最近事情比较多很久没有写学习笔记了,数据库线程池,+ 数据库封装,虽说数据库操作有很多不需要写sql 的,ORM 封装的方式去操作数据库。但是从业这些年一直是自己动手写sql ,还是改不了这个习惯。不说了直接上代码。
- ConnectionPool.h 文件
- #include
- #include
- #include
- #include
- #include
- #include "ConnectionPool.h"
- class ConnectionPool {
- public:
- static void release(); // 关闭所有的数据库连接
- static QSqlDatabase createConnection(); // 获取数据库连接
- static void closeConnection(QSqlDatabase connection); // 释放数据库连接回连接池
- ~ConnectionPool();
- private:
- static ConnectionPool& getInstance();
- ConnectionPool();
- ConnectionPool(const ConnectionPool &other);
- ConnectionPool& operator=(const ConnectionPool &other);
- QSqlDatabase createConnection(const QString &connectionName); // 创建数据库连接
- void initialize();
- void loadConfigFile();
- public:
- QQueue
usedConnectionNames; // 已使用的数据库连接名 - QQueue
unusedConnectionNames; // 未使用的数据库连接名 -
- QJsonObject mJsonObject;
- // 数据库信息
- QString hostName;
- QString databaseName;
- QString username;
- QString password;
- QString databaseType;
- int port;
- bool testOnBorrow; // 取得连接的时候验证连接是否有效
- QString testOnBorrowSql; // 测试访问数据库的 SQL
- int maxWaitTime; // 获取连接最大等待时间
- int waitInterval; // 尝试获取连接时等待间隔时间
- int maxConnectionCount; // 最大连接数
- static QMutex mutex;
- static QWaitCondition waitConnection;
- static ConnectionPool *instance;
- };
- ConnectionPool.cpp
- #include "ConnectionPool.h"
- #include
- QMutex ConnectionPool::mutex;
- QWaitCondition ConnectionPool::waitConnection;
- ConnectionPool* ConnectionPool::instance = NULL;
- ConnectionPool::ConnectionPool()
- {
- initialize();
- }
- ConnectionPool::~ConnectionPool()
- {
- // 销毁连接池的时候删除所有的连接
- foreach(QString connectionName, usedConnectionNames)
- {
- QSqlDatabase::removeDatabase(connectionName);
- }
- foreach(QString connectionName, unusedConnectionNames)
- {
- QSqlDatabase::removeDatabase(connectionName);
- }
- }
- void ConnectionPool::loadConfigFile()
- {
- QString path = qApp->applicationDirPath();
- QString strFile;
- strFile = path + "/config/DBConfig.json";
- QFile file(strFile);
- if(!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text))
- {
- qDebug() << "could't open projects json";
- return;
- }
- QString value = file.readAll();
- file.close();
- QJsonParseError parseJsonErr;
- QJsonDocument document = QJsonDocument::fromJson(value.toUtf8(), &parseJsonErr);
- if(!(parseJsonErr.error == QJsonParseError::NoError))
- {
- qDebug() << parseJsonErr.errorString();
- return;
- }
- mJsonObject=document.object();
- }
- void ConnectionPool::initialize()
- {
- //loadConfigFile();
- hostName = "";
- databaseName = "test";
- username = "root";
- password = "admin";
- databaseType = "QMYSQL";
- port = 3306;
- testOnBorrow = true;
- testOnBorrowSql = "SELECT 1";
- waitInterval = 200;
- maxWaitTime = 5000;
- maxConnectionCount = 10;
- }
- ConnectionPool& ConnectionPool::getInstance()
- {
- if (NULL == instance)
- {
- QMutexLocker locker(&mutex);
- if (NULL == instance)
- {
- instance = new ConnectionPool();
- }
- }
- return *instance;
- }
- void ConnectionPool::release()
- {
- QMutexLocker locker(&mutex);
- delete instance;
- instance = NULL;
- }
- QSqlDatabase ConnectionPool::createConnection()
- {
- ConnectionPool& pool = ConnectionPool::getInstance();
- QString connectionName;
- QMutexLocker locker(&mutex);
- // 已创建连接数
- int connectionCount = pool.unusedConnectionNames.size() + pool.usedConnectionNames.size();
- // 如果连接已经用完,等待 waitInterval 毫秒看看是否有可用连接,最长等待 maxWaitTime 毫秒
- for (int i = 0;
- i < pool.maxWaitTime
- && pool.unusedConnectionNames.size() == 0 && connectionCount == pool.maxConnectionCount;
- i += pool.waitInterval)
- {
- waitConnection.wait(&mutex, pool.waitInterval);
- // 重新计算已创建连接数
