• Vim 系列 (一) Using Marks in Vim


    Vim’s motion commands are very flexible and work well for general use. You can go to the beginning of a line, replace a word, or change a sentence. What about things that are semantically relevant to your files, like an important or buggy function definition, the point of entry for your application, or a stack you’re trying to trace? For these, you can use marks (read as: “bookmarks”). These are “save points” in your files that you can set, jump between, and even use with commands.
    Vim 的运动命令非常灵活,适用于一般用途。您可以转到行首、替换单词或更改句子。如果内容与文件相关,例如重要或错误的函数定义、应用程序的入口点或尝试跟踪的堆栈,该怎么办?对于这些,您可以使用标记(读作:“书签”)。这些是文件中的“保存点”,您可以设置、在它们之间跳转,甚至与命令一起使用。

    Local and Global Marks 本地和全球商标

    A local mark is specific to a particular file and is indicated by a lowercase letter, while global marks are universal across all of your files and use uppercase letters. That is, many files can have an `a mark, while `A points to a particular location in one particular file.
    本地标记特定于特定文件,由小写字母表示,而全局标记在所有文件中都是通用的,并使用大写字母。也就是说,许多文件可以有一个 `a 标记,同时 `A 指向一个特定文件中的特定位置。

    Viewing Marks 查看标记

    View a list of your current marks with :marks. Note that marks are invisible in vim without the use of a (plug-in).

    Setting Marks 设置标记

    Set marks with m key in normal mode. To set a local mark of a where the cursor is, type ma. To jump to this location, type `a anywhere in the file.
    在正常模式下用 m 键设置标记。若要设置光标所在位置的 a 本地标记,请键入 ma 。若要跳转到此位置,请在文件中的任意位置键入 `a

    Deleting Marks 删除标记

    You can delete marks with the :delm command. To delete marks `a, `e, and `G, you would type :delm aeG. You can delete all local marks with :delm!.
    您可以使用该 :delm 命令删除标记。若要删除标记 `a`e`G ,请键入 :delm aeG 。您可以使用 :delm! 删除所有本地标记。

    Some tips 一些提示

    • Marks are motions, so you can use them with actions. For example, y`w will copy everything between your current cursor location and the `w mark.
      标记是动作,因此您可以将它们与动作一起使用。例如, y`w 将复制当前光标位置和 `w 标记之间的所有内容。
    • `` will return you to the last place you jumped from
      `` 将把你送回你最后跳下的地方
    • `0 will return you to the last file you had open before you quit vim
      `0 将返回到退出 Vim 之前打开的最后一个文件
    • Using ' (single-quote) instead of ` (backtick) will jump you to the first non-blank character on the same line as the mark
      使用 ' (单引号) 而不是 ` (反引号) 会跳转到与标记同一行的第一个非空白字符
    • If set `V to the top of your .vimrc file, you can jump to it from any file (saved between vim sessions by default)
      如果设置为 `V 文件顶部,则可以从任何 .vimrc 文件跳转到该文件(默认情况下在会话之间 vim 保存)
    • You can cycle through local marks with [` / ]`
      您可以使用 [` / ]` 循环浏览本地标记
    • The kshenoy/vim-signature plug-in will add visual indications of marks to your line numbers, as well as giving you the ability to delete marks with dm[mark letter], assign the next available mark with m,, and more
      kshenoy/vim-signature 插件将为您的行号添加标记的视觉指示,并使您能够删除 dm[mark letter] 标记 ,使用 m, ,分配下一个可用标记 ,等等
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  • 原文地址:https://blog.csdn.net/howeres/article/details/134559705