- void eskfEstimator::tryInit(const std::vector
double , std::pair>> &imu_meas) - { //通过imu测量值初始化均值,协方差;(均值用于初始化零偏,协方差用于判断噪声是否太大)
- initialization(imu_meas);
- //imu初始化超过10次测量以及累积时间间隔大于3s
- if (num_init_meas > MIN_INI_COUNT && imu_meas.back().first - time_first_imu > MIN_INI_TIME)
- {
- acc_cov *= std::pow(G_norm / mean_acc.norm(), 2);
- if (gyr_cov.norm() > MAX_GYR_VAR)
- {
- LOG(ERROR) << "Too large noise of gyroscope measurements. " << gyr_cov.norm() << " > " << MAX_GYR_VAR;
- return;
- }
- if (acc_cov.norm() > MAX_ACC_VAR)
- {
- LOG(ERROR) << "Too large noise of accelerometer measurements. " << acc_cov.norm() << " > " << MAX_ACC_VAR;
- return;
- }
- initial_flag = true;
- gyr_cov = gyr_cov_scale;
- acc_cov = acc_cov_scale;
- //初始化陀螺仪零偏
- Eigen::Vector3d init_bg = mean_gyr;
- //初始化重力加速度
- Eigen::Vector3d init_gravity = mean_acc / mean_acc.norm() * G_norm;
- setBg(init_bg);
- setGravity(init_gravity);
- //协方差矩阵初始化
- covariance.block<3, 3>(9, 9) *= 0.001;
- covariance.block<3, 3>(12, 12) *= 0.0001;
- covariance.block<2, 2>(15, 15) *= 0.00001;
- //通过参数设定协方差初始化噪声(0.1,0.1,0.0001,0.0001)
- initializeNoise();
- ROS_INFO("IMU Initialization Done.");
- std::cout << "init_gravity = " << init_gravity.transpose() << std::endl;
- std::cout << "init_bg = " << init_bg.transpose() << std::endl;
- }
- else
- ROS_INFO("Wait more IMU measurements...");
- return;
- }
- void eskfEstimator::initialization(const std::vector
double , std::pair>> &imu_meas) - { //如果为第一个imu测量,怎么判断是否是第一个?(默认就是第一个,之后置为false)
- if (is_first_imu_meas)
- { //使用读入的第一个imu测量进行初始化
- num_init_meas = 1;
- is_first_imu_meas = false;
- time_first_imu = imu_meas.front().first;
- mean_gyr = imu_meas.front().second.first;
- mean_acc = imu_meas.front().second.second;
- }
- //对每一个imu测量进行处理
- for (const auto &imu : imu_meas)
- { //计算角速度以及加速度的均值,协方差
- mean_gyr += (imu.second.first - mean_gyr) / num_init_meas;
- mean_acc += (imu.second.second - mean_acc) / num_init_meas;
- gyr_cov = gyr_cov * (num_init_meas - 1.0) / num_init_meas
- + (imu.second.first - mean_gyr).cwiseProduct(imu.second.first - mean_gyr) * (num_init_meas - 1.0) / (num_init_meas * num_init_meas);
- acc_cov = acc_cov * (num_init_meas - 1.0) / num_init_meas
- + (imu.second.second - mean_acc).cwiseProduct(imu.second.second - mean_acc) * (num_init_meas - 1.0) / (num_init_meas * num_init_meas);
- num_init_meas++;
- }
- //陀螺仪,加速度的测量值
- gyr_0 = imu_meas.back().second.first;
- acc_0 = imu_meas.back().second.second;
- }
- //如果已经初始化
- if (initial_flag)
- {
- imuState imu_state_temp;
- imu_state_temp.timestamp = current_time;
- //imu状态量
- //上一时刻无偏加速度
- imu_state_temp.un_acc = eskf_pro->getRotation().toRotationMatrix() * (eskf_pro->getLastAcc() - eskf_pro->getBa());
- //上一时刻无偏角速度
- imu_state_temp.un_gyr = eskf_pro->getLastGyr() - eskf_pro->getBg();
- //平移
- imu_state_temp.trans = eskf_pro->getTranslation();
- //旋转
- imu_state_temp.quat = eskf_pro->getRotation();
- //速度
- imu_state_temp.vel = eskf_pro->getVelocity();
- imu_states.push_back(imu_state_temp);
- }
- for (auto &imu_msg : measurement.first.first)
- {
- double time_imu = imu_msg->header.stamp.toSec();
