- class Color4 {
- r: number;
- g: number;
- b: number;
- a: number;
- constructor(pr = 1.0, pg = 1.0, pb = 1.0, pa = 1.0) {
- this.r = pr;
- this.g = pg;
- this.b = pb;
- this.a = pa;
- }
- }
- export class WGPURUniform {
- private mRVertices: Float32Array = null;
- private mRPipeline: any | null = null;
- private mVtxBuffer: any | null = null;
- private mCanvasFormat: any | null = null;
- private mWGPUDevice: any | null = null;
- private mWGPUContext: any | null = null;
- private mUniformBindGroup: any | null = null;
- private mGridSize = 4;
- constructor() {}
- initialize(): void {
- const canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
- canvas.width = 512;
- canvas.height = 512;
- document.body.appendChild(canvas);
- console.log("ready init webgpu ...");
- this.initWebGPU(canvas).then(() => {
- console.log("webgpu initialization finish ...");
- this.clearWGPUCanvas();
- });
- document.onmousedown = (evt):void => {
- this.updateUniform(this.mWGPUDevice);
- this.clearWGPUCanvas( new Color4( Math.random(), Math.random(), Math.random()) );
- }
- }
- private mUniformObj: any = {uniformArray: null, uniformBuffer: null};
- private updateUniform(device: any): void {
- let n = Math.round(Math.random() * 3);
- this.mGridSize = 2 + n;
- const obj = this.mUniformObj;
- obj.uniformArray[0] = this.mGridSize;
- obj.uniformArray[1] = this.mGridSize;
- device.queue.writeBuffer(obj.uniformBuffer, 0, obj.uniformArray);
- }
- private createUniform(device: any, pipeline: any): void {
- // Create a uniform buffer that describes the grid.
- const uniformArray = new Float32Array([this.mGridSize, this.mGridSize]);
- const uniformBuffer = device.createBuffer({
- label: "Grid Uniforms",
- size: uniformArray.byteLength,
- usage: GPUBufferUsage.UNIFORM | GPUBufferUsage.COPY_DST,
- });
- device.queue.writeBuffer(uniformBuffer, 0, uniformArray);
- this.mUniformBindGroup = device.createBindGroup({
- label: "Cell renderer bind group",
- layout: pipeline.getBindGroupLayout(0),
- entries: [{
- binding: 0,
- resource: { buffer: uniformBuffer }
- }],
- });
- const obj = this.mUniformObj;
- obj.uniformArray = uniformArray;
- obj.uniformBuffer = uniformBuffer;
- }
- private createRectGeometryData(device: any, pass: any): void {
- let vertices = this.mRVertices;
- let vertexBuffer = this.mVtxBuffer;
- let cellPipeline = this.mRPipeline;
- if(!cellPipeline) {
- let hsize = 0.8;
- vertices = new Float32Array([
- // X, Y,
- -hsize, -hsize, // Triangle 1 (Blue)
- hsize, -hsize,
- hsize, hsize,
- -hsize, -hsize, // Triangle 2 (Red)
- hsize, hsize,
- -hsize, hsize,
- ]);
- vertexBuffer = device.createBuffer({
- label: "Cell vertices",
- size: vertices.byteLength,
- usage: GPUBufferUsage.VERTEX | GPUBufferUsage.COPY_DST,
- });
- device.queue.writeBuffer(vertexBuffer, /*bufferOffset=*/0, vertices);
- const vertexBufferLayout = {
- arrayStride: 8,
- attributes: [{
- format: "float32x2",
- offset: 0,
- shaderLocation: 0, // Position, see vertex shader
- }],
- };
- const shaderCodes = `
- @group(0) @binding(0) var
grid: vec2f; - @vertex
- fn vertexMain(@location(0) pos: vec2f,
- @builtin(instance_index) instance: u32) ->
- @builtin(position) vec4f {
- let i = f32(instance);
- // Compute the cell coordinate from the instance_index
- let cell = vec2f(i % grid.x, floor(i / grid.x));
- let cellOffset = cell / grid * 2;
- let gridPos = (pos + 1) / grid - 1 + cellOffset;
- return vec4f(gridPos, 0, 1);
- }
- @fragment
- fn fragmentMain() -> @location(0) vec4f {
- return vec4f(0.8, 0.1, 0.1, 1);
- }
- `;
- const cellShaderModule = device.createShaderModule({
- label: "Cell shader",
- code: shaderCodes
- });
- cellPipeline = device.createRenderPipeline({
- label: "Cell pipeline",
- layout: "auto",
- vertex: {
- module: cellShaderModule,
- entryPoint: "vertexMain",
- buffers: [vertexBufferLayout]
- },
- fragment: {
- module: cellShaderModule,
- entryPoint: "fragmentMain",
- targets: [{
- format: this.mCanvasFormat
- }]
- },
- });
- this.mRVertices = vertices;
- this.mVtxBuffer = vertexBuffer;
- this.mRPipeline = cellPipeline;
- this.createUniform(device, cellPipeline);
- }
- pass.setPipeline(cellPipeline);
- pass.setVertexBuffer(0, vertexBuffer);
- pass.setBindGroup(0, this.mUniformBindGroup);
- pass.draw(vertices.length / 2, this.mGridSize * this.mGridSize);
- }
- private clearWGPUCanvas(clearColor: Color4 = null): void {
- clearColor = clearColor ? clearColor : new Color4(0.05, 0.05, 0.1);
- const device = this.mWGPUDevice;
- const context = this.mWGPUContext;
- const rpassParam = {
- colorAttachments: [
- {
- clearValue: clearColor,
- // clearValue: [0.3,0.7,0.5,1.0], // yes
- view: context.getCurrentTexture().createView(),
- loadOp: "clear",
- storeOp: "store"
- }
- ]
- };
- const encoder = device.createCommandEncoder();
- const pass = encoder.beginRenderPass( rpassParam );
- this.createRectGeometryData(device, pass);
- pass.end();
- const commandBuffer = encoder.finish();
- device.queue.submit([commandBuffer]);
- }
- private async initWebGPU(canvas: HTMLCanvasElement) {
- const gpu = (navigator as any).gpu;
- if (gpu) {
- console.log("WebGPU supported on this browser.");
- const adapter = await gpu.requestAdapter();
- if (adapter) {
- console.log("Appropriate GPUAdapter found.");
- const device = await adapter.requestDevice();
- if (device) {
- this.mWGPUDevice = device;
- console.log("Appropriate GPUDevice found.");
- const context = canvas.getContext("webgpu") as any;
- const canvasFormat = gpu.getPreferredCanvasFormat();
- this.mWGPUContext = context;
- this.mCanvasFormat = canvasFormat;
- console.log("canvasFormat: ", canvasFormat);
- context.configure({
- device: device,
- format: canvasFormat,
- alphaMode: "premultiplied"
- });
- } else {
- throw new Error("No appropriate GPUDevice found.");
- }
- } else {
- throw new Error("No appropriate GPUAdapter found.");
- }
- } else {
- throw new Error("WebGPU not supported on this browser.");
- }
- }
- run(): void {}
- }