | Integer, 0, 1, 2, or 3 | nvbuf-memory-type=3 | dGPU, Jetson |
rtsp-port | Port for the RTSP streaming server; a valid unused port number. Valid for type=4. | Integer | rtsp-port=8554 | dGPU, Jetson |
udp-port | Port used internally by the streaming implementation - a valid unused port number. Valid for type=4. | Integer | udp-port=5400 | dGPU, Jetson |
conn-id | Connection index. Valid for nvdrmvideosink(type=5). | Integer, >=1 | conn-id=0 | Jetson |
width | Width of the renderer in pixels. | Integer, >=1 | width=1920 | dGPU, Jetson |
height | Height of the renderer in pixels. | Integer, >=1 | height=1920 | dGPU, Jetson |
offset-x | Horizontal offset of the renderer window, in pixels. | Integer, >=1 | offset-x=100 | dGPU, Jetson |
offset-y | Vertical offset of the renderer window, in pixels. | Integer, >=1 | offset-y=100 | dGPU, Jetson |
plane-id | Plane on which video should be rendered. Valid for nvdrmvideosink(type=5). | Integer, ≥0 | plane-id=0 | Jetson |
msg-conv-config | Pathname of the configuration file for the Gst-nvmsgconv element (type=6). | String | msg-conv-config=dstest5_msgconv_sample_config.txt | dGPU, Jetson |
msg-broker-proto-lib | Path to the protocol adapter implementation used Gst-nvmsgbroker (type=6). | String | msg-broker-proto-lib= /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-5.0/lib/libnvds_amqp_proto.so | dGPU, Jetson |
msg-broker-conn-str | Connection string of the backend server (type=6). | String | msg-broker-conn-str=foo.bar.com;80;dsapp | dGPU, Jetson |
topic | Name of the message topic (type=6). | String | topic=test-ds4 | dGPU, Jetson |
msg-conv-payload-type | Type of payload. 0, PAYLOAD_DEEPSTREAM: DeepStream schema payload. 1, PAYLOAD_DEEPSTREAM_-MINIMAL: DeepStream schema payload minimal. 256, PAYLOAD_RESERVED: Reserved type. 257, PAYLOAD_CUSTOM: Custom schema payload (type=6). | Integer 0, 1, 256, or 257 | msg-conv-payload-type=0 | dGPU, Jetson |
msg-broker-config | Pathname of an optional configuration file for the Gst-nvmsgbroker element (type=6). | String | msg-broker-config=/home/ubuntu/cfg_amqp.txt | dGPU, Jetson |
new-api | use protocol adapter library api’s directly or use new msgbroker library wrapper api’s (type=6) | Integer 0 : Use adapter api’s directly 1 : msgbroker lib wrapper api’s | new-api = 0 | dGPU, Jetson |
msg-conv-msg2p-lib | Absolute pathname of an optional custom payload generation library. This library implements the API defined by sources/libs/nvmsgconv/nvmsgconv.h. Applicable only when msg-conv-payload-type=257, PAYLOAD_CUSTOM. (type=6) | String | msg-conv-msg2p-lib= /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-4.0/lib/libnvds_msgconv.so | dGPU, Jetson |
msg-conv-comp-id | comp-id Gst property of the nvmsgconv element; ID (gie-unique-id) of the primary/secondary-gie component from which metadata is to be processed. (type=6) | Integer, >=0 | msg-conv-comp-id=1 | dGPU, Jetson |
msg-broker-comp-id | comp-id Gst property of the nvmsgbroker element; ID (gie-unique-id) of the primary/secondary gie component from which metadata is to be processed. (type=6) | Integer, >=0 | msg-broker-comp-id=1 | dGPU, Jetson |
debug-payload-dir | Directory to dump payload (type=6) | String | debug-payload-dir= | dGPU Jetson |
multiple-payloads | Generate multiple message payloads (type=6) | Boolean | multiple-payloads=1 Default is 0 | dGPU Jetson |