- if (time_imu <= time_frame)
- {
- if(current_time < 0)
- //current_time:当前帧起始时刻
- current_time = measurement.second.first;
- double dt = time_imu - current_time;
- if(dt < -1e-6) continue;
- assert(dt >= 0);
- current_time = time_imu;
- dx = imu_msg->linear_acceleration.x;
- dy = imu_msg->linear_acceleration.y;
- dz = imu_msg->linear_acceleration.z;
- rx = imu_msg->angular_velocity.x;
- ry = imu_msg->angular_velocity.y;
- rz = imu_msg->angular_velocity.z;
- imuState imu_state_temp;
- imu_state_temp.timestamp = current_time;
- //当前时刻无偏加速度中值
- imu_state_temp.un_acc = eskf_pro->getRotation().toRotationMatrix() * (0.5 * (eskf_pro->getLastAcc() + Eigen::Vector3d(dx, dy, dz)) - eskf_pro->getBa());
- //当前时刻无偏角速度中值
- imu_state_temp.un_gyr = 0.5 * (eskf_pro->getLastGyr() + Eigen::Vector3d(rx, ry, rz)) - eskf_pro->getBg();
- dt_sum = dt_sum + dt;
- //对测量值进行预测
- eskf_pro->predict(dt, Eigen::Vector3d(dx, dy, dz), Eigen::Vector3d(rx, ry, rz));
- imu_state_temp.trans = eskf_pro->getTranslation();
- imu_state_temp.quat = eskf_pro->getRotation();
- imu_state_temp.vel = eskf_pro->getVelocity();
- imu_states.push_back(imu_state_temp);
- }
- else
- {
- double dt_1 = time_frame - current_time;
- double dt_2 = time_imu - time_frame;
- current_time = time_frame;
- assert(dt_1 >= 0);
- assert(dt_2 >= 0);
- assert(dt_1 + dt_2 > 0);
- double w1 = dt_2 / (dt_1 + dt_2);
- double w2 = dt_1 / (dt_1 + dt_2);
- dx = w1 * dx + w2 * imu_msg->linear_acceleration.x;
- dy = w1 * dy + w2 * imu_msg->linear_acceleration.y;
- dz = w1 * dz + w2 * imu_msg->linear_acceleration.z;
- rx = w1 * rx + w2 * imu_msg->angular_velocity.x;
- ry = w1 * ry + w2 * imu_msg->angular_velocity.y;
- rz = w1 * rz + w2 * imu_msg->angular_velocity.z;
- imuState imu_state_temp;
- imu_state_temp.timestamp = current_time;
- imu_state_temp.un_acc = eskf_pro->getRotation().toRotationMatrix() * (0.5 * (eskf_pro->getLastAcc() + Eigen::Vector3d(dx, dy, dz)) - eskf_pro->getBa());
- imu_state_temp.un_gyr = 0.5 * (eskf_pro->getLastGyr() + Eigen::Vector3d(rx, ry, rz)) - eskf_pro->getBg();
- dt_sum = dt_sum + dt_1;
- eskf_pro->predict(dt_1, Eigen::Vector3d(dx, dy, dz), Eigen::Vector3d(rx, ry, rz));
- imu_state_temp.trans = eskf_pro->getTranslation();
- imu_state_temp.quat = eskf_pro->getRotation();
- imu_state_temp.vel = eskf_pro->getVelocity();
- imu_states.push_back(imu_state_temp);
- }
- }
1)time_imu <= time_frame:
2)time_imu > time_frame:
- void eskfEstimator::predict(double dt_, const Eigen::Vector3d &acc_1_, const Eigen::Vector3d &gyr_1_)
- {
- dt = dt_;
- acc_1 = acc_1_;
- gyr_1 = gyr_1_;
- Eigen::Vector3d avr_acc = 0.5 * (acc_0 + acc_1);
- Eigen::Vector3d avr_gyr = 0.5 * (gyr_0 + gyr_1);
- Eigen::Vector3d p_before = p;
- Eigen::Quaterniond q_before = q;
- Eigen::Vector3d v_before = v;
- Eigen::Vector3d ba_before = ba;
- Eigen::Vector3d bg_before = bg;
- Eigen::Vector3d g_before = g;
- Eigen::Vector3d un_gyr = 0.5 * (gyr_0 + gyr_1) - bg;
- Eigen::Vector3d un_acc = 0.5 * (acc_0 + acc_1) - ba;
- //状态累积
- q = q * numType::so3ToQuat(un_gyr * dt);
- p = p + v * dt;
