• 基于Pyflwdir实现流域的提取(参照官网例子)




    1. name: pyflwdir
    2. channels:
    3. - conda-forge
    4. # note that these are the developer dependencies,
    5. # if you only want the user dependencies, see
    6. # install_requires in setup.py
    7. dependencies:
    8. # required
    9. - python>=3.9
    10. - pyflwdir
    11. # optional for notebooks
    12. - cartopy>=0.20
    13. - descartes
    14. - geopandas>=0.8
    15. - jupyter
    16. - matplotlib
    17. - rasterio


    1. import matplotlib
    2. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    3. from matplotlib import cm, colors
    4. import cartopy.crs as ccrs
    5. import descartes
    6. import numpy as np
    7. import os
    8. import rasterio
    9. from rasterio import features
    10. import geopandas as gpd
    11. np.random.seed(seed=101)
    12. matplotlib.rcParams["savefig.bbox"] = "tight"
    13. matplotlib.rcParams["savefig.dpi"] = 256
    14. plt.style.use("seaborn-v0_8-whitegrid")
    15. # read example elevation data and derive background hillslope
    16. fn = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), r"D:\CLIPGY.tif")
    17. with rasterio.open(fn, "r") as src:
    18. elevtn = src.read(1)
    19. extent = np.array(src.bounds)[[0, 2, 1, 3]]
    20. crs = src.crs
    21. ls = matplotlib.colors.LightSource(azdeg=115, altdeg=45)
    22. hs = ls.hillshade(np.ma.masked_equal(elevtn, -9999), vert_exag=1e3)
    23. # convenience method for plotting
    24. def quickplot(
    25. gdfs=[], raster=None, hillshade=True, extent=extent, hs=hs, title="", filename=""
    26. ):
    27. fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 15))
    28. ax = fig.add_subplot(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree())
    29. # plot hillshade background
    30. if hillshade:
    31. ax.imshow(
    32. hs,
    33. origin="upper",
    34. extent=extent,
    35. cmap="Greys",
    36. alpha=0.3,
    37. zorder=0,
    38. )
    39. # plot geopandas GeoDataFrame
    40. for gdf, kwargs in gdfs:
    41. gdf.plot(ax=ax, **kwargs)
    42. if raster is not None:
    43. data, nodata, kwargs = raster
    44. ax.imshow(
    45. np.ma.masked_equal(data, nodata),
    46. origin="upper",
    47. extent=extent,
    48. **kwargs,
    49. )
    50. ax.set_aspect("equal")
    51. ax.set_title(title, fontsize="large")
    52. ax.text(
    53. 0.01, 0.01, "created with pyflwdir", transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize="large"
    54. )
    55. if filename:
    56. plt.savefig(f"{filename}.png")
    57. return ax
    58. # convenience method for vectorizing a raster
    59. def vectorize(data, nodata, transform, crs=crs, name="value"):
    60. feats_gen = features.shapes(
    61. data,
    62. mask=data != nodata,
    63. transform=transform,
    64. connectivity=8,
    65. )
    66. feats = [
    67. {"geometry": geom, "properties": {name: val}} for geom, val in list(feats_gen)
    68. ]
    69. # parse to geopandas for plotting / writing to file
    70. gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_features(feats, crs=crs)
    71. gdf[name] = gdf[name].astype(data.dtype)
    72. return gdf


    1. import rasterio
    2. import numpy as np
    3. import pyflwdir
    4. from utils import (
    5. quickplot,
    6. colors,
    7. cm,
    8. plt,
    9. ) # data specific quick plot convenience method
    10. # read elevation data of the rhine basin using rasterio
    11. with rasterio.open(r"D:\Raster.tif", "r") as src:
    12. elevtn = src.read(1)
    13. nodata = src.nodata
    14. transform = src.transform
    15. crs = src.crs
    16. extent = np.array(src.bounds)[[0, 2, 1, 3]]
    17. latlon = src.crs.is_geographic
    18. prof = src.profile
    19. ax = quickplot(title="Elevation")
    20. im = ax.imshow(
    21. np.ma.masked_equal(elevtn, -9999),
    22. extent=extent,
    23. cmap="gist_earth_r",
    24. alpha=0.5,
    25. vmin=0,
    26. vmax=1000,
    27. )
    28. fig = plt.gcf()
    29. cax = fig.add_axes([0.8, 0.37, 0.02, 0.12])
    30. fig.colorbar(im, cax=cax, orientation="vertical", extend="max")
    31. cax.set_ylabel("elevation [m+EGM96]")
    32. # plt.savefig('elevation.png', dpi=225, bbox_axis='tight')

