• 【Langchain Agent研究】SalesGPT项目介绍(四)

    【Langchain Agent研究】SalesGPT项目介绍(三)-CSDN博客

      github地址:GitHub - jerry1900/SalesGPT: Context-aware AI Sales Agent to automate sales outreach.      


            第二节课的时候我们讲过(【Langchain Agent研究】SalesGPT项目介绍(二)-CSDN博客),这个项目的运行代码是run.py,但是在我仔细研究项目的逻辑后发现,run.py的代码是有很明显的逻辑错误的,应该压根就跑不起来、或者会进死循环的,所以没有办法,我自己写了一个test方法来把这个项目跑起来,然后我把运行过程拆开,方便我们用debug来看一下代码运行过程中的中间变量。在介绍我们自己的test方法的过程中,我会顺便介绍SalesGPT其他几个重要的方法 step(), human_step(),_call(),determine_conversation_stage(),基本上掌握了这些方法就能够运行整个项目了。



    1. sales_agent.seed_agent()
    2. print("=" * 10)
    3. cnt = 0
    4. while cnt != max_num_turns:
    5. cnt += 1
    6. if cnt == max_num_turns:
    7. print("Maximum number of turns reached - ending the conversation.")
    8. break
    9. sales_agent.step()
    10. # end conversation
    11. if "" in sales_agent.conversation_history[-1]:
    12. print("Sales Agent determined it is time to end the conversation.")
    13. break
    14. human_input = input("Your response: ")
    15. sales_agent.human_step(human_input)
    16. print("=" * 10)





    1. import os
    2. from dotenv import load_dotenv
    3. from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI
    4. from salesgpt.agents import SalesGPT
    5. load_dotenv()
    6. print(os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"))
    7. llm = ChatOpenAI(
    8. temperature=0,
    9. openai_api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"),
    10. base_url = os.getenv("OPENAI_BASE_URL")
    11. )


    1. sales_agent = SalesGPT.from_llm(
    2. llm,
    3. verbose=True,
    4. use_tools=False,
    5. salesperson_name="Ted Lasso",
    6. salesperson_role="Sales Representative",
    7. company_name="Sleep Haven",
    8. company_business="""Sleep Haven
    9. is a premium mattress company that provides
    10. customers with the most comfortable and
    11. supportive sleeping experience possible.
    12. We offer a range of high-quality mattresses,
    13. pillows, and bedding accessories
    14. that are designed to meet the unique
    15. needs of our customers.""",
    16. )
    17. sales_agent.seed_agent()
    18. sales_agent.determine_conversation_stage()



    def from_llm(cls, llm: ChatLiteLLM, verbose: bool = False, **kwargs) -> "SalesGPT":

            不难看出,这个model_name并非构造SalesGPT的必要参数,是放在kwargs里面的东西,所以干脆注销掉就好了。由于我是改的项目源代码,所以在这里要注释一下,免得以后忘了为啥要把这行代码注释掉。 我们注释掉之后再跑一下,我建议大家用pycharm的debug一步一步地跑,这样可以清晰地看到里面的运行过程、线程和参数:






    Current Conversation stage is: {conversation_stage_id}
    check conversation history step by step,if converssation history is null,output 1.
    The answer needs to be one number only, no words.
    Do not answer anything else nor add anything to you answer."""
    # If there is no conversation history, output 1

             “If there is no conversation history, output 1”是原来项目里的提示词,感觉不太好用,我们用我自己写的提示词“check conversation history step by step,if converssation history is null,output 1.”,这里应用了提示词工程的小技巧(思维链),让大模型在检查这里的时候不要给我糊弄,好好看,我们再运行一下项目:


    不断向agent提问,理解整个业务逻辑 ,查看中间过程


    1. sales_agent.determine_conversation_stage()
    2. sales_agent.step()
    3. agent_output = sales_agent.conversation_history[-1]
    4. human_input = input('say something')
    5. sales_agent.human_step(human_input)






    1. @time_logger
    2. def seed_agent(self):
    3. # Step 1: seed the conversation
    4. self.current_conversation_stage = self.retrieve_conversation_stage("1")
    5. self.conversation_history = []