- v = v + q_before.toRotationMatrix() * un_acc * dt - g * dt;
- Eigen::Matrix3d R_omega_x, R_acc_x;
- //转为反对称矩阵
- R_omega_x << 0, -un_gyr(2), un_gyr(1), un_gyr(2), 0, -un_gyr(0), -un_gyr(1), un_gyr(0), 0;
- R_acc_x << 0, -un_acc(2), un_acc(1), un_acc(2), 0, -un_acc(0), -un_acc(1), un_acc(0), 0;
- Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 2> B_x = numType::derivativeS2(g);
- Eigen::Matrix<double, 17, 17> F_x = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(17, 17);
- F_x.block<3, 3>(0, 0) = Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity();
- F_x.block<3, 3>(0, 6) = Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity() * dt;
- F_x.block<3, 3>(3, 3) = Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity() - R_omega_x * dt;
- F_x.block<3, 3>(3, 12) = - Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity() * dt;
- F_x.block<3, 3>(6, 3) = - q_before.toRotationMatrix() * R_acc_x * dt;
- F_x.block<3, 3>(6, 6) = Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity();
- F_x.block<3, 3>(6, 9) = - q_before.toRotationMatrix() * dt;
- F_x.block<3, 2>(6, 15) = numType::skewSymmetric(g) * B_x * dt;
- F_x.block<3, 3>(9, 9) = Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity();
- F_x.block<3, 3>(12, 12) = Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity();
- F_x.block<2, 2>(15, 15) = - 1.0 / (g.norm() * g.norm()) * B_x.transpose() * numType::skewSymmetric(g) * numType::skewSymmetric(g) * B_x;
- Eigen::Matrix<double, 17, 12> F_w = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(17, 12);
- F_w.block<3, 3>(6, 0) = - q_before.toRotationMatrix() * dt;
- F_w.block<3, 3>(3, 3) = - Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity() * dt;
- F_w.block<3, 3>(9, 6) = - Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity() * dt;
- F_w.block<3, 3>(12, 9) = - Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity() * dt;
- covariance = F_x * covariance * F_x.transpose() + F_w * noise * F_w.transpose();
- acc_0 = acc_1;
- gyr_0 = gyr_1;
- }
- void lioOptimization::process(std::vector
&cut_sweep, double timestamp_begin, double timestamp_offset) - {
- state *cur_state = new state();//p,v,q,ba,bg
- stateInitialization(cur_state);
- std::vector
const_frame; -
- const_frame.insert(const_frame.end(), cut_sweep.begin(), cut_sweep.end());
- cloudFrame *p_frame = buildFrame(const_frame, cur_state, timestamp_begin, timestamp_offset);
- optimizeSummary summary = stateEstimation(p_frame);
- std::cout << "after solution: " << std::endl;
- std::cout << "rotation: " << p_frame->p_state->rotation.x() << " " << p_frame->p_state->rotation.y() << " "
- << p_frame->p_state->rotation.z() << " " << p_frame->p_state->rotation.w() << std::endl;
- std::cout << "translation: " << p_frame->p_state->translation.x() << " " << p_frame->p_state->translation.y() << " " << p_frame->p_state->translation.z() << std::endl;
- std::cout << "gravity = " << G.x() << " " << G.y() << " " << G.z() << std::endl;
- dt_sum = 0;
- publish_odometry(pub_odom, p_frame);
- publish_path(pub_path, p_frame);
- if(debug_output)
- {
- pcl::PointCloud