    1. #####划分子流域
    2. import geopandas as gpd
    3. import numpy as np
    4. import rasterio
    5. import pyflwdir
    6. # local convenience methods (see utils.py script in notebooks folder)
    7. from utils import vectorize # convenience method to vectorize rasters
    8. from utils import quickplot, colors, cm # data specific quick plot method
    9. # returns FlwDirRaster object
    10. flw = pyflwdir.from_dem(
    11. data=elevtn,
    12. nodata=src.nodata,
    13. transform=transform,
    14. latlon=latlon,
    15. outlets="min",
    16. )
    17. import geopandas as gpd
    18. feats = flw.streams(min_sto=4)
    19. gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_features(feats, crs=crs)
    20. # create nice colormap of Blues with less white
    21. cmap_streams = colors.ListedColormap(cm.Blues(np.linspace(0.4, 1, 7)))
    22. gdf_plot_kwds = dict(column="strord", cmap=cmap_streams)
    23. # plot streams with hillshade from elevation data (see utils.py)
    24. ax = quickplot(
    25. gdfs=[(gdf, gdf_plot_kwds)],
    26. title="Streams based steepest gradient algorithm",
    27. filename="flw_streams_steepest_gradient",
    28. )

    1. # update data type and nodata value properties which are different compared to the input elevation grid and write to geotif
    2. prof.update(dtype=d8_data.dtype, nodata=247)
    3. with rasterio.open(r"D:\flwdir.tif", "w", **prof) as src:
    4. src.write(d8_data, 1)
    5. ######################
    6. #Delineation of (sub)basins#
    7. ###########
    8. with rasterio.open(r"D:\flwdir.tif", "r") as src:
    9. flwdir = src.read(1)
    10. crs = src.crs
    11. flw = pyflwdir.from_array(
    12. flwdir,
    13. ftype="d8",
    14. transform=src.transform,
    15. latlon=crs.is_geographic,
    16. cache=True,
    17. )
    18. # define output locations
    19. #x, y = np.array([106.6348,26.8554]), np.array([107.0135,26.8849])
    20. #x, y = np.array([26.8554,106.6348]), np.array([26.8849,107.0135])
    21. x, y = np.array([106.4244,107.0443]), np.array([26.8554,27.0384])
    22. gdf_out = gpd.GeoSeries(gpd.points_from_xy(x, y, crs=4326))
    23. # delineate subbasins
    24. subbasins = flw.basins(xy=(x, y), streams=flw.stream_order() >= 5)
    25. # vectorize subbasins using the vectorize convenience method from utils.py
    26. gdf_bas = vectorize(subbasins.astype(np.int32), 0, flw.transform, name="basin")
    27. gdf_bas.head()
    28. # plot
    29. # key-word arguments passed to GeoDataFrame.plot()
    30. gpd_plot_kwds = dict(
    31. column="basin",
    32. cmap=cm.Set3,
    33. legend=True,
    34. categorical=True,
    35. legend_kwds=dict(title="Basin ID [-]"),
    36. alpha=0.5,
    37. edgecolor="black",
    38. linewidth=0.8,
    39. )
    40. points = (gdf_out, dict(color="red", markersize=20))
    41. bas = (gdf_bas, gpd_plot_kwds)
    42. # plot using quickplot convenience method from utils.py
    43. ax = quickplot([bas, points], title="Basins from point outlets", filename="flw_basins")

