Product(maker, model, type)
PC(model, speed, ram, hd, price)
Laptop(model, speed, ram, hd, screen, price)
Printer(model, color, type, price)
- mysql> select maker
- -> from Product
- -> where type = 'printer';
- mysql> select distinct maker
- -> from Product
- -> join PC on PC.model = Product.model
- -> where PC.speed > 1.2;
- mysql> select distinct maker
- -> from Product P
- -> join Laptop L on P.model = L.model
- -> where maker not in (
- -> select maker
- -> from Product
- -> join PC on Product.model = PC.model
- -> );
- mysql> select distinct maker
- -> from Product
- -> where
- -> maker in (
- -> select maker
- -> from PC,Product
- -> where PC.model = Product.model
- -> ) and
- -> maker in (
- -> select maker
- -> from Laptop,Product
- -> where Laptop.model = Product.model
- -> ) and
- -> maker in (
- -> select maker
- -> from Printer,Product
- -> where Printer.model = Product.model
- -> ) ;
- mysql> select distinct maker
- -> from Product
- -> join Printer on Product.model = Printer.model
- -> group by maker
- -> having count(Product.model) = (
- -> select count(model)
- -> from Printer
- -> );
2.厂家group by分组,通过having查询出种类(彩色喷墨)齐全的厂家
- mysql> select distinct maker
- -> from (
- -> select distinct maker,Product.model as model
- -> from Product
- -> join Printer on Product.model = Printer.model
- -> where Printer.color = 'true' and Printer.type = 'inkjet'
- -> ) T1
- -> where maker not in(
- -> select distinct maker
- -> from Product
- -> join Printer on Product.model = Printer.model
- -> where Printer.color != 'true' or Printer.type != 'inkjet'
- -> )
- -> group by maker
- -> having count(model) = (
- -> select count(model)
- -> from printer
- -> where color = 'true' and type = 'inkjet'
- -> );
- mysql> select distinct *
- -> from Laptop
- -> where Laptop.speed < all(
- -> select speed
- -> from PC
- -> );
- mysql> select distinct maker
- -> from product
- -> where model in(
- -> select model
- -> from printer
- -> where price=(
- -> select min(price)
- -> from printer
- -> where color='true' and type='inkjet'
- -> )
- -> );
- mysql> select AVG(price)
- -> from(
- -> select price
- -> from Laptop
- -> group by price
- -> having price > 6000
- -> ) T;
- mysql> select maker,max(price)
- -> from Product
- -> join PC on PC.model = Product.model
- -> group by maker
- -> having count(*)>=3;
- insert into Product values('C','1100','laptop');
- insert into Laptop values('1100',2.2,16,2,12.5,8499);
- update Product
- set maker = 'B'
- where maker = 'A';