::Ptr p_cloud_temp; - p_cloud_temp.reset(new pcl::PointCloud
()); - point3DtoPCL(p_frame->point_frame, p_cloud_temp);
- std::string pcd_path(output_path + "/cloud_frame/" + std::to_string(index_frame) + std::string(".pcd"));
- saveCutCloud(pcd_path, p_cloud_temp);
- }
- int num_remove = 0;
- if (initial_flag)
- {
- if (index_frame > sweep_cut_num && index_frame % sweep_cut_num == 0)
- {
- while (all_cloud_frame.size() > std::max(2, sweep_cut_num))
- {
- recordSinglePose(all_cloud_frame[0]);
- all_cloud_frame[0]->release();
- all_cloud_frame.erase(all_cloud_frame.begin());
- num_remove++;
- }
- assert(all_cloud_frame.size() == std::max(2, sweep_cut_num));
- }
- }
- else
- {
- while (all_cloud_frame.size() > options.num_for_initialization)
- {
- recordSinglePose(all_cloud_frame[0]);
- all_cloud_frame[0]->release();
- all_cloud_frame.erase(all_cloud_frame.begin());
- num_remove++;
- }
- }
- for(int i = 0; i < all_cloud_frame.size(); i++)
- all_cloud_frame[i]->id = all_cloud_frame[i]->id - num_remove;
- while (v_cut_sweep.size() > sweep_cut_num - 1)
- {
- std::vector
().swap(v_cut_sweep.front()); - assert(v_cut_sweep.front().size() == 0);
- v_cut_sweep.erase(v_cut_sweep.begin());
- }
- }
- //状态初始化,1:匀速模型;2:IMU
- void lioOptimization::stateInitialization(state *cur_state)
- {
- if (index_frame <= sweep_cut_num + 1)
- {
- cur_state->rotation = Eigen::Quaterniond::Identity();
- cur_state->translation = Eigen::Vector3d::Zero();
- }
- else if (index_frame == sweep_cut_num + 2)
- { //匀速模型初始化
- if (options.initialization == INIT_CONSTANT_VELOCITY)
- {
- //q(k) = [q(k-1) * q(k-2)^-1] * q(k-1)
- Eigen::Quaterniond q_next_end = all_cloud_frame[all_cloud_frame.size() - 1]->p_state->rotation *
- all_cloud_frame[all_cloud_frame.size() - 2]->p_state->rotation.inverse() * all_cloud_frame[all_cloud_frame.size() - 1]->p_state->rotation;
- //t(k) = t(k-1) + [q(k-1) * q(k-2)^-1] * [t(k-1) - t(k-2)]
- Eigen::Vector3d t_next_end = all_cloud_frame[all_cloud_frame.size() - 1]->p_state->translation +
- all_cloud_frame[all_cloud_frame.size() - 1]->p_state->rotation *
- all_cloud_frame[all_cloud_frame.size() - 2]->p_state->rotation.inverse() *
- (all_cloud_frame[all_cloud_frame.size() - 1]->p_state->translation -
- all_cloud_frame[all_cloud_frame.size() - 2]->p_state->translation);
- cur_state->rotation = q_next_end;
- cur_state->translation = t_next_end;
- }
- //IMU初始化
- else if (options.initialization == INIT_IMU)
- {
- if (initial_flag)
- {
- cur_state->rotation = eskf_pro->getRotation();
- cur_state->translation = eskf_pro->getTranslation();
- }
- else
- { //q(k) = [q(k-1) * q(k-2)^-1] * q(k-1)
- Eigen::Quaterniond q_next_end = all_cloud_frame[all_cloud_frame.size() - 1]->p_state->rotation *
- all_cloud_frame[all_cloud_frame.size() - 2]->p_state->rotation.inverse() * all_cloud_frame[all_cloud_frame.size() - 1]->p_state->rotation;
- //t(k) = t(k-1) + [q(k-1) * q(k-2)^-1] * [t(k-1) - t(k-2)]
- Eigen::Vector3d t_next_end = all_cloud_frame[all_cloud_frame.size() - 1]->p_state->translation +
- all_cloud_frame[all_cloud_frame.size() - 1]->p_state->rotation *