- connectionCount = pool.unusedConnectionNames.size() + pool.usedConnectionNames.size();
- }
- qDebug() << "connectionCount:"<
- qDebug() << "pool.maxConnectionCount:"<
- if (pool.unusedConnectionNames.size() > 0)
- {
- // 有已经回收的连接,复用它们
- connectionName = pool.unusedConnectionNames.dequeue();
- }
- else if (connectionCount < pool.maxConnectionCount)
- {
- // 没有已经回收的连接,但是没有达到最大连接数,则创建新的连接
- connectionName = QString("Connection-%1").arg(connectionCount + 1);
- }
- else
- {
- // 已经达到最大连接数
- qDebug() << "Cannot create more connections.";
- return QSqlDatabase();
- }
- // 创建连接
- QSqlDatabase db = pool.createConnection(connectionName);
- // 有效的连接才放入 usedConnectionNames
- if (db.isOpen())
- {
- pool.usedConnectionNames.enqueue(connectionName);
- }
- return db;
- }
- void ConnectionPool::closeConnection(QSqlDatabase connection)
- {
- ConnectionPool& pool = ConnectionPool::getInstance();
- QString connectionName = connection.connectionName();
- // 如果是我们创建的连接,从 used 里删除,放入 unused 里
- if (pool.usedConnectionNames.contains(connectionName))
- {
- QMutexLocker locker(&mutex);
- pool.usedConnectionNames.removeOne(connectionName);
- pool.unusedConnectionNames.enqueue(connectionName);
- waitConnection.wakeOne();
- }
- }
- QSqlDatabase ConnectionPool::createConnection(const QString &connectionName)
- {
- // 连接已经创建过了,复用它,而不是重新创建
- if (QSqlDatabase::contains(connectionName))
- {
- QSqlDatabase db1 = QSqlDatabase::database(connectionName);
- if (testOnBorrow)
- {
- // 返回连接前访问数据库,如果连接断开,重新建立连接
- qDebug() << "Test connection on borrow, execute:" << testOnBorrowSql << ", for" << connectionName;
- QSqlQuery query(testOnBorrowSql, db1);
- if (query.lastError().type() != QSqlError::NoError && !db1.open())
- {
- qDebug() << "Open datatabase error:" << db1.lastError().text();
- return QSqlDatabase();
- }
- }
- return db1;
- }
- // 创建一个新的连接
- QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase(databaseType, connectionName);
- db.setHostName(hostName);
- db.setDatabaseName(databaseName);
- db.setUserName(username);
- db.setPassword(password);
- db.setPort(port);
- if (!db.open())
- {
- qDebug() << "Open datatabase error:" << db.lastError().text();
- return QSqlDatabase();
- }
- return db;
- }
- SqlDatabase.h
- #include
- #include
- #include
- class SqlDatabase
- {
- public:
- SqlDatabase();
- ~SqlDatabase();
- public:
- static void InsertDB(QString strTableName,QJsonArray jsonValue);
- static void UpdateDB(QString strTableName,QJsonArray jsonValue,QString strColumnCondition);
- static int InsertDB(QString strTableName,QJsonObject jsonValue);
- static void UpdateDB(QString strTableName,QJsonObject jsonValue,QString strCondition);
- static void QueryRecord(QString strSql,QJsonArray &nJsonValue);
- static int QueryCount(QString strSql);
- static bool Delete(QString strSql);
- static bool Delete(QString strTableName,QString strCondition);
- };
- #endif // SQLDATABASE_H
- SqlDatabase.cpp
- #include "SqlDatabase.h"
- #include "ConnectionPool.h"
- #include
- #pragma execution_character_set("utf-8")
- SqlDatabase::SqlDatabase()
- {
- }
- SqlDatabase::~SqlDatabase()
- {
- ConnectionPool::Destroy();
- }
- void SqlDatabase::InsertDB(QString strTableName,QJsonArray jsonValues)
- {
- QSqlDatabase db =ConnectionPool::CreateConnection();
- QString strValues="";
- QString strNames="";
- bool iskeyName=false;
- for(int j=0;j
size();j++) - {
- QJsonObject::iterator it;
- QString strKeyValue;
- QJsonObject tmpObj =jsonValues.at(j).toObject();
- for(it=tmpObj.begin();it!=tmpObj.end();it++)
- {
- if(strKeyValue.isEmpty())
- {
- if(it.value().isDouble())
- {
- it.value()=QString::number(it.value().toDouble(),'f',12);
