• 开源数据库postgresql在统信系统上的离线安装shell脚本


    1. #!/bin/sh
    2. echo "安装pgsql_15.4"
    3. rm -rf /home/postgres/postgresql
    4. mysqldir="/home/postgres"
    5. mkdir -p $mysqldir
    6. cp /home/pgsql_install.tar.bz2 $mysqldir
    7. cd $mysqldir
    8. tar -jxvf pgsql_install.tar.bz2
    9. echo "解压pgsql_15.4源码包"
    10. tar zxvf postgresql-15.4.tar.gz
    11. mv postgresql-15.4 postgresql
    12. echo "下载pgsql_15.4依赖"
    13. rpm -ivh --force --nodeps *.rpm
    14. echo "编译的时候用来指定程序存放路径..."
    15. cd $mysqldir/postgresql
    16. ./configure --prefix=/home/postgres/postgresql
    17. echo "编译安装pgsql..."
    18. make && make install
    19. echo "创建用户和用户组"
    20. groupadd -g 2000 postgres
    21. useradd -g 2000 -u 2000 postgres
    22. id postgres
    23. echo "创建相关目录并授权"
    24. mkdir data log
    25. chown -R postgres.postgres $mysqldir/postgresql
    26. echo "设置环境变量"
    27. if grep -q "PGHOME=/home/postgres/postgresql" /etc/profile; then
    28. echo "存在pgsql的环境变量"
    29. else
    30. echo -e 'export PGHOME=/home/postgres/postgresql\nexport PGDATA=$PGHOME/data\nexport PGLIB=$PGHOME/lib\nexport LC_ALL=en_US.UTF8\nexport LANG=en_US.UTF8\nPATH=$PGHOME/bin:$PATH\nexport PATH' >> /etc/profile
    31. fi
    32. source /etc/profile
    33. echo "关闭防火墙"
    34. systemctl stop firewalld.service
    35. systemctl disable firewalld.service
    36. setenforce 0
    37. echo "解决退出问题"
    38. touch /home/postgres/.psql_history
    39. chown postgres:postgres /home/postgres/.psql_history
    40. chmod 700 /home/postgres/.psql_history
    41. echo "初始化"
    42. su - postgres <<EOF
    43. cd /home/postgres/postgresql/bin/
    44. initdb -D ../data/
    45. echo "修改postgresql.conf,监听所有地址"
    46. sed -i "s/#listen_addresses = 'localhost'/listen_addresses = '*'/g" /home/postgres/postgresql/data/postgresql.conf
    47. echo "修改pg_hba.conf,修改密码"
    48. echo 'host all all md5' >> /home/postgres/postgresql/data/pg_hba.conf
    49. echo "重启数据库"
    50. pg_ctl -D /home/postgres/postgresql/data/ -l logfile start
    51. exit;
    52. EOF
    53. echo "修改初始化密码"
    54. psql -p 5432 -U postgres -d postgres <<EOF
    55. ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD 'postgres';
    56. create user root with password 'Test~123';
    57. create database test with encoding='utf8' owner=root;
    58. EOF

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  • 原文地址:https://blog.csdn.net/xhuiting/article/details/137924006