- all_cloud_frame[all_cloud_frame.size() - 2]->p_state->rotation.inverse() *
- (all_cloud_frame[all_cloud_frame.size() - 1]->p_state->translation -
- all_cloud_frame[all_cloud_frame.size() - 2]->p_state->translation);
- cur_state->rotation = q_next_end;
- cur_state->translation = t_next_end;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- cur_state->rotation = all_cloud_frame[all_cloud_frame.size() - 1]->p_state->rotation;
- cur_state->translation = all_cloud_frame[all_cloud_frame.size() - 1]->p_state->translation;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (options.initialization == INIT_CONSTANT_VELOCITY)
- {
- Eigen::Quaterniond q_next_end = all_cloud_frame[all_cloud_frame.size() - 1]->p_state->rotation *
- all_cloud_frame[all_cloud_frame.size() - 2]->p_state->rotation.inverse() * all_cloud_frame[all_cloud_frame.size() - 1]->p_state->rotation;
- Eigen::Vector3d t_next_end = all_cloud_frame[all_cloud_frame.size() - 1]->p_state->translation +
- all_cloud_frame[all_cloud_frame.size() - 1]->p_state->rotation *
- all_cloud_frame[all_cloud_frame.size() - 2]->p_state->rotation.inverse() *
- (all_cloud_frame[all_cloud_frame.size() - 1]->p_state->translation -
- all_cloud_frame[all_cloud_frame.size() - 2]->p_state->translation);
- cur_state->rotation = q_next_end;
- cur_state->translation = t_next_end;
- }
- else if (options.initialization == INIT_IMU)
- {
- if (initial_flag)
- {
- cur_state->rotation = eskf_pro->getRotation();
- cur_state->translation = eskf_pro->getTranslation();
- }
- else
- {
- Eigen::Quaterniond q_next_end = all_cloud_frame[all_cloud_frame.size() - 1]->p_state->rotation *
- all_cloud_frame[all_cloud_frame.size() - 2]->p_state->rotation.inverse() * all_cloud_frame[all_cloud_frame.size() - 1]->p_state->rotation;
- Eigen::Vector3d t_next_end = all_cloud_frame[all_cloud_frame.size() - 1]->p_state->translation +
- all_cloud_frame[all_cloud_frame.size() - 1]->p_state->rotation *
- all_cloud_frame[all_cloud_frame.size() - 2]->p_state->rotation.inverse() *
- (all_cloud_frame[all_cloud_frame.size() - 1]->p_state->translation -
- all_cloud_frame[all_cloud_frame.size() - 2]->p_state->translation);
- cur_state->rotation = q_next_end;
- cur_state->translation = t_next_end;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- cur_state->rotation = all_cloud_frame[all_cloud_frame.size() - 1]->p_state->rotation;
- cur_state->translation = all_cloud_frame[all_cloud_frame.size() - 1]->p_state->translation;
- }
- }
- }
- optimizeSummary lioOptimization::stateEstimation(cloudFrame *p_frame)
- {
- icpOptions optimize_options = options.optimize_options;
- const double kSizeVoxelInitSample = options.voxel_size;//1.5
- const double kSizeVoxelMap = optimize_options.size_voxel_map;//1.0
- const double kMinDistancePoints = options.min_distance_points;//0.1
- const int kMaxNumPointsInVoxel = options.max_num_points_in_voxel;//20
- optimizeSummary optimize_summary;
- if(p_frame->frame_id > sweep_cut_num)
- {
- bool good_enough_registration = false;
- double sample_voxel_size = p_frame->frame_id < options.init_num_frames ? options.init_sample_voxel_size : options.sample_voxel_size;