- }
- strKeyValue=QString("'%1'").arg(it.value().toString());
- if(!iskeyName)
- {
- strNames=QString("%1").arg(it.key());
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(it.value().isDouble())
- {
- it.value()=QString::number(it.value().toDouble(),'f',12);
- }
- strKeyValue+=QString(",'%1'").arg(it.value().toString());
- if(!iskeyName)
- {
- strNames+=QString(",%1").arg(it.key());
- }
- }
- }
- iskeyName =true;
- if(strValues.isEmpty())
- {
- strValues +="("+strKeyValue+")";
- }
- else
- {
- strValues +=",("+strKeyValue+")";
- }
- }
- QString strSql=QString("INSERT INTO %1 (%2) VALUES %3 ").arg(strTableName).arg(strNames).arg(strValues);
- QSqlQuery query(db);
- if(!query.exec(strSql))
- {
- qDebug()<<"Failed to INSERT:"<
- }
- ConnectionPool::CloseConnection(db);
- }
- void SqlDatabase::UpdateDB(QString strTableName,QJsonArray jsonValue,QString strColumnCondition)
- {
- QString mHeadSql= QString(" UPDATE %1 m,( ").arg(strTableName);
- QString mEndSql=" ) n ";
- QString mSetConditionSql="";
- QString mValueSql="";
- QString mCondition="";
- QString strSql="";
- for(int i=0;i
size();i++) - {
- QJsonObject jsonObject=jsonValue.at(i).toObject();
- QJsonObject::iterator it;
- QString strValue="";
- if(!mValueSql.isEmpty())
- {
- mValueSql += " UNION ";
- }
- for(it=jsonObject.begin();it!=jsonObject.end();it++)
- {
- if(it.value().isDouble())
- {
- it.value()=QString::number(it.value().toDouble(),'f',3);
- }
- if(strValue =="")
- {
- strValue =QString(" SELECT '%0' as `%1`").arg(it.value().toString()).arg(it.key());
- mSetConditionSql =QString(" SET m.%0 = n.%1").arg(it.key()).arg(it.key());
- }
- else
- {
- strValue +=QString(",'%0' as `%1`").arg(it.value().toString()).arg(it.key());
- mSetConditionSql += QString(" ,m.%0 = n.%1").arg(it.key()).arg(it.key());
- }
- }
- mValueSql += strValue;
- }
- mCondition += QString(" WHERE m.%0 = n.%1").arg(strColumnCondition).arg(strColumnCondition);
- strSql =mHeadSql +mValueSql + mEndSql + mSetConditionSql+ mCondition;
- qDebug()<
- }
- int SqlDatabase::InsertDB(QString strTableName,QJsonObject jsonValue)
- {
- QSqlDatabase db =ConnectionPool::CreateConnection();
- QString strValues="";
- QString strNames="";
- int nLastNum=0;
- QJsonObject::iterator it;
- for(it=jsonValue.begin();it!=jsonValue.end();it++)
- {
- if(strValues.isEmpty())
- {
- if(it.value().isDouble())
- {
- it.value()=QString::number(it.value().toDouble(),'f',12);
- }
- strValues=QString("'%1'").arg(it.value().toString());
- strNames=QString("%1").arg(it.key());
- }
- else
- {
- if(it.value().isDouble())
- {
- it.value()=QString::number(it.value().toDouble(),'f',12);
- }
- strValues+=QString(",'%1'").arg(it.value().toString());
- strNames+=QString(",%1").arg(it.key());
- }
- }
- QString strSql=QString("INSERT INTO %1 (%2) VALUES(%3) ").arg(strTableName).arg(strNames).arg(strValues);
- QSqlQuery query(db);
- if(!query.exec(strSql))
- {
- qDebug()<<"Failed to InsertDB:"<
lastError().text(); - }
- else
- {
- nLastNum=query.lastInsertId().toInt();
- }
- ConnectionPool::CloseConnection(db);
- return nLastNum;
- }
- void SqlDatabase::UpdateDB(QString strTableName,QJsonObject jsonValue,QString strCondition)
- {
- QSqlDatabase db =ConnectionPool::CreateConnection();
- QString strValues="";
- QString strNames="";
- QJsonObject::iterator it;
- for(it=jsonValue.begin();it!=jsonValue.end();it++)
- {
- if(strValues.isEmpty())
- {
- if(it.value().isDouble())
- {
- it.value()=QString::number(it.value().toDouble(),'f',12);
- }
- strValues=QString("%1='%2'").arg(it.key()).arg(it.value().toString());
- }
- else
- {
- if(it.value().isDouble())
- {
- it.value()=QString::number(it.value().toDouble(),'f',12);