msg-conv-msg2p-newapi | Generate payloads using Gst buffer frame/object metadata (type=6) | Boolean | msg-conv-msg2p-newapi=1 Default is 0 | dGPU Jetson |
msg-conv-frame-interval | Frame interval at which payload is generated (type=6) | Integer, 1 to 4,294,967,295 | msg-conv-frame-interval=25 Default is 30 | dGPU Jetson |
disable-msgconv | Only add a message broker component instead of a message converter + message broker. (type=6) | Integer, | disable-msgconv = 1 | dGPU, Jetson |
enc-type | Engine to use for encoder 0: NVENC hardware engine 1: CPU software encoder | Integer, 0 or 1 | enc-type=0 | dGPU, Jetson |
profile (HW) | Encoder profile for the codec V4L2 H264 encoder(HW):
V4L2 H265 encoder(HW): 0: Main 1: Main10 | Integer, valid values from the column beside | profile=2 | dGPU, Jetson |
udp-buffer-size | UDP kernel buffer size (in bytes) for internal RTSP output pipeline. | Integer, >=0 | udp-buffer-size=100000 | dGPU, Jetson |
link-to-demux | A boolean which enables or disables streaming a particular “source-id” alone to this sink. Please check the tiled-display group enable key for more information. | Boolean | link-to-demux=0 | dGPU, Jetson |
Tests group
Key | Meaning | Type and Value | Example | Platforms |
file-loop | Indicates whether input files should be looped infinitely. | Boolean | file-loop=1 | dGPU, Jetson |
本节使用配置文件中的以下参数提供DeepStream SDK的应用程序调整提示。
1. 将stream mux和主检测器的批量大小设置为等于进审量源。这些设置位于配置文件的[streammux]
2. 将Stremux的高度和宽度设置为输入分辨率。这是在配置文件的[streammux]
3. 如果您从实时源(如RTSP)或USB摄像头流式传输,请在[streammux]
4. 平铺和可视输出可能会占用GPU资源。当您不需要在屏幕上渲染输出时,您可以禁用3件事以最大限度地提高吞吐量。例如,当您想在边缘运行推理并仅将元数据传输到云端进行进一步处理时,不需要渲染。
5. 如果CPU/GPU利用率低,那么其中一种可能性是管道中的元素急需缓冲区。然后尝试增加解码器分配的缓冲区数量,方法是在应用程序中设置[source#]
6. 如果您在docker控制台中运行应用程序并且它提供低FPS,请在配置文件的[sink0]
7. 如果要优化处理管道端到端延迟,可以使用DeepStream中的延迟测量方法。
... guint num_sources_in_batch = nvds_measure_buffer_latency(buf, latency_info); if (num_sources_in_batch > 0 && latency_info[0].latency > 1e6) { NvDsBatchMeta *batch_meta = gst_buffer_get_nvds_batch_meta (buf); batch_meta->batch_user_meta_list = g_list_reverse (batch_meta->batch_user_meta_list); num_sources_in_batch = nvds_measure_buffer_latency(buf, latency_info); } ...
1. 确保 Jetson时 钟设置为高。运行这些命令将Jetson时钟设置为高。
- $ sudo nvpmodel -m <mode> --for MAX perf and power mode is 0
- $ sudo jetson_clocks
2. 在Jetson上,使用Gst-nvdrmvideosink
如果您将Triton与DeepStream结合使用,请调整每个进程的TensorFlow GPU内存使用情况的tf_gpu_memory_fraction
将TensorFlow或ONNX与Triton一起使用时启用TensorRT优化。更新Triton配置文件以启用TensorFlow/ONNX TensorRT在线优化。每次初始化时这将需要几分钟时间。或者,您可以离线生成TF-TRT图形/保存模型模型。
如果您使用的是Jetson Xavier或NX,您可以使用DLA(深度学习加速器)进行推理。这为其他模型或更多流释放了GPU。
Reducing spurious detections
Configuration Parameter | Description | Use Case |
threshold | Per-class-threshold of primary detector. Increasing the threshold restricts output to objects with higher detection confidence. | — |
roi-top-offset roi-bottom-offset | Per-class top/bottom region of interest (roi) offset. Restricts output to objects in a specified region of the frame. | To reduce spurious detections seen on the dashboard of dashcams |
detected-min-w detected-min-h detected-max-w detected-max-h | Per-class min/max object width/height for primary-detector Restricts output to objects of specified size. | To reduce false detections, for example, a tree being detected as a person |