- double min_voxel_size = std::min(options.init_voxel_size, options.voxel_size);
- optimize_summary = optimize(p_frame, optimize_options, sample_voxel_size);
- if(!optimize_summary.success)
- {
- return optimize_summary;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- p_frame->p_state->translation = eskf_pro->getTranslation();
- p_frame->p_state->rotation = eskf_pro->getRotation();
- p_frame->p_state->velocity = eskf_pro->getVelocity();
- p_frame->p_state->ba = eskf_pro->getBa();
- p_frame->p_state->bg = eskf_pro->getBg();
- G = eskf_pro->getGravity();
- G_norm = G.norm();
- }
- //将p_frame点云添加到地图
- addPointsToMap(voxel_map, p_frame, kSizeVoxelMap, kMaxNumPointsInVoxel, kMinDistancePoints);
- const double kMaxDistance = options.max_distance;
- const Eigen::Vector3d location = p_frame->p_state->translation;
- removePointsFarFromLocation(voxel_map, location, kMaxDistance);
- return optimize_summary;
- }
状态估计函数中主要调用optimize(p_frame, optimize_options, sample_voxel_size)函数:
- optimizeSummary lioOptimization::optimize(cloudFrame *p_frame, const icpOptions &cur_icp_options, double sample_voxel_size)
- {
- std::vector
keypoints; - //从point_frame中采样关键点keypoints(雷达坐标系)
- gridSampling(p_frame->point_frame, keypoints, sample_voxel_size);
- optimizeSummary optimize_summary;
- optimize_summary = updateIEKF(cur_icp_options, voxel_map, keypoints, p_frame);
- if (!optimize_summary.success) {
- return optimize_summary;
- }
- Eigen::Quaterniond q_end = p_frame->p_state->rotation;
- Eigen::Vector3d t_end = p_frame->p_state->translation;
- //将所有雷达坐标系下的点转到世界坐标系
- for (auto &point_temp: p_frame->point_frame) {
- transformPoint(point_temp, q_end, t_end, R_imu_lidar, t_imu_lidar);
- }
- return optimize_summary;
- }
- optimizeSummary lioOptimization::updateIEKF(const icpOptions &cur_icp_options, const voxelHashMap &voxel_map_temp, std::vector
&keypoints, cloudFrame *p_frame) - {
- int max_num_iter = p_frame->frame_id < cur_icp_options.init_num_frames ?
- std::max(15, cur_icp_options.num_iters_icp) : cur_icp_options.num_iters_icp;
- std::cout<<"@@@max_num_iter:"<
//begin15 later5 - //获取预测状态变量
- Eigen::Vector3d p_predict = eskf_pro->getTranslation();
- Eigen::Quaterniond q_predict = eskf_pro->getRotation();
- Eigen::Vector3d v_predict = eskf_pro->getVelocity();
- Eigen::Vector3d ba_predict = eskf_pro->getBa();
- Eigen::Vector3d bg_predict = eskf_pro->getBg();
- Eigen::Vector3d g_predict = eskf_pro->getGravity();
- optimizeSummary summary;
- for (int i = -1; i < max_num_iter; i++)
- {
- std::vector
plane_residuals; -
- double loss_old = 0.0;
- //构建点到面残差
- summary = buildPlaneResiduals(cur_icp_options, voxel_map_temp, keypoints, plane_residuals, p_frame, loss_old);
- if (summary.success == false)
- return summary;
- int num_plane_residuals = plane_residuals.size();
- Eigen::Matrix<double, Eigen::Dynamic, 6> H_x;
- Eigen::Matrix<double, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> h;
- //H_x:距离残差对状态变量的雅可比
- H_x.resize(num_plane_residuals, 6);
- //h:距离残差
- h.resize(num_plane_residuals, 1);
- for (int i = 0; i < num_plane_residuals; i++)