- }
- strValues+=QString(",%1='%2'").arg(it.key()).arg(it.value().toString());
- }
- }
- QString strSql=QString("UPDATE %1 SET %2 %3 ").arg(strTableName).arg(strValues).arg(strCondition);
- QSqlQuery query(db);
- if(!query.exec(strSql))
- {
- qDebug()<<"Failed to UpdateDB:"<
lastError().text(); - }
- ConnectionPool::CloseConnection(db);
- }
- void SqlDatabase::QueryRecord(QString strSql,QJsonArray &nJsonValue)
- {
- QSqlDatabase db =ConnectionPool::CreateConnection();
- QSqlQuery query(db);
- if(!query.exec(strSql))
- {
- qDebug()<<"Failed to QueryRecord:"<
lastError().text(); - }
- while(query.next())
- {
- QSqlRecord qResultRecord=query.record();
- QJsonObject jsonObject;
- for(int fileIndex =0; fileIndex
count();fileIndex++) - {
- if(query.value(fileIndex).isNull())
- {
- jsonObject.insert(qResultRecord.fieldName(fileIndex),QJsonValue::Null);
- }
- else if(query.value(fileIndex).type() ==QVariant::Int)
- {
- jsonObject.insert(qResultRecord.fieldName(fileIndex),query.value(fileIndex).toInt());
- }
- else if(query.value(fileIndex).type() == QVariant::Double)
- {
- jsonObject.insert(qResultRecord.fieldName(fileIndex),query.value(fileIndex).toDouble());
- }
- else if(query.value(fileIndex).type() == QVariant::LongLong)
- {
- jsonObject.insert(qResultRecord.fieldName(fileIndex),query.value(fileIndex).toLongLong());
- }
- else
- {
- jsonObject.insert(qResultRecord.fieldName(fileIndex),query.value(fileIndex).toString());
- }
- }
- nJsonValue.append(jsonObject);
- }
- ConnectionPool::CloseConnection(db);
- }
- int SqlDatabase::QueryCount(QString strSql)
- {
- QSqlDatabase db =ConnectionPool::CreateConnection();
- QSqlQuery query(db);
- int totalCnt=0;
- QString strSqlCount=QString(" SELECT COUNT(*) AS Cnt FROM (%1) t ").arg(strSql);
- if(!query.exec(strSqlCount))
- {
- qDebug()<<"Failed to QueryCount:"<
lastError().text(); - }
- while(query.next())
- {
- totalCnt=query.value("Cnt").toInt();
- }
- ConnectionPool::CloseConnection(db);
- return totalCnt;
- }
- bool SqlDatabase::Delete(QString strSql)
- {
- bool bRet =true;
- QSqlDatabase db =ConnectionPool::CreateConnection();
- QSqlQuery query(db);
- if(!query.exec(strSql))
- {
- qDebug()<<"Failed to Delete:"<
lastError().text(); - bRet = false;
- }
- ConnectionPool::CloseConnection(db);
- return bRet;
- }
- bool SqlDatabase::Delete(QString strTableName,QString strCondition)
- {
- bool bRet =true;
- QSqlDatabase db =ConnectionPool::CreateConnection();
- QSqlQuery query(db);
- QString strSql=QString(" DELETE FROM %1 %2 ").arg(strTableName).arg(strCondition);
- if(!query.exec(strSql))
- {
- qDebug()<<"Failed to Delete:"<
lastError().text(); - bRet = false;
- }
- ConnectionPool::CloseConnection(db);
- return bRet;
- }
id:1 shorName :aaaaa score1:56.9 ranking :22
id:2 shorName :bbbbb score1:89.9 score3:59.9 ranking :27
id:3 shorName :ccccc score1:76.9 score2:81.9 ranking :29
sql 语句 批量更新
- UPDATE test m,(
- '1.000' AS `id`,
- 'a' AS `name`,
- '22.000' AS `ranking`,
- '56.900' AS `score1`,
- '39.500' AS `score2`,
- '56.700' AS `score3`,
- 'aaaa' AS `shorName` UNION
- '2.000' AS `id`,
- 'b' AS `name`,
- '27.000' AS `ranking`,
- '89.900' AS `score1`,
- '39.500' AS `score2`,
- '59.900' AS `score3`,
- 'bbbbb' AS `shorName` UNION
- '3.000' AS `id`,
- 'c' AS `name`,
- '29.000' AS `ranking`,
- '76.900' AS `score1`,
- '72.900' AS `score2`,
- '81.900' AS `score3`,
- 'ccccc' AS `shorName`
- ) n
- SET m.id = n.id,
- m.NAME = n.NAME,
- m.ranking = n.ranking,
- m.score1 = n.score1,
- m.score2 = n.score2,
- m.score3 = n.score3,
- m.shorName = n.shorName
- m.id = n.id
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