1. Parent -> Child - Public Setter / Property / Function
2. Child -> Parent - Custom Event
3. Unrelated Components - LMS (Lightning Message Service)
Parent Level (numerator.html)
- <template>
- <lightning-card title="Numerator" icon-name="action:manage_perm_sets">
- <p class="slds-text-align_center slds-var-m-vertical_medium">
- Count: <lightning-formatted-number value={counter}>lightning-formatted-number>
- p>
- <c-controls
- class="slds-show slds-is-relative"
- onadd={handleIncrement}
- onsubtract={handleDecrement}
- onmultiply={handleMultiply}>
- c-controls>
- lightning-card>
- template>
Parent Level (numerator.js)
- import { LightningElement } from "lwc";
- export default class Numerator extends LightningElement {
- counter = 0;
- handleIncrement() {
- this.counter++;
- }
- handleDecrement() {
- this.counter--;
- }
- handleMultiply(event) {
- const factor = event.detail;
- this.counter *= factor;
- }
- }
Child Level (controls.html)
- <template>
- <lightning-card title="Controls" icon-name="action:upload">
- <lightning-layout>
- <lightning-layout-item flexibility="auto" padding="around-small">
- <lightning-button
- label="Subtract"
- icon-name="utility:dash"
- onclick={handleSubtract}>
- lightning-button>
- lightning-layout-item>
- <lightning-layout-item flexibility="auto" padding="around-small">
- <lightning-button
- label="2"
- data-factor="2"
- icon-name="utility:close"
- onclick={handleMultiply}>
- lightning-button>
- <lightning-button
- label="3"
- data-factor="3"
- icon-name="utility:close"
- onclick={handleMultiply}>
- lightning-button>
- lightning-layout-item>
- <lightning-layout-item flexibility="auto" padding="around-small">
- <lightning-button
- label="Add"
- icon-name="utility:add"
- onclick={handleAdd}
- icon-position="right">
- lightning-button>
- lightning-layout-item>
- lightning-layout>
- lightning-card>
- template>
Child Level (controls.js)
- import { LightningElement } from "lwc";
- export default class Controls extends LightningElement {
- handleAdd() {
- this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("add"));
- }
- handleSubtract() {
- this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("subtract"));
- }
- handleMultiply(event) {
- const factor = event.target.dataset.factor;
- this.dispatchEvent(
- new CustomEvent("multiply", {
- detail: factor,
- })
- );
- }
- }
Create & Deploy the Message Channel via SFDX CLI - No UI
1. Create messageChannels folder under "force-app/main/default"
2. Create "xxx.messageChannel-meta.xml" file (i.e. Count_Updated.messageChannel-meta.xml), sample code FYI.
"1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <LightningMessageChannel xmlns="http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata"> <masterLabel>CountUpdatedmasterLabel> <isExposed>trueisExposed> <description>Message Channel to pass Count updatesdescription> <lightningMessageFields> <fieldName>operatorfieldName> <description>This is the operator type of the manipulationdescription> lightningMessageFields> <lightningMessageFields> <fieldName>constantfieldName> <description>This is the number for the manipulationdescription> lightningMessageFields> LightningMessageChannel>Note: Remember that LMS is an API-based feature, and while it can be managed through the Salesforce CLI or VSCode with the Salesforce Extension Pack, it may not have a direct UI path in all Salesforce editions or orgs. If you're working in an environment where LMS is not fully supported, you may need to rely on the CLI or other development tools for deployment and management.
- import { LightningElement, wire } from "lwc";
- import { publish, MessageContext } from "lightning/messageService";
- import COUNT_UPDATED_CHANNEL from "@salesforce/messageChannel/Count_Updated__c";
- export default class RemoteControl extends LightningElement {
- @wire(MessageContext)
- messageContext;
- handleIncrement() {
- // this.counter++;
- const payload = {
- operator: "add",
- constant: 1,
- };
- publish(this.messageContext, COUNT_UPDATED_CHANNEL, payload);
- }
- handleDecrement() {
- // this.counter--;
- const payload = {
- operator: "subtract",
- constant: 1,
- };
- publish(this.messageContext, COUNT_UPDATED_CHANNEL, payload);
- }
- handleMultiply(event) {
- const factor = event.detail;
- // this.counter *= factor;
- const payload = {
- operator: "multiply",
- constant: factor,
- };
- publish(this.messageContext, COUNT_UPDATED_CHANNEL, payload);
- }
- }
- import { LightningElement, wire } from "lwc";
- import { subscribe, MessageContext } from "lightning/messageService";
- import COUNT_UPDATED_CHANNEL from "@salesforce/messageChannel/Count_Updated__c";
- export default class Counts extends LightningElement {
- subscription = null;
- priorCount = 0;
- counter = 0;
- @wire(MessageContext)
- messageContext;
- subscribeToMessageChannel() {
- this.subscription = subscribe(
- this.messageContext,
- (message) => this.handleMessage(message)
- );
- }
- handleMessage(message) {
- this.priorCount = this.counter;
- if (message.operator == "add") {
- this.counter += message.constant;
- } else if (message.operator == "subtract") {
- this.counter -= message.constant;
- } else {
- this.counter *= message.constant;
- }
- }
- connectedCallback() {
- this.subscribeToMessageChannel();
- }
- }
Communicate Between Lightning Web Components | Salesforce Trailhead
Inter-Component Communication Patterns for Lightning Web Components | Salesforce Developers Blog