- {
- H_x.block<1, 6>(i, 0) = plane_residuals[i].jacobians;
- h.block<1, 1>(i, 0) = Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, 1>(plane_residuals[i].distance * plane_residuals[i].weight);
- }
- //计算误差状态变量
- Eigen::Vector3d d_p = eskf_pro->getTranslation() - p_predict;
- Eigen::Quaterniond d_q = q_predict.inverse() * eskf_pro->getRotation();
- Eigen::Vector3d d_so3 = numType::quatToSo3(d_q);
- Eigen::Vector3d d_v = eskf_pro->getVelocity() - v_predict;
- Eigen::Vector3d d_ba = eskf_pro->getBa() - ba_predict;
- Eigen::Vector3d d_bg = eskf_pro->getBg() - bg_predict;
- Eigen::Vector3d g = eskf_pro->getGravity();
- Eigen::Vector3d g_predict_normalize = g_predict;
- Eigen::Vector3d g_normalize = g;
- g_predict_normalize.normalize();
- g_normalize.normalize();
- //归一化后的重力向量的叉乘积
- Eigen::Vector3d cross = g_predict_normalize.cross(g_normalize);
- //归一化后的重力向量的点乘积
- double dot = g_predict_normalize.dot(g_normalize);
- Eigen::Matrix3d R_dg;
- //根据点乘积的值,计算旋转矩阵R_dg。如果点乘积接近1,矩阵设为单位矩阵。否则,使用叉乘积计算一个Skew对称矩阵,并使用Rodrigues'公式计算旋转矩阵
- if (fabs(1.0 - dot) < 1e-6)
- R_dg = Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity();
- else
- {
- Eigen::Matrix3d skew = numType::skewSymmetric(cross);
- R_dg = Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity() + skew + skew * skew * (1.0 - dot)
- / (cross(0) * cross(0) + cross(1) * cross(1) + cross(2) * cross(2));
- }
- //SO3旋转 δθ_dg
- Eigen::Vector3d so3_dg = numType::rotationToSo3(R_dg);
- //计算导数矩阵B
- Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 2> B_x_predict = numType::derivativeS2(g_predict);
- //B^T * δθ_dg
- Eigen::Vector2d d_g = B_x_predict.transpose() * so3_dg;
- //17维误差状态变量
- Eigen::Matrix<double, 17, 1> d_x;
- d_x.head<3>() = d_p;
- d_x.segment<3>(3) = d_so3;
- d_x.segment<3>(6) = d_v;
- d_x.segment<3>(9) = d_ba;
- d_x.segment<3>(12) = d_bg;
- d_x.tail<2>() = d_g;
- //I - 1/2 * δθ (3*3)
- Eigen::Matrix3d J_k_so3 = Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity() - 0.5 * numType::skewSymmetric(d_so3);
- //J0_gn = I + 1/2 * B^T * δθ_dg * B (2*2)
- Eigen::Matrix2d J_k_s2 = Eigen::Matrix2d::Identity() + 0.5 * B_x_predict.transpose() * numType::skewSymmetric(so3_dg) * B_x_predict;
- //整个操作就是计算J0_n * dx
- Eigen::Matrix<double, 17, 1> d_x_new = d_x;
- //(I - 1/2 * δθ) * δθ 在旋转误差状态左乘了(I - 1/2 * δθ)
- d_x_new.segment<3>(3) = J_k_so3 * d_so3;
- //J0_gn * (B^T * δθ_dg) 在重力状态分量上左乘了J0_gn:(I + 1/2 * B^T * δθ_dg * B)
- d_x_new.segment<2>(15) = J_k_s2 * d_g;
- Eigen::Matrix<double, 17, 17> covariance = eskf_pro->getCovariance();
- //计算J0_n * P * J0_n^T
- for (int j = 0; j < covariance.cols(); j++)
- covariance.block<3, 1>(3, j) = J_k_so3 * covariance.block<3, 1>(3, j);
- for (int j = 0; j < covariance.cols(); j++)
- covariance.block<2, 1>(15, j) = J_k_s2 * covariance.block<2, 1>(15, j);
- for (int j = 0; j < covariance.rows(); j++)
- covariance.block<1, 3>(j, 3) = covariance.block<1, 3>(j, 3) * J_k_so3.transpose();
- for (int j = 0; j < covariance.rows(); j++)
- covariance.block<1, 2>(j, 15) = covariance.block<1, 2>(j, 15) * J_k_s2.transpose();
- //(J0_n * (P/V) * J0_n^T)^-1