    1. @time_logger
    2. def determine_conversation_stage(self):
    3. self.conversation_stage_id = self.stage_analyzer_chain.run(
    4. conversation_history="\n".join(self.conversation_history).rstrip("\n"),
    5. conversation_stage_id=self.conversation_stage_id,
    6. conversation_stages="\n".join(
    7. [
    8. str(key) + ": " + str(value)
    9. for key, value in CONVERSATION_STAGES.items()
    10. ]
    11. ),
    12. )
    13. print(f"Conversation Stage ID: {self.conversation_stage_id}")
    14. self.current_conversation_stage = self.retrieve_conversation_stage(
    15. self.conversation_stage_id
    16. )
    17. print(f"Conversation Stage: {self.current_conversation_stage}")



    1. @time_logger
    2. def step(self, stream: bool = False):
    3. """
    4. Args:
    5. stream (bool): whether or not return
    6. streaming generator object to manipulate streaming chunks in downstream applications.
    7. """
    8. if not stream:
    9. self._call(inputs={})
    10. else:
    11. return self._streaming_generator()


    1. def _call(self, inputs: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    2. """Run one step of the sales agent."""
    3. # override inputs temporarily
    4. inputs = {
    5. "input": "",
    6. "conversation_stage": self.current_conversation_stage,
    7. "conversation_history": "\n".join(self.conversation_history),
    8. "salesperson_name": self.salesperson_name,
    9. "salesperson_role": self.salesperson_role,
    10. "company_name": self.company_name,
    11. "company_business": self.company_business,
    12. "company_values": self.company_values,
    13. "conversation_purpose": self.conversation_purpose,
    14. "conversation_type": self.conversation_type,
    15. }
    16. # Generate agent's utterance
    17. if self.use_tools:
    18. ai_message = self.sales_agent_executor.invoke(inputs)
    19. output = ai_message["output"]
    20. else:
    21. ai_message = self.sales_conversation_utterance_chain.invoke(inputs)
    22. output = ai_message["text"]
    23. # Add agent's response to conversation history
    24. agent_name = self.salesperson_name
    25. output = agent_name + ": " + output
    26. if "" not in output:
    27. output += " "
    28. self.conversation_history.append(output)
    29. print(output.replace("", ""))
    30. return ai_message




    1. # Generate agent's utterance
    2. if self.use_tools:
    3. ai_message = self.sales_agent_executor.invoke(inputs)
    4. output = ai_message["output"]
    5. else:
    6. ai_message = self.sales_conversation_utterance_chain.invoke(inputs)
    7. output = ai_message["text"]


    1. # Add agent's response to conversation history
    2. agent_name = self.salesperson_name
    3. output = agent_name + ": " + output
    4. if "" not in output:
    5. output += " "
    6. self.conversation_history.append(output)
    7. print(output.replace("", ""))
    8. return ai_message



    1. def human_step(self, human_input):
    2. # process human input
    3. human_input = "User: " + human_input + " "
    4. self.conversation_history.append(human_input)


    1. import os
    2. from dotenv import load_dotenv
    3. from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI
    4. from salesgpt.agents import SalesGPT
    5. load_dotenv()
    6. print(os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"))
    7. llm = ChatOpenAI(
    8. temperature=0,
    9. openai_api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"),
    10. base_url = os.getenv("OPENAI_BASE_URL")
    11. )
    12. sales_agent = SalesGPT.from_llm(
    13. llm,
    14. verbose=True,
    15. use_tools=False,
    16. salesperson_name="Ted Lasso",
    17. salesperson_role="Sales Representative",
    18. company_name="Sleep Haven",
    19. company_business="""Sleep Haven
    20. is a premium mattress company that provides
    21. customers with the most comfortable and
    22. supportive sleeping experience possible.
    23. We offer a range of high-quality mattresses,
    24. pillows, and bedding accessories
    25. that are designed to meet the unique
    26. needs of our customers.""",
    27. )
    28. sales_agent.seed_agent()
    29. sales_agent.determine_conversation_stage()
    30. sales_agent.step()
    31. agent_output = sales_agent.conversation_history[-1]
    32. assert agent_output is not None, "Agent output cannot be None."
    33. assert isinstance(agent_output, str), "Agent output needs to be of type str"
    34. assert len(agent_output) > 0, "Length of output needs to be greater than 0."
    35. human_input = input('say something')
    36. sales_agent.human_step(human_input)
    37. sales_agent.determine_conversation_stage()
    38. sales_agent.step()
    39. agent_output = sales_agent.conversation_history[-1]
    40. human_input = input('say something')
    41. sales_agent.human_step(human_input)
    42. sales_agent.determine_conversation_stage()
    43. sales_agent.step()
    44. agent_output = sales_agent.conversation_history[-1]

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  • 原文地址:https://blog.csdn.net/u013607702/article/details/136115486