嵌套查询:主要用于复杂的查询中。在SQL语言中,一个Select From Where语句称为一个查询块,将一个查询块嵌套在另一个查询的Where子句或Having短语中的查询称为嵌套查询。
- --列出tb_student表中和“陈凯”年龄相同的学生的学号和姓名
- select s1.sno,s1.sn
- from tb_student as s1
- where year(getdate())-year(birthday)=
- (select year(getdate())-year(birthday)
- from tb_student as s2
- where s2.sn=‘陈凯’)
- --在选修c02课程成绩大于该课平均成绩的学生学号(),姓名,成绩
- select s.sno,sn,s1.score
- from tb_student s,
- (select sno,score
- from tb_score
- where cno='c02' and score>(select avg(score)
- from tb_score where cno='c02'))as s1
- where s.sno=s1.sno
- select cn from tb_course
- where cno IN(select cno from tb_ score
- where left(sno,10)=‘2015010103')
- select sno,sn,dept from tb_student
- where sno NOT IN (select sno from tb_score
- where cno=‘c02')
- select sno,s.cno,cn,score
- from tb_score s,tb_course c
- Where s.cno=c.cno and score =
- (select max(score) from tb_score)
- select sno,sn
- from tb_student
- where year(getdate())-year(birthday) >
- (select avg(year(getdate())-year(birthday) )
- from tb_student)
>all(1,2,3) :表示大于3(表示大于最大值)
>any(1,2,3): 表示大于最小值
- select distinct sno,cno,score
- from tb_score
- Where score >= any
- (select max(score)
- from tb_score
- group by cno)
- select sno,sn from tb_student
- where sno =
- any(select sno from tb_score)
- select sno
- from tb_score
- where cno='c01' and score>60 and sno in
- ( select sno
- from tb_score
- where cno='c02' and score>60 )