- Eigen::Matrix<double, 17, 17> temp = (covariance/laser_point_cov).inverse();
- //H^T * H
- Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 6> HTH = H_x.transpose() * H_x;
- //H^T * H + (J0_n * (P/V) * J0_n^T)^-1
- temp.block<6, 6>(0, 0) += HTH;
- //(H^T * V^-1 * H + (J0_n * (P/V) * J0_n^T)^-1)^-1
- Eigen::Matrix<double, 17, 17> temp_inv = temp.inverse();
- //计算Kh
- Eigen::Matrix<double, 17, 1> K_h = temp_inv.block<17, 6>(0, 0) * H_x.transpose() * h;
- Eigen::Matrix<double, 17, 17> K_x = Eigen::Matrix<double, 17, 17>::Zero();
- //计算KH
- K_x.block<17, 6>(0, 0) = temp_inv.block<17, 6>(0, 0) * HTH;
- //dx = -Kh - (I - KH) * J0_n * dx
- d_x = - K_h + (K_x - Eigen::Matrix<double, 17, 17>::Identity()) * d_x_new;
- Eigen::Vector3d g_before = eskf_pro->getGravity();
- if ((d_x.head<3>()).norm() > 100.0 || AngularDistance(d_x.segment<3>(3)) > 100.0)
- {
- continue;
- }
- eskf_pro->observe(d_x);
- //状态更新
- p_frame->p_state->translation = eskf_pro->getTranslation();
- p_frame->p_state->rotation = eskf_pro->getRotation();
- p_frame->p_state->velocity = eskf_pro->getVelocity();
- p_frame->p_state->ba = eskf_pro->getBa();
- p_frame->p_state->bg = eskf_pro->getBg();
- G = eskf_pro->getGravity();
- G_norm = G.norm();
- bool converage = false;
- if (p_frame->frame_id > sweep_cut_num &&
- (d_x.head<3>()).norm() < cur_icp_options.threshold_translation_norm && //0.001
- AngularDistance(d_x.segment<3>(3)) < cur_icp_options.threshold_orientation_norm) //0.0001
- {
- converage = true;
- }
- //协方差更新
- if (converage || i == max_num_iter - 1)
- {
- Eigen::Matrix<double, 17, 17> covariance_new = covariance;
- Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 2> B_x_before = numType::derivativeS2(g_before);
- J_k_so3 = Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity() - 0.5 * numType::skewSymmetric(d_x.segment<3>(3));
- J_k_s2 = Eigen::Matrix2d::Identity() + 0.5 * B_x_before.transpose() * numType::skewSymmetric(B_x_before * d_x.tail<2>()) * B_x_before;
- for (int j = 0; j < covariance.cols(); j++)
- covariance_new.block<3, 1>(3, j) = J_k_so3 * covariance.block<3, 1>(3, j);
- for (int j = 0; j < covariance.cols(); j++)
- covariance_new.block<2, 1>(15, j) = J_k_s2 * covariance.block<2, 1>(15, j);
- for (int j = 0; j < covariance.rows(); j++)
- {
- covariance_new.block<1, 3>(j, 3) = covariance.block<1, 3>(j, 3) * J_k_so3.transpose();
- covariance.block<1, 3>(j, 3) = covariance.block<1, 3>(j, 3) * J_k_so3.transpose();
- }
- for (int j = 0; j < covariance.rows(); j++)
- {
- covariance_new.block<1, 2>(j, 15) = covariance.block<1, 2>(j, 15) * J_k_s2.transpose();
- covariance.block<1, 2>(j, 15) = covariance.block<1, 2>(j, 15) * J_k_s2.transpose();
- }
- for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
- K_x.block<3, 1>(3, j) = J_k_so3 * K_x.block<3, 1>(3, j);
- for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
- K_x.block<2, 1>(15, j) = J_k_s2 * K_x.block<2, 1>(15, j);
- covariance = covariance_new - K_x.block<17, 6>(0, 0) * covariance.block<6, 17>(0, 0);
- eskf_pro->setCovariance(covariance);
- break;
- }
- }
- return summary;
- }