    1. # calculate subbasins with a minimum stream order 7 and its outlets
    2. subbas, idxs_out = flw.subbasins_streamorder(min_sto=7, mask=None)
    3. # transfrom map and point locations to GeoDataFrames
    4. gdf_subbas = vectorize(subbas.astype(np.int32), 0, flw.transform, name="basin")
    5. gdf_out = gpd.GeoSeries(gpd.points_from_xy(*flw.xy(idxs_out), crs=4326))
    6. # plot
    7. gpd_plot_kwds = dict(
    8. column="basin", cmap=cm.Set3, edgecolor="black", alpha=0.6, linewidth=0.5
    9. )
    10. bas = (gdf_subbas, gpd_plot_kwds)
    11. points = (gdf_out, dict(color="k", markersize=20))
    12. title = "Subbasins based on a minimum stream order"
    13. ax = quickplot([bas, points], title=title, filename="flw_subbasins")

    1. # get the first level nine pfafstetter basins
    2. pfafbas1, idxs_out = flw.subbasins_pfafstetter(depth=1)
    3. # vectorize raster to obtain polygons
    4. gdf_pfaf1 = vectorize(pfafbas1.astype(np.int32), 0, flw.transform, name="pfaf")
    5. gdf_out = gpd.GeoSeries(gpd.points_from_xy(*flw.xy(idxs_out), crs=4326))
    6. gdf_pfaf1.head()
    7. # plot
    8. gpd_plot_kwds = dict(
    9. column="pfaf",
    10. cmap=cm.Set3_r,
    11. legend=True,
    12. categorical=True,
    13. legend_kwds=dict(title="Pfafstetter \nlevel 1 index [-]", ncol=3),
    14. alpha=0.6,
    15. edgecolor="black",
    16. linewidth=0.4,
    17. )
    18. points = (gdf_out, dict(color="k", markersize=20))
    19. bas = (gdf_pfaf1, gpd_plot_kwds)
    20. title = "Subbasins based on pfafstetter coding (level=1)"
    21. ax = quickplot([bas, points], title=title, filename="flw_pfafbas1")
    1. # lets create a second pfafstetter layer with a minimum subbasin area of 5000 km2
    2. pfafbas2, idxs_out = flw.subbasins_pfafstetter(depth=2, upa_min=5000)
    3. gdf_pfaf2 = vectorize(pfafbas2.astype(np.int32), 0, flw.transform, name="pfaf2")
    4. gdf_out = gpd.GeoSeries(gpd.points_from_xy(*flw.xy(idxs_out), crs=4326))
    5. gdf_pfaf2["pfaf"] = gdf_pfaf2["pfaf2"] // 10
    6. gdf_pfaf2.head()
    7. # plot
    8. bas = (gdf_pfaf2, gpd_plot_kwds)
    9. points = (gdf_out, dict(color="k", markersize=20))
    10. title = "Subbasins based on pfafstetter coding (level=2)"
    11. ax = quickplot([bas, points], title=title, filename="flw_pfafbas2")

    1. # calculate subbasins with a minimum stream order 7 and its outlets
    2. min_area = 2000
    3. subbas, idxs_out = flw.subbasins_area(min_area)
    4. # transfrom map and point locations to GeoDataFrames
    5. gdf_subbas = vectorize(subbas.astype(np.int32), 0, flw.transform, name="basin")
    6. # randomize index for visualization
    7. basids = gdf_subbas["basin"].values
    8. gdf_subbas["color"] = np.random.choice(basids, size=basids.size, replace=False)
    9. # plot
    10. gpd_plot_kwds = dict(
    11. column="color", cmap=cm.Set3, edgecolor="black", alpha=0.6, linewidth=0.5
    12. )
    13. bas = (gdf_subbas, gpd_plot_kwds)
    14. title = f"Subbasins based on a minimum area of {min_area} km2"
    15. ax = quickplot([bas], title=title, filename="flw_subbasins_area")

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  • 原文地址:https://blog.csdn.net/lg8883573/article